The City of Terror

Chapter 1507: Humanoid nuclear bomb

Going to bed first, the poor road can't hold up -

At the same time, the lightning around the body of Wei Xiaobei was absorbed into the body at a very fast speed!

Probably even if Merlin’s teacher saw this scene, he would be stunned.

With the magical accomplishments of Merlin's sergeant, facing the lightning that rushed to himself, it can only be resisted with magical shields. After all, it is not the lightning that is released by himself. It is very difficult to manipulate the other party.

But the golden body of the whole body not only caught the bombardment of lightning, but even absorbed the lightning that bombarded itself.

This kind of thing has surpassed the imagination of Merlin's teacher. He even suspects that Wei Xiaobei is not a human being, but a Thunderbird with a deformation!

Thunderbirds are the pride of the European myths and legends. They like to soar in the night sky of thunder and lightning, and they are also the only ones who are not afraid of dragons.

Of course, they are more often against the dragons with the power of the group. Any dragon that flies in the face of hundreds of lightnings released by the Thunderbirds will run away.

This guy is a Thunderbird or other creature that is good at lightning. Otherwise, it can't be explained.

Merlin’s teacher used his own way of thinking to infer the origins of Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, even so, Merlin’s division did not give up and continued to attack each other.

Soon, in the forest, there were countless vines covered with a layer of green radiance, and they rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

These vines are special activated vines that were developed by the Merlin sergeant using a five-ring spell-activated plant and a six-ring spell tempering compound.

From the reflection of the vines, it can be seen that these vines have been tempered, and the spikes of metallic luster are sharp.

Just touch it gently, then the spike will let you know what it is.

Thousands of tempered active vines wrap from the bottom to Wei Xiaobei. In the eyes of Merlin, even a dragon will be bundled into a big scorpion under its new compound spell!

The vines that have been tempered have hundreds of times more tough than ordinary vines, that is, as long as they are entangled, not to mention the damage caused by sharp spikes, but the giant force of the vines shrinking is enough Any dragon will be smashed.

Well, in fact, the same is true. Merlin’s division has used this compound spell to capture a lot of dragons, and this is the case. Those dragons will agree to form alliances with King Arthur and deal with the despicable humans. .

But when the tempered vines wrapped Wei Xiaobei in all directions to form a huge vine ball, and quickly contracted and squeezed inward, from the vine gaps that were not completely sealed, a trace of bright light was transmitted. come out.

what is that?

The eyes of Merlin, who was hiding in the forest, couldn’t help but blink.

He can fully feel the power of terror destruction that is brewing at that time in the vine ball!

That is the power from the rules level!

For a moment, the sense of Merlin's attachment to the tempered vines was dispelled by the incomparable destructive power, which made it impossible for a blood to spurt out, staining the blood of the magic robe.

But Merlin’s teacher was too shrewd. After a spurt of blood, the right hand’s staff was drawn from top to bottom in the air.

With the movement of the staff, a white light door with a shining body appeared immediately. Merlin's sergeant did not hesitate to step into the light door, and even looked back.

I have to say that the Merlin sergeant was extremely decisive. At the moment when he entered the light door, the huge vine ball exploded, and countless hot and high-temperature light quickly shot from the cracks in the vine ball. And turned the broken vines into dry wood and quickly ignited.

Countless hot, high-temperature light mixed with fiercely burning vines bombarded towards the ground!

Just as the light door disappeared, the whole forest was smashed into a sea of ​​fire!

A variety of tall and different types of trees, vines and even grasses seem to fall into the furnace, quickly yellow, black, burning.

In the violently burning forest, due to the influence of high temperature, countless fiery ash was brought up by the airflow, forming a huge flame tornado!

Wei Xiaobei was frowning at the moment in the eye of this flame tornado.

The Merlin sergeant missed the opportunity and escaped.

Wei Xiaobei can feel the residual space fluctuations in the forest.

There is no doubt that Merlin escaped before Wei Xiaobei broke the vine ball.

Enemies like this are actually not very good to deal with, Wei Xiaobei frowned and retracted the light and heat that radiated in all directions.

Of course, even so, the following forest is unlikely to be saved.

For the escape of Merlin's division, Wei Xiaobei felt a little unhappy in his heart. After all, the enemy like this escaped, and he will certainly bring some trouble to himself in the future.

However, after Wei Xiaobei’s mood changed, he became happy again.

The reason is very simple. When breaking the vine ball, Wei Xiaobei found that his own rules of light and heat could be more harmoniously integrated with the light of his own body, thus greatly increasing the power of light and heat!

Wei Xiaobei can easily break the vine ball formed by the tempered vine, but it takes a little time to crush it and melt it at the same time.

After the fusion with the light of merit, the power of light and heat is close to a ignited micro-nuclear bomb.

Wei Xiaobei felt the power of the afterglow of the light, and felt that he could add a title in the future.

Walking humanoid nuclear warhead!

This title is not a metaphor and exaggeration, but a fact!

After the fusion of the rules of light and heat and the light of merit, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel the tide of power in his body began to fission.

Well, to be precise, it should be that the golden runes in the body have begun to produce some changes. Some of the water and special substances in the body have undergone fission reactions, which greatly enhance the light and heat power that has passed through the body, and also bring some nuclear radiation. effect.

If someone is carrying a radiometer to the forest below, it will probably be found that the environment is full of slight nuclear radiation. Although it is not fatal, it will still cause people to suffer for a long time. Various radiation diseases.

Therefore, after discovering this, Wei Xiaobei had to clean his body again. After all, nuclear radiation would cause considerable harm to ordinary humans.

When Weibei returned to the battlefield, three of the six dragons were already lying on the battlefield, and the remaining three dragons hovered at high altitude from time to time to spray a dragon's breath below, but then Did not dare to dive attack.

After more than a dozen round table knights, they caused accidental psychological trauma to the dragons.

If it weren't for the ruins of the rim city that did not break the fire attack, the three dragons lying on the ground might have been slaughtered by the Knights of the Round Table.


This is the label that Wei Xiaobei gave to the dragons.

Compared with the dragons in the East, these Western magic dragons are probably bullying ordinary humans. When they encounter real opponents, their arrogant character becomes their fatal wound.

Just a little teasing, they are easy to get into.

Besides, those round table knights are not good at all. In the case that the dragons have not joined forces, more than a dozen round table knights can work together to jointly break the dragon's defense and let them know what is called steel pain.

Perhaps it was the notice from Merlin's division that Wei Xiaobei returned to the battlefield, and the round-table knights had already begun to flee. They even left the long-bowmen and pikemen who were struggling.

For the Knights of the Round Table who regard glory as their lifelong pursuit, it is also decisive to be able to do this.

Wei Xiaobei just chased a distance and swept away a few round table knights.

After all, in Wei Xiaobei's view, the conditions between the government and the Eagle State have not been discussed. If you work too hard, the final result will make you very unhappy.

It should be known that the hawker politicians have continued the tradition of the former Great Eagle Empire. In many cases, they are not old-fashioned. Once the situation improves, it is difficult to say what choices they will make.

Indefinitely, they will think that their danger is greater than that of King Bisser, thus making a lot of shit.

If you can, Wei Xiaobei hopes to have a good time here.

When the small guards returned to the battlefield, the soldiers had already jumped out of the trenches, and the bunker began to celebrate this rare victory.

No way, when King Arthur first invaded the Eagle State, the army of the Eagle State was well established. Although it was much worse than the peak period, King Arthur was slightly pressed for a while.

But after that, it became more and more difficult. With the chaos in the entire country of the Eagle State, the economic industry was in a state of stagnation, and the number of troops killed in the army continued to rise. It was reasonable to lose all the way.

Until now, they have not won more than three months.

Therefore, it is indeed a rare victory to successfully defend the rim city under the joint venture of the Knights of the Round Table and the Dragon.

When the guardian Xiaobei returned, the soldiers who cheered in excitement went to worship Wei Xiaobei.

Some of the soldiers who worshiped may be over-excited, but other soldiers are incomparable to defending Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei is regarded as the hero who saved them.

For tens of thousands of soldiers bowing to this scene, Wei Xiaobei has no humility, he is used to such a scene, and feels so cool.

However, when Wei Xiaobei accepted the soldiers’ worship, the faces of the big men in the command became somewhat unsatisfactory.

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