The City of Terror

Chapter 1520: All packed and taken away!

The poor road has to start to vomit, and the following kindergartens have opened again. Every day, from morning to night, the songs are bombed. The poor roads are sitting in front of the computer and feel the ears shaking. Will the children’s ears not be affected at close range? If it is a poor road, it will definitely not send the child to such a kindergarten, read a kindergarten, and the ears can be shocked! ——

Any commitment between the two four-star disasters, even if it is verbally, will form a mysterious connection, and this connection should be a guarantee of commitment.

If any party violates such a promise, then it will suffer unpredictable punishment!

Such a mysterious connection should probably have a direct connection with the gray world.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei can only be calculated here. As for the mysterious relationship, Wei Xiaobei is not known.

But in any case, such a promise has an endorsement of the gray world, Wei Xiaobei's plan has an absolute guarantee, not because of the loopholes in the three-headed black dragon king's breach of trust.

As for Wei Xiaobei, there is no ability to pay for it all the time.

Oh, if you like, Wei Xiaobei can even customize a dozen sets of 12 crystal sculptures of the same size for the three black dragon kings!

It just consumes some sand.

Of course, when the three black dragon kings arrived at this time, they probably did not expect that they would sell themselves with all the tribes with ease and ease.

From this moment on, from the perspective of commitment, Wei Xiaobei can do anything for these dragons, from sending the test bench to the study, to pushing the dragon girl and even ** and so on, and as long as Wei Xiao The North paid the reward, then these dragons did not have the power to refuse.

It's that simple.

Of course, in order to avoid some troubles, Wei Xiaobei is extremely generous to give all the dragons a big release.

Up to the dragons and elders who seem to have a dull scale, the strong adult dragon, down to the egg dragon that has just come out of the eggshell, the young dragon, the young dragon, the Wei Xiaobei have sent out a cute little one by one. As a reward, or a gift.

Of course, based on the principle of strength, the stronger the strength of the dragon, the smaller the cute size.

And those young dragons, the young dragons who are able to get the size of the fist is already satisfied, and dare not ask for anything more.

After all, Wei Xiaobei asked these dragons not to rob each other's little cute.

Of course, after Wei Xiaobei’s request was put forward, there was a dragon who did not believe in evil. He secretly wanted to **** those young dragons and the little cute of the young dragon.

Although it has already gained a bigger little cuteness, who will worry about being more cute?

However, the dragon that ran to **** his younger family was punished for violating Wei Xiaobei’s request.

As for what punishment, it is a bit strange to let Wei Xiaobei look forward to it. These dragons that violate the requirements seem to be unscathed, but Wei Xiaobei can feel that they have lost something important.

Even if Wei Xiaobei made a statement, these giant dragons are also arrogant, but they refuse to have a half sentence.

Until Wei Xiaobei directly asked them to answer, they knew that the punishment they received was actually broken off the roots!

To be honest, when Wei Xiaobei knew that this punishment was, he couldn’t help but have a cold sweat on his back.

It turned out to be such a punishment. Fortunately, there was no arbitrariness and commitment beforehand. Otherwise, once the promise is violated, this punishment can cause some pain and death.

Of course, because the degree of their violation is not high, the punishment is not high.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that if they further violate the requirements, the punishment may involve the soul.

Of course, these are small episodes, whether it is for the dragon or Wei Xiaobei, it is a small problem.

Merlin looked at the dragon flying over the distant hills and could not help but sigh.

For Merlin, he doesn't like these big lizards very much. Of course, this may have something to do with the death of his parents in the early years.

But now, because the Knights of the Round Table have broken their blood in the rim market, Master Merlin has to come back again and ask for help from these big lizards.

"What? Don't allow me to enter the Dragon Land?"

Listening to the words spoken in the green dragon mouth that fell in front of him, Merlin almost did not believe his ears.

Not to mention that his strength is equal to the three black dragon kings, only to say that he has brought a variety of gold and silver ornaments and even glass beads, let these dragons treat themselves as a guest.

Now, well, suddenly, these dragons seem to be hostile to themselves, and they refuse to enter their territory.

Even if you take out a lot of glass beads yourself, there is still no effect.

What happened?

Master Merlin quickly turned up in his mind, but because of the gap in information, he did not find a clue for a long time.

"I want to see the three black dragon kings!"

Master Merlin finally had to attempt to open the gap from the three Black Dragon Kings.

But this green dragon did not want to have a little bit of accommodation, not only refused to enter Merlin, but also refused to take it.

Of course, there is no problem with the green dragon that wants to kill this blocked road with the strength of Master Merlin.

The problem is that it is close to the dragon hills, and once it is shot, it will definitely be discovered by the dragons.

At that time, it would be no problem to escape alone, but this disaster will eventually fall on King Arthur.

I can no longer add trouble to King Arthur.

Master Merlin frowned, eventually collecting the glass beads on the ground, and flashing a circle of magical radiance, turned into nothingness, disappeared in front of the green dragon.

Now that I have said this, Master Merlin naturally does not have to pay attention to the look of the dragon, and directly uses the magic of moving moments to leave.

Of course, Master Merlin does not think that these dragons will attack King Arthur because they use the momentary movement here, but the perception is worse.

"Hey, liar! Take some tattered and want to deceive the great Gorasti!"

Master Merlin didn't know that as soon as he left, the green long-eyed eyes were disdainful, and a thick sip spit on the ground. With a strong corrosive effect, a large circle of green grass on the ground became yellow and black. Later, the Green Dragon did not know where to grab a crystal that shined with dazzling brilliance, rubbed it on the scales, and then indulged in a face: "This is a baby."

All this is naturally the intention of self-defense Xiaobei.

In the use of a large number of crystals and three black dragon king signed a verbal covenant, Wei Xiaobei did not do two, in the face of the dragons to unlock the mysteries of those glass beads.

Well, seeing the glass beads that reflect some of the light in the sun, under a small hammer, it becomes a powder.

The dragons still had some meat pain at first, but Wei Weibei said that these glass **** have no value in human hands, they want to have more, and they are made of ordinary sand, and the dragons will immediately The wizard is regarded as the most hateful liar in the world!

Actually, it is simply intolerable to take the smashed goods that are worthless to deceive the dragon and let the dragons act as their coolies.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei stopped them, these giant dragons might have gone all the way to King Arthur.

Of course, these dragons don't know what Arthur's territory is, so it's a good thing for Wei Xiaobei to stop them. Otherwise, these dragons will run away, and Wei Xiaobei has to find them back.

After confirming the departure of Master Merlin, Wei Xiaobei began to implement his first step plan, and packaged these dragons to Qingmufu.

For Wei Xiaobei, these dragons are not only good research materials, but also able to become good hitters in the future.

To be honest, in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, these dragons are wasting their talents all the time.

Although they can make their strength grow up, if they are continually honed, in the same time, the dragon that grows up is probably a world apart.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei also needs to find an opponent for Zhao Yunjun who has moved to Aomufudi. These dragons are the most suitable candidates.

"What? Moving?"

"No, we don't go!"

"Yes, we are not going!"


Upon hearing the meaning of Wei Xiaobei, the dragons suddenly boiled up. In their view, the environment of this dragon hill is too good, a thousand times stronger than the gray world. The ghost knows what Wei Xiaobei said. The place is good, they are not fools, they can be deceived by people!

Well, in fact, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, these dragons’ minds are very simple, and they are the best practice props for the first-time scammers.

Indeed, although the environment here is cold and the land is rather barren, it is an excellent place to settle in the eyes of the dragons.

After all, the place in the gray world, everyone knows what it is like.

For the opposition of the dragons, the three Black Dragon Kings did not have much opinion, because it was now stunned by their little cuteness.

Wei Xiaobei did not force the suppression of these dragons, but opened the space passage to the Aomu Fudi.

After the aura in the space channel slowly emanated, the eyes of those dragons were somewhat wrong. Even the three black dragon kings were attracted by the aura and woke up from the drowsiness.

There is no doubt that they can feel the benefits of this aura.

This human seems not to lie to himself?

A young dragon with a relatively sloppy character did not think much about it. He did not care whether there was a trap or something opposite the space passage. He followed the aura and rushed in, and then never came out.

Wouldn't it be an accident?

Although the feelings between the dragons are relatively weak, they always get along with each other, more or less, so there are several dragons that have entered the space channel to find each other.

But after waiting for a while, only one dragon was drilled back.

Just as many dragons thought that something was going on, the dragon actually lost a sentence and turned back and went back: "It is comfortable to sleep inside, I will go to sleep for a while."

Well, Wei Xiaobei’s feeling at the time was a slogan.

These dragons have fallen asleep directly in the past?

Well, it seems that Wei Xiaobei can hear a series of snorings, but the dragons here are too noisy, neglecting the past.

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