The City of Terror

Chapter 1525: Not horrible prayer

The poor road had to vomit here. I stopped the water just after 1 o'clock last night. Then there was no water in the poor road. I was saddened by it. I didn’t even drink a bite of water. The poor road has been up until now. A sip of water, almost did not die of thirst. Every time I think about this, the resentment of the poor road to Hong Kong has increased a lot.

I have to say that the Merlin Master is indeed a bit powerful. The defensive spells summoned between the hastees have actually blocked the arrow shot by Wei Xiaobei.

But this is not the end. Just one arrow is blocked, and the second arrow shot by Wei Xiaobei turns into a flash, and the fire dragon hits the mask again.

The yellow reticle only shook a few times, and even after it was broken into countless spots of light disappeared into the air, then the magma deposited on the yellow reticle fell.

To be honest, if it wasn't for King Arthur who held the sword in his hand, a white aura spread and spread the fallen magma, I am afraid that everyone hiding in the yellow mask would be submerged in the magma. It is.

These magma are not ordinary magma, but the combination of the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei and the rock formed by the magic of Merlin, which is more powerful than ordinary magma.

But in the following time, Wei Xiaobei did not give them a chance to breathe. The arrows from the sky were one after another. Even if some arrows were not turned into fire dragons, the huge force contained in them was resisted. King Arthur felt the pain in his arm!

If you change to another place, Master Merlin will send away everyone together.

But here, and not to mention the magical turmoil caused by the previous magical explosion, only to say that the degree of spatial instability here, let the team transfer of Merlin Master completely invalidated.

As for the hard scalp rushing out of the square, this is not a good choice.

The cracks in the space that are hidden in the square and wandering around, even if King Arthur does not dare to hit the scalp, they need enough time to circumvent the cracks in the space that appear!

But the arrows from the sky have dragged them all here!

"who are you!"

When a round table knight was cut into two halves directly by the sudden crack of the space, the King Arthur, who had been struggling to support it, exploded. The sword in his hand pointed toward the sky and roared in his mouth!

At this time, there was a lion with light and shadow behind him. As his sword pointed, he rushed up to Wei Xiaobei above the sky!


Wei Xiaobei, who is pulling the bow and pointing the arrow, couldn’t help but sigh. He is now the light and shadow of the lion that Arthur’s king released.

Just looking at the lion, Wei Xiaobei felt an incomparably strong power, just like watching the high-ranking king, which condensed the incomparable glory of the king, and the voice of countless soldiers rang. sound!

Has the King Arthur already entered the four-star disaster?

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to think too much about this problem, opened the bowstring, and shot three arrows containing the rules of light and heat!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The three arrows collided with the lion in a blink of an eye!

The lion was drowned in the sudden burst of light.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that the rule power that formed the lion was quickly swept away in the burst of light and heat, and eventually disappeared without a trace.

Well, should this rule power be the so-called kingship?

From the point of view of King Arthur’s identity, this should be the case.

However, compared to the rules of light and heat from the sun, the power of this royal rule is somewhat weak. After the three arrows containing the rules of light and heat defeated the lion, they continued to rush. Going on, but the rules of light and heat contained in it are weakened.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei is also a coincidence this time, and the King Arthur and his party are not too light.

If there is no such big magical explosion, Wei Xiaobei’s front and the other side are not so easy to suppress each other.

The only thing that made Wei Xiaobei slightly a little bit painful was that the millions of pigeons he had cultivated consumed less than one-tenth of the total. The rest were all in the magical blast, and the chances of recycling were gone.

But all this is worth it.

But then again, Wei took advantage of it, but the following King Arthur and his party did not intend to give up resistance.

In particular, the Merlin Mage, after releasing the yellow mask, did not have any movements, and was always attacked by King Arthur against the arrows.

With Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of the Merlin Master, the other party is probably preparing for a big move.

However, under the cover of the power of the rule of the king released by King Arthur, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t really feel what the Master Merlin was doing.

For Wei Xiaobei, even if the master Merlin took out a big move, he went on!

The thing that should be done now is to defeat the King Arthur first!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei's degree of dialing the bow string suddenly increased!

The arrow that appears constantly from the storage ring is shot like a machine gun bullet. When it comes to the back, the arrow that is shot is almost a straight line.

The feeling of King Arthur below is probably not too good. At this time, Wei Xiaobei shot the arrow without any additional force. It is a branch with a huge force, and it constantly hits the King Arthur. Above the sword!

It is said that King Arthur’s long sword is not a special product. If it is a product, I am afraid that it has been broken under the impact of giant force.

This sword has a very loud name!

The sword of the king!

To be precise, the sword of the king is the second long sword of King Arthur. The first name of the long sword is Shi Zhongjian. When King Arthur first pulled out the stone sword, he became the king of ancient Britain.

But for various reasons, Shi Zhongjian finally broke, and King Arthur had to find a fairy in the lake for a sword.

This sword is the sword of the king. It is said that the sword of the king can gather the power of all the round table knights under King Arthur!

But even if it was the power of all the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur could not feel his arm at this time, completely numb.

"Merlin! Not all right?"

King Arthur, who was sweating all over the body, suspected that he could not support the next moment and had to scream.

"Quick, my king a#...¥a"

Master Merlin is worthy of being the most powerful mage of ancient Britain. He was able to talk to King Arthur while chanting the curse. With his constant language, a hunch that made Wei Xiaobei feel threatened appeared.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei can feel that a mysterious force is gathering up quickly. For this reason, Wei Xiaobei immediately accelerated the shooting.

Well, Wei Xiaobei's previous shots have almost made the arrows almost straight, but now, the arrows that Wei Xiaobei shoots directly form a vacuum, and there is a hint of space cracks.

For a moment, the Knights of the Round Table, who were assisting King Arthur through the sword of the king, suddenly screamed, and some of them were weak, or the seriously injured Round Table knight suddenly exploded into a meat sauce.

This is the inevitable reaction of the sword of the king that cannot withstand the pressure. Any disciple who is connected with the sword of the king will have to bear such a counterattack while giving strength.

But in the eyes of King Arthur, all this loss is worth it.

Because at this time, Master Merlin has been covered by a circle of colorful auras, and his mouth is spit out a high voice: "With my wishes, the power of the enemy is forbidden!"

With the last syllable in the mouth of Merlin's mage falling, Wei Xiaobei felt like he was falling into the cement that was solidifying, and the surrounding air was solidifying. At the same time, there was a suction from the inexplicable place. Draw the power of your body!

This is Merlin's spell!

After knowing that he had such a presence as the Merlin Mage, when Wei Xiaobei was on Weijia Island, he learned something related to magic.

Well, in fact, in the Huashi gray world practitioners, the power is a magic side of the guy and a lot.

This is probably due to the mysterious popularity of the Internet.

Of course, most of the gray-level practitioners on these magic sides have only four ring-around spell power.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei also learned a lot.

Such magic signs, feel some of the rules contained in it, and in a flash, Wei Xiaobei will understand, this is probably the so-called pledge.

Nine-ring spells, prayers!

It can be said that in all the nine-ring spells, only the prayers contain the power of some rules!

It can achieve some of the caster's wishes in a near-miracle way.

At this time, there are two wishes of Master Merlin. The first is to ban the enemy of Wei Xiaobei, and the second is to absorb the power of Wei Xiaobei!

Well, in fact, this is equivalent to releasing two nine-ring spells at the same time.

Imprisonment and energy absorption!

Wei Xiaobei tried to move the body, the air that was solidifying was extremely sticky, and the feeling of Wei Xiaobei seemed to fall into the mud and sand. It was so difficult to move.

Even more terrible is that this feeling is getting more and more intense!

Wei Xiaobei was the first to encounter such a spell.

The air around it is solidified, and the body's strength is constantly passing!

According to this trend, Wei Xiaobei will become extremely weak.

After feeling this danger, the golden runes in Wei Xiaobei suddenly burst into Guanghua, and a circle of golden light spread from Wei Xiaobei.

When Wei Xiaobei felt that the suction was decaying rapidly under the influence of Jinguang, the power tide in the body exploded immediately, and the sound of broken glass in the air.


The air that has solidified around it is like an iceberg, and the power bursting out by Wei Xiaobei suddenly collapses.

For a moment, the magical effect of the pledge was suddenly shattered in front of Wei Xiaobei.

It can be said that if a spell like Prayer is not appropriate, then the power of the wave is very small.

If he is replaced by Wei Xiaobei to display this pledge, his wish will be the ultimate explosion from the inside out. In that case, the effect is probably much stronger than Merlin. 8

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