The City of Terror

Chapter 1543: Millennium memory

The update is slower today, and the poor roads are embarrassed to talk more. ——

The woman did not stay too much here, and then quickly flew somewhere.

Wei Xiaobei is now just a bystander and therefore unable to determine the speed of time.

When the woman stopped, there was a huge island in the sea below. In the center of the island was a valley with magma flowing. The magma in the center of the valley was connected by two trees. A giant mulberry tree towering high!

The woman said that after a series of words that the defender Xiaobei had not understood, the hands were gently thrown, and the ten golden urns were thrown at the two huge mulberry trees.

The ten Jinwu seem to like the two huge mulberry trees, and the wings flutter over the branches of the mulberry tree.

In the days that followed, Jinwus took turns to rush to the sky, flew from the east to the west, fulfilling their duties as the sun.

Well, to be honest, this kind of life is about to force Wei Xiaobei to drive crazy.

Only one day in every ten days will turn to Wei Xiaobei, and this day is fine. Wei Xiaobei can fly from the east to the west, and take a good look at the scenery on the ground. It is also a free trip.

Occasionally, I was able to meet a giant who was trying to catch up with it, trying to catch Jinwu. Of course, all the giants who did this were eventually dried up.

For the remaining nine days, Wei Xiaobei can only stay on the hibiscus tree to eat the flaming mulberry fruit, or fall in the soup valley below, wash the magma bath or something.

But every day is such a life. If it is a thousand years, even Jinwu will feel very boring.

For Wei Xiaobei, who still has the concept of ordinary human time, this is almost a life!

Finally, one day, Jinwu are tired of such a life.

After the jade rabbit fell to the sky, Jin Wus rushed into the sky in groups, chasing each other, playing and playing.

I have to say that the ten brothers went out to play together. They were the first time they were doing, so they were very excited, but they did not notice that due to the appearance of the ten Jinwu, the land quickly cracked, the trees were yellow and the river was broken. Even in places where Jinwus stayed for a long time, the earth began to turn red and soft under the illumination of countless lights and heat, turning into a magma of the earth!

Ten days of glory!

To be honest, this is the first time Wei Weibei has seen the light and heat rules to the extreme, there will be such a terrible effect!

You must know that these Jinwu playful places are in the sky above the ground more than 100,000 meters!

Wei Xiaobei thought about it. If he changed to a real self, in the high altitude of more than 100,000 meters, when the light and heat that he radiated came to the ground, I am afraid that even the normal sunshine is not as good.

In short, Wei Xiaobei calculated that the gap between himself and Jinwu is almost like this.

What happened next is roughly the same as the post-shooting day described in the myths and legends.

But then again, the real hero who shoots the sun is called 羿, also known as Daxie, and the post-poor country is not one person, and the post-poor country's heir is also good at archery, but it is against the Yellow Emperor. Yi people.

The wrath of great anger is a strong man with a very strong body and a red body in the upper part of his body. He has a big red bow on his hand, and he has shot ten arrows in a row.

Jin Wu, who was possessed by Wei Xiaobei, was clever and escaped, but his nine brothers were shot dead by arrows.

Jinu, who fled back to Tanggu Fusang Tree, was frightened.

Wei Xiaobei has seen this golden ugly from the experience of this thousand years of possession. Don't look at his living years longer than ordinary humans, but he is still a child of a few years old.

No way, the beasts like Jinwu have a long life, so that thousands of years old can't grow up.

Fortunately, after this disaster, this Jinwu seems to have matured in a moment, and he is on duty every day, but when he returns to Fuso, he begins to cultivate.

This boring and headache-ridden day, Wei Xiaobei has gone through hundreds of years, only when Jin Wu misses his brother and cultivates his avatar.

Time does not know how long it has passed. Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei wakes up from the memory of the magical seed, and the numerous pores of his body naturally open, and then the hot and hot heat is sprayed from the numerous pores!


Suddenly the whole villa was covered from the top to the bottom, and it was shrouded in endless heat.

Surrounded by this incredible heat, the villa suddenly burned.

The burning villas are mixed with light and heat, forming a huge fireball that is burning.

The generals responsible for the security tasks in the villa area were shocked, but they were unable to contact Wei Xiaobei, and eventually had to mechanically follow the security rules and began reporting.

The news finally reached Huang Kun.

Huang Kun, who had some headaches in dealing with various matters, couldn’t help but be overjoyed. He rushed to the villa area like a monkey.

The top officials of various departments were also alarmed and rushed toward the villa area.

No way, although the migration of a large number of islanders to the Aomu Fortune, the importance of this villa area has been reduced several levels.

However, it is always in the core area of ​​Weijia Island. The high-level homes of various departments are also here, how to prevent them from paying attention.

When Huang Kun and others rushed to the villa area, the size of the huge fireball has expanded a lot, and dozens of villas around it have been swallowed up.

Even standing at five or six hundred meters, Huang Kun and others can still feel the incomparable heat from the fireball, and the skin is blistered and hot and painful.

Fortunately, before the spread of the fireball, those ordinary people had already moved out of the surrounding households without causing any casualties.

After a little trial and no results, what Huang Kun and others need to do is wait.

This is also helpless.

The huge fireball burned up and there was no tendency to go out. From the general population, it was learned that the center of the fireball was Wei Xiaobei, and there was no way to contact Wei Xiaobei. Huang Kun and others did not dare to act rashly, at most, to arrange personnel. Remove the villas around to prevent the fire from spreading out.

But then again, after being burned by this big fireball, I am afraid that even after the fireball was extinguished, the villa area also abolished most of it.

Time passed by bit by bit, the big fireball still showed no signs of extinction. Except for Huang Kun, the office was changed to the vicinity, and the other high-level departments left early.

After all, they are of no use even if they stay here.

One day, two days, three days

At the back, the fireball with a height of more than fifty or sixty meters almost became a magical landscape on Weijia Island. Even the ship passing by near Weijia Island can see this landscape on Weijia Island.

Huang Kun did not know when the fireball was extinguished.

However, he is not stupid. He has already informed Zhu Xinyi and other brothers and sisters about this matter.

After learning that Master had this state, Zhu Xinyi rushed back.

However, after a few laps around the fireball, Zhu Xinyi could not see what happened. In the end, because there were too many things in China, they had to rush back, just before leaving, Huang Kun. Once the situation changes, be sure to inform yourself.

For a long time, even Huang Kun was a little blind to the fireball.

Even the place where love is said to be love is chosen near the fireball.

Compared with Huang Kun’s heartlessness, his girlfriend Jessica Lee knew that Wei Xiaobei was the pinnacle of Weijia Island, so when he saw the huge fireball, Jessica Lee was stunned. After a while, I was able to return to the heart of Huang Kun’s hands and feet.

Jessica Li is a Chinese-American mixed-race child. His father is a Chinese, his mother is an eagle, and Jessica Lee has an oriental name called Li Zhongxiu.

But then again, Jessica Lee, who combined the genes of both parents, concentrated on the traits of the East and the West. As far as the appearance is concerned, both the classical temperament of the Oriental beauty and the wildness of the Western beauty are indeed Zhong Xiu.

It is no wonder that Huang Kun fell in love at first sight.

"Don't move the foot, Huang Kun, you said the island owner, will there be an accident?"

Li Zhongxiu twisted the body of Norman and avoided the big hands of Huang Kun. She always felt that there was a gaze in the fireball on her side. Therefore, there was some psychological obstacle to the intimate contact of Huang Kun. .

For Li Zhongxiu, Wei Xiaobei is the guarantee of his happy life in the future. When the whole world is in chaos, Weijia Island under the protection of Wei Xiaobei is so peaceful, so peaceful, Li Zhongxiu does not want Wei What happened to Xiaobei.

Besides, she is now in love with Huang Kun. Even Huang Kun’s mother has met. I am afraid that it will take a long time for the two to get engaged.

According to Li Zhongxiu's knowledge, the master of the Chinese people is like a father. If Wei Xiaobei has an accident, the marriage between himself and Huang Kun will probably be affected.

Compared with Li Zhongxiu, who thinks a lot more, Huang Kun seems to be too heartless. He now wants to put his girlfriend in his arms and take the opportunity to do something ulterior.

Well, forgive a boy who is about to become an adult and hasn’t touched a girl. Under the influence of hormones, IQ will always be much lower than usual.

Of course, even Li Zhongxiu, after playing with Huang Kun, also forgot the vague eyes from the big fireball, and finally snuggled in the thick and safe embrace of Huang Kun, quietly enjoying this rare time alone. .

No way, compared to the past, Huang Kun has too many things. In addition to sitting and dealing with official duties, from time to time, he still needs to inspect the resettlement work of immigrants everywhere, and even some monsters on the sea need him to deal with.

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