The City of Terror

Chapter 1553: Power dispute

First update the chapter, the finger hurts a lot, but still insist on the code word -

Compared with the last time, this human gathering place seems to be rich, but the priest class within it is more corrupt and more enjoyable.

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t want to clean up the thoughts of these priests. For him, this sun **** believes that the Holy See only helps to collect the use of divinity, as long as it does not affect the collection of divinity for a short time, even if it is Re-corruption and degeneration, Wei Xiaobei will not care.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei accelerated the speed. In just one hour, he harvested the divines in the three nearby human gathering places, most of which were spent on the road and waiting.

Wei Xiaobei is ready to use the two days to harvest the entire Shenzhou Island and then rush to Honshu Island.

But when Wei Xiaobei harvested about 60% of the humanity of the human gathering place, the accident reappeared.

In Wei Xiaobei’s induction, within the Kyushu Island, two groups of divinity disappeared.

Although the proportion of these three groups of divinity in the total amount of divine is less than one percent, the continued disappearance of divinity has already caused Wei Xiaobei's vigilance.

If a single group of divine disappearances is said, it may be a real accident.

However, the disappearance of three consecutive groups of divines has enabled Wei Xiaobei to confirm that this is not an accident, but that there is a deliberate theft in his own devil!

This makes Wei Xiaobei unbearable!

Of course, the next action of Wei Xiaobei is still harvesting the deity of Kyushu Island. He only sent a detachment to the state of Honshu to check the situation and harvest the deity.

Regardless of what this divine disappearance is, Wei Xiaobei’s code of conduct is to harvest the divine first. After all, this thing is only harvested, it is safe.

The other party is even more powerful, unless it can kill Wei Xiaobei, otherwise, it is impossible to steal the divine from Wei Xiaobei's storage ring!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s move is also considered a risk.

After all, the small body of Wei Xiaobei’s ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang’s nine points is not absolutely stable. It is possible to accidentally blow up the sun directly.

But this is much safer than going directly to Honshu Island.

It's hard to say that after Wei Xiaobei rushed to Honshu Island, the guy who steals the divine will not go to Kyushu Island.

On the island of Honshu, the Sun, the Sun believes in the headquarters of the Holy See.

A group of priests who belong to the highest level in the Sun Faith are gathering in the Pope's Hall, anxiously discussing.

"All the members of the church, the question we should discuss now is how to deal with the aggressiveness of the local Shinto society, rather than discussing the contradictions between the human gathering places of your subordinates!"

A slightly old voice was uploaded from the top of the throne, making a few red dresses that were red-faced and red.

Although these red dresses have been regarded as the highest level in the Holy See, the Pope is the most noble of the Holy See.

In addition, the Pope has the most sun gods in his hand, so even if these red dresses are so bad, they need to give the Pope some face.

"The Pope is not, I am not deliberately arguing here, but Uesugi is too much this time. His subordinate Odawara’s blatant disregard of the Vatican’s decree and robbing the fields of my subordinates is totally contemptuous of greatness. The sun god, also asked the Pope’s referee, Uesugi, to sin against the canon in this red dress.

The man of Takeda Ueno’s red dress was accused of correctness.

But the rest of the red dresses know that the thing between Takeda Ueno and Uesugi is nothing more than a dog biting a dog.

The contradiction between the human gathering places under the two is no longer a day or two. Today, you rob me, tomorrow I will grab your land, and even the priests of both sides will be robbed. It can be said that there are many contradictions. .

If you really want to calculate, these two red dresses may have violated many canons.

However, with the sound of Takeda Ueno, the former Uesugi, who was once the best friend of Takeda Ueno, was also angry and stunned this time, completely ignoring the sacred pope hall that many believers admire!

"Gossip! Ueno, you are too shameless."

Suddenly the two sides quarreled again.

The Pope, who was sitting on the throne, had a dark face at this time. He could not wait to throw the two quarreling guys directly outside, or lift the two men’s red dresses.

However, the level of the main character of the Red Lord is not allowed for the Pope.

This requires the great God to make it personally.

Fortunately, as the two quarreled, the rest of the red main sacrifice began to persuade. After all, there are still people who have a little overall view. They know that if the two people’s arguments go on, today’s meeting is not. The law continues to go on.

The most important issue now is how to deal with the heresy.

In the midst of chaos, this meeting is finally over.

The Sun Faith also negotiated the results, and they will send a main sacrifice to the eastern part of Honshu Island to see the situation of the heretical gods.

On the occasion of the main sacrifice with the brigade, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar finally arrived.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar did not publicly reveal his identity after secretly meeting with the Pope, but quietly followed the team.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei’s clerk has probably learned some things from the pope’s mouth.

To put it simply, the beginning of the matter was three months ago. Three months ago, a force that believed in the local gods suddenly came out. They claimed to be Shinto meetings and spread their faith in the eastern part of Honshu Island. Local gods such as Amaterasu are about to come to the world, but they have absorbed many believers.

In particular, in the past, several military ports that the Sun Faith has not been able to pull over have been drawn by this Shinto.

These military ports are important ports for accepting Sam's aid materials, and even the Marine Corps stationed in Sam is in the port.

And as people in these military ports began to believe in Shinto meetings, the power of Shinto will rise.

For this emerging power, the reaction of the Sun God to the Holy See is too slow, and there has been no concern about the other side. Until yesterday, after a news that a human gathering place was completely destroyed by the other party, the Sun God believed that the Holy See would pay attention. Force has turned to this emerging force.

Of course, even so, because the Sun God believes that the Holy See is associated with some independent forces in the eastern part of Honshu Island, after the incident, efforts to collect, but also found a lot of information.

Of course, these sun gods believe that the high-level members of the Holy See will not recognize the gods that this power believes in, and thus declare the gods of the gods such as the Amaterasu and other gods!

However, the Sun God believes that the top officials of the Holy See are still encountering such situations for the first time. Some time they do not know what to do, so they have to send a main sacrifice to investigate the specific situation.

However, the Pope has the intention to take back some of the power through this opportunity, and is prepared to form a large army to seek heresy after the return of the main sacrifice collection!

Regarding the ambition of the Pope, Wei Xiaobei neither expressed support nor expressed opposition.

In fact, without the support of Wei Xiaobei, it is too difficult for the Pope to do this.

As for the current state of the Holy See, Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

No one can take the power to monopolize. In a short period of time, the entire Holy See will not collapse directly because of corruption. As long as this state is maintained, it will suffice.

As for the emerging forces, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to let the Sun God believe in the Holy See to send troops to fight.

If this is a soldier, whether it is a victory or a loss, there will be a large number of casualties, so that the speed of divine growth and development will be slowed down.

When the emerging forces were put out, Wei Xiaobei had already taken care of himself.


In addition to the human beings being captured and the divinity in the gods being stolen, Wei Xiaobei seriously doubted that even the ninety-nine percent of the judges determined that the Shinto will actually be the trick of the Amaterasu.

Well, in fact, this can be seen by people with a clear eye.

The gods enshrined in the Shinto Club are mainly based on the Great God of Heaven. Naturally, there is no need to say more about what is going on.

However, after Wei Xiaobei followed the main sacrifice for a day, he could not help it.

If the main sacrifice is rushing past the road, even if the speed is slower, Wei Xiaobei can bear it. After all, after guessing that the behind-the-scenes ambassador of the Shinto meeting may be Amaterasu, Wei Xiaobei does not want to I easily exposed myself.

But the main sacrifice does not know whether it is used to arranging, or some greedy and fearful of death. With five or six hundred guards, it is impossible to take an hour to rest. One break is two hours, so this day, its Still not out of thirty kilometers!

You must know that most of those guards are ordinary people. As long as the main sacrifice is willing, the general people can carry him out for hundreds of kilometers.

Therefore, when the main sacrifice was stopped and the footsteps stopped again, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar did not continue to follow the main sacrifice. Instead, he walked alone and followed the message from the Pope to a place in the eastern part of Honshu Island. Humans rushed to the ground.

Well, Honshu Island is very big in the eyes of Dongpu people, but it is very small in Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

Less than six hundred kilometers before and after, Wei Xiaobei observed the terrain along the way, while running at a lower speed, it took less than two hours.

In Wei Xiaobei's judgment on the position, he is already very close to the human gathering place called Zaanda.

But in this deep night, I did not see any flares or lights.

However, Wei Xiaobei, who was wandering around for a long time, smelled a strong **** smell and felt a gloomy grievance.

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