The City of Terror

Chapter 1607: Trampled

Oh, I am sorry, I apologize to everyone, there are too many things today, and the code word time has been delayed. To tell the truth, sometimes the poor road really wants to go to a beautiful place, there is no quiet interference code in the place where the outside world interferes.

The three black dragon kings are different. They rely solely on their powerful body, magic, and biological level to crush the enemy. Therefore, when they see the powerful enemy far beyond their own strength, it is inevitable that their hearts will be fearful. It is.

After a slight observation, Zhao Yun grabbed the silver gun next to the saddle and shouted: "Second brother, wait for the brother to help you!"

Then, the white horse hooves the wind, suddenly rushed away from the ground, no doubt, the closed space is only for the light man, and Zhao Yun has not been hindered, easily rushed into the closed space.

When the distance between the two sides was less than a kilometer, the silver gun of Zhao Yun’s right hand was lifted up and stabbed toward the light man!

Suddenly, the white light flashed on the silver gun, and then it turned into countless white birds and flew toward the light man.

After countless white birds flew out less than a hundred meters, they turned into a white phoenix flying in the sky!

A hundred birds rushing to the phoenix!

It can be seen that Zhao Yun is still more cautious in the face of such a powerful enemy.

Of course, even if the bird is facing the phoenix, its momentum is quite amazing.

The white phoenix rushed to the sky in a flash, then turned down and swooped toward the light man!

The Guangren, who was attacking Wei Xiaobei quickly, felt the momentum of the white phoenix, and then the body shape, the next moment, the reverse direction rushed toward the white phoenix!


The white phoenix and the light man slammed into each other in a blink of an eye.

Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this space to contact the sun and check the situation that the godhead was absorbed that day, while recovering the injury.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also slightly regretted it. She knew that it was now, and she should take back Jinwu when she broke into the body of Tianzhao.

In this case, I am now able to separate Jinwu.

Although the six-headed Jinwu avatar can't resist the rapid attack of this light man, it doesn't make him have the chance to be suppressed by this light man.

At this time, the white phoenix was smashed by the light man, and then it rushed toward Zhao Yun.

Undoubtedly, this light man wants to kill Wei Xiaobei’s reinforcements first.

In the face of the rushing light, Zhao Yun is calm, and the silver gun in his hand is again stabbed.

This time, after the silver gun was stabbed, it even turned out a giant snake.

When the light man rushed closer, the giant snake suddenly slammed and bite into the light man.

To say that the light man at this time is astonishingly fast, and the sound is ten times more than the sound.

But when the giant snake bites down, the light man can't do it at all, just like taking the initiative to send himself to the mouth of the giant snake!

After the giant snake turned around, it would bite the light man, and the sharp teeth will pass through the light man!

Seeing this scene, the three black dragon kings who are hovering in the distance can't help but feel cold.

The three black dragon kings can feel the mighty power contained in the light human body. In front of the power of the light man, the three black dragon kings trembled slightly, and almost could not flap their wings.

Undoubtedly, the three black dragon kings can think of it, if they fight against the light people, I am afraid that they will be beaten as bolognese when they are ten minutes!

But when I was fine, I ran to play around and Zhao Yun was able to fight against the light man!

Undoubtedly, after the three black dragon kings understood the strength of Zhao Yun, they could not help but scream.

You Zhao Yun is so powerful, and he ran to challenge himself one day.

Fortunately, I have stabilized myself, and I have not taken the initiative to deal with this Zhao Yun. Otherwise, according to Zhao Yun’s current strength, I am not going to beat myself up!

At that time, his face in the dragon family will be left on the ground and laughed at by many dragons.

But the three black dragon kings also know that this world is the world that Wei Xiaobei created and controlled. Now Wei Xiaobei encounters a strong enemy. If he does not help himself, hey, wait for that Wei Xiaobei to slow down, I am afraid There is a big problem.

Just because of this thought, the three black dragon kings did not dare to approach the Guangren, but they also opened three giant mouths, and they spurred three infinitely strong dragons from the Guangren!

Although the three Black Dragon Kings are much worse than Wei Xiaobei in terms of degrees and so on, they are able to become the most powerful monsters in the history of the Eagle Kingdom, and they are not worthy of the name.

The three lacquered black dragons spurted in the mouth are said to have shattered the dark dragon's breath, which contains a huge amount of darkness and even a ruin!

When Zhao Yun’s seven snakes, which were made by the snakes, were bitten by the light man, the three broken dark dragons rushed in with a very fast degree.

The light man never imagined that the giant snake that the human being recruited was so powerful that he bit him.

Of course, the serpent's teeth through the damage is not a harm to the light person, but it will hold the light man firmly.

And the three strands of black dragons that rushed from a distance gave the light people a hint of threat.

Therefore, the light man struggled with desperation and attempted to break free from the teeth of the serpent.

The struggle of the light man is extremely fierce, even if the teeth of the giant snake are constantly fragmented in their struggles.

Just half-time, the light human eyes will break free from the giant snake teeth!

But the three black-black dragons came to an instant and hit the light man.

The black dragon's silent and unbroken cracks spread out, forming a cloud of incomparable darkness, shrouded the light man.

The light man heard a painful roar in his mouth!

It can be seen that the dark dragons of the three black dragons seem to have a special killing effect on this light person!

At this time, the Guangren also struggled out of the giant snake's teeth. The body suddenly squandered a lot of light and heat, as if the sun would dispel the black mist.

But whether it is Wei Xiaobei or Zhao Yun, or the three black dragon kings have seen the three black dots left in the Guangren.

Even if the light man rushed out of the body, he could not eliminate the three remaining black dots, and even attempted to spread around the body of the light, but was consumed by those light.

Seeing here, the three Black Dragon Kings were somewhat proud and could not help laughing.

In its view, this light person is indeed powerful, Wei Xiaobei has been beaten up by him, and Zhao Yun’s giant snake seems to have no use for the light person, but he can spurt himself in the breath, but can be in the other side. There is an indelible mark on the body.

This is enough to make the three black dragon kings who are arrogant in the past smug, and feel like they are pressing Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun.

But whether it is Wei Xiaobei or Zhao Yun, at this time, not only did not rejoice, but the brows were all wrinkled, and they rushed toward the Guangren.

Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun’s concerns are without any problems.

After the light man spurted a light heat and smashed the weak giant snake into pieces, he turned and left Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei, and rushed toward the three black dragon kings.

It can be seen from the action of this light man that the damage of the three black dragon kings is not small, so the light man will even list the three black dragon kings as the first hunting target. Kill the other party!

Seeing that the horrible light man rushed toward himself, the three black dragon kings who were proud of it recalled the horror feeling that the light man had given himself in a moment, and the smug smile instantly came from the eyes of the three black dragon kings. It disappeared, but it was fear and terror.


How did this killing come over to himself?

Isn't it just a sip of a dragon's breath?

Of course, no matter how the hearts of the three Black Dragon Kings are called, the degree of the light man will not slow down a bit.

Therefore, the three black dragon kings immediately turned and fled, and in a flash they burst out the fastest in life!

Ask, what is the fastest thing in the world?

I am afraid most people will answer yes!

Once the degree of the light man bursts, although it may not be able to reach the light, it is not comparable to the three black dragon kings.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a stream of light flew, and the light man appeared on the head of the three black dragon kings, and then slammed into the back of the three black dragon kings!

The three dragons of the three black dragon kings saw the light man who appeared on his back. For a moment, it was scared to death.

It seems as if suddenly, an irresistible enemy has caught his own key.


After the birth of the three black dragon kings, there was no loss to the people, but this time, the soul of the three black dragon kings had to fly, and wherever they could take care of their faces, the three faucets also took the life-saving !

Just as the three black dragon kings just shouted the voice of life-saving, Wei Xiaobei’s figure appeared in front of the light man, and the hands that wore the sun gloves stretched out, blocking the punch of the light man’s arm. Come down.

Of course, this boxing block, Wei Xiaobei is not too good, Zhangkou is a golden blood sprayed out.

But in any case, this fist was blocked by Wei Xiaobei, and the three black dragon kings were able to escape from birth!

Of course, the key reason why Wei Xiaobei can block the light man is that he turned the big gun back into a glove.

Previously, due to the offensive of the light man like a storm, Wei Xiaobei had no time to change the big gun back to the glove. This is one of the specific reasons why Wei Xiaobei was suppressed before he could not fight back.

But now, with the rifle into a glove that is worn in the hand, Wei Xiaobei’s close-knit martial arts can be shown.

Taking advantage of his deep heritage, Wei Xiaobei has unloaded his strength and used his strength to withstand the punch of his own range!

The three black dragon kings naturally go out for a long time, and even dare not look back.

Due to the blockade of Wei Xiaobei, the goal of the Guangren was immediately directed at Wei Xiaobei, like a streamer, and it was a violent blow around Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei is also very helpless. Like the existence of Guangren, no matter how much strength or strength has passed, it is really painful to resist.

But Wei Xiaobei also felt some of the changes.

This light person seems to be more violent, but its power and degree have a slight weakening.

Is the Sun of Aoki Fudi already drawing the power of its godhead?

Wei Xiaobei doesn't know if this is the case. Because the Sun has used all the power to deal with the Amaterasa, even Wei Xiaobei can't contact it.

Only able to support!

Of course, at this time, it is not just Wei Xiaobei who is dealing with this person.

Seeing that Wei Xiaobei was once again caught in the siege of the Guangren, Zhao Yun’s brow that was rushing to the horse was slightly wrinkled, and once again stabbed a shot!

This gun is not quite the same as the previous one, and the seven.

A shot was punctured, and no abnormalities appeared. It was just a shot from the top of the gun that came out of the gun and shot at the light man.

Before Zhao Yun’s seven-snake snake guns bound the light man for some time, so this light man was somewhat wary of Zhao Yun.

When Zhao Yun was shot, the Guangren immediately withdrew and rushed toward the three black dragon kings.

Obviously, this Guangren saw Zhao Yun’s shot and thought of his previous experience, so he wanted to kill the three black dragon kings who could pose a threat to themselves.

Seeing that the Guangren left, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, and the body disappeared in the same place. When it reappeared, it was stopped on the line of the light man's pursuit.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei emerged as a roadblock, the light man did not go around the road, but rushed straight up, and punched the past toward Wei Xiaobei.

Obviously, the previous battle experience with Wei Xiaobei made this light man have a contemptuous attitude towards Wei Xiaobei in the subconscious.

This fist is in the past, it is like dealing with a small ant, the feeling of wipe it off.

Although this fist will fly Xiaobei once again, but let the light people are a little surprised, Wei Xiaobei was thrown out of the mouth, but did not wait for how far he pursued, the other side appeared in himself Over the top of the head, the first time I attacked myself!

A fist to the top of the light man!

Although the light man is somewhat awkward to defend Xiaobei's tenacity, he still does not care about Wei Xiaobei's attack. He rushed to the hand and fired Xiaobei again.

But at this moment, the light man felt the back slightly cold, turned his head and looked, but saw a transparent gun gas quietly shot into his back!

As the rifle shot into the back, the body of the light man was even a meal, the back of the light came from a whistle, and then blasted, countless light and heat like the flood after the collapse of the dam, rushing out!

For the first time, Guangren was really hit hard!

After the gun blasted in the light body, almost the light man was blown from the waist into two sections!

Of course, this is not the magical power of Zhao Yun. It is the ingenious destruction of the light and heat balance in the human body, which makes the light and heat in the body explode and form this effect.

At the same time, the three black dragon kings who escaped came back at this time.

This green wood blessed land is not big, even if it is a flee, and can escape to somewhere, but it is evil Wei Weibei, so the three black dragon king saw the light people blasted, the mind is slightly certain, simply spurt three more shares Dragon interest! 8

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