The City of Terror

Chapter 1614: Black hole? ! !

Today is May Day. First of all, I wish all of you brothers and sisters a happy holiday, play comfortably and have a good time. But the poor road today, breakfast, lunch, not enough food, did a good job of preparation, went straight to a steak seafood buffet, hahaha, the poor road really did, help the wall into, help the wall out! ! ! As for the steak, it was smashed five times. As for all kinds of fish fillets, it was gluttony. By the way, it also ate a lot of many things, including but not limited to crabs, oysters, fat sausages, fat cows, egg tarts, etc., and finally left. At the time, I drank five cups of cola in front of the drink machine! Well, I have to say that when I left, the waiter’s eyes on the poor road were a bit uncomfortable. No way, the poor road is the lord of gluttony, the district buffet, a smashed ash! The most critical issue is that the poor road is now hungry! ! ! ——

Ok, well, these theories, Wei Xiaobei also looked at it, and did not go deep into it.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei does not think that the white dwarfs that the gods of this day will be smashed will be more powerful. After all, the other party does not have the quality of the real sun. At its peak, it is only a body of more than ten kilometers.

But the next moment, Wei Xiaobei's face changed.

The tens of centimeters of crystallized diamond **** collapsed again, and collapsed into a white ball in a blink of an eye, and its diameter has been reduced to the millimeter level, and the volume is only about the size of mung beans.


Feeling the strength of the gravitational increase, Wei Xiaobei almost squirted out a blood, his heart was secretly puzzled, he would not be a crow mouth, thinking about something bad, what bad things appeared.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei is late to eat regret drugs.

The increasing gravity has shown great horrible destructiveness over time!

The first is that Wei Xiaobei punched out, the space channel just appeared, and collapsed with the interference of powerful gravity!

Secondly, above the ground, the houses quickly collapsed into wood, stones, and vacated, flying toward the white ball at a very fast speed.

Even the six Jinwu avatars could not hold their bodies, even if they were desperately flapping their wings, they could not escape the suction and slowly descended toward the white ball.

Well, at this time, Wei Xiaobei can't save those Jinwu avatars. Even if Jinwu is degraded, it will cause great damage to Wei Xiaobei, and he will not care.

Because with the continuous increase of gravity, even if Wei Xiaobei needs to consume a lot of power at this time, he can stabilize the body and not be sucked away by gravity.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei's half body has been inserted into the ground, waving with both hands, and constantly digging down.

The soil that was dug out will be sucked away in a flash and cannot stay for a while.

And those things that have been sucked, in the process of approaching the white ball, will be torn into pieces by the tidal gravity, and then will continue to shrink, even when it hits the white ball, even a dozens of cubic boulder Will be turned into sand.

But Wei Xiaobei can feel that the greater the gravitational force produced by the little white ball, the more it will weaken.

Undoubtedly, this day, the **** of the gods is burning something like vitality, to achieve such a terrible degree.

But when its vitality burns cleanly, then even if there are more means, there is no chance of resurrection.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei only needs to insist! adhere to! adhere to!

Then wait a while, then the balance of victory will always favor Wei Xiaobei.

But as gravity continues to increase, this persistence is a bit difficult.

In just 20 minutes, the whole piece of land was stripped of gravity by a layer. All the houses, trees and even other objects were sucked into the white ball, and there was no trace of debris.

As for the divine ghosts, most of them were urged by the Amaterasu to blew themselves up. Even the rest of the luck was torn into pieces in this gravitation, and it was impossible to escape.

Wei Xiaobei has already plunged his body into the ground at this time, only his eyes are exposed.

Hey, seeing that Jinwu’s avatar is hard to adhere to under the increasing gravity, he began to accelerate toward the white ball, and Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

Of course, this can't blame those who don't work hard.

Helpless, the distance between them and the white ball is so close that they can't get rid of the gravitational pullaway in the first time.

In fact, even if Wei Xiaobei is in their position, it is hard to say whether he can escape.

As time went by, Wei Xiaobei could only watch the six Jinwu detached themselves in the vicinity of the white ball, and eventually turned into countless light and heat, and was swallowed up by the little white ball.


A painful heartbreaking pain made Wei Xiaobei’s mind in a chaos.

This is the ills of such avatars in the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang Jiuzhi.

Once the avatar is degraded, it will subject the ontology to great trauma. When it reaches the heaviest, it can even let the body fall into a long sleep.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei appeared to be very cautious about Jinwu.

Of course, if you change to the law of the incarnation of Cang Xuan-dong, such sequelae will be easier, or even not.

However, the method of using the weapon to transform the body of the body of the Cangxuan Cave is much worse than the Jinwu.

This is also their own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, it is impossible to prevent such a thing from being degraded. Wei Xiaobei can't know in advance that this day, the **** of the gods is holding the same thoughts, and constantly compressing himself into a special celestial body!

As a result, Jin Wu's avatars have fallen, which makes Wei Xiaobei seem to be forced to cut most of the time.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei did not stun in the past, and it is already a very powerful manifestation of spiritual attributes.

And then, let Wei Xiaobei's face change is that after the small white ball absorbed six Jinwu avatars, its momentum suddenly increased several times, and the small white ball's body shape was once again compressed, and it was reached in a blink of an eye. The degree of invisibility to the naked eye!

For a moment, the light around the white ball suddenly disappeared, and the white ball disappeared in place.

Feeling suddenly increased hundreds of times of gravity, Wei Xiaobei's heart could not help but tremble.

this is? ! ! !

Black hole!

Wei Xiaobei knows that the little white ball is actually still in place, not disappearing.

However, because its gravity has reached a level where even light cannot escape, it is impossible to see each other with the naked eye or even electromagnetic waves and the like.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei knows that the black hole formed by the compression of this day is far from the real black hole, and the quality is poor.

But even so, such a tiny black hole is enough to absorb the entire high Tianyuan!

It can be seen that under the incomparable horror gravitational force, the land beneath Wei Xiaobei’s foot and even the highest land in the sky has a fissure, a huge piece of mud, and the rock is torn in gravity. Next, he broke free from the land and flew toward the little white ball. In the process, due to the different effects of gravity on its different parts, the tidal force tearing effect was produced.

As a result, the soil, the rock continually collapsed during the flight, and eventually turned into countless granules.

In fact, even Wei Xiaobei could not stabilize his body at this time.

That huge gravity has attracted this piece of mud that Wei Xiaobei hides.

Feeling the movement of the soil under the feet slowly, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh, so that he has a way to live?

At this time, even if it is a falling soul, it will have no effect on the little white ball.

On that day, when the Great God was compressing himself, he had already died of his own life. In fact, at this time, Wei Xiaobei could feel that the life in the little white ball had dissipated to almost imperceptible.


Perhaps it is the smell of Wei Xiaobei, and the gravity of Wei Xiaobei has suddenly increased several times!

This caused the soil under Wei Xiaobei's foot to be torn into pieces, and Wei Xiaobei's body suddenly flew toward the little white ball under the influence of gravity!

it hurts!

For a moment, the bones, muscles and even the internal organs of Wei Xiaobei's body are constantly twisting and struggling under the tear of this gravitation.

This kind of pain is like the use of silk thread to bundle Wei Xiaobei's bones, muscles and internal organs, and hang it on a plane that is sprinting and shaking.

As the hardest part of Wei Xiaobei's body, those bones even screamed about breaking.

It can be said that, at the most interest time, Wei Xiaobei will break down because of the bones, so that the whole body collapses on its own!

However, at this time, the golden runes in Wei Xiaobei's body suddenly burst into a golden light. The appearance of these golden lights made Wei Xiaobei's body that was about to collapse unexpectedly stabilized.

However, it does not mean that Wei Xiaobei’s crisis has been waived.

On the contrary, with the bloom of the golden rune, the gravitational force has once again intensified, which has accelerated the speed of Wei Xiaobei's flight to the white ball.

It can be said that even if Wei Xiaoli is struggling, in this case, at most, it will hit the white ball at most!

And the consequences are almost the same as directly hitting the black hole!

In other words, there is still a bit of time, Wei Xiaobei will hang!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s mind came out without fear and fear, but it was the means by which the great **** compressed himself, and even the connection between this and the rules of light and heat.

I have to say that at this juncture, Wei Xiaobei is still interested in studying these things, and it really makes people admire their nerves.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s move is not wrong.

Anyway, they have to hang up, all kinds of means have been used, even if they die, they die with dignity.

At least you can't let the big **** watch the last joke!

Well, Wei Xiaobei still has a thought, if he is not dead?

If you are not dead, then it is self-evident that you can feel the black hole gravitation and even a series of changes in such a close distance, which is of great benefit to the study of the rules of light and heat after Wei Xiaobei.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei will face the upcoming death so calmly.

If you don’t want to hang it anymore, even if you hang it up on the day, can you turn the big gods on the day and you will be able to turn around?

Just kidding.

After all, this **** of the sun has lost its deity, lost 80% of its power, and with its remaining power, if it wasn’t for the day, the gods compressed themselves and tried to burn their last life, and they wanted to do everything in front of them. possible.

The ten-day time is fast and fast, and slow and slow.

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