The City of Terror

Chapter 1623: Yandang Mountain Gongzhihui!

The poor road will play Arthur! ! ! ! Oye! Ok, in fact, the poor road technology is very good, take a break from the brain. .——

"Okay, get up."

Wei Xiaobei smiled. He didn't care about the criticisms behind the gray world practitioners. This is the same as an elephant who doesn't care about a few ants who want to mix themselves.

Of course, if those guys are too much, Wei Xiaobei will not care to help Zhu Xinyi clean up the team's purity.

Under the enthusiasm of many disciples, Wei Xiaobei came to the temporary station of the special joint force in Yandang Mountain.

I have to say that this special joint force attaches importance to the pheasant.

It can be said that in order to deal with this pheasant, the special joint force headed by Zhu Xinyi, personally led the team, at least sent 30% of the troops, and also mobilized two divisions of the army and a number of national guards, militia , the police, etc., the whole Yandang Mountain is surrounded by a solid.

This is also a helpless choice for special joint forces.

The reason is very simple. I have said before. This Yandang Mountain was originally a gathering of demons and ghosts. Several small teams sent by the special joint forces suffered from Waterloo, which is a heavy loss.

But it is impossible to let go of the chicken.

You should know that this pheasant is good at consuming human blood. Now it is good to be trapped in Yandang Mountain. If it is withdrawn, the other party has no scruples. I am afraid that the town around Yandang Mountain will not be long before it will be licked. Devouring it!

Therefore, even if everyone is very tired here, they can only persist.

Now that Master is here, Zhu Xinyi and other disciples can't help but feel relaxed.

In their eyes, Master does not say that he can do anything, but he wants to solve the problems here, but it is much easier than his own apprentices.

The temporary joint station of the special joint force is located in Yandang County, a county town located in the outer area of ​​Yandang Mountain. Its economic pillar is mainly tourism.

However, to this day, due to the gathering of monsters and ghosts in Yandang Mountain, the county towns with many tourists have become deserted.

In the most luxurious five-star hotel in Yandang County, Zhu Xinyi and other disciples of the special joint forces gathered together to clean the dust for Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, since everyone is performing the task, this dust-washing feast is not likely to be very luxurious, just a simple buffet.

While eating, drinking and drinking, Wei Xiaobei was not idle, and learned a lot.

Compared with the last time, the strength of these disciples has improved a lot. Of course, Wei Xiaobei has given them a half-residual bronze Buddha's head.

After spending a lot of time, Zhu Xinyi and others also mastered a small Buddha.

Zhu Xinyi's Bumen Xiaoshen is a small dragon with a small magical power. The effect of this small magical power is that it can give any creature a blessing of the Buddha's Dragon, and it can break the evil!

To be honest, if Zhu Xinyi had mastered this little magical power before, it would be impossible to drive the chicken into the Yandang Mountain.

After Zhu Xinyi’s summoning creatures have blessed the Buddha’s temperament, it’s a great threat to the pheasant in a neutron bomb.

Of course, even so, Zhu Xinyi did not finally get rid of the pheasant, and he could only drive it here, so that at least the pheasant would not be able to collect human blood in the land of China.

However, Huang Kun’s acquisition is a small **** foot. After the magical power is applied, it can appear randomly within the initial position of 10,000 meters. It must be said that this magical power has improved Huang Kun’s melee ability by several steps.

But the only drawback of this supernatural power is that once the enemy escapes the 10,000-meter range, then Huang Kun will not be paralyzed.

Of course, if you suddenly make this move when the enemy is not prepared, and attack the enemy, then the guy who is hostile to Huang Kun will feel uncomfortable.

As for the other supernatural disciples, there is no need to describe them here.

Wei Xiaobei withdrew the head of the semi-residual Buddha. For these disciples, after obtaining a supernatural power, the half-residual Buddha’s head is basically useless, but Wei Xiaobei can also send it back to Weijia Island. Several disciples of Tian Yuwen added a supernatural power.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei's understanding of this Yandang Mountain has also deepened in the answers of his disciples.

To put it simply, this Yandang Mountain should now be regarded as a famous demon mountain on the land of China.

There are many devils and ghosts in Yandang Mountain, and many other monsters who have been surrounded by coffers have escaped here.

Do not think that only human beings will hold a group to warm up, and demons and ghosts will also.

Although in most cases, demons and ghosts will fight each other, it is intriguing, but in the case of China's special joint force army composed of the most elite gray world practitioners, the grievances of those demons and ghosts are not worth mentioning.

Zhu Xinyi learned from some of the captured little demon mouths that the demons and ghosts in Yandang Mountain have now established the Yandang Mountain Gongzhihui even in the imitation of human society!

This so-called Yandang Mountain Gongzhihui is almost a parody of China's parliamentary system, but it has not been able to imitate it completely, and it seems to be somewhat incomprehensible.

To put it simply, the monsters of more than 20 mountain peaks in Yandang Mountain have elected more than 20 mountain owners. As their representatives, they exercise the highest power in this Yandang Mountain Communist Party!

But these so-called mountain owners are actually the strongest in every mountain!

Therefore, this Yandang Mountain Gongzhi Conference said in vain, or it is a rule with a big fist and a high voice.

But for these demons and ghosts, this is already a dying experience!

At the very least, those weak monsters can also make a little bit of their own voice by picking the mountain owner.

And these more than 20 mountain owners are even more than a group of elite monsters, day and night practice a certain monster contributed to the array.

When the practice of the law is completed, it is when the Yandang Mountain group rushes out.

After all, those demons and ghosts are not good at being kind, and have been suppressed by humans for so long. Even a little bit of human flesh needs to be sneaked out to capture. Once it is discovered, it is a group of people.

This kind of life is not something that these demons and ghosts are willing to live with.

They are more willing to rush out of Yandang Mountain, arranging the earth, raising those humans, cooking and frying, how to eat if you want to eat, how to play if you want to play!

There are even some ambitious monsters inside, and they are trying to build a monster country in China!

In short, once the plans for these monsters are successful, it is not impossible for the whole China to fall into a complete collapse.

After all, there are more places like the Yandang Mountain in the land of China, but there is more than one place.

The size of the snow-capped mountains in the west, the short white mountains in the northeast, the Turlock grasslands in the north, the red copper mountains in the south, etc., dozens of large and small, are the places where the devils and ghosts gather.

As for the monsters and ghosts gathered around the small scale, there is no need to say more.

It is conceivable that once the demon and ghosts of Yandang Mountain played a momentum, the demons and ghosts of the rest of the place echoed each other, and if they were chaotic, they would like to suppress these demons and monsters. Huaxia did not have that strength.

Or, even if it is to suppress these demons and ghosts, the whole China may be ruined.

As a result, this Yandang Mountain has become the most important key point of Huaxia at this time!

After eating and drinking, Wei Xiaobei is lying by the swimming pool on the roof of the hotel. He enjoys the fruit sent by Zhu Xinyi with a toothpick and basks in the warm sun. This kind of life is for Wei Xiaobei who just rushed out from Gaotianyuan. It is a rare enjoyment.

But Wei Xiaobei didn't enjoy how long, and some couldn't stand Zhu Xinyi's pitiful gaze. She couldn't help but smile and bounced on Zhu Xinyi's forehead: "But, others are masters, and disciples are doing their work." For the teacher, there is something for the disciple here, and the master is doing the work."

It was baptized by Master on the forehead, and when he heard Wei Xiaobei’s words, Zhu Xinyi’s white face suddenly became blushing: “Master!”

Seeing the heartfelt feelings in the heart of Zhu Xinyi's gentle eyes, Wei Xiaobei really couldn't sit still. He admitted that he was a bit slag, but now Tu Qingqing is quite a big belly, if he still pulls with Zhu Xinyi If you pull it, it will be the ultimate.

People can do anything wrong, but they must have their own limits, and this limit cannot be too low.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but sigh and stand up. Looking at Zhu Xinyi's stunning and delicate face, he smiled and said: "Well, go back for the teacher."

When the voice fell, the small wind around Wei Xiaobei rose, and the next moment, the body shape dissipated in the breeze.


Zhu Xinyi couldn't help but scream, seeing Master's body dissipated, his face could not help but be a little white, but his eyes were red, and two tears ran down slowly.

Yandang Mountain has been known as one of Tianfudi's Tianfudi since ancient times. There are various Taoist temples on the top and bottom of the mountain. It used to be a place where literati sages like to leave Danqing. With the rise of China, the people have more money in their pockets. There are millions of tourists coming from all over the country to experience the spectacular scenery of Yandang Mountain.

At this time, the highest peak of Yandang Mountain in Yandang Mountain, the top of the mountain has been flattened, forming a huge platform on the top of the mountain. A group of demons and ghosts gather on it, and under the command of several small monsters, they flow back and forth, forming a A bizarre picture.

If ordinary people look at the naked eye, the images formed by the movements of the demon and the ghosts can make the ordinary people feel confused and involuntarily move toward the mountain.

After practicing a lot, the big demons will receive the small flag in their hands, and the demons and ghosts who have already practiced the whole body will rise and stop.

Then a group of little demons emerged from all around, and the large pots were brought up, which contained a mixture of meat and blood.

After seeing the demon ghosts, the ones couldn’t help but reveal the coveted color.

Wait until those little demons will bring the big pot to the front, and the big demon will wave their hands. These demon ghosts can't wait to pick up the big pot, open their mouths and desperately swallow these flesh and blood mixture.

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