The City of Terror

Chapter 1643: Realistic sunshine

Miserable, the poor road feels that the ills of the year have to be attacked again, is it necessary to go to the knife? Doesn't it mean that the roots are completely broken and no longer recur? Well, when I think of the pain at the beginning, the iron man who is poor in the road can't help but hold a tight chrysanthemum, and the back has a cool meaning. Don't relapse! ——

However, as the Taoist temperament was dissolved by Jinwu, Wei Xiaobei was relieved. .

Without the blockage of the emperor, the remaining giant baby is naturally unable to stop the attack of Wei Xiaobei!

However, Jinwu shot against the emperor's breath, because it is in a young body, its own light and heat is also a little bit, so borrowed a lot of light and heat in Wei Xiaobei, which makes Wei Xiaobei quite dry at this time. feel.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Xiaobei's legs slammed and rushed toward the giant baby!

The emperor who was struggling with the light and heat along the way was smothered by Wei Xiaobei one by one.

Everyone is a human being, no matter what it is, even if it is a rootless atmosphere left behind, it is not so easy to wear it away.

According to the results of Wei Xiaobei's calculation, if you want to kill these people, the time required for it is calculated at least in weeks!

Of course, this does not affect Wei Xiaobei's shot of the giant baby!

Between the movements, Wei Xiaobei came to the top of the giant baby!

Well, from the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, you can see the appearance of this giant baby.

Well, instead of being a giant baby, it is better to say that it is an extremely ugly monster.

It is covered with all kinds of rotten sores, and a layer of green and dirty air is on it, which promotes its growth.

Judging from the occasional breath, the plague can be reborn in a few minutes.

Well, Wei Xiaobei was disgusted by this giant baby plague. To be honest, if this ghost gate has to go through such a procedure, he really dare not put this ghost door in his own green wood. .

The green and dirty atmosphere released by this giant baby plague almost condenses the world's dirtiest and disgusting atmosphere, so that it is easy for people to fall into a crazy mood that is difficult to extricate themselves.

Wei Xiaobei is not aware of the mystery of this rebirth, but he knows how to destroy the prototype before this rebirth!

In any case, damage is always much easier than construction.


A sudden sound of electric current came, and Wei Xiaobei’s left hand immediately showed a layer of gold and silver and two colors of thunder and lightning!

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei put his left hand down, and after the formation of a giant network of lightning, it quickly fell on the giant baby!

The moment when the lightning giant fell on the giant baby, and even the friction with the dirty atmosphere broke out, the lightning giant net continued to wear the dirty atmosphere, and the dirty atmosphere continued to swell, like a bubble bursting, attempting Push the lightning giant network away.

Even the sleeping giant baby plague became restless and his hands waved unconsciously, seemingly trying to drive away the little flies that interfered with their sleep.

But the giant net formed by thunder and lightning is not so easy to be driven away.

Every time, the Thunderbolt will clean up a lot of dirty air.

As a result, the filth of the giant baby plague was less and less, so that it was so low that the giant baby plague could not continue to grow.

"very noisy!"

Finally, the eyes of the giant baby plague opened and sent a tender voice.

At this moment, the breath of the giant baby plague suddenly changed, from the previous emptiness to death!

Resurrected in advance?

Undoubtedly, under the attack of Wei Xiaobei, the ghost gate also gave up the breeding of the epidemic to maturity, but revived it in advance.

This is also a helpless thing. If Wei Xiaobei is allowed to attack, the epidemic will not grow up to maturity. It is possible to be wiped out by Wei Xiaobei in a blink of an eye.

After all, before that, the giant baby plague was just a body that was gathered by countless yin.

And with a mysterious atmosphere, this giant baby plague has turned from a body to a real epidemic!

After the eyes of the giant baby plague were opened, they even stared at Wei Xiaobei!

Undoubtedly, it can feel that Wei Xiaobei is the existence that killed himself before.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not give any chance to the giant baby plague. The left hand waved, and the lightning giant network shrouded in the body of the giant baby plague suddenly shrank inward, the lightning was intertwined, the real mercury surged, and the lightning giant network Then I began to fall into the body of the giant baby plague, and cut the giant baby plague a little bit, just like the Lingzhi Xing in the ancient penalty!

The body parts of the giant baby plague that has been cut by the Thunderbolt giant net will quickly dissipate into the air.

Less than a few minutes before and after, the body of the giant baby plague was weakened by most!

Seeing that the resurrection had just been broken into the abyss of death, the giant baby plague was frightened, or angry.

As it made a sharp and crying sound, the seven people were dying with the light and heat, and suddenly recovered from various celestial phenomena into a white atmosphere, and then flew back to the giant baby plague.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei's brow could not help but wrinkle.

This is something he did not think of.

Those people can breathe away from the entanglement of light and heat!

Of course, even if this is the case, those people’s royalties have lost a lot in the previous killings, especially when they are getting rid of the entanglement of light and heat, which is so expensive that the seven emperors are more at this time than before. Was weakened by more than 60%!

However, even if it is weakened by 60%, the seven emperors are still full of majesty and cannot be violated.

Even Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but step back a few steps and took the sun **** bow out of the storage ring!

Wei Xiaobei did not take out the arrow, but released the dragon fire tripod. The right hand directly opened the bowstring. The next moment, an arrow formed by lightning appeared above the bowstring.

Then the right hand is loose, and the lightning arrow is off the strings!

However, the goal of this lightning arrow is not the human atmosphere, nor the giant baby plague below, but the rapid shooting above!

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's move, the following ghost gates seemed to be suddenly angry, and the whole door was shaken, and even the speed of the seven emperors was more than several times faster.

But all this is not useful under the speed of the lightning arrow.

Thunderbolt arrows hit the height of the kilometer in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the lightning arrow suddenly exploded, forming a group of lightning beams that spread out.

This thunderbolt stunned the glory that shrouded the top of it!

Gently, without any sound, the realistic sunlight gently sprinkled.


Compared with the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei, the sunshine in reality does not seem to have any lethality.

But under the glare of the sun, the shackles that hang over the gates of the ghosts are like the snow that meets the rolling oil and suddenly evaporates and dissipates.

Before and after the countdown, the giant baby plague was exposed to the sun.

This giant baby plague seems to be even more uncomfortable than that, and it is illuminated by the sun, and even the painful screaming, which makes the speed of the lightning giant inward contraction suddenly speed up.

Just before the moment when the emperor’s breath was about to return, the Thunderbolt giant net slammed and smashed the giant baby plague, and even a little yin never left.

At the moment when the giant baby plague disappeared, the seven emperors seemed to have lost their goals, and with one of them, they hovered in place and became very incomparable.

But at this time, the light and heat that came up after the emperor’s breath left, even entangled, and once again trapped the seven emperors.

Wei Xiaobei also knows that after the giant baby plague was slain and dissipated, the emperor’s breath naturally did not threaten himself, so his eyes fell on the ghost gate.

In fact, the previous move, Wei Xiaobei is also the thought of a flash of my heart.

After all, this ghost gate is a thing in the underworld, and reality is a certain aspect.

Then this sunshine will undoubtedly hurt the ghost door light.

Wei Xiaobei’s guess seems to be correct from the previous results.

But what happened next made Wei Xiaobei somewhat speechless.

Ghost Gate began to continually vibrate. Wei Xiaobei could even see the ghost gates falling from the top and melting under the sun. The eighteen evil spirits that had been killed by Wei Xiaobei were now floating in the ghost door.

Undoubtedly, the reality of the sun, even the projection of the ghost gate can not bear, so the ghost of the door will re-emerge the virtual image of the 18 evil spirits, in an attempt to block the sun.

But the violent yang contained in the sun is the biggest nemesis of yin, let alone the virtual image of the eight evil spirits. Even if the body of the eighteen evil spirits is still there, it is impossible to withstand the sunlight.

So it didn't take long for the virtual image of the 18 evil spirits to shine in the sunlight, and the screams disappeared and disappeared.

As the sun once again fell on the gate of the ghost, the melting trend of the ghost gate suddenly increased a lot. From this point, it can be seen that the virtual image of the eighteen evil spirits is not too small for the projection of the ghost gate.

But such a thing, Wei Xiaobei can not be reversed, and he is not likely to regroup the shackles that have been dispelled by lightning, and re-cover the ghost gates.

Undoubtedly, according to this trend, it will take ten minutes, and this ghost gate will completely dissipate under the sunlight.

And Wei Xiaobei wants to take the projection of this ghost gate off, it takes more than ten minutes!

Then, at this time, Wei Xiaobei’s only choice was to extend the left hand toward the ghost door below, and a group of shredded pork suddenly spewed out, turning into a giant net and closing it toward the ghost door.

Since there is no time to conquer the projection of this ghost gate, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to let go of it. In any case, the projection of this ghost gate is also the treasure of the Lingbao level.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei simply drives the altar of life to spit out the shredded pork, ready to project the ghost gate off and swallow it!

Although the altar of life was in the process of evolution due to insufficient engulfing of the baby, it was unable to advance.

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