The City of Terror

Chapter 794: ,Angry bird

The first chapter was sent, I bought a pound of cherries today, I wanted to taste the fresh, and found that there were white bugs in it, and I had an oil. The poor road would immediately vomit, but fortunately, I thought of cherries for 15 pieces. Finally, the cherry is smeared with closed eyes. It is said that the white worm in the cherry is a larva of the fruit fly, rich in protein, and it is a treasure of longevity, peat! ——

After Tu Qingqing nodded, the fiery bird flew back to Wei Xiaobei's shoulder and fell, but the tail was a glimpse. A fiery red short feather fell off and fluttered toward Tu Qingqing.

Tu Qingqing reached out and moved, and the red short feather disappeared and she did not know where she was.

At this moment, a relative soldier ran over and said that General Zhao asked Wei Xiaobei to go.

The idea is that there are a lot of monsters invading outside the valley.

The pro-inspector did not say that it was okay. As a result, the fiery bird on Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder suddenly became angry: “Those guys think that it is so easy to usurp the origin of the deity!??”

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei felt a light shoulder, and the fiery bird disappeared, only to see a red line rushing out of the valley.

It seems that those monsters have provoked the fiery bird?

Well, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was slightly overturned and understood.

This fiery bird should probably be a phoenix, and what are the monsters who have been trying to break into the valley before?

Probably for the sake of the red bird's mouth.

The source is a good thing, Wei Xiaobei does not know, probably should be the source of the power of the Phoenix?

Therefore, the fiery bird is so angry that it is rushing to fly, and Wei Xiaobei can understand it.

If it is changed to Wei Xiaobei, some people want to take away the ability of Wei Xiaobei's property panel. How will Wei Xiaobei be? Take the guy and do it directly!

Not necessarily with both hands to send things?

"Let's go see."

Wei Xiaobei will smear Qing Qingqing in his arms, and his back **** his wings and flies quickly toward the valley.

Well, Wei Xiaobei rushed to Taniguchi. I only saw a lot of monsters wrapped in flames. Well, there are a few squares in the sky that are quickly escaping and even a red line behind them.

Is this over?

Seeing that the monsters quickly turned into ashes in the flames, Wei Xiaobei felt a little surprised.

undoubtedly. These monsters were killed by the fiery bird.

At this time, Zhao Yun walked over with ease and chatted with Wei Xiaobei. Of course, the focus was on Tu Qingqing.

Tu Qingqing may have completed the task. In a good mood, he said to Zhao Yun: "The Qingqiu will soon send people to help the generals. The generals don't have to worry."

Zhao Yun smiled and waved and left, leaving the space to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei waited for a while, seeing that the fiery bird had never come back, but his heart was a bit stunned. Did this guy go so far?


Ok, maybe it’s really gone.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing returned to the tent. When the flaming bird came back, I didn’t mention it. When I entered the tent, Wei Xiaobei took Tu Qingqing into my arms.

Well, this is not Wei Xiaobei's color, but: "Say! Why didn't you be angry and sad before?"

"Fire Phoenix is ​​joking with you, I knew it early."

Ok, this topic seems to be out of date.

"Right, my wife, what is the price that adults are asking for?"

to be frank. Wei Xiaobei is most worried about this. The flaming bird is a bear child who has not grown up. What kind of adult is shit? Who knows what to ask for?

It may have been coveted by Tu Qingqing!

"This can't be said."

Tu Qingqing smiled. Some of his face is red, and Wei Xiaobei is not at ease.

"Don't you say? Well, let you know that you know how to be a husband!"

"Ah! Tap!"

Needless to say, there is no sound coming out of the tent, but everyone knows what is going on, nothing more than shielding the sound. This is even more obvious what happened inside.

This night, Wei Xiaobei can be described as the Vietnam War and the more courageous, and finally let Tu Qingqing almost beg for mercy, Wei Xiaobei only let go.

In any case, it is possible for a wife to beg for mercy in that respect. For any man, it is psychologically satisfying and enjoyable.

The next day, Wei Xiaobei wakes up, but meets the fascinating face of Tu Qingqing.


Wei Xiaobei inexplicably feels a little uneasy, and the face of Tu Qingqing looks a bit wrong.

"Hey, I have been married to you for so long, and I have not seen my father-in-law, I am not filial."

Tu Qingqing said that this is a bit of a grudge.

Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned, but Tu Qingqing said that he was in the heart.

This matter, Wei Xiaobei has not told his parents yet.

It’s not embarrassing, but I don’t know what to say.

"Parents, I found you a wife in the gray world."

"So why not bring it back to your parents?"

After keeping two sentences, Wei Xiaobei didn't have any problems. At that time, Wei Xiaobei couldn't bring Tu Qingqing from the gray world to reality.

"Go back with me this time, have you handled everything over there?"

Wei Xiaobei thought about it, but he didn't know if the storage ring could put Tu Qingqing into it.

"Well, I will be back soon, up to three days."

Tu Qingqing listened to Wei Xiaobei's words. It seemed to be a little excitement. Even if he got up, he didn't wait for Wei Bei to see the white snow. A dress was worn on his body, and Wei Xiaobei sighed.

When Tu Qingqing left, Wei Xiaobei went to the Chinese army and saw Zhao Yun.

It can be seen that Zhao Yun’s mood is good, probably because of the good things.

Wei Xiaobei didn't ask much, just said that he would go back with Tu Qingqing after three days and ask Zhao Yun if there is any reliable way. To put it bluntly, is to ask if Zhao Yun sent Zhao Tong to the real stone before, after all, after all, The storage ring is covered with green, and Wei Xiaobei feels that he is taking risks, and he seems to have little respect for his wife.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s words, Zhao Yun couldn’t help but smile and shook his head: “I’m afraid you still don’t know some of the younger brother’s skills.”

Having said this, Zhao Yun will not say more. Probably worried that after Tu Qingqing knew it, he had some bad opinions about his uncle.

Listening to the meaning of Zhao Yun, Tu Qingqing himself has a way to go to reality, and Wei Xiaobei’s heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Waiting for Xiaobei out of the big army account. I am preparing to go back to the tent to study the phoenix egg shell. Whoever wants to know will feel the shoulder sinking.

Turning around, it was the red bird that came back.

However, compared to the time of leaving, the flaming bird seems to be a little stronger, and the feather color has become more red.

It lie on Wei Xiaobei's shoulder. If Wei Xiaobei doesn't focus on his eyes, he can't even see the bird's beak in the fire red. The difference in the claws is all red and red, just like Wei Xiaobei's shoulders licking a red pigment. Or red ball.

"Look what!!"

As usual, the tone is not good, it is like the abandoned woman's complaint against the heart.

"I didn't see it."

Wei Xiaobei also ignored this little guy. Of course, the main reason is that after seeing the power of this little guy outside the valley, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to knead each other as before.

"Don't look at Sa? I don't know how to care about people. People are hurt."

Wei Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to it, but let the little guy come to the strength, holding a small claw and seemingly a little wronged.

Looking at it, Wei Xiaobei is speechless. Isn't a small piece of scale on the claws knocked out? This is also called injury? What was it called when I was beaten up?

"Poor, need to be bandaged?"

Well, since you want to play, the uncle is accompanying, Wei Xiaobei with a horrified look floating up, grabbing the little guy's claws and taking out the cloth. Prepare the dressing.

For the enthusiasm of Wei Xiaobei, the little guy was initially pleasantly surprised, the middle was horror, and the last anger.

The cloth wrapped the little claws bigger than the little ones. It looked very funny, and Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh.

In this regard, the little guy is almost desperate with Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei all the way to fight with the little guys, until the return to the tent, the attention of the little guy was transferred.

Ok, the little guy is almost going to skyrocket in the tent. What bed was, pots and pans, even the towel was played on it for a while.

No way, for the little ones, these things are novelty things they have never seen before.

Wei Xiaobei glared at his forehead and smiled. This is the strong person who killed the monster group outside the mouth of the valley. It is a child.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei took a piece of suet white jade from the storage ring and took out the knife. Hey, after a few minutes, a hollowed-out lion head jade ball appeared.

Wei Xiaobei threw this thing to the little guy, and the little guy’s attention suddenly hit the thing, standing on it and playing happily.

Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, this little guy was too tossed, and he almost didn’t have time to do things.

After the little guy was comforted with the jade ball, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the property panel in his mind.

Although this period of time, Wei Xiaobei accumulated a small number of evolution points, but now there are 17,800 points.

This number is not much.

But after Wei Xiaobei saw the power of the little guy, he also needed to improve some strength.

The quickest way to improve your strength is to put the evolution into the attributes.

View the attribute numbers on the properties panel one by one.

Wei Xiaobei's heart has an idea, and then concentrates on the endurance branch attribute under the main attribute of the constitution.

With Wei Xiaobei's attention, the endurance branch attribute starts to increase by 0.01 each time, while the evolution point consumes 10 points each time.

Wei Xiaobei's endurance attribute is 65.6, so the speed is not fast. After consuming 4,400 evolution points and increasing the endurance attribute to 70 points, Wei Xiaobei was interrupted by a burst of crying.

"Ball! The ball is broken! 呜呜呜呜"

Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes and saw that the little guy was kneeling on the ground next to the small coffee table. The hollow lion head carved by the white fat white jade had already become a fragment. (To be continued.)

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