The City of Terror

Chapter 796: Unparalleled in the world

The third chapter is sent! There are a few votes cast, and the poor roads are sore! ! ! ——

Fortunately, not long after, Zhao Yun came to meet with a few military officers. ●⌒,

The relationship between Qingqiu and Zhao Yunjun is a formal ally relationship, so Zhao Yun came out to meet the ceremony.

I have to say that Tu Qingqing’s sisters are actually not very tuneful. After Zhao Yun’s dinner was invited, they arranged a tent for the girls, but these sisters were all right in the tent of Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei feels that time has passed so slowly.

If it’s not a slap in the face, I’m afraid these sisters will sleep directly here.

Fortunately, they no longer dare to provoke a fiery bird, but it is a bit of eyesight.

At night, after a storm, a lot of Wei Xiaobei met with Tu Qingqing and could not help but sigh.

Listening to Xiao Bei’s sigh, Tu Qingqing was a bit curious, and even asked about it.

"Wife, your sisters are really"

Wei Xiaobei is not very good to say, how to say is also a big sister-in-law, saying that they are too debauchery? Not good, maybe the smear will be angry, saying that they are too naughty? I didn’t say anything about it at all.

"What? Is it not enough for me? I still want sisters to have a bed?"

Tu Qingqing is as silky as he is, leaning on the chest of Wei Xiaobei, but when he says it, Wei Xiaobei can't help but imagine.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's eyes are obviously not here, Tu Qingqing could not help but one can't help but twist his hand on the soft meat between Wei Xiaobei's waist, and then use force.


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but take a breath, peat! With my current body, I was actually so pained, and I can see how much Tu Qingqing is.

All the fantasies in my mind suddenly flew away.

"Wife, you misunderstood me! I want to ask you when to go with me?"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei suddenly reacted. The nine-tailed fox is really amazing. With his own will, there are some fantasies now.

of course. The most important thing is that I was distracted and angered Tu Qingqing.

Immediately transfer the topic!

Wei Xiaobei is not a teacher, but Tu Qingqing’s tricks against men are probably the kind of self-taught.

Where the wisdom of Tu Qingqing did not know the thoughts of Wei Xiaobei, he stunned Wei Xiaobei. But it’s not good to hold on to this matter too much. The attention is distracted by a few points: “When they start building the squad tomorrow, we can leave.”

Building a squad?

Wei Xiaobei was aroused interest, and even asked about it.

It turned out that Tu Qingqing came with a sister. Just to build a squad, Zhao Yunjun can leave the squad here.

This is also one of the important conditions in the Covenant.

When Wei Xiaobei only needs to mobilize this array in other places, it will form a passage between the two places that will allow Zhao Yunjun to pass.

As a result, Zhao Yunjun can easily leave the Longfengshan Valley.

It turned out that Wei Xiaobei nodded, and his mind was even placed on this matter. What a beautiful woman, Tu Qingqing’s big sister-in-law, and a small nephew suddenly fell behind.

In this way, if you motivate this circle in reality. Can you let Zhao Yunjun enter the reality?

But after thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei could not help but shook his head.

Even if this can be done, Zhao Yunjun has come to reality, I am afraid it will cause more trouble!

I will know if I think about it with my ass.

In reality, governments of all countries have a feeling of being amazed by the things that come out of the gray world, whether they are humans or monsters. If Zhao Yunjun goes to reality, it will lead to several nuclear bombs.

Besides, the most important thing now is to help Yan Yan deal with the West Sea Dragon King!

Next. Tu Qingqing introduced Wei Xiaobei to his sisters, family and so on.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is already her husband, and it is impossible to even know the situation in his own family.

After listening to Tu Qingqing’s remarks, Wei Xiaobei understood a lot about this Qingqiu pulse.

simply put. Qingqiu is a small country. In some places in the gray world, the nine-tailed fox breeds here and its status is extremely high. It is the country's totem.

However, due to the gradual changes in the gray world, the place where the Qingqiu country can grow food is gradually whitening. It becomes the so-called dead land.

This made the nine-tailed foxes of Qingqiu country have to find ways to find solutions everywhere.

The phoenix's tail is one of the solutions. Of course, as for how the phoenix scorpion solves the dead, even Tu Qingqing is not very clear. This is a secret in the family, and is responsible for the elders of Tu Qingqing.

The sisters of Tu Qingqing’s trip came to the nine-tailed fox. Like the fox girl before, it is impossible to follow.

Let's just say that only the achievement of the nine-tailed fox can be called a real tribe in the Qingqiu vein, and the fox girl can only be regarded as a gimmick.

This is true even with the same mother.

It can also be seen from this that the execution of the Covenant by Qingqiu is quite in place.

Even in the Qingqiu country, the number of these nine-tailed foxes is not too large.

Tu Qingqing’s nine-tailed fox has only a dozen people. Apart from a few others who have traveled outside, the rest of the nine-tailed foxes have come here to build the squad.

The next day, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing came to the school early, waiting to see the excitement.

The little guy is kneeling on the shoulder of Wei Xiaobei, a small bear.

Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing reunited, naturally it was enthusiasm, but this little guy stayed on Wei Xiaobei's shoulder. Wei Xiaobei took a gyro to deceive the little guy in order not to teach the bad boy.

After a few degrees of Wei Xiaobei storm, the little guy found himself deceived, and the abominable woman was lying next to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't know what the little guy is mad at, but it looks like the problem is not big, so he ignores it.

Not long after, a group of beautiful and beautiful women who appeared to be weak and weak, came to the school field with infinite charm. During the journey, the soldiers were really tempted, even a few soldiers slammed into the tree. This group of beautiful people giggling, it is more difficult for people to extricate themselves.

After greeting, Wei Xiaobei gave the small gifts he had prepared to these big sisters, Xiaozizi, um, they all use the sheep white jade as the base material, they all use their own appearance as the bottom plate, busy half-stay Time is carved.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei's engraving skills are all with a hint of incomparable breath. One by one, the white jade beauty is alive and well, and immediately attracts the attention of these beautiful people, and plays with it.

After a long time, Tu Dajie sighed and looked very rare, and went to Wei Xiaobei for a ceremony: "Thank you for your brother-in-law."

The rest of the sisters also followed the Tu Dajie salute, but it made Wei Xiaobei a bit stunned. Isn't that a small gift? As for this solemnity?

However, Wei Xiaobei soon discovered the problem. While these beautiful people were playing jade carvings, what seemed to be activated on the jade carvings was in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, which was a kind of silky light on the jade carvings. In the past, the light of the beauty also passed on the jade carving. In this cycle, the atmosphere of the jade carving became somewhat flexible.

Well, in a nutshell, Wei Xiaobei can detect that something is in the jade carving.

But those jade carvings, after Wei Xiaobei carved, have been seen with Bo Wenqiang, there is no special attribute, that is, the spirituality of the introduction with a trace of carving.

But now it seems that what spirituality is probably awkward.

In the next conversation, Tu Qingqing’s sisters, Wei Xiaobei, became generals. They were completely devoid of the frivolous teasing and respectfulness. Wei Xiaobei said something, and they nodded again and again.

Well, such a dialogue, Wei Xiaobei is really not used to it.

Fortunately, Tu Qingqing saw Wei Xiaobei’s intolerance and took the lead to say goodbye, saying that he would not bother the sisters to build the squad.

Wei Xiaobei nodded, and then Tu Qingqing left, and Tu Dajie began to busy with the girls on the school ground.

Leaving the school yard and returning to the tent, Wei Xiaobei had not asked what was going on, and he was gently squeezed by the waist.

"I don't know how to send me one. I know how to please my sisters."

Tu Qingqing's words, let Wei Xiaobei once again stunned.

"Wife, say it early, I will give you one!"

Wei Xiaobei did not understand the meaning of it, immediately patted the chest, took out a piece of sheep fat white jade, carefully looked at the appearance of Tu Qingqing, and then he was busy.

At the beginning of engraving, Wei Xiaobei fell into an inexplicable situation. Well, this feeling, Wei Xiaobei is no stranger. When I carved the statue of a female sister and other women, I also entered.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s mind did not think much about it. The carving knife continued to move back and forth on the jade material, and a little bit of jade continued to fall.

Tu Qingqing looked at Wei Xiaobei's sculptures and became fascinated. Even the fiery bird standing on Wei Xiaobei's shoulder initially had some disdain, but then he sneaked his head and stared intently.

All this, Wei Xiaobei did not know, until the last knife fell, only to wake up from the inexplicable situation.

Looking at the statue, Wei Xiaobei is satisfied, to say that this statue of Qing Qing is definitely the peak of his own.

"Wife, how?"

Wei Xiaobei handed the statue to Tu Qingqing.

Immediately, Tu Qingqing also fell into the state before her sister.

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to bother, but then turned his attention to the property panel.

At the time of the engraving, he noticed a change in his property panel.

Engraving (unparalleled in the world)!

It turned out that the carving was unpredictable and unparalleled.

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

how come?

It turned out to be so improved.

You must know that the skills of the previous ones, which are unparalleled in the world, require two conditions. The first skill itself is unfathomable. The second is that you need to sacrifice another skill to promote this skill. Unparalleled in the world. (To be continued.)

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