The City of Terror

Chapter 800: Arrogant liar

First send a chapter, today the poor road is disgusting! I bought a fish. After I bought it, I found that this fish, which looks like a squid, has only a scale near the back. There is no place in the rest. It is light and slick, so that a piece of goose skin is born on the back of the poor road. ◎, the poor roads are ignorant, after a thousand degrees, and now the network developed blessings, finally found the origin of this fish, Germany mirror, actually imported foreign varieties, descendants in China. In the end, the poor foreign fish descendants were fried fish by the poor road. Well, the taste is not bad, it is slightly awkward -

After appeasing the man for a while, the ox went out and went to attract customers. The young man’s eyes fell on Wei Xiaobei’s body and looked quite disdainful. Then he chose a seat to look at the cleanest seat. When I got down, I didn't move the tea, I touched the phone, and stood up, and I fed it there: "Hey, is it Lao Zhang? The project I told you last time, how are you thinking about it?"

"I tell you, this is a three-month investment, and returns more than 200% of the project!"

"You only need to invest 500,000! After three months, it is 1.5 million! What else can you consider?!!"

Ok, this guy's voice is getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei can ignore such interference when he is working on the classics.

But then again, this guy’s feeling for Wei Xiaobei is a pyramid scheme.

Two hundred percent in three months, it’s a ghost.

Wei Xiaobei didn't pay attention to this young man. After the young man boasted for a while in his mobile phone, he seemed to feel boring and sat back honestly.

Probably the big brother of the ox is busy, has not appeared.

About five minutes later, there was a voice coming out of the conversation.

"Big Brother, wouldn't you lie to me?"

"Hey, how come, do you think Big Brother is like a liar? Tell you, buy a ticket and look for me. It's right!"

Patted the chest, the oxen pushed in the door and came in, followed by a girl.

It should look good, because the young man before was like a pinch. When I sneaked, I jumped up from the seat, and my eyes were about to stare at the faces of the people.

Of course, the young man quickly reacted, and he took the cell phone and talked to the old Zhang.

Ok. Wei Xiaobei is really unable to bear it. This kid is really trying to "work".

Forget it, Wei Xiaobei received the work, so that the real mercury operation became slower, and then the mind recovered, and then looked at the girl who came in.


Is it her?

It’s said that the previous voice sounded familiar!

"Ah! Big Brother! It's you."

Not yet waiting for Xiaobei to speak out, the sister also recognized Wei Xiaobei and ran over with joy.

"Sweet, how come you are here?"

Wei Xiaobei smiled and nodded, and he will not be able to close. Zhang Xiaotian, who almost fell, held it and placed it next to the seat.

For Wei Xiaobei's help, Zhang Tiantian suddenly became a red face, quite a bit embarrassed. After fixing the god, it seemed to think of something, and his eyes burst into tears.

The young man was a bit embarrassed. He didn't expect that the very embarrassing girl actually knew the man before, and said that he still cried, wouldn't he be a negative man?

Ok. The young man himself is not a good man, but he prefers to pretend to be a gentleman. When he sees Zhang Tiantian crying, he even walks over. First, I took a look at Wei Xiaobei, and then sweared: "What happened to you? They all cried!"

Young people are extremely upright, just want to make a statement first, and then destroy the role in the starting point.

Isn't there a saying like this: "If you want a sister, you have to win it!"

As long as you are jealous of something for a certain girl, then the sister must be jealous of you. Then come and go, and hook up.

For the tricks such as digging corners, the young people are extremely proficient. Of course, this is also part of their deception, and the sisters are cheating on the money.

But this young man didn’t even think about it. Today, he met a guy who couldn’t fight at all.

One force to drop ten meetings!

Wei Xiaobei had been tired of this sly liar, and now the guy ran to himself to pretend.

Did not say, directly slap in the past, the young man even stepped back, his face swollen in an instant, the red palm print is clearly visible.

Young people have a sigh of relief, knowing that the scammers are not so good.

In addition to a certain IQ, you also need to feel a friendly look, as well as a good body.

Let's just say that a liar can't always swindle down smoothly. If the scam is seen, can't it run?

This is not a good body, can you run away?

To this end, the young man also specialized in learning Taekwondo, Sanda, and spending some time each day to exercise and so on.

In short, if you meet three or four ordinary people, you may not be able to subdue him.

Can be Wei Xiaobei, the slap in the face, the young people can not stand up, the face seems to have been hit, the whole person was carried backwards by this giant force.

This kind of strength is not something that ordinary people can have.

Well, if this young liar knows that Wei Xiaobei has already reduced his strength to the minimum state, I am afraid that he will immediately turn around and escape.

However, he did not know, he only knew that this man's strength was great.

Of course, even if this is the case, the young man is still a little afraid, holding his swollen face and hesitating for a while, then he will drop a sentence: "Kid, wait!"

Drop this sentence, the young liar turned and prepared to leave, as to how to retaliate in the future, as a high-intelligence liar, his means are much more, in short, people have already recognized, and later, slowly, always will each other Made a homebreak.

Switching to the former Wei Xiaobei, probably letting the other party go, after all, this kind of friction is a trivial matter, but Wei Xiaobei's current vision is different from before, and he can see many things that ordinary people can't see.

When a group of grievances emerged from this young liar, Wei Xiaobei knew that he could not let the other party leave.

Otherwise, it is always a disaster!

You must know that the current situation, even if it is an ordinary person, is likely to become a strong person in a short time! Moreover, the brain of this liar is not stupid!

Wei Xiaobei is a typical example.

Have resentment against yourself and may become a strong person in the future. Then letting go of the other party is equivalent to letting go of a future strong who has grievances for himself.

Well, to put it this way, many problems can be solved.

"Forget it. You still stay."

Wei Xiaobei stepped forward, and his right hand was gently shot on the back of the young liar. He sighed softly, and even the sound of a little bit was not emitted. A force invaded the heart of the liar, and the heart suddenly stopped, and its heart stopped beating.

Later, when Wei Xiaobei thought about it, he collected the still hot body into the storage ring.

This is really killing people invisible.

To say this liar, in terms of the smell of his body, there is no blood in his hands, that is to say, he has not killed anyone, but his grievances are extremely heavy, in terms of his profession. I don't know how many people I cheated, I am afraid that many of them have been ruined by him.

A guy like this, Wei Xiaobei killed it, without any psychological burden.

Of course, the current is faster, but it will give off a burnt smell, making Wei Xiaobei not too cool.


Just after Wei Xiaobei took the body of the young liar into the storage ring, there was a terrified scream at the entrance.


Wei Xiaobei turned around and looked at it. It was the ox, which was already scared on the threshold.

but. The ox is close, and he has not found it. This is a bit rare.

Wei Xiaobei walked over and grabbed the other party. I patted the face of the ox: "You haven't seen anything? Do you understand?"

"I, I know, know, I won't say anything."

The ox almost scared the urine out at this time.

I am so bad luck today.

It’s hard to meet a good time, and the result is this.

When he saw the man patted the young man in front of him, the body of the young man disappeared. An inexplicable fear rose to the heart, and the result did not control the trick for a while.

If you can, he will turn away and leave!

Wei Xiaobei looked at this ox with Bo Wenqiang, but it was a little surprised. The name of the ox is Zhang Guoqiang, a very fair name. Well, the creature level is only 1 star, the attribute is also the range of ordinary people, but it has a special Skills, avoiding people's eyes and ears!

The ability of this ability is to be able to avoid others' eyes and ears and hide themselves.

Of course, if you call out, this ability will fail on its own.

Look at the appearance of this ox, but did not enter the gray world, but it has special skills, so that Wei Xiaobei can not think of it.

This is to let Wei Xiaobei give birth to the research mind.

"Be honest, otherwise."

Wei Xiaobei slightly threatened, and used his feet to smash the concrete floor. The ox saw the footprints on the concrete floor that were about a few centimeters deep. Where did he dare to complain, and nodded again and again.

After the scalper Zhang Guoqiang was shaken, Wei Xiaobei returned to Zhang Tiantian. At this time, Zhang Tiantian was much better, but he did not see Wei Xiaobei’s move.

After a little comfort, Wei Xiaobei knew something from Zhang Tianmei's mouth.

Li Zhaoxing has an accident!

After a lot of monsters appeared around Cuihu City, and after some confusion, Zhang Tiantian and Li Zhaoxing lost their jobs. There was nothing to lose their jobs. The two of them still had some savings, saving money, and insisting on a considerable amount of time.

The two women naturally did not dare to run around and hid in the renting house.

But even so, bad luck has not let them go.

Just two months ago, the two women who went out to buy food were stared at by a fascinating man. After they rented a house, they broke into the door. If it wasn’t for Li Zhaoxing’s hand-to-hand knife, I’m afraid of two girls. The consequences could be disastrous.

But even if he ran away the man, Li Yixing’s leg was also injured. Because of lack of medical care and medicine, it is already burnt, and Zhang Tiantian, in desperation, wants to buy a ticket and wants to bring Li Zhaoxing out. Cuihu City, want to come outside is better than the city of Green Lake, at least to find a doctor to see a doctor.

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh, and did not blame Zhang Tiantian for not knowing to call his phone number for help, or even looking for the National Guard. (To be continued.)

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