The City of Terror

Chapter 803: , Grey World - Cheng's Armory

First send a chapter, I feel a little dizzy, slowly codewords. ¥f. ¥f——

Temporarily letting this matter down, Wei Xiaobei will look down on the white fog dragon gun. At this time, the piece of Quake hammer attached to the white mist dragon gun has been swallowed up by the white mist that emerged. .

Well, the speed of the white mist dragon gun in the process of engulfing food is undoubtedly much slower than before.

But being able to swallow and absorb is a good thing.

Six hours later, the Quake Hammer was completely swallowed up by the White Mist.

At this time, the white mist dragon gun has turned into a gray iron ingot, which looks inconspicuous.

Wei Xiaobei simply placed the remaining three pieces of Quake's hammer on the iron ingot, two of which were treasures and a piece of fairy.

Next, Wei Xiaobei continued to practice standing and urged the real mercury to wash the body.

Anyway, the white fog dragon devours the debris very slowly, and Wei Xiaobei can also take some time to exercise.

Until the next morning, the debris was swallowed up by the iron ingots, and there was a hint of thunder in the iron ingots.

Wei Xiaobei felt it, and the evolution of this white fog dragon gun was interrupted again. It seems that it is still almost the same.

This makes Wei Xiaobei have some headaches.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, the Quake Hammer fragment is already a relatively high-grade material, and the evolution of the white mist dragon gun cannot be completed. It seems that this white mist dragon gun needs more precious to complete evolution. Material or treasure.

Wei Xiaobei turned over the storage ring and found a few pieces of baby that might be able to absorb the white mist dragon gun.

Fire dragon scales, golden wild boar corpse, swan fairy corpse.

But thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei temporarily put these pieces of baby back into the storage ring.

These things, Wei Xiaobei have not been studied, so that the white mist dragon gun is absorbed, it is more difficult to find the same research materials.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei hit his mind to the Cheng's martial arts.

Ok. It is said that it should be in the Cheng's martial arts hall of the gray world.

In the Cheng's martial arts hall in the gray world, there are a lot of demon, these demon can be used to absorb the evolution of the white fog dragon gun.

After making up his mind, Wei Xiaobei found Li Zhaoxing. Tu Qingqing, who was chatting with Zhang Tiantian, said hello, and then returned a few bottles of white wine back to the room.

For Wei Xiaobei to leave, Li Zhaoxing and Zhang Tiantian didn’t know what was going on, but the only one who knew the inside story was a little worried. But it’s hard to say it’s coming.

Wake up, um, this time into the gray world, Wei Xiaobei feels a little different. After drinking three bottles of white wine, he just feels a slight faintness in his mind. The next moment, the room environment becomes obsolete.

Going into the gray world?

The problem is that I didn’t want to sleep for a while before I entered the gray world.

Wei Xiaobei had some doubts, but after thinking about it for a while, he probably understood what was going on.

simply put. This should be the reason why my strength has improved a lot.

The reason why I entered the gray world before going to sleep is not that the liquor is drunk, but in the process of entering the gray world, Wei Xiaobei needs to consume some power, and lethargy is the process of restoring strength.

Wei Xiaobei now has a lot of power, whether it is attribute, or the body, or the so-called soul. After arriving at a critical point, the consumption of entering the gray world is almost nothing to Wei Xiaobei. In this way, Wei Xiaobei was able to enter the gray world so clearly.

For this change, Wei Xiaobei is naturally happy.

Well, it seems to Wei Xiaobei. Entering the most dangerous moments of the gray world is not a powerful monster, but just entering the gray world when you are sleeping.

At this time, even a monster that is much weaker than yourself has the possibility of killing yourself!

After all, even a four-star catastrophe like phlegm. If you fall asleep and have no reaction at all, Wei Xiaobei is even weaker than it, and he can always wear it.

Not to mention the fact that when you enter the gray world and fall asleep, you encounter monsters that are as powerful as your own or more powerful.

Although many times in the gray world, there is no such situation, but Wei Xiaobei does not think that this is good luck, perhaps there are corresponding rules in the gray world to protect the creatures entering the gray world.

But this is not to say that it can be 100% safe!

Therefore, each time into the gray world, Wei Xiaobei is holding a strong mentality of death.

Without this mentality, even Wei Xiaobei did not have the courage to enter the gray world.

Well, in fact, this can be seen from many gray world practitioners.

For example, after entering a gray world, they are no longer willing to enter.

In addition to being frightened by those monsters, the reason for this is not necessarily the case.

Now, the gray world is only a slight dizzy mind, in terms of safety, it has definitely increased by more than 100 times.

For his own room in the gray world, Wei Xiaobei is already very familiar with it. Naturally, you don't have to look at it.

Wei Xiaobei then pushed the door open and walked out along the passage.

Does the corridor seem to have been extended more than before?

When Wei Xiaobei came to the edge of the outdoor performance field through the corridor, the doubts in his heart suddenly dissipated.

This outdoor performance field has not seen these times, it has become so huge!

From the edge of Wei Xiaobei's standing at this time, until the wall, the length of the outdoor theater is more than three kilometers!

At the same time, the monsters in this outdoor performance field have also increased some varieties, and the number has increased significantly.

Close to the sapling mobs at the wall, the two monsters wandering around the humanoid piles are not much to say, the two have not changed, but the number together, more than a thousand.

Iron stakes, solid humanoid iron piles, and armored monsters.

Well, in fact, these three kinds of monsters are all derived from the practice equipment that Wei Xiaobei added to the outdoor performance field in reality.

Initially, Wei Xiaobei felt that the humanoid stakes could not withstand Zhu Xinyi. When Huang Kun’s fists were pressed, a layer of iron was added to the humanoid piles to prevent the two disciples from ruining the piles. It was lost, and at the same time, several human figures cast with iron were erected on the edge of the battlefield.

As for the armor blame, it is Wei Xiaobei's improvement on the iron stake, and the armor made of a piece of iron is placed on the outside to make it more able to withstand the blow of the fist.

Well, of course, these things were all made out in the outdoor performance field earlier.

Later, with Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun going to Weijia Island, basically no one used these things to practice boxing.

Wei Xiaobei himself?

Don't be kidding, even a solid humanoid iron pile can't stand Wei Fangbei's punch.

But now, I don't know what's going on. In these realities, the boxing equipment is manifested in the gray world and becomes a monster.

Iron sheet piles are okay, even here, just a layer of thin iron on the body, mixed with human-shaped wooden piles, wandering back and forth, the number is slightly less than the humanoid pile, but also more than five hundred .

However, the solid human-shaped iron pile is different. It is the same height as the human-shaped wooden pile. However, when walking back and forth, the ground has a gentle vibration. If you look at each foot, it will cause a footprint on the ground. Look, the weight of this solid humanoid iron pile is probably more than ten tons!

This is different from reality. In reality, the solid humanoid iron pile is only two hundred kilograms in weight.

The number of solid human-shaped iron piles is relatively small, and it is more than one hundred.

The last is the armor.

The armored body is half smaller than the humanoid pile, and it is covered with a layer of iron scale armor. It is only suspended in the upper part of the air, without legs and waist, and the biggest change is that it looks very sharp on its hand. The big knife.

Well, the style of the big knife is very similar to the big knife that Wei Xiaobei helped the core disciples refining.

The number of this armored monster is only over twenty, and there is no swimming around, but each chooses a place to float there, and the rest of the monsters have no desire to approach them.

Well, anyway, these monsters shouldn't be weaker than the humanoid stakes.

Wei Xiaobei then launched Bo Wen’s strong knowledge, and his eyes swept through the outdoor performance field, focusing on three newly added monsters.

Iron stakes, two stars of horror, these properties are not much to say, have skills: Bajiquan. Special skills: dead wood spring, iron defense.


After seeing the skills of this iron stake, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

To say that there is a monster with skills, Wei Xiaobei has seen a lot.

But like this, the monster with the boxing method, Wei Xiaobei is the first time to see that as for the iron defense, that is, to increase the absolute defense value of 2000, that is, to hurt it, you need to kill this defense value. Row.

Solid humanoid iron column, Samsung ordinary, with skills: Bajiquan. Special skills: metal defense.

The same monster with the octagonal fist, but the defensive power is much stronger than the iron stake. The metal defense is to increase the absolute defense value of 20000!

The last armor blame, Samsung elite, has the skills: Liuhe knife method, special skills: suspension, knife gas.

Liuhe knife method?

This armor is not an eight-pole, but a six-knife.

The one that caused Wei Xiaobei's attention most was the knife.

This so-called knife gas, I am afraid that the gun of the flying gun demon is almost the same.

In short, in the outdoor performance of the military field, the degree of danger has increased ten times more than before!

If Wei Xiaobei entered the outdoor performance field six months ago, I am afraid that the only thought is how to escape.

This is the case with outdoor performances, so what about indoor performances?

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but glance at the indoor performance of the martial arts field. Perhaps it was not threatened. The door of the indoor performance martial arts was closed, and there was nothing to see at all. Only Wei Tian’s heavenly sensory feeling could barely feel. The strong atmosphere inside.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei has been here, and it is impossible to go back to reality.

Um, because Wei Xiaobei's Bo Wenqiang has swept away, the monsters in the outdoor performance field seem to have been smashed like horses, and they all come together in the direction of Wei Xiaobei. (To be continued.)

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