The City of Terror

Chapter 809: The strange behavior of "sister"

Send another chapter, today is a little card, is sorting out ideas, so slow down, sorry sorry. N∈n∈,——

It is said that here, everything can be traded, monster corpses, bones, meat, all kinds of strange plants, weapons, etc. and even information.

The passing water that Cheng Dalong gave to Yang’s younger brother was exchanged for him with a strange branch at the market.

Of course, the reason why this process of Dalong brought Yang’s sister into the gray world is very simple. He feels that it is too dangerous to be alone in the gray world. He needs help, especially against those green skins. If one is not, if it is A group of green skins is around, and that's it.

Well, if you just want to find a few people to team up, it is undoubtedly sent to death.

The vigilant relationship between strangers makes it difficult for each other to trust each other in battle, and the combat power of everyone changes from 1+1=2 to 1+12.

It is not uncommon to see things like knives on the back.

Of course, this is also the legacy of modern social relations in the gray world.

However, this process of Dalong is also relatively unlucky.

To say that the fighting power of the three people is certainly not comparable to two adult men, but whether it is Yang Feifei or Yang Tingting, it is a bit more combative, at least not worse than a green skin.

As long as luck is a little better, killing some green skin, you can become stronger and stronger, and eventually become a rare strong in the city of Green Lake, after eating spicy and spicy are no longer a problem.

It is said that it is also possible to rely on the strength to become a member of the investigation team, and then the drought and flood protection and so on.

However, Cheng Dalong himself entered the gray world for the second time. His experience was extremely thin. As a result, he came out to hunt. One accidentally provoked a large group of green skins. Not only did he not get the benefits, but he almost stuck himself.

As for his attempt to leave Yang’s sister and his brother’s escape, Cheng Dalong did not need to say anything, and he was too embarrassed to say more.

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei's brows were wrinkled. I have to say that Wei Xingwu’s guy is a little derelict.

You should know that the strongest organization in the Cuihu ash community should be the security company under the Chengshi martial arts hall. With the grilled fish provided by Wei Xiaobei, anyone can become a gray world practitioner and enter the gray world.

But this market in Cuihu City and other circumstances, Wei Xiaobei do not know.

Of course, it is completely strange to Wei Xingwu. It is also somewhat unfair. For now, because the gray world monsters are raging around Cuihu City, the core disciples have less time to enter the gray world in Cuihu City.

Wei Xingwu is even more busy, although he has entered several gray circles, but this time he basically stays in the training base to handle official duties.

The things that Cheng Dalong knows are all poured out.

Wei Xiaobei feels a bit strange, but there is a mysterious hut in the central square. The mysterious hut is so powerful and strange, even the current Wei Xiaobei thinks a little scared.

How can the gray world practitioners dare to open the market on the central square. Even said that it is the safest place in Green Lake City?

Did the mysterious hut disappear?

This is unlikely?

In this way, Wei Xiaobei feels that he needs to go to the central square to see, seeing is believing, listening to the ear is a virtual thing, not looking at it with his own eyes, Wei Xiaobei feels that he may not sleep well.

"Can you both walk?"

Wei Xiaobei turned to Yang Feifei, Cheng Dalong asked, of course, just asking, and did not let them return the meaning, after saying this sentence. Wei Xiaobei will hold a princess of Yang Tingting and squat in her arms.


Although Yang Tingting said that she bleeds a lot, she lay down for a while under the effect of the potion, but she recovered a little physical strength. Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei was held in his arms, and he couldn't help but exclaim. Then he felt too eye-catching. His face had a fever and his head was low.

But then, Yang Tingting smelled the male breath sent by Wei Xiaobei's chest. For Yang Tingting, it is a very strange atmosphere.

Yang Tingting, who is conservative in tradition, is most involved with Cheng Dalong when he is in love.

Being held by Wei Xiaobei in his arms, this is the first time Yang Tingting is so close to a man.

Speaking of this, you need to explain a bit.

The taste of the person is uniform. It is best to smell it when it is infancy, the body is soft, with a hint of milky aroma.

After entering puberty, the taste of the body will change, especially when the apocrine gland begins to develop rapidly. Some people's body odor will feel stinky in the same or opposite sense of smell. This is the so-called body odor.

In fact, the taste of a person is a pheromone.

It is quite normal to use pheromones to spread information between animals of the same kind.

For example, tigers and other beasts like to leave their own urine at the edge of their own ground, to taste, to warn other invading beasts, and many herbivores emit some scent to attract the opposite **** during the breeding season.

For humans, this situation is actually quite similar.

When a man stays with a woman he likes, even if the woman does not spray perfume, the man can feel the smell of the woman, and feels like a smell, a good smell.

In the same way, women are like this with men they like.

In fact, after scientific research, many of the playboys in the field, after stripping off their wealth, status, and appearance, the special smell of their sweat glands is an important reason why they can attract a large number of women.

Many times, a man who is not handsome and has no money, but can attract the love of many women, is here.

Of course, according to the results of this research, a cosmetics company claims to have developed a special perfume that can attract the opposite sex. This is a follow-up, and there is no need to discuss it here.

Compared with other men, Wei Xiaobei is a bit different.

Its charm value is as high as 52.4!

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei does not conceal the convergence, which is enough to faint most ordinary people who see himself.

Especially the personal attraction of 60 points is even more horrible!

To know that the attractiveness of appearance is actually the value of people, the more beautiful they are, the higher the attractiveness of appearance.

Personal attraction is a comprehensive manifestation of the human body's attraction to the same **** and the opposite sex.

Let's just say that the apocrine glands in Wei Xiaobei's armpits are extremely developed, but the endocrine is not only a thick sweat, but also a substance similar to musk.

This kind of secretion can fully stimulate the smell of the opposite sex. The simple expression is that the smell of Wei Xiaobei is very good. If Wei Xiaobei does not take a bath for a few days, he will feel sick and smell, but he will be smelled by the opposite sex. That is just like smelling aphrodisiac!

With that said, everyone should know what kind of feeling Yang Tingting was holding in his arms at this time.

The smell is very good, giving a man a masculine impact, a sense of security, and even an impulse to stick to the chest and take a deep breath.

I have to say that after a serious injury and a large amount of blood loss, this brain is not so good, the mind is vague, the consciousness is unclear, and even what you do does not have a sober response.

When Yang Tingting was slightly awake from the stupidity, she suddenly found out that she had already pulled out Wei Xiaobei’s collar and put her face on the chest of Wei Xiaobei’s red fruit.

Strong and strong chest! But it has a smooth and tanned skin, which is elastic and at the same time extremely strong!

Most importantly, the faint scent from the skin is so good.

For a time, Yang Tingting forgot to be shy, attached to Wei Xiaobei's chest, and took a deep breath, while the left hand still could not help but touch it.

Well, Wei Xiaobei naturally cannot find Yang Tingting’s move.

He can only say that he is speechless.

Wei Xiaobei knows that his charm is very high. Some previous experiences have also made him understand what happens when he is in close contact with the girl.

But like Yang Tingting, Wei Xiaobei was the first to encounter.

Imagine a man, a man who is normal in some way and has a taste of the marrow, is put on the chest of the red fruit by a beautiful girl, and touched by the little hand of the white.

In particular, the dragon spirit between Wei Xiaobei’s forehead seems to have a strong additive effect on certain aspects.

The heart suddenly rose and the other thing below became stiff.


Wei Xiaobei took a deep breath and the mercury in the meridians quickly turned. After a while, the flame that had emerged from the heart was suppressed.

At this time, Yang Tingting was already shy and flushed, even the white roots of the white hair became pink.

Before she was immersed in the smell of good smell, there was a stick-like thing on her hips, and she was shocked by the danger.

Of course, this thing can't blame Xiaobei.

The strength of Wei Xiaobei is too high for normal humans.

Switching to other men, it will take a few seconds to lift up, and there is not much power at the same time, a small finger can be pressed down.

But Wei Xiaobei was different. When things happened suddenly, he also took control, but the remaining strength was more than 50 kilograms. It gave Yang Tingting the feeling that someone had used a wooden stick to pump himself.

I have to say that it can be seen from the light that if Wei Xiaobei does not control the power, it will cause many tragedies.

Anyway, after Yang Tingting wakes up and no longer puts her face up, and her hands become honest, Wei Xiaobei is also relieved.

This girl is completely playing with fire.

If Wei Xiaobei is determined to be able to control himself, and change his personal, I am afraid that this gimmick will be directly administered to the law.

The young man limped and walked in front, his eyes fixed on his eyes, fearing that he was accidentally and surrounded by green skin. It was a concentrating, so he did not find what happened behind him. (To be continued.)

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