The City of Terror

Chapter 819: Sad reminder

No single chapter, no monthly ticket, poor road crying! Forget it, send a single chapter to the monthly ticket after 12 o'clock tonight, and it will be at the end of the month. ≤ ≤ small ≤ say, ——

In other words, if you change to other low-level monsters, you will feel the momentum spread by Wei Xiaobei, and you will escape with the tail, but these foragers can't feel it at all, so they are still hidden. Xiaobei is surrounded.

Relative to these stalkers who are approaching dark, Wei Xiaobei is more interested in a creature that is rushing in the distance.

Through the sense of heaven and humanity, Wei Xiaobei can sense his actions farther than his eyesight.

For example, the humanoid creature that rushed at a speed of 20 meters per second was directed at himself.

And the humanoid creature should have something to do with these foraging eateres, and the eater is his eyeliner!

It should be like this.

After spending less than ten seconds, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the top of a building.

At the moment of rushing to the top of the building, two foraging people popped their tongues toward Wei Xiaobei.


The two tongues are shot across like lightning, and they are replaced by ordinary humans. They can't escape the ejection of this tongue.

But in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the speed of the tongue is not fast. He grabbed his hands and caught the two tongues in his hand. Then he gently pulled the two tongues. The eater flies out like a hammer.


Two consecutive violent crashes came, and the two foraging people slammed into the outer walls of the two buildings, suddenly knocking the building out of the two big holes. This is not finished. After the foraging smashed into the building, There was a series of blasting sounds, until the two hunters flew out of the other side of the building and eventually slammed into the concrete floor to form two large pits.

Under such continuous and severe impact, let alone the foraging eater, even Samsung's ordinary solid humanoid iron pile. Will be hit into a pool of mud.


At this time, Wei Xiaobei heard the sound of the air in the distance behind him, and his legs were lightly raised, and they vacated.

next moment. A rocket with a long flame dragged under the foot of Wei Xiaobei and hit the water tank on the roof in a blink of an eye.

A loud bang, the water tank was blown out of a large hole by the rocket, and even the blazing fire was burning at the edge of the hole.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei turned his head and looked at it. At this time, a giant man with a height of more than two meters five. The left hand is a Gatlin rotary gun. The long chain is connected to the huge ammunition box behind him. The right arm has a rocket launcher on it, and it is moving forward and rushing toward the building.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei looking at himself, the giant man’s left hand was running while he was running.


Seeing the other party's move, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but give the other party a voice.

No way, as a man, Wei Xiaobei has a passion for such heavy-duty single-armed firearms.

So I saw the other side gun. I can't help it in my mouth.

Fortunately, the giant man does not seem to have much awareness of lucidity. Otherwise, if he sees Wei Xiaobei’s move, he may have to be stunned.

It should be a tyrant!

Or it should be called a follower.

Wei Xiaobei is no stranger to the game of Resident Evil.

This so-called tyrant is actually a series of biological weapons in the Resident Evil.

Most of the tyrants are melee models, but the last tyrant has a great improvement in intelligence, enabling him to manipulate weapons for combat.

It can be said that in the Resident Evil, the most dangerous zombie monster is not a common zombie like a mountain, nor a forager sneaking in the shadows. It is this kind of tracker who can manipulate weapons.

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the continually violent tyrant, and Bo Wen’s strong knowledge started!

Name: Tracker

Race: t virus infection

Gender: None

Age: 0.1 years old

Biology level: Samsung ordinary

Introduction: It was originally a t-virus infected body. After a trial transformation of the umbrella company, a series of tyrants was developed. The t virus in any tyrant has lost its contagiousness due to excessive evolution. The tracker is based on the t103 model and is implanted with ne-a parasites to manipulate weapons such as rocket launchers, Gatlin drum machine guns, etc. It has a mutant form of two segments


Strength: 22

Agility: 15

Constitution: 35

Intelligence: 8

Perception: 11

Charm: 5

Skills: firearms operation, close combat,

Special ability: t virus two paragraphs turned

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: Alpha rocket launcher, Gatlin drum machine gun, automatic loading ammunition box

Samsung ordinary!

I have to say that the tyrant's strength seems to be more ferocious than the game, the movie.

Of course, for the current Wei Xiaobei, Samsung is common, even with its external weapons, it is a piece of cake.

The dense bullets came toward Wei Xiaobei, and they made a squeaking noise on Wei Xiaobei.

After bearing a few bullets, Wei Xiaobei had no idea of ​​continuing to be a target. When the body flashed, it disappeared into the tyrant's field of vision.

The machine gun bullets shot by this tracker are probably not ordinary steel core bullets. They should be special alloy bullets, which are extremely penetrating.

If it wasn't for Wei Xiaobei's external hemorrhoids, it would have been broken by the bullets.

Of course, the breakdown of the skin does not mean that Wei Xiaobei will become riddled with machine gun bullets. The incomparable muscles and tough connective tissue are enough to dissipate the kinetic energy of the machine gun bullets.

But it will still be very painful. Wei Xiaobei is very tolerant of the pain, but if it is not necessary, it will not be okay to enjoy this pain.

As Wei Xiaobei disappeared from the field of vision, the speed of the follower did not slow down, but the machine gun in his hand was aimed at the surrounding, while the rocket launcher in his right hand slammed and had already loaded himself.



The speed of this follower's reaction is not slow. When Wei Xiaobei just wraps from the building to the other side, the tracker turns around in a blink of an eye. The machine gun instantly squirts the flame tongue, and the bullet forms a chain, which is pumped in the guard. Xiaobei’s body, even the Wei Xiaobei, who was throwing himself in the air, pulled back.

At the same time, the rocket launcher of his right hand screamed and fired, and a rocket bomb was fired.

Fortunately, the speed of the rocket is much slower than that of the machine gun bullet. Wei Xiaobei has landed at this time, and it is easy to dodge the rocket, but the rocket crashed on the ground and spattered. The shrapnel, but Wei Weibei shot a gray surface.

But this is also the last resistance of the follower.

Wei Xiaobei's limbs are on the ground, like a big spider crawling. In a flash, he flutters to the tracker, and his hands are dragged and pulled. Under the giant force, the tall tracker can no longer maintain balance. In a blink of an eye, I fell backwards.

Wei Xiaobei did not get up. He slammed it directly against the ground. His hands ran back and forth on the tracker. Only a series of broken bones sounded. When Wei Xiaobei stopped, the follower was already limbs. With all the breaks, even the skull could not move.

However, based on the strong vitality of its t-virus infection, the injury that instantly dies in ordinary humans is injured for this follower, and can no longer struggle, and there is still a long way to go.

To say that this tracker has just started, Wei Xiaobei will stare at it.

t virus infection body!

This is a good research material!

If you think about it, you will know that the body of an ordinary human being has become extremely powerful after being infected with the t virus. At this point, the t virus is of great research value.

However, the defender has not changed, and the follower has changed.

Only heard the rustling of the rustling sand from the body of the follower. The next moment, a few tentacles stretched out from the back, and Wei Xiaobei wrapped up in a blink of an eye.

Is this the second variant of it? Not quite like it.

The strangling strength of this tentacle is not small. In total, I am afraid that it will not be able to use a few tons of force. However, Wei Xiaobei’s arms are lightly supported, and the tentacle that is constantly shrinking is suddenly broken, slamming and bursting into numerous pieces.

The strength of these tons is completely a joke in front of Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei’s arms are gently shocked, and the power that can be erupted can exceed hundreds of tons.

Absolute power makes this follower even a small bug that is crushed in front of Wei Xiaobei even if he has the strength and the mutated body far beyond the ordinary people.

Next, the tracker's muscles began to swell rapidly, and even at the end, the body was completely deformed, and the upper body muscles swelled several times more than the lower body.

But this is always useless.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei completely invaded the tracer after the squirting of the sap in the tracer's body, and used the shredded pork to transform it into a substance stored in the altar of life.

I have to say that after tracking the genes in the tracer and even the t-virus genes in their minds, Wei Xiaobei is deeply impressed by the wonderfulness of the t virus.

This is simply a miracle of life.

Although most organisms are infected with t virus, they will be necrotic and become slow-moving zombies because of the resistance of the immune system.

However, the t-virus's ability to evolve and transform human genes far exceeds all the viruses that have appeared on the planet!

Viruses don't just bring disease and death to living things.

Wei Xiaobei, who is highly biologically savvy, knows clearly that the virus has played a considerable role in the evolution of biology from ancient times to the present.

It can be seen from the current research that light is human, and there are more than one hundred kinds of genes in the body from the spread of the virus.

In fact, scientists have long proposed the theory of viral evolution. The general idea is that the benign evolution of nothing is often the result of the transmission of tens of billions of viruses between different organisms. (To be continued.)

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