The City of Terror

Chapter 843: Chef's occupational disease

The third chapter is sent! Recently, the weather has changed a lot. Please also pay attention to the sun protection and summer vacation.

The rescued fish thief has undoubtedly become the best promoter of this sea area danger.

Under their propaganda, the stealing fish boats around Weijia Island have been reduced a lot.

Standing on a reef a few meters above the sea, Wei Xiaobei swept across the sea. Some of the tentacles that had stretched out of the sea seemed to be burnt. They quickly shrank back. In the twinkling of an eye, the sea was not calm. But I never saw any of the tentacles.

Undoubtedly, these Weihai monsters are extremely fearful about the atmosphere of Wei Xiaobei.

As descendants of sea monsters, they have a certain memory heritage.

In other words, these little sea monsters probably inherited some of the frightening memories of the mother sea monster before death, and completely regarded Wei Xiaobei as a natural enemy.

Well, there is nothing wrong with saying this.

Most of the current small sea monsters are about five or six meters, with a head about one meter and a tentacle of about four meters.

This type of body is placed in the real ocean, and it is also considered a big guy.

But in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, a veteran chef, these little sea monsters are undoubtedly delicious seafood.

No way, this kind of vision is almost an occupational disease for Wei Xiaobei.

Any creature that falls into the eyes of Wei Xiaobei will be judged by him. He thinks about what kind of dishes are made to match the characteristics of this kind of ingredients.

The strength of the little sea monster is not strong, at this time it is also a star elite, and in the sea can probably reach the level of two stars.

The meat is not delicious enough.

Wei Xiaobei sighed and left the reef area.

In Wei Xiaobei's plan, these small sea monsters, except for the good seafood ingredients, wait until they grow to a certain extent. It can be one of the killers of Weijia Island.

After all, in the ocean, these sea monsters are the real hegemons.

Leaving the reef area, Wei Xiaobei went straight to the headquarters of Huayang Group. Huayang Group headquarters relied on the dock area to facilitate external exchanges.

When the soldier saw Wei Xiaobei. Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is said that the individual soldier can now be regarded as the life of his own body to Wei Xiaobei. Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not know this.

Came to Weijia Island, although Zhu Xinyi and others are considered acquaintances, but before seeing Wei Xiaobei, the hearts of individual soldiers are still hanging.

When Wei Xiaobei learned that the individual soldiers were preparing to take the entire group's industrial chain out to cooperate with Weijiadao, the eyes of the individual soldiers changed somewhat.


The nature of this individual soldier is definitely a gambler of red fruit.

Wei Xiaobei knows that eggs can't be placed in a basket. Doesn't this soldier know?

But this guy still does this.

Wei Xiaobei could not help but shook his head. Although the power that has emerged in front of the individual soldier has surpassed the imagination of normal human beings, but in exchange for his own words, such gambling-style investment is absolutely unwilling.

Of course, this may be someone who can never be a soldier.

Wei Xiaobei’s character is more cautious, with a little madness in cautiousness. If it is in a desperate situation, it’s okay to gamble. But definitely not like a soldier, the matter of the whole family is not yet clear.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not refuse the cooperation proposed by individual soldiers.

After all, this thing is not a small benefit to yourself.

Although Wei Xiaobei said that he is more focused on his own strength. Gathering on the development path of your own body, but if Weijia Island wants to develop better, it is essential to use external force.

Here is the home chosen by Wei Xiaobei.

Since individual soldiers dare to propose such gambling-style cooperation, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not be too inferior.

"My God, did your old man dig into a treasure house or rob the national treasury of Sam?"

Looking at some of the things that Wei Xiaobei took out, the eyes of the individual soldiers were widened.

White fat jade in cubic terms. Diamonds, rubies!

It can be said that if these gemstones are put into the market at one time, it is enough to cut the price of the entire gemstone market by more than 50%!

The soldier looked at Wei Xiaobei's eyes as if he were looking at a pile of Jinshan Yinhai.

Well, the individual soldier feels that he is gambling this time. To say the decision that I made before, in the high-level of Huayang Group, the opposition to the voice is constantly connected. If the father who has not decided to retire to stand up and support his own plan, I am afraid that the individual will have to surrender.

No way, such a thing will happen in any large group.

The veterans who played the world together, as long as they are strong enough, can persist until the group becomes bigger and stronger, and when it is brilliant, the right to speak in the group is conceivable.

Small people like a soldier, although they have inherited the father’s equity and become the chairman of the board, but those elders are not likely to look at the individual soldiers.

Don't underestimate the strength of these veterans. Their shareholdings may add up to 20%, but at least 50% of the management in the entire group is their children.

In other words, if they insist on opposing it, Wei Xiaobei’s plan will not be implemented at all.

The current situation, just these gems, is enough to block the mouths of those who oppose.

These sheep fat white jade, diamonds, and rubies are just a part of Wei Xiaobei's storage ring, adding up to about forty cubic meters.

Among them, the sheep fat white jade is the least, only one cubic, this stuff is a good refining material, so Wei Xiaobei left himself ten cubic meters.

The diamond has 20 cubic meters and the ruby ​​is 20 cubic meters.

I have to say that these gems are squared in front of the individual soldiers, which is really amazing.

At first glance, it is like a craft made of glass, but those who study the gem will take a closer look and know that these cubes are not glass.

The faint refracted light on the surface is enough to prove their identity.

Wei Xiaobei left these gems as a capital injection for the Huayang Group. As for how the individual soldiers deal with the sale of these gems, Wei Xiaobei would not pay attention to it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei will not be as hard-working as before, and then sell it to earn money.

That's too much time.

It’s a waste of time to do these hours with Wei Xiaobei’s gains in thousands of seconds.

Before leaving Xiaobei to leave, the individual soldiers were on the verge of enemies, calling the security guards of the company and transferring the gems to the basement warehouse under the company headquarters.

Well, these security guards that can be transferred to the company's headquarters are reliable, at least in the hearts of individual soldiers, and the newly built basement warehouse is able to withstand bomb bombardment without collapsing. For now, it is relatively reliable to store these stones.

As for the division of interests with Wei Xiaobei, the individual soldiers have already made plans in their hearts.

Money is a small matter. Even if the Huayang Group loses some money, as long as it has a firm relationship with Wei Xiaobei, in this world that is about to be chaotic, it is undoubtedly equivalent to obtaining a gold medal for death!

The old guys are too old.

At the thought of the next company's troubles caused by these gems, the individual soldiers frowned.

It is said that the strength of the individual soldier is not weak now, especially Zhang Jinhua, as a soldier of a single soldier, looks soft and weak, but in fact it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

The problem is that Zhang Jinhua said that he is just a person. If he does not want to be okay, he will let his wife be in front and be contaminated with too much blood.

Well, the individual soldiers do not know, Zhang Jinhua is now **** in the gray world is not what he can imagine.

When Wei Xiaobei, who was about to leave, saw the brows of the individual soldiers wrinkled, he asked him smoothly. After learning the worries of the individual soldiers, he could not help but smile.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, the worries of individual soldiers are not a problem at all.

Subsequently, the two phoenix birds became the personal bodyguards of the individual soldiers.

After Wei Xiaobei left, the individual soldiers convened all the directors, and the company’s senior officials held an enlarged meeting.

At this meeting, the individual soldiers showed the participants the results of cooperation with Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, after the cubic gems were displayed through the camera head, the participants exclaimed, and no one would think that the soldiers used fakes to deceive people.

If a single soldier dares to swear at such a meeting, I am afraid that his chairman's position will immediately be faltering.

For this, it is impossible for a single soldier to do so.

Next, the individual soldiers showed the participants the pets that Wei Xiaobei lent to himself.

Two birds that can melt the bronze ring!

Although the melting process took about ten seconds, it is also possible to see the horror of these two birds.

Body surface temperature reached a thousand degrees Celsius!

With the power of the two birds, most of the participants expressed their support for Wei Xiaobei's next plan.

In this era, people who cannot see the general trend will be eliminated!

The fact that a single soldier can get these two magical birds means that the island owner of Weijia Island is willing to support the individual soldiers!

The island owner of Weijia Island, everyone has heard some of his rumors.

In this way, people who can sit in this conference room are not fools, and naturally understand how to choose.

And a handful of people who are eager to be tempted are also excluded from the core circle in the next agenda discussion, and even being demoted.

After Wei Xiaobei sent two phoenix birds, he did not pay attention to the next arrangement of the individual soldiers.

For Wei Xiaobei, these things are trivial things.

The distant scorpion demon king has become a very unique scenery in this area. Every time, when Huang Kun drives a fishing boat to feed, it will attract the attention of the island residents.

No way, the movement of this giant turtle is too big.

Once you wake up, the sky around the sea will become dark and clouded. Over time, there will be stormy waves.

Of course, such a scenario also gives the island residents an incomparable sense of security.

Wei Xiaobei, who came to the beach, stepped on the surging waves and ran towards the tortoise demon king.

For the arrival of Wei Xiaobei, the turtle demon king had some instigation, and the huge head was extended out of the sea early.


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