The City of Terror

Chapter 846: Parthenogenesis

The third chapter is sent! Fortunately, catch up! Not much to say reading. `


Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's skin is tough enough, otherwise the big toe may be smashed.

When the remaining mutant creeper begins to draw a few meters, its green leaves begin to yellow.

Wei Xiaobei was able to feel the hunger scent from these mutant creepers, and even took out a large amount of pig, sheep and sheep fish from the storage ring.

These things are the food waste that Wei Xiaobei sent from the acquisition of Wangdu Island in Resna.

Residents of the Kingdom of Resin do not have the habit of eating these waters. In addition, the weather here is always hot, and a large amount of sewage is easy to stink. Based on the island structure, the land is based on the islands. In order to prevent pollution of the ocean, these The treatment of sewage has always been a problem in the processing of slaughterhouses in the country.

Of course, there are also many fishermen who buy these low-cost waters into their own fisheries to improve the nutrition level in the fishery.

However, this kind of practice can easily lead to marine life disasters such as red tides and so on, so if it is caught by the sanitation department of the Kingdom of Finland, it will be severely punished.

In this way, the purchase of the water is very easy, Wei Xiaobei only spent some freight, he got a thousand tons of sewage.

And these sewage garbage is suitable for use here.

Well, it is a bit stinky.

After hundreds of kilograms of sewage was dumped from Wei Xiaobei from the storage ring, the air in this small valley became unbearable, and the violent stench spread out to the surrounding, almost suffocating.

But those variants of the ivy are so passionate about this stinking garbage, they are desperately extending their own vines, plunging the end of the vine into these waters and starting to devour wildly.

With the help of these launches, the length of the mutant creeper has exploded. `

In two minutes, the surface of the planted mutant ivy became a ground made of vines, and numerous layers of vines were layered on the ground. While swallowing the water, it also attacks the same kind of attack.

Well, by this time, the patterns between these mutant creepers are somewhat different.

There are all the whole body blades turned into spikes. There are vines shortened like sticks on the ground, and vines, leaves have not changed, but will secrete a toxin, and even Wei Weibei is surprised that there is a mutant creeper and even the rattan is degraded to less than one meter. length. The attack weapon is to pull the roots out of the ground, and the tough roots can even break other similar vines.

Under the radiation of Loki's finger, these variants of the mutated plant were once again changed.

However, there were still a number of variants of the ivy, and the phenomenon of gene collapse occurred. The vines suddenly grew yellow and water, and the leaves fell and died in a few seconds.

After the mutated creepers occupied a site and entered the confrontational state, the number had been reduced to less than 50.

You know, the number of mutant creeper seeds sown by Wei Xiaobei has exceeded 2,000, and now there are forty-seven.

Although the mutual killing between them played a major role in this, the various collapses caused by radiation also played a big role.

After the initial genetic changes. These variants of the ivy may have been mutated, and the variability has begun to weaken. Wei Xiaobei took the attack several times and took the gene several times to observe the process of genetic variation. Now the next change takes at least three hours. Started a new experiment.

The material of this experiment is not the mutant creeper seed, but the red meat crab that Wei Xiaobei caught in the gray land of Weijia Island, the yellow meat crab and even various kinds of shrimp and shellfish.

These are all, so Wei Xiaobei chose the beach closest to the finger. Thousands of crabs, shrimps, shellfish, etc. are placed in the sea.

At the same time, it is a lot of sewage in the sea. `

This is also a helpless thing, in the sea near the small desert island. All algae are extinct. Although the nutrition of seawater is still there, it is not enough to support the variation of these organisms.

Soon the sea became dirty under the pollution of the water. Those marine creatures ate wildly in the sea, and the body quickly changed with the stimulation of radiation.

Wei Xiaobei did not pay much attention to the changes in the shape of these marine organisms. It is only at regular intervals that some genes will be taken and archived.

After all, in the process of these organisms, the gene will undergo a major change, and this change will allow Wei Xiaobei to obtain a deeper knowledge of genetic knowledge.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei also threw some fresh meat from the gray world monsters to a place less than five meters from the finger.

Since these fresh meats are monsters that are slaughtered, even when they are included in the storage ring, the cells inside have a considerable degree of activity.

Under the intense radiation of intensity, the meat that has not completely died of these cells has also undergone dramatic changes.

Some meat pieces have black hairs that resemble heads. Some meat pieces grow teeth, hands and feet, and even have a piece of meat that grows on the eyes. In addition, there is no change in shape, but it has strong Corrosive meat pieces can be quickly digested by the other side only by licking them on other meat pieces.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei was slightly surprised, and there was a group of strange-shaped meat creatures in front of him.

Well, it’s not enough to describe them with meat.

To be precise, these pieces of meat have been transformed into individual creatures after a considerable part of the meat has been eliminated.

Of course, this elimination rate is somewhat higher than those of the variant creeper.

Tens of thousands of pieces of meat eventually survived less than one hundred.

Wei Xiaobei was so excited that he seized these pieces of meat and began to take the genes one by one.

You know, at this distance, it is a miracle to be able to survive so many creatures at once.

Usually, the mortality rate is 100%.

Of course, this may be the reason for the gray meat monsters.

The next re-variation will continue to reduce the number of surviving creatures. Finally, Wei Xiaobei has to move these surviving creatures to a position farther from the finger, so that such valuable experimental materials will burst.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei went to the mutated creeper area and the seaside area, and took the gene again, which was recorded as experimental data.

In this way, in the following time, Wei Xiaobei constantly traveled to and from three locations, constantly ingesting genes, recording the constant changes of these biological genes, and accumulating experimental data.

Three days later, in the early morning, Wei Xiaobei sat on a reef, eating barbecue and drinking water, watching the sea creatures that had become strange.

Well, in fact, these creatures are also an evolutionary elimination process of the survival of the fittest.

First, after undergoing radiation changes, even organisms whose genetic integrity cannot be guaranteed are the first to collapse.

Secondly, in the process of competing for food, or mutual killing, it is necessary to eliminate a group of creatures with weak combat power, or no fighting power, and insufficient ability to escape.

Now, the final test of these creatures has arrived.

give birth to!

If these creatures can normally progeny, then they can be truly regarded as a species rather than a deformed creature under certain classifications.

One is covered with a huge mouth, the whole body is covered with scales, and six legs are crawling against the ground. The creature resembling a crocodile creeps up from the sea to the beach.

Well, this creature was originally transformed from a shellfish. Of course, it’s a bit strange that shellfish can evolve into what it is.

Especially on its silky tail, it is even more strange with a silky electric light.

You know, the kind of shellfish is a kind of cypress, but there is no current gene in its gene.

That is to say, in this short three-day period, this crocodile creature has not only undergone tremendous changes in its morphological volume, but even some special abilities have been produced.

This is also the case, this crocodile creature is one of the more than ten kinds of creatures that Wei Xiaobei is most concerned about.

After a deep pit was drilled, the crocodile creature gave a fist-sized egg in the deep pit.

After the end of spawning, the crocodile creature buried the pit and then squatted next to it, no longer willing to move.

Not long after, a creature similar to the combination of a starfish and a crab quietly plunged into a cave on the bottom of the sea, and used his tentacles to block the outside of the cave to be extremely firm before laying eggs in the cave.

Such a kind of phenomenon may be the cyclical effect of radiation on living things. In just half an hour, a considerable part of the creatures in the small desert islands have entered the pattern of reproduction.

However, some of Wei Xiaobei’s reproduction patterns are basically parthenogenesis.

The so-called parthenogenesis means that the eggs of female organisms can be bred as normal individuals without fertilization.

In fact, this parthenogenesis phenomenon is extremely common in nature, and many species have the ability to parthenogenesis.

The cucumber in the plant is a typical example, and you can give birth without pollination.

The locusts, the buttocks, can produce small mites, as well as ants, and bees also have the ability to do this.

Advanced creatures, some sharks, some voles, etc. can do not need males, and females breed themselves.

Of course, here, the reason why these allergens are parthenogenetic, the most fundamental reason is that they have no second kind except themselves.

The shape of the metamorphosis is strange. Under the effect and screening of radiation, it is naturally impossible to simultaneously produce two identical male and female creatures to match.


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