The City of Terror

Chapter 851: ,Uninhabited island

The second chapter is sent! Calling for the monthly ticket, the last half of the day double the monthly vote, you friends, brothers and sisters, don't waste! ! !


To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei was originally familiar with the genes of this white shrimp, I am afraid that even three days and three nights may not be able to find out the problems in the gene. `

In the end, Wei Xiaobei found the reason why these white shrimps fight radiation.

Any white-shrimp shrimp with a change in body size has a gene named Wei, which is named by Wei Xiaobei. This gene protects other genes like a shield, and can repair abnormal genes, making other genes less prone to differences. The white mist shrimp, which has changed and is strange, has fewer g genes and is not enough to stabilize the genetic chain of white shrimp.

After the analysis of the white mist shrimp mother, Wei Xiaobei suddenly appeared, this gene does not exist in the white mist shrimp mother, but the white mist shrimp mother will not be injected into the shrimp eggs when laying eggs.

To put it simply, this g gene is actually a genetic lock for white mist shrimp in order to maintain its absolute dominance. The real effect is to prevent white shrimp from self-evolving and restoring. ability!

Well, in fact, this is reflected in many social groups of reality.

Termites, bees are typical of them.

Worker ants, worker bees are actually females, but because of a gene in their body, their reproductive organs are unable to breed and cannot reproduce.

Of course, this g gene only appears in the white mist shrimp mother and the offspring of the ant mother, and the other breeding organisms do not.

However, this kind of gene has a certain resistance to the radiation released by the Loki fingers.

The role of this gene is not only the case. In fact, in addition to resisting Loiki radiation, the gene's nuclear radiation and other damage to the gene should have a strong resistance.

To put it bluntly, even if these white mist shrimps are poisoned, they can last longer than other creatures.

After the role of the current g gene, the cultivation of the creatures under Wei Xiaobei will undoubtedly have a significant increase in resistance in this respect. `

However, now. Wei Xiaobei took his energy back from the g gene and spewed pork and condensed the meatballs a hundred meters away from Loki's finger. Start cultivating creatures.

Whether it is a weak pig, a high temperature bird, a dirt-boring pig, a general, a hidden wolf. The Fire Giant waited until the Phoenix Bird, and Wei Xiaobei cultivated all the breeding creatures, and then drove these breeding creatures into the 100-meter range.

For the cultivation of creatures, Wei Xiaobei has absolute control, so there is no need to worry about cultivating creatures to escape after the change, which leads to some unpredictable troubles.

Well, just don't worry about it for a while. After all, Wei Xiaobei is still experimenting with cultivating creatures for the first time. What will happen next? Wei Xiaobei is not too clear.

As for the possible breeding of bio-defects, Wei Xiaobei will arrange those white-shrimp shrimps in the surrounding waters, but it is not vegetarian.

Relative to the real creatures of reality, or the gray world monsters, these genes for cultivating creatures are undoubtedly much more stable.

The reason for this is undoubtedly related to the altar of life.

However, even so, under the radiation of Loki's finger, these cultivating organisms have undergone a change, and even after the occurrence of the abnormality, the rate of gene collapse is higher than that of ordinary creatures.

Not long after. The material reserves in the altar of life are consumed.

Looking at the cultivating creatures that are constantly changing around the head of Loki, Wei Xiaobei feels much simpler than before in the small island experiment.

Under the control of Wei Xiaobei, these breeding creatures did not kill each other. But it is even more able to make Wei Xiaobei easily take in genes.

Well, the only trouble is that the nutrients they need to change will require Wei Xiaobei to replenish them.

All the cultivating creatures whose genes have collapsed in the abnormality are recovered by the shredded pork, re-converted into matter, and the new creature is once again cultivated by the pork.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei also dumped the garbage in the storage ring. `Let these breeding organisms swallow their own food.

Repeatedly, the air on the island became stinking, the growing creatures were constantly changing, and they continued to burst and died, and new creatures appeared from the meat.

In fact, when these cultivating organisms are cultivated in the meatballs, their genes are changed under the influence of radiation, but the altar of life can repair their genes at any time, so that they will not change until they break the meatballs. .

These cultivating organisms are undergoing changes in their biological grades as the genetic order changes.

A weaker pig of a star elite may suddenly ascend to a two-star elite, and may soon weaken to a star.

Wei Xiaobei became busy at this time, constantly squirting the shredded meat to take their genes and record the test data.

The time passed by, the situation that Wei Xiaobei worried about was not born.

Any breeding organism, even if it has been changed several times, has not appeared to get rid of Wei Xiaobei's control.

The variety of breeding organisms has become a large variety, making Wei Xiaobei's genetic database more than a hundred times larger.

However, as long as these breeding organisms change, it is difficult to form stable species. No matter how many times they change, they cannot have the ability to reproduce. The final result is that the genes collapse and die in the subsequent changes.

This large-scale experiment was carried out for three months. During this period, Wei Xiaobei encountered a lot of things.

There was a hurricane hit by the island, and there was a call from Prince Malas.

The general idea is to ask how the giant turtle island is going on.

Wei Xiaobei did not hide the prince of Malas, and asked the other party the first time: "Do you know the monsters that appear everywhere in the world?"

To be honest, when asking this question, the problem that emerged in Wei Xiaobei’s mind is that there are no monsters in the Maoist kingdom here.

But the next moment, the answer of Prince Taras answered the doubts of Wei Xiaobei: "Know, there have been monsters in the waters around the northern part of Wangdu Island, but they were killed by the Navy, and the bodies were sent to the National Research Institute. Researched."

It turned out that the kingdom of the country was not without a monster, but the news was blocked. It is also true that the news of the blockade in the Kingdom of the Republic of Bosnia is much easier than that of China.

Of course, it can be seen that there are not many monsters appearing in the kingdom of the country, which may have something to do with population density.

Since Prince Taras knew the existence of the monster, Wei Xiaobei’s next commentary was much more convenient.

However, after the completion of Wei Xiaobei's explanation, the voice of Prince Malas was gone, probably because of the words spoken by Wei Xiaobei.

Although Tamaras knows a lot of inside information as a high-ranking king of the Kingdom of Finland, the world view formed after receiving modern science education is not so easy to be subverted.

To put it simply, the appearance of those monsters, the submarine subconsciously classified them into nuclear radiation, environmental degradation and other effects.

After that, after the explosion of the nuclear power plant, hasn’t there been a huge mouse in more than a decade?

But now Wei Xiaobei tells himself that the island that appears on the sea is a huge turtle!

Isn't this a joke?

But the rationality of Tamaras can tell himself that this may not be a joke.

Regardless of the time of appearance from the island or the reputation of Wei Xiaobei, he confirmed that he did not lie.

After a long time, the voice of the horses became a bit dull: "Can you take me to see?"


This guy actually accepted it so quickly?

But for the request of the Marathi, Wei Xiaobei felt very embarrassed. The experiment he did on the island named as the uninhabited island is not over yet. It is impossible to leave it all.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei eventually had to promise to take Malas to the island after his experiment.

Now that the experiment is over, the uninhabited island is quiet again.

The white mist shrimps surrounding the uninhabited islands began to sink in 6th, and most of them will be recycled by the white mist shrimp mothers, leaving only a small part of the responsibility for the safety of the white shrimp shrimp.

At this time, the uninhabited islands have completely disappeared due to the cultivation of living things, and have completely become a desert island in the true sense.

Wei Xiaobei has already taken Loki’s finger into the storage ring, looked at the uninhabited island, turned and set foot on the sea, and returned in the direction of Weijia Island.

When quietly going to the island from the eastern reef area of ​​Weijia Island and returning to the villa area, Wei Xiaobei knew that the Prince of Maras had already lived on Weijia Island for almost a month.

Calculating the time, this guy should have rushed to Weijiadao after talking to himself.

Wei Xiaobei did not directly meet with Prince Malas, but asked Zhu Xinyi about the situation of Prince Malas during this time.

In general, this Prince of Maras lived on Weijia Island without causing trouble. The only thing that makes Zhu Xinyi somewhat uncomfortable is that the prince’s style is too big, even if he is going to watch a movie, he is surrounded by Follow the bodyguards of more than twenty.

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei smiled and said: "What people say is also a local tycoon worth tens of billions. It is already very low-key to follow the 20th bodyguard."

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also understands that it is the most troublesome thing to live like this prince.

In order to ensure the safety of the prince, the security personnel around him will come over to check the safety and so on, and I must have had a conflict with Zhu Xinyi.

However, as long as it is not a major event, Wei Xiaobei feels indifferent. Anyway, even if there is a conflict, it will definitely not be his own.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know that Zhu Xinyi still had one thing and didn't know if it should be said. But when Wei Xiaobei was ready to go to see the Prince of Maras, he had to press it temporarily.

Anyway, probably, Master should be able to know.

Wei Xiaobei did not notice that Zhu Xinyi was behind him and went to the townhouse where Prince Malas lived.


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