The City of Terror

Chapter 858: Tieweishan

Ps is today's update, by the way, to the beginning of 515 fans to pull the ticket, each person has 8 tickets, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

The third chapter is sent! Originally I wanted to talk nonsense, look at the time, or forget it. Novel


I have to say that this is the second monster that Wei Xiaobei saw to be able to manipulate the current. The first one is the mixed dragon eye.

Compared to the mixed dragon eye, this electric demon king releases a larger range of currents, but in terms of power, it is worse.

The current flowed through Leviathan and a bit of burnt smell rose again.

Leviathan did not use the particle cannon, the energy consumption of the particle cannon, the volley once can make the full energy reserve drop by 5%!

In other words, full energy can only be volleyed twenty times!

Moreover, in many cases, Leviathan's energy cannot be full. For example, after jumping once and twice, the number of times that he can volley is not much.

The current hurts Leviathan, but it doesn't hurt.

The current-induced injuries are located on the surface, and under the powerful resilience of Leviathan, they quickly recovered.

The eDonkey went to Leviathan and bombarded it. Leviathan’s shell was marked with black marks.

It seems that the eDonkey has the upper hand, but Leviathan is like a sluggish giant in the face of a flexible eDonkey.

But the battle between the predator and the predator is quickly over.

With the hard smashing of Leviathan's back, a monster like a crab rushed into the sky, and the next moment, countless round biochemical shells ejected from their mouths, toward the embers that floated out of the sea. Shoot it down.


In a twinkling of an eye, a series of explosions were uploaded from the electric demon king.

This series of explosions made the electric demon king even have no chance to fight back. He was blown off by the waist, and then the biochemical shells that were followed by the two sections were blown into pieces.

With such a wave of attacks, the embarrassing electricity that seemed to be incomparable could not be hung up anymore.

Leviathan’s tentacles stretched out quickly. Collect and absorb the fragments of the eDonkey King.

I have to say that the power contained in this eDonkey king is extremely terrifying. After Leviathan absorbed the body debris of the eDonkey demon king, its energy reserve increased by 80%. After killing some sea people, the energy reserve was filled up.

It's time to test the space fold jump.

The ultimate skill like this, if you don't test it first, when you need to use it, you don't know the scope of the effect.

As Leviathan cracked a hole in the back, Wei Xiaobei drilled in.

This space folds and jumps, sitting on the back can not.

start up!

Wei Xiaobei lay in a cavity in Leviathan. Even if there were rows of tentacles entangled, at this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that the chest was not quite right. Looking down, Xiaohong was kneeling on his chest.

Before this little guy, Wei Xiaobei let him stay on the beach, but I didn't expect this time to catch up.

Reaching out and touching Xiao Hong’s head, Wei Xiaobei smashed it.

If this little guy messes up when Leviathan folds and jumps, it’s really sad.

Comfort the little guy. In the small brain of Wei Xiaobei, a three-dimensional three-dimensional map emerges, and all the coordinates that can jump in space appear.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei’s heart could not help but sigh. It is impossible to jump directly from the gray world to reality.

However, this is not a big problem. After all, this Leviathan is able to fit into the storage ring.

Wei Xiaobei looked for a moment, chose a coordinate, and then thought of it, Leviathan appeared with a layer of light blue light, after a few interest, a bright blue light flashed. Leviathan disappeared into the air.

When this Leviathan came out again, it suddenly appeared in the sky above the Crested Mountain.

Fengtou Mountain? Successful!

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is a little excited. However, the military camp below is a bit noisy.

Leviathan's diameter is not the longest in the monster, but a monster more than a hundred meters in diameter suddenly appears in the valley. Undoubtedly will attract Zhao Yunjun's attention.

Soon, a team of sergeants entered the square and began to move closer to Leviathan.

Once in the range, these sergeant squares will shoot the arrow rain like a waterfall!

To this end, Wei Xiaobei had to drill out from Leviathan and shouted loudly, lest the water rushed to the Dragon King Temple.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei, the hundred people, will still know the sergeants.

When Wei Xiaobei landed Leviathan on the ground, Zhao Yun happened to arrive.

Looking at the huge size of Leviathan, Zhao Yun could not help but ask.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s answer made Zhao Yun slightly ignorant.

Indeed, Zhao Yun has not played any computer games, but looking at its shape, Zhao Yun also guessed that it is a monster.

Wei Xiaobei chose this place as a destination for space folding jumps. It is nothing more than taking this opportunity to confirm.

If the squad is already functioning, then you can start the transfer plan when you go back.

In any case, the Weijia Island gray world is much better than this Fengtou Mountain, and Zhao Yunjun does not have to be tied to a place.

It is known from Zhao Yunkou that the phalanx has been functioning normally, and Wei Xiaobei has no idea of ​​the past.

The reason is very simple. Tu Qingqing's sisters are still maintaining the law. If Wei Xiaobei is in the past, I am afraid that being eaten and wiped is inevitable.

This time, there is no blackening to stop it.

Wei Xiaobei also knows that he and Zhu Xinyi and other women are a little bit of something, Tu Qingqing will not object, but if there is something to do with her sister, hey, I am afraid the problem is not good.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Yunyi, Wei Xiaobei returned to Liviatan's body cavity, and then started the space folding jump again.

However, in a short period of time, the space folds and jumps twice. Even Wei Xiaobei feels a little uncomfortable. If you think of ordinary people, you may be violently violent.

Return to the gray home of Weijia Island. Wei Xiaobei left Leviathan on the surface of the sea, allowing him to collect energy on his own, and he rushed back to the beach with Xiaohong.

Watching Wei Xiaobei step back and return. Although the core disciples were surprised, Navitan did not come back, but they also saw their eyes straight. One by one, lamenting, when can I be on the surface of the sea.

Next, Wei Xiaobei was busy.

Transfer point, not everything can be.

The beach is not good, too close to the ocean, and there are so many Zhao Yunjun, this beach is also difficult to settle down.

Not to mention the desert. And the place closer to the phlegm inflammation is not good, it will make sputum inflammation insecure.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei chose a plain near the Tiewei Mountains.

Although it seems dangerous to be close to Tiewei Mountain, it is the best location in this area.

A small river runs through the plains. There is a dense forest on the left side that has spread to the sea. On the right is a hill. The front is the Tiewei Mountain, and the back is the phlegm.

Of course, the main reason why Wei Xiaobei chose here is that the terrain is relatively flat and the water and grass are rich. Whether it is grazing or farming, Zhao Yunjun can probably keep enough food.

After choosing the location, Wei Xiaobei will be from the storage ring. Take the piece of the traction scale out.

This piece of traction was originally able to return the three to the place where Yan Yan was, but now it has become the beacon of the transmission array.

According to the method taught by Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei grasped the scales of the traction in the palm of his hand, and his heart was slightly motivated, and a trace of real mercury was immediately immersed in the scales.

Suddenly the scales were red and bright, and even the palm of Wei Xiaobei was repelled and suspended in the air.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei did not stay in the same place, but stayed away from the scales.

If the transmission is started at the top of the Crested Mountain. If Wei Xiaobei is still standing next to the scales of the traction, then the things that are transmitted may overlap with Wei Xiaobei. It will be more troublesome at that time.

It may even destroy the operation of the transmission array.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobeifei, but he can not get close to the scale of traction, but also must ensure that there will be no foreign objects around the scale of the traction.

At first, Wei Xiaobei thought that this was a very simple matter.

This traction scale is not fat. Is it still attracting a large group of monsters?

But as time went by, the red light emitted from the scales of the traction became more and more fierce, and even afterwards, a red beam of light rising from the sky was formed.

Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that he is really miscalculated.

With the appearance of this red light column, the direction of the iron fence began to vibrate.

Wei Weibei’s vision can be clearly seen.

The shock from the dark clouds of Tiewei Mountain.

Not long after, a huge monster with a head was drilled out of the dark clouds.

From time to time, these monsters reflect silvery white light, with different shapes, such as cows, pigs, sheep, tigers, etc., all kinds of animals, all of them are animal shapes, and the largest monster is an elephant.

Wei Xiaobei swept his eyes and started everything.

To say that these monsters' biological grades are not high, the most powerful elephant is just Samsung Horror, and the weakest chicken is a star elite, but they all consist of iron blocks.

Simply put, it is like a statue carved out of iron, and suddenly there is vitality.

However, the number of them is too much. The number of monsters that have already emerged from the dark clouds has exceeded one thousand. Looking at the trend, I am afraid that it will not stop in a short period of time.


Wei Xiaobei secretly sweared, but had to greet him.

If you let these iron guys rush over, and don't say whether the traction scale will be affected, I am afraid that even if the transmission is successful, Zhao Yunjun will not lose much.


Among the iron guys, the ones that rushed the fastest were the birds with wings.

An iron hen flapping its wings, making the same sound as the real hen, smashed toward Wei Xiaobei's face.


Left fist punched out! The iron hen was deformed by a punch, and it looked like a bowling ball under the recoil of Juli. It flew back in a blink of an eye, and there were many iron monsters who had broken their arms and broken their legs.


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