The City of Terror

Chapter 860: Zhao Yun, whose injury has recovered? ! !

I sent a chapter again. The poor road has not been as low as it is today. I am trying to inspire my confidence. If I don’t say it, do some food first, do you want to treat yourself, big lobster or abalone or caviar? Well, this kind of savory food is not a mortal temperament that can be enjoyed by the mortal, or to eat your own green beans. `


However, the hydraulic blast furnace is available. It was the Ming Dynasty Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, the war in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, perhaps this advanced technology was not used?

Ok, anyway, here is the gray world, everything is possible.

Wei Xiaobei did not ask what was going on, just let Zhao Yun stay in the same place and go to the iron furnace.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei came over, several captains in charge of the iron-making furnace hurriedly marched toward Wei Xiaobei.

Hundreds of people will be considered superiors in front of them.

After Wei Xiaobei returned to the ceremony, he said the structure of the hydraulic blast furnace. These captains are not the masters who killed the knife. They are senior blacksmiths.

Although Wei Xiaobei is not familiar with the cement blast furnace, but as a high school student from a modern science education, these things do not need to be learned, probably understand what is going on, not to mention the fact that Xiaobei also added his own understanding. , such as water trucks and the like.

According to Wei Xiaobei, several captains even pondered.

Not long after, they were freed from the state of what seemed to be a slap in the face. They happily marched toward Wei Xiaobei and marched to the rallies to start the trial of the hydraulic blast furnace.

Well, I have to say that watching a watermill like a windmill rises up in that small river, Wei Xiaobei always feels a bit guilty.

Well, since this is the case, Wei Xiaobei does not mind more guidance.

In Zhao Yun's slightly gaze, Wei Xiaobei became an idol of the great masters in the army in less than half an hour.

Well, in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there seems to be no such thing as an idol, but the words of the great masters can not be said casually. `

Mr.: Older. The learned person also has the meaning of the teacher who preached the profession.

In short, just look at the reverence of these great craftsmen and a group of craftsmen to Wei Xiaobei, and know how much Wei Xiaobei is in their hearts at this time.

The dam that was built throughout the plain was repaired. The waterwheel erected at the dam's drain is rotating rapidly. Through a series of gears, after the transmission of the lever, the power is sent to the blast furnace, and part of the water rolled up by the waterwheel is moving through the adjacent channel. The fields flowed past.

Wei Xiaobei originally wanted to give pointers to what simple lathe. But after seeing the ironsmiths forged by the craftsmen hundreds of times, they could not help but throw the recommended lathe to the back.

Name: hundred wrought iron (boutique)

Introduction: This object is a piece of iron that was infested by the craftsmen of Zhao Yunjun. The iron block is infused with spirits. It has its own magical effect, such as evil spirits, giant force, wind breaking, sharp edge, etc., after it has been beaten into various weapons. , show it on its own.

Name: thousand wrought iron (treasure)

Introduction: This is the iron piece that the craftsmen of Zhao Yunjun beat and smashed thousands of times. It has its own magical effect, such as demon, strange power, wind, broken and so on. After it is beaten into various weapons, it manifests itself.

Name: Wanji Iron (Xianpin)

Introduction: This object is a large piece of art that Zhao Yunjun has beaten for a long time, overlapping 10,000 times, and the essence of the gods perfusion, dripping into a drop of blood, the iron block, which comes with the demon. The magical effect of divine power, wind, waves and so on, after it was beaten into various weapons. Show it on its own.

Well, I have to say that the iron pieces hand-crafted by these craftsmen, even if the most accurate atomic furnaces in reality are impossible to forge, let alone these craftsmen can activate the power contained in the iron blocks. Created into a weapon.

What simple lathe? Hey, still throw it aside.

But in any case, the light is the driving force of the waterwheel, which makes the effect of the blast furnace a lot better, which makes the melting of the iron in the furnace much faster.

In addition, the fields that were opened up also had a lot of fresh water irrigation, which made the Putian soldiers less tired. `

For the time being, the entire Zhao Yunjun is basically divided into several parts busy.

Sui Tianbing, not much to say, was led by a deputy general, more than 3,000 people, scattered in most of the plains, constantly ploughed out the soft soil of the blisters, and then sprinkled the seeds one by one.

Of course, even if there is fresh water soaking, these Putian soldiers are not too tired. Fortunately, these soldiers are the weakest and have two ordinary strengths. Otherwise, even if they are exhausted, it is impossible to open the plain.

In this part of the camp, two thousand people went to cut down wood, excavate coal and other resources. Two thousand people formed a team patrol to patrol the edge of the plain, and there were more than a thousand craftsmen and logistics personnel. The last thousand people built buildings such as camps and even sentry towers.

Wei Xiaobei only needs some ideas that are incomparably novel to those craftsmen. These craftsmen can realize these ideas and even make new ones and make better things.

When it came to the back, Wei Xiaobei was stunned by the spectators.

Ok? what is that?


Should that be a wooden cow?

After seeing several craftsmen making the trees into wooden boards and then knocking on them and carving them, a large-scale wooden bull-horse was made. Then the wooden cows and horses were placed in the heart of the forehead with blood and a red dragonfly. Then he moved up on his own, snorting, licking the tail made of wood and kicking the front hoof.

This is amazing, right?

Seeing the astounding gaze of Wei Xiaobei on the wooden cow and the horse, Zhao Yun laughed: "Second brother, this is the wooden cow that was developed by Zhuge Yuxiang. With this material, our army has saved a lot of manpower."

Accompanied by Zhao Yun’s sigh, the wooden cows were led by the soldiers to the fields that were being ploughed, and the iron ploughs that the craftsmen built were also put on the wooden cows.

As these wooden cattle are put into the cultivated land, the degree of cultivated land is accelerated by ten times.

After all, the efficiency of waving the **** is much worse than that of the iron plough.

And those horses acted as transport means, constantly carrying the bodies of wood, coal and even iron and stone monsters back.

Under the efforts of Zhao Yunjun, the camps, cultivated land, etc. were displayed on the plains with the naked eye.

I have to say that such a work process will give people a feeling of psychological excitement.

Is this the joy of farming?

Since Zhao Yunjun has been unconditionally unfolded here, and the sentry tower between Tiewei Mountain and even various defensive facilities have been built, and a thousand sergeants have settled in, so that the iron monsters drilled in the iron surrounding mountains want to invade. The plains became more difficult, and Wei Xiaobei also decided to take Zhao Yun to see the side of Yan Yan.

After all, this Zhao Yunjun is the reinforcements that Wei Xiaobei helped with Yan Yan. The reinforcements arrived. The two sides should talk face to face, so that they would be saddened by the accidental flooding of the Dragon King Temple.

For the invitation of Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun did not refuse, leaving the white horse in the camp, and he and Wei Xiaobei went deep into the desert.

At this time, Zhao Yunjun has fully launched and built enough defense facilities. Even if Zhao Yun leaves, there will be no major incidents.

You know, even if the four-star elite monsters invade, it is enough for those senior military officers to let them drink a pot.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei left Xiaohong in the camp for the sake of stability.

Such a battle, I am afraid that even the four-star horror of the Longbo people ran into trouble, can not ask, okay?

It may not be good. After all, Wei Xiaobei did not confront the Longbo people. Therefore, there is really no intuitive judgment on the real strength of the Longbo people.

Of course, if the same four-star horror of the six-winged angel illusion comes over, it is estimated that it will be gray-faced.

After walking for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had something to ignore before he thought about it.

In the end, after unintentionally gazing at Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei screamed with some surprises: "Big Brother, has your injury recovered?"

Can not help but Wei Xiaobei surprise, to say that Zhao Yun has been with injuries before, even the various treasures provided by Wei Xiaobei, a variety of means can not completely cure it.

But now, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze falls on Zhao Yun’s body, and Zhao Yun’s previous powers disappeared.

To put it simply, the former Zhao Yun was in Wei Xiaobei's gaze, that is, a miniature sun walking on the ground, shining, but still barely able to see its appearance.

Well, this is normal. Wei Xiaobei’s eyes can see the breath of most creatures. The difference in these breaths will also appear in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes.

Most of the four-star elite monsters are in the form of this miniature sun in Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

Of course, Yan Yan is a real sun in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei. If Wei Xiaobei faces the phlegm and does not cancel the effect of this breath observation, I am afraid that the eyes will not be able to stand it.

And now Zhao Yun, falling in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, there is no abnormality, saying that simple is an ordinary person!

There is no momentum, and the breath is revealed.

Although I did not use all things to see Zhao Yun's property sheet, Wei Xiaobei can also know the results of the review.

I am afraid that I can only see Zhao Yun’s name at most. As for other attributes, it should be a question mark.

Zhao Yun can't degenerate into an ordinary person. The only conclusion is that Zhao Yun's injuries have been restored, so that his strength has returned to its peak state, and this peak state is invisible to himself.

Extremely restrained, probably should be like this.

Zhao Yun nodded and smiled: "For the brother's injury can be healed, or the second brother's blessing."

Having said that, Zhao Yun did not continue to talk about it, and his face was slightly red.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat inexplicable.

Trust my blessing?

What is my blessing?

Involuntarily, Wei Xiaobei started a series of abilities and started to think about it.


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