The City of Terror

Chapter 875: Upright small dessert

This is the third chapter of yesterday............. Sorry, the interference outside is too big today, karaoke is still mad at 12 o'clock, and the poor road wants to play 110.


With the death of the white mist shrimp, the remaining white mist shrimp is completely mad.

The last command issued by the White Mist Shrimp before the death is to kill any shark!

Half an hour later, the body-scarred shark demon king fled the white mist shrimp with more than 70 sharks.

The number of white mist shrimps is too much. When the Shark Demon King kills the white mist shrimp, the white mist shrimp that have been hatched has exceeded hundreds of millions!

Such a number of white mist shrimps, even if they are strangled by the shark monsters, the corrosive white mist released by them almost turns the sea area into a king water!

Therefore, even if the white mist shrimp did not have the command of the white mist shrimp mother, they only knew that they were constantly attacking, and the shark monsters could not stand it.

After the war damages three or forty sharks, the Shark Demon King discovered this. If he does not withdraw, I am afraid that all of his men will be buried here.

Of course, the Shark Demon King escaped, and the remaining white mist shrimps are still in pursuit, but their lifespan is not long, especially after losing the white mist shrimp mother, their life expectancy is shortened to less than one day.

It can be said that the Shark Demon King has lost three or forty hands in vain. If it escapes after the white mist shrimp mother has been killed, there is no need to lose these men at all, and those white mist shrimp will die by themselves.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had already felt the death of the white mist shrimp mother. For the white mist shrimp mother, it was actually hanged. Wei Xiaobei was somewhat surprised.

But this kind of thing is not impossible. After all, the fighting power of the white fog shrimp mother is too weak, as long as the other party's strength is strong. Being able to break through the interception of the white mist shrimp group, it is normal to kill the white mist shrimp mother.

Wei Xiaobei did not care too much about the death of the white shrimp shrimp mother. After all, the white mist shrimp in the sea is not the only one, even if the group of sharks rushed to the beach, waiting for them is not a good thing.

As Wei Xiaobei thought, the Shark Demon King really took the sharks to the sea near the beach.

This is not the shark demon king rushing to the beach, but this shark demon king is considered to be feared by the white mist shrimp, the result of the past, not long after broke into a white fog shrimp mother site.

Seeing a lot of white mist shrimp rushing, the shark demon king no longer had the food to eat, turned and left.

This is going. The direction is just right at the beach.

"Well? What is that?"

At this time, Zhao Yunjun’s boat is constantly catching seafood on the sea not far from the beach.

After gradually entering the formal and familiar with the fishing skills, the boats will be filled with seafood every other time, so that they have to return to the beach and carry the catch to the shore.

The Shark Demon King looked at those humans, well, this is the first time it has seen humans. But based on some inheritance in the blood of the monster, it stumbles that these upright walking creatures seem to taste good.

It is also pitiful to say that the shark demon king actually does not even have the shrimp demon that Xiaobei first encountered. Although the shrimp demon is weak. But also tasted the delicious meat.

"Da Wang, or else, I will grab one over. Let your old man taste it?"

According to the habits of these monsters, look at the strength of the enemy. They are all based on the body type.

There is no doubt that these sharks are as small as humans. It also directly ignores the faint scent.

Of course, this also shows that the military will converge on their own atmosphere.

"Roll! This king still uses you to shoot?"

The original shark demon king who was fleeing was hiding a smoldering fire. Now this shark demon is shooting on the horse's leg and flying out by the tail of the shark demon king.

I have to say that this shark demon king is indeed a powerful force, and the shark demon more than forty meters is fanned out of the sea by a tail. Like a bombshell, after flying dozens of meters, it slams into the air. On the sea, a wave of hundreds of meters high was stirred up.

Before leaving, Wei Xiaobei repeatedly smashed the remaining military officers. Once there is a problem on the sea surface, remember to be vigilant, so as not to ruin the soldier's life.

After all, Zhao Yunjun is powerful, also on the land, in the ocean, with those boats, huh, huh, I am afraid that even a group of crab demon, shrimp demon is not an opponent.

In addition to the abnormality of Wei Xiaobei, even those military officers, sinking into the water, are somewhat embarrassing.

Therefore, after discovering the giant sharks flying in the distant sea, the soldiers recruited the boats that were still fishing.

More than forty meters of giant sharks, not to mention anything else, these boats have to be scattered, and the waves that they bring when they swim can easily overturn these boats.

There is no need to fight the giant sharks at sea.

It was found that the boats were desperately trying to lean towards the shore, and the shark demon king who had educated himself was somewhat dumbfounded.

The prey actually ran away! ! !


But soon, the Shark Demon King rejoiced.

Therefore, those humans got on the shore, but instead of fleeing, they stood on the beach and pointed at it.

These are all delicious meat! ! !

The shark demon king even smelled a strange taste from the sea, making its appetite more vigorous, and even the anger that was previously chased by the white shrimp shrimp dissipated.

But the Shark Demon King did not know that the strange smell it smelled was actually the urine that the soldiers had sprinkled on the boat.

People have three urgency, what should I do when the soldiers are urgency on the boat?

Is it always impossible to take the boat back?

So the best choice is to use the sea as a toilet........

Don't talk about whether the fish fed the urine can still eat this type of brain damage problem. The sea fish are still in the ocean at any time.

In short, the Shark Demon King was excited at this time, exposing the huge dorsal fin to the sea surface, and the dorsal fin broke open the sea to make the speed of the Shark Demon King suddenly increase.

And those shark demons follow the shark demon king, and the erect creatures on the beach are already a delicious dessert in their eyes.

Hunting for creatures on the beach is an instinct for shark demon.

The powerful body can make them rush to the beach and bite the prey and quickly return to the sea.

This can be seen occasionally in real sharks.

Many sharks like to slurp lakes in shallow waters, hunting in shallow waters, and chasing prey to the beach when necessary.

Most of the time, even if the shark is stranded on the beach, it can jump back to the sea with a powerful bouncing.

Real sharks can do this, and the huge sharks can do it naturally.

The problem is that the erect creatures line up on the beach in a neat array of squares. There seems to be some huge things in the square, and some erect creatures riding white creatures run back and forth.

The shark demon king has some faint feelings, but the pursuit of food finally makes it not go deep into it.

This is like a very hungry emigrant. When they see the fragrant chicken legs, will they still look for a silver needle to test the poison?

"Is these monsters stupid?"

An army commander who was the chief commander of the left behind could not help but laugh.

At the time of Fengtou Mountain, whenever Zhao Yunjun was lined up in a square matrix and surrounded by Bai Mayi, the powerful monsters with a little bit of brain would not choose a positive impact.

Countless monsters have confirmed with blood that the frontal impact of these human-made military arrays will only result in two.

The first is to be killed, and the second is to be killed after both losses.

Other than that, no accidents will happen.

When the shark demon was six kilometers away from the beach, the military Sima’s face was smirked and the voice was raised: “The bed is ready! Even the hand is ready!”

"The first bed is ready!"

"The second bed is ready!"


As the order was conveyed, the team captains and the soldiers were busy, the squares were separated, and the mattresses inside were revealed. The strings were quickly opened under the stirring of more than a dozen soldiers, and they were thicker than the arms. The arrow was sent to the groove.

Even the pickpockets swayed the special rocker of Zhuge Lian, and put a branch of the arrow into the flail.

We must know that this time, in order to ensure the success of fishing, Zhao Yun deliberately awarded 20 sets of bed mattresses to Wei Xiaobei at the time of departure.

We must know that when Zhao Yunjun was in Fengtoushan, due to continuous damage, there were only over forty beds.

Fortunately, these days, the craftsmen worked overtime to build up, and the bed was probably able to make three sets a day.

Even if Wei Xiaobei took 20 units, the big camp would soon be able to make up the gap.

The shark demon was very fast when it sprinted, and soon it reached five kilometers.

"The mattress is launched!"

Under one command, the operators who had already captured the target had put the hammer on the mattress trigger.


A series of vibrating chords came, and a thick and sturdy arrow suddenly came out of the string. After bursting out of a group of blasting clouds, it turned into a cold light and rushed into the air, and then a faint glimpse of the arrow. The red light, passing through an arc, fell toward the snails who were sprinting.

As I said before, the shark demon's vision is very weak, probably stronger than the Mole, so the sprinting scorpion demon, including the Shark Demon King did not see the arrow flying from the air.

However, the monster is still a lot stronger than the human being in terms of dangerous premonition.

Even if I don’t see the arrow that was shot, the Shark Demon King is not aware of it, and always feels that it is dangerous to move forward.

"Steering to turn!"

The shout of the shark demon king just sounded. The first arrow was shot on the back of a shark demon. The arrow carrying the giant force penetrated into the shark demon body in an instant, until the tail of the arrow was stuck outside.

This arrow is not a general arrow. Each arrow is attached to some magical power by the masters, and precision hits are one of them, and there are also effects such as breaking evils.

If you don't have these effects, and don't mention whether you can shoot the rough and thick snails, but the speed of these sharks is hard to hit.

When you know the soldiers, moving the target is the hardest to hit.

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