The City of Terror

Chapter 879: The first failure!

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Information related to shipbuilding, books?

When is the prince’s interest in shipbuilding?

Well, His Royal Highness princes have a wide range of interests and hobbies.

But the problem is that the ship-related materials and books are much more.

Do not say anything else, just the construction process, standards, technology and other materials of a yacht, add up to a big glimpse.

Although there is a database, this database is not able to be installed with one or two hard drives.

You should know that the shipyard's database not only has its own crafts, technology, etc., but even the world's annual shipbuilding-related materials are collected.

For example, a new high-polyurethane material, or steel, aluminum, etc., has emerged. Data collectors at shipyards will collect information on this material as a necessary reference for ship designers, after all, shipbuilding materials and ships. The design is closely related.

What new type of ship paint has appeared and needs to be collected, which is also part of the shipbuilding.

So wait, let's just say, the ship-related materials, books are not just about designing shipbuilding, but also materials, marine environment over the years, various welding techniques, various electronic technologies.

Besides, even if it is a copy, I am afraid it will take quite a while.

In short, it is impossible for Prince Taras to ask for it today.

The general manager had to bite his head and sweat, and told the situation to Step Malas.

Stepping Malas is not the kind of dude who completely ignores the situation. It is also a bit difficult to hear the general manager say this. I had to call back again and told Wei Xiaobei about the situation.

Wei Xiaobei was not very clear about this before, and now I understand. The scope of the data is set in this aspect of ship design.

As a result, the general manager was relieved. Just in this respect, the problem is solved.

Soon, Tamaras will personally carry a large amount of design materials, and the hard disk of the book will be sent to Wei Xiaobei. In order to prevent Master from understanding, he will bring a designer from the shipyard to take responsibility. Wei Xiaobei explained the contents inside.

Tamaras was not eating because of the busy schedule. I left.

Wei Xiaobei was not polite, so that the designer selected some entry-level materials and books, and then let a core disciple accompany the designer to rest on the island.

Three days later, the designer was surprised to discover that the Guardian of the Guardian has changed from a shipbuilding blind to a pseudo-introduction to the ship's design.

At this point, the designer is much easier when explaining the materials. But this is also the initial ease.

As Wei Xiaobei learns more and more information, some of the questions raised by the designer will allow the designer to stir up a good brain to answer.

One week before and after, the designer felt that he could not answer the question of Wei Xiaobei. He even suggested Wei Xiaobei to go to the shipyard to work, well, when he made this suggestion. I realized that with the value of Wei Xiaobei, I needed to go to the shipyard to go to work?

Of course, when the designer left, Wei Xiaobei gave him a surprise.

In order to express the hard work of the designer for these hours, Wei Xiaobei gave him a check, 500,000 US dollars.

For the designer, the $500,000 is not too small. His biggest achievement is to enter the eyes of the Prince of Malas, and since then. Going to the peak of life and welcoming white and beautiful. It doesn't seem to be a difficult thing.

For Wei Xiaobei, 500,000 US dollars can find a professional teacher reads; It’s a good deal to get through what you can’t understand.

The most important thing is that the shipbuilding skills that were previously unable to activate in the gray world with those shipbuilders were activated!

Although the initial level of this skill is only slightly improved, but there are skills and no skills, for Wei Xiaobei is completely two concepts!

Slightly achieved, probably in the university, I have studied hard for three years in shipbuilding, but I have not yet practiced it.

After sending the designer away, he returned to the villa's Wei Xiaobei and adjusted the property panel at the first time.

The evolution point is 31,340 points, which is more than enough to improve shipbuilding skills.

After investing in 100 evolution points, Wei Xiaobei upgraded the shipbuilding skills to the hall.

Investing in 200 evolution points, the shipbuilding skills have been improved.

Investing in 1500 evolution points, the shipbuilding skills have risen to unfathomable.

The shipbuilding skills were raised to unfathomable, and Wei Xiaobei consumed a total of 3,600 evolution points, with a remaining evolution of 27,740 points.

Then countless knowledge that was hard-pressed by Wei Xiaobei’s rote began to emerge in his mind.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was very familiar with this knowledge. Although it was slightly simmering, he was able to easily pull them out when needed.

This is the benefit of having skills. Although it is not your own experience, it requires some practice to temper, but Wei Xiaobei has indeed possessed decades of ship design experience.

Just give him some drawing tools, he can easily design some ship design drawings.

As for how this skill is integrated with the refiner, it is necessary to practice Xiaobei's step by step practice.

After solving this problem, Wei Xiaobei remembered a question.

The cd time that looks like a sacrifice is over?

It is time to sacrifice another skill.

And the skills that need to be upgraded, Wei Xiaobei has already chosen.

Archery (unfathomable)!

As long as the archery is upgraded, the combat power of Wei Xiaobei will be further improved!

This is very important. Calculating the time, the period of phlegm and blood stasis seems to be coming to an end!

Take a *knife knife (fine) from the storage ring, and with the attention of Wei Xiaobei focused on this book, the changes have appeared.

* Knife method (boutique) quickly turned into a group of white light, immersed in Wei Xiaobei.

In the next moment, Wei Xiaobei’s mind suddenly appeared in the shape of a number of long-handed knives, and sometimes the long knife was pulled out, sometimes the knife fell, and sometimes leaped

All kinds of changes are like the same movie being released.

Wei Xiaobei was the first to use such a thing, but for the national master of Wei Xiaobei, this thing is too easy to absorb.

Not long after, there is a more *knife method on the skill bar of the property panel (thousands of hammers)!

* Knife method is simply a real knife method, and its * is a glimpse, two, three, four, five, six, it seems that it only has six strokes, but in fact each There are thirty-six routines in the recruits. Once they are well-trained, even if there is no actual combat, they are enough to handle the vast majority of situations.

Wei Xiaobei took out a ring of the first knife, slowly smashed a knife flower, and then smashed out, oh! As soon as a sound came out, the glass windows of this indoor theater were bursting.

Then Wei Xiaobei drilled the *knife method as much as possible. When the knife was closed, the interior was already a mess.

It is a waste to use this skill for sacrifice.

Wei Xiaobei's left index finger was wiped on the blade, and he couldn't help but sigh. As a master of national art, Wei Xiaobei naturally saw the subtlety of this knife.

To put it simply, this knife method is more in line with Wei Xiaobei's appetite, and it has a good ability to make up for Wei Bei's attack on the middle distance.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei decided to sacrifice this skill.

The reason is very simple. Although this skill is more in line with appetite, it is not an indispensable knife.

After consuming 3,300 evolution points, this knives have risen to an unfathomable state.

Feeling * The mysterious feeling brought by the knife method to the deep unfathomable, Wei Xiaobei slowly closed his eyes and was immersed in it.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has repeatedly experienced the benefits of this skill upgrade to unfathomable.

A mysterious feeling that this faint feeling can give other related skills some unspeakable benefits.

Even after the sacrifice, this benefit will not disappear.

Of course, the biggest advantage here is that Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has increased.

Wei Xiaobei's soul strength was originally 122 points. After the first few cooking and engravings were upgraded to the world, the soul strength was raised to 136 points.

This time, after the shipbuilding and the * knife method were upgraded, the soul strength increased to 146 points.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is an unexpected discovery.

Although Wei Xiaobei does not know much about the soul strength, he also knows that this gadget determines the strength of his soul.

The more nature, the better.

It is time to sacrifice.

Wei Xiaobei suppressed the impulse of the *knife method, and then chose the sacrifice * knife method, and the target was set for archery (unfathomable).

As the *knife begins to burn, a ray of fire entangles toward the archery, and the color of the archery skills begins to change gradually.

But Wei Xiaobei is not excited at all. The reason is very simple. After the last time he promoted cooking to the world, he knew that this sacrifice will surely fail!

To say that if you change someone, you will not sacrifice.

The loss of this sacrifice failed is not small, one skill disappears, and there are more than three thousand evolution points to improve skills.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not do this. It seems that avoiding a sacrifice failure can reduce the loss. But in fact, the brain is slightly more flexible and knows that if you avoid this failure, then there will never be a sacrifice improvement skill. chance.

This failure will inevitably be in front of you.

In the end, the *knife method was completely burned, and the archery skills did not improve.

In Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the knowledge related to the knife method has disappeared at this time, and I can’t remember it at all.


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