The City of Terror

Chapter 884: ,stone?

Send another chapter! I originally wanted to code a chapter, but the poor roads are really unstoppable. The eyelids fight is very troublesome. I am sorry, the poor roads are going to lie down. You, friends, friends, brothers and sisters, young and old sisters, bye bye. ,see you tomorrow. I like the net.


Not yet waiting for Xiaobei to return, Tu Qingqing took the lead in exporting and arranged the rest of the day. Since Tu Qingqing has opened up, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not veto. In any case, Tu Qingqing is his wife, the mother of Weijiadao, and the mother has arranged for a holiday, and if she has to stop it, then Not to give your wife a face.

The consequences of not giving his wife a face, Wei Xiaobei probably can guess, so he chose to be as hard as Huang Kun!

But then again, everyone on this Weijia Island can take a holiday, but Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing can't take a holiday.

Tu Qingqing needs to go to the port today to look at the newly built fuel storage warehouse, while Wei Xiaobei needs to go to the deserted island to see. After the shipbuilding skills are raised to unfathomable, Wei Xiaobei has a series of Ideas and plans need to be tested, but if you experiment on Weijia Island, the impact and loss may be a bit large, so no one is the most suitable place.

After breakfast, everyone left, and Tu Qingqing went to the dock area accompanied by several core disciples. This is also a helpless thing. Although those who attempt to offend, Tu Qingqing can handle it, but it will always bring some anxiety. And these core disciples are different. Whoever dares to offend, directly punches and kicks him to know how to behave.

This kind of effect is undoubtedly much better than the inexplicable trip to the sea. The latter will make people feel strange and fearful, but they don't know that it is related to Tu Qingqing. Someone may be offended next time.

But this punch and kick is different, and those guys have to consider whether they can withstand the punch, or whether it is worth it.

At the same time, the identity of Tu Qingqing will also be revealed!

The hostess of Weijia Island, is not a dog can be offended.

The disciples are going to practice the symbols. They must at least practice this symbol to a level of proficiency. Will stop.

The Weifu Weimu went to the vegetable garden accompanied by Che Meihan. It is said that now Weifang's mother-in-law almost treats the girl like Mei Han as her own daughter, and occasionally let Wei Xiaoyun eat jealous or something.

As for Wei Xiaobei himself, he rushed to the beach. When he was surrounded by no one, he gently slammed his legs and vacated, rushing toward the deserted island.

To say, if anyone sees Wei Xiaobei. It will probably surprise Wei Weibei to walk on the sea.

But in fact, Wei Xiaobei was about half a meter away from the sea when his legs fell, and he kept changing the distance, sometimes half a meter. Sometimes twenty centimeters, sometimes more than one meter.

Wei Xiaobei is naturally training himself and wants to make this ability more skilled.

After all, human beings are creatures that are born on land, walking in the air, running, etc. Even if they are practicing well, it is not enough.

However, the way of doing this is really good. Wei Xiaobei is not only more familiar with the ability to walk freely. At the same time, the agile attributes that were upgraded before also have a certain degree of mastery.

In the vicinity of Weijia Island, there are only two deserted islands. The first one was named Xiaowei Island by Wei Xiaobei. Before using the Loki finger to destroy the creatures on the island, it became a real sense. The second is the island of Wei Xiaobei, which is used to test the alienated breeding creatures.

Wei Xiaobei went to Xiaowei Island first, although the small desert island had the wave wall set by the turtle demon king as a ban. At the same time, when Wei Xiaobei left, he also viewed the whole island and even the surrounding waters, and confirmed it. No abnormal creatures survived.

But this kind of thing is hard to say, even if Wei Xiaobei does not dare to say that his own sense of heaven and man is foolproof, so come here to see, Wei Xiaobei is also An Anxin.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also a routine business. He really didn't imagine that there would be such things as creatures on the small desert island. Even if there is, at most, it is the bacteria that come with the air.

When Wei Xiaobei saw the small desert island, he faintly saw what seemed to be moving on the small desert island.

After waiting for Xiaobei to cross the wave wall, he looked up and did not find any creatures on the island, but there were new traces on those hillsides.

Something is wrong!

This is the first reaction of Wei Xiaobei.

The second reaction was to scan the whole island with all things, but there is still no gain!

Some are just some stones that seem to be blown by the wind.

what's the problem?

Wei Xiaobei is also somewhat uncertain. It is said that there is nothing on this island, and it is impossible to leave those fresh traces.

The problem is that I have checked it, and there really is no living thing.

It is naturally impossible for Wei Xiaobei to leave like this. I have not figured out how this is going to happen. If I leave, if there is any accident, I will be killed by Weijiadao!

Wei Xiaobei then thought about it. After a while, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes lit up, and then he adjusted the environmental memory he saw before he left the small desert island, and began to use this as a benchmark for Xiaodao Island. The changes on the list are summarized.

Taking Wei Xiaobei’s current intelligence, it is naturally easy to do such a thing.

After a while, all the changes in this small desert island appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Well, that boulder seems to have moved sixty-three meters. The small stone has moved 13 meters. There is a big pit here.

After the changes in the forests were summed up, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that the added traces were on the lines between the stones and even the earth before and after the movement.

Then carefully calculate these traces!

Wei Xiaobei finally came up with an answer. These traces should actually be the pits left by the footsteps, and the size of the pits actually matches the weight of these stones!

Then, after most of the changes are counted, and after careful calculation, the only answer is even ridiculous, then the real answer.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei feels that this answer is not too ridiculous. In the gray world, the facts like this are normal.

Those stones have already had life!

This is the answer that Wei Xiaobei calculated!

If this were not the case, it would be impossible to explain the movement of these stones and the traces left during the period.

What kind of hurricane hits and so on is impossible at this small desert island.

The surrounding walls are enough to intercept these dramatic weather changes!

Don't underestimate the power of a scorpion tortoise in the ocean.

Don't look at the demon king, this turtle demon king can be more than the blue crabs, Beckham and so on.

Simply put, the difference between the two lies in their use of power, not the difference in biological grades.

Those blue crabs, the little singer king will only use his talent when he says it, but he doesn’t know how to temper his own use in the demon, just like the average person only knows how to practice muscle, but he doesn’t know how to use muscle.

The turtle demon king is different, and it is quite intelligent!

If you say that the blue crab demon king, the little Bay demon king what the use of the demon gas is only the level of the kindergarten, then the use of the monster demon king to the demon gas should be the professor level, the gap between the two is let Unimaginable.

In front of the tortoise demon king, no more blue crab demon kings are enough to see, the mind is moving, the storm is coming, it is enough to tear the enemy into pieces!

The wave wall does not look so much, and the power contained in it is quite amazing.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei will not go to the island to see it.

Wei Xiaobei stepped on the small desert island in a few steps and came to a stone with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters.

This stone is a moving stone.

When the right hand was gently grasped, the stone was caught, and Wei Xiaobei carefully examined the stone.

He had thought that he could see something, but what he never imagined was that no matter how you look at it, use your eyes and see through all things. This stone is still a stone, a stone without any signs of life.

Do you calculate your own mistakes?

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei has some doubts about himself.

After all, as long as people make mistakes, they are afraid that they will not know if they made a mistake. If they make a mistake, they don’t know that they are correcting. They are even afraid that the correct thing is regarded as a mistake.

Such a kind, making Wei Xiaobei appear extremely entangled.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, the problem like this is actually solved very well.

"If you have any life, you can see this."

Wei Xiaobei’s mouth whispered, and his right hand gently threw the stone toward another big stone and lost it.

Of course, with the power of Wei Xiaobei, even if it is controlled in a small area, it is extremely powerful for ordinary people.


A loud noise, a small stone like a shell, hit the big stone.

As the loud noise occurred, the small stone suddenly burst open, and the big stone appeared a little crack in the impact.

It is not surprising that the stones on this small desert island are basically volcanic rocks, which are honeycomb structures, which are placed on the water and even float.

In short, this time, the small stone is broken and the big stone is injured.

And while the small stone is cracking, it actually spits some orange liquid inside.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei eyes stared at the orange liquid, and decisively started everything!

Name: Blood of Volcanic Rock (Boutique)

Introduction: This is the blood of volcanic rock people. It has a small amount of soil system and fire magic. It is the top material for refining related chemicals, and it can also promote the evolution of similar organisms.

Sure enough!

When the scene of this scene appeared in front of the eyes, Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh, his own calculations are correct, but these volcanic people do not know why they have escaped their ability to see through all things.

As the blood of the volcanic rock was sputtered, the stone that had been cracked and cracked quickly changed.


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