The City of Terror

Chapter 892: ,fishing

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But if you want to make it better, you need more practice.

There are still 4,300 points left in the evolution point, but Wei Xiaobei is not prepared to continue to improve the attributes.

After raising the two branch attributes to 0 in one breath, Wei Xiaobei's consumption is extremely great. At this time, it seems that the strength of raising his hand requires some time to reserve.

Struggling to take out two pieces of barbecue from the storage ring, Wei Xiaobei was throwing his mouth into the mouth. He could only open the small half of his mouth. It was like a snake mouth to open up to several times the face, but after swallowing the barbecue. The mouth has returned to its original state.

Feeling the change of his mouth, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile and shook his head. As the strength improved, he seemed to be less and less like human beings.

But fortunately, at least your own shape is no different from humans.

But if it is the essence, it is impossible for humans to have the skin that can withstand the shooting of machine gun bullets without damage.

After a short rest, the incomparable resilience allowed Wei Xiaobei to swallow two pieces of barbecue soon, and then resumed as before.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei began to look back on the skill bar of the property panel.

To say that the former Wei Xiaobei has a hunch, it seems that the improvement of a certain skill should be good, although this kind of hunch is somewhat vague, but Wei Xiaobei still decided to believe his own hunch, after all, the improvement of skills will always bring benefits.

However, in Wei Xiaobei's current skill bar, there are not many skills that can be used to upgrade the evolution point.

As far as ordinary skills are concerned, there are three.

Refining, fishing, driving.

The special ability is to release the current, and the rest of the special ability can not be improved by the evolution point.

First, the refiner was ruled out by Wei Xiaobei.

This skill can be upgraded with evolution points, but if it is not enough to temper the refining realm, after the upgrade. The realm has improved, but the effect is not too good.

The current refiner is a realm of integration, and has not been honed enough to say this time. Wei Xiaobei didn't use Long Huanding. I thought of it here. Wei Xiaobei decided to go to practice after the decision, so that it would not be a long time and become a hand.

fishing. This skill, okay, is the skill that was ignited by Wei Bei in the gray-bound lakeside.

But then again, fishing does not seem to have much use. If you need fish food, Wei Xiaobei will catch it himself. This is much faster than fishing.

However, after Wei Xiaobei hesitated for a long time, he did not rule out the fishing skills, but tentatively set them.

Driving skills are a bit of a benefit to using Leviathan. Wei Xiaobei thought about it without hesitation, and directly invested a thousand evolution points, and continuously promoted it to the realm of perfection.

The fire is pure enough.

If you need it later, it will not be too late to upgrade it to the top.

Feeling the driving-related knowledge that emerged in my mind, Wei Xiaobei had some insights, then opened the computer and began to look up some driving knowledge.

Well, Wei Xiaobei’s driving knowledge at this time is not a car driving knowledge, but a tank. High-end driving knowledge such as warships, airplanes and even aerospace aircraft.

Of course, the driving knowledge that can be found online is naturally rare and very shallow.

Looked for a while. Wei Xiaobei felt that it was of little use. After thinking about it, he simply grabbed the phone and made a phone call to step Malas.

The content is naturally to let Prince Taras find something like this for himself.

Although Prince Taras said that he felt that Master’s request was a little weird, he nodded and agreed.

After all, in the view of Tamaras, Master can no longer see it with ordinary people's eyes. Everything he does must have its own meaning.

For the Prince of Maras. If you want to find some driving knowledge of aerospace aircraft, it may be difficult, but tanks, planes, and warships are not difficult. They are only the scope of the Kingdom of the Republic of Bosnia. If it is the country of Sam, no solution anymore.

After solving this problem, Wei Xiaobei thought about it and temporarily put aside the ability to release current.

It is too wasteful to say that the release of current light is promoted by evolutionary points.

Think about the mixed-race dragon goldfish, you only need to always release lightning to Wei Xiaobei, and the ability to release current will rise. Although the lightning of the mixed-breed goldfish is not useful to Wei Xiaobei, it is gray. Is there only a hybrid dragon goldfish in the world that can release lightning?

East counts the West, Wei Xiaobei finally found that there is only one skill that can be upgraded.


Although it is not too cold for this skill, Wei Xiaobei does not care about wasting some evolution points. After all, any skill improvement seems to be beneficial.

200 evolution point investment

The fishing skills that have entered the room have been upgraded into a temper.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s knowledge of fishing has been seen in his mind, and even some of the formulas being calculated in the two minds have been interrupted.

After the color of the fishing skill stabilized in yellow, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to annoy the formulas that were interrupted.

After the promotion of fishing skills has been tempered, there has been a promotion requirement.

Fishing 000 fish.

Fishing for 000 fish

The appearance of this promotion requirement can not help but make Wei Xiaobei feel happy.

Be aware that any skill that has a promotion requirement is a skill that is very powerful or useful in the later stages.

Such as cooking and the like.

At that time, Wei Xiaobei looked at the sky, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Weijia Island, located in the subtropical climate region, is undoubtedly sunny and hot at this time.

To put it simply, if ordinary people rub the sunscreen, standing in the sun, I am afraid that it will be sunburned in an hour.

However, the core disciples on Weijia Island saw the island's main guard, Xiaobei, taking a heavy step, carrying a set of fishing equipment and heading north.

Heavy steps are a must.

For Wei Xiaobei, it is easier to control the body to reduce it. After all, Wei Xiaobei’s body is like Yan, but he wants to gain weight to the extent he needs. Let yourself adapt to this change in a flash, this difficulty is relatively large.

Therefore, in order to adapt to this change in weight, Wei Xiaobei decided to adapt to the changing weight in daily life.

Therefore, anyone who sees Wei Xiaobei will be surprised to find that Wei Xiaobei’s stance seems to be somewhat wrong.

When one foot went down, the foot was trapped in the majority, and the next moment, the foot fell on the soft soil, but did not leave a footprint.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei walked toward the northern part of Weijia Island with a deep foot.

The other directions of Weijia Island are not suitable for fishing.

The southern part is the dock area. The cargo ships that come and go, from time to time, sound high-pitched whistle, I am afraid that fishing will not be a good thing.

In the east, there is no need to say more. A large group of small sea monsters are raised there. Usually, people need to rely on people to put food. As for other creatures, they have probably been extinct by sea monsters, even if there are several fish that slip through the net. Wei Xiaobei feels that it is impossible to catch a thousand fish here in a short time.

As for the west, it is a long sandy beach. Although it is not open as a tourist area, only the people on Weijia Island come to play, but the water in this direction is too clear, there are not many bottom organisms, so the number of fish is also relatively good. less.

The past seaside in the northern forest area is a lagoon with a depth of seven or eight meters. A warm ocean current passes through it, and many sharks like to drive the fish into the lagoon to swallow, so the fish here Compared with other places, it is the most abundant.

Entering the forest area, Wei Xiaobei saw a group of researchers around the Blackwater Lake, using the instrument to check, so he did not pass, after a small circle, came to the lagoon area by the sea.

It should be said that the area of ​​this lagoon is not too large, probably only about 6,000 square meters, 10 acres of area, but from time to time there will be some sea fish jumping out of the water, a slightly clear sea water perspective, the lake bottom is a lot The shellfish, a group of sea fish shuttle back and forth between the reefs, enjoy this rare feng shui treasure.

Occasionally, a black figure swept past the bottom of the lake, and suddenly the fish would be chaotic, and the four scattered, and rushed to escape.

The electromagnetic field spread out, Wei Xiaobei slightly felt a bit, although the fish in the lake was not too big, but the fishing skills did not require the size of the fish.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei is really scratching his head.

Put the long bag containing the fishing gear down and pull the zipper. Wei Xiaobei took out three fishing rods, the upper line, the buoy, the hook, the bait, and then put some self-propelled bait to attract the fish in the lagoon to collect the fish. group.

Three fish rods were inserted in the cracks of the reefs on the shore, and Wei Xiaobei stared at the fishing rods and waited.

Fishing is actually a rare enjoyment for Wei Xiaobei.

In the process of fishing, Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry about danger, nor does he have to think too many questions. He just needs to wait quietly.

After all, this requirement is to fish 1,000 fish instead of using nets or other means of fishing.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei may put his hand into the sea to help Xiaobei release the current. It seems that it is not difficult to get rid of the fish in the lake.

Soon, the buoy on a fishing line began to rise and fall. Not long after, the buoy suddenly sank and instantly disappeared above the water.

There are fish hooked

Wei Xiaobei was excited. When the right hand stretched out, the fish hooked fish caught from the crack of the reef. The weight suddenly increased, and the feet were firmly grasped on the reef to prevent the big fish from being caught. Not enough, but was dragged out. To be continued.


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