The City of Terror

Chapter 896: Heart trouble

I sent a chapter first. I finally slept a good night last night. Now I am reluctant to give up the warm bed. I think about it. When is the poverty road so weak, it needs to rise up at the end of the month, and the robbery monthly ticket is occupied by the mountain. king

Huang Kun has long been eager to stay outside. At the same time, other people have more or less to find Weibei, so they have gathered here.

If Wei Xiaobei did not allow anyone to enter before, I am afraid that this door has already been smashed.

"You have no confidence in being a teacher."

Although it was taken care of, Wei Weibei’s heart was slightly warmer, but it also made him laugh and cry.

"Okay, there is something to say."

When Wei Xiaobei looked at a group of people standing outside, he knew that it was impossible to run around to care for himself. Then he recruited and let them come in together.

After a busy day, Wei Xiaobei let everyone wait outside and left Zhu Xinyi, of course, Tu Qingqing is an exception, standing next to Wei Xiaobei.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei himself is able to resist the petrochemical effect with the world sap and youth spring water, but Zhu Xinyi may not be able to resist successfully, and one will accidentally petrify.

This serious consequence may cause Wei Xiaobei to seek help from Tu Qingqing.

After all, Tu Qingqing said that he did not show anything, but Wei Xiaobei knew that his wife was not an ordinary person.

Taking out the heart of a stone, Wei Xiaobei said that the effect of the stone heart after taking it, he looked at Tu Qingqing.

Tu Qingqing He Qibing is smart. When he listens to Xiaobei’s words, he knows what he wants. When he thinks for a moment, he nods and says he has some confidence in this.

After getting the gesture of Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei turned to face Zhu Xinyi and pointed to the heart of the stone. Laughing: "Xinyi, for the teacher has already said the effect of taking this thing, the pros and cons of their own judgment, but for the teacher to say something. Although your teacher is somewhat certain, but may not be able to save you back, are you Willing to take it, decide for yourself."

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to force the disciples to take this thing, which is only a chance for them. Whether you are willing to take advantage of this dangerous opportunity depends on yourself. After all, there are many opportunities in the gray world. Choosing opportunities is both a judgment of opportunity and a test of luck.

In short, this kind of thing, the most important character, the good character, the opportunity is the benefit, the character is poor. Opportunity is death.

In short, the quality of luck combined with your own judgment constitutes success or failure.

Let Wei Xiaobei be a little surprised but unexpectedly, Zhu Xinyi did not hesitate for a while, Wei Xiaobei’s voice just fell, Zhu Xinyi immediately said: “I am willing to take it”

In fact, Zhu Xinyi's decision is also normal.

The heart of Zhu Xinyi belongs to the kind of foreign softness, and it is extremely decisive at the crucial moment.

If you think about it, you know, although it seems dangerous, but there is danger in the gray world.

Besides, next to Master. The guardian is guarding, and there are any problems that will be solved as far as possible. It has been reduced to a minimum.

If such an opportunity is to be abandoned, Zhu Xinyi feels that he does not have to enter the gray world adventure. He simply finds a safe place to marry him. An Ansheng’s life has been counted for a lifetime.

Since Zhu Xinyi is willing to do so, Wei Xiaobei has no more words and will be equipped with world sap. The porcelain bottle of youthful spring water was placed aside, and then a large gun of ink was lifted. A granite heart was pierced in one shot and then handed to Zhu Xinyi.

Zhu Xinyi did not hesitate any more. He looked up at the mouth and put it in front of his mouth. He sucked hard, and the cold and heavy mud-like substance slipped down the throat.

"Let's relax."

Wei Xiaobei's right hand was immediately attached to the back of Zhu Xinyi. A trace of real mercury turned out to reveal the palm of his hand, invading the heart of Zhu Xinyi, and began to fight with those petrochemical breath.

But then again, compared to Wei Xiaobei's strength, Zhu Xinyi is still a lot worse, although the stone heart is also a lot worse, but after bamboo heart Yi less than half a minute, the whole body is turned into a stone statue.

If it wasn't for Wei Xiaobei's real mercury imported from his back to protect Zhu Xinyi's main organs and even the brain, then Zhu Xinyi would probably hang up.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to neglect. Even if the world sap is prepared, the youthful spring water will be poured into the heart of Zhu Xinyi.

The world's sap of the same quality, mixed with the youthful spring water, began to work quickly in the heart of the bamboo heart.

But then again, compared to the stone heart swallowed by Wei Xiaobei, the heart of this stone swallowed by Zhu Xinyi is also a treasure grade, so the world sap, the mixture of youthful spring water has a much stronger effect.

Within the time of counting interest, some of the organs of Zhu Xinyi’s original petrochemicals were restored, and at this time, Tu Qingqing extended his right hand, and a jade light group appeared on the index finger of the jade, in a blink of an eye. It fell on the forehead of Tu Qingqing.

Zhu Xinyi only felt an icy breath instantly poured from the forehead, and the four scattered petrochemical atmospheres were further restricted.

Of course, even if there is Wei Xiaobei, Tu Qingqing shot, at this time, Zhu Xinyi began to reach the stage of the whole body from the inside out.

Compared with Wei Xiaobei, Zhu Xinyi naturally has some shortcomings in her heart and perseverance. If Wei Xiaobei does not control his body, it is the itching feeling that comes out from the inside out, which is enough for Zhu Xinyi. I couldn't help but grab all of my body up and down.

But this kind of uncomfortable accumulation, let Zhu Xinyi feel that they are going crazy.

"Set the spirit of running"

Wei Xiaobei's face was slightly relaxed, and the mouth yelled.

Zhu Xinyi has already passed the most dangerous stage at this time, and then she has to rely on herself.

At the same time, Zhu Xinyi, who was half-sleeping and half-awake, listened to Xiaobei’s drink, and suddenly became awake, urging the internal air, and driving the real mercury input by Wei Xiaobei to run through the meridians. stand up.

To be honest, if you change to a heart with the same strength as Zhu Xinyi, but you have no gas, I am afraid it will have been petrified.

The internal gas in this country's surgery against the petrochemical atmosphere is quite a bit of a miraculous effect.

However, what makes Zhu Xinyi quite surprised is that the internal gas that Master has entered seems to be somewhat different from himself. He feels particularly heavy and has a kind of clearness.

Of course, Zhu Xinyi has not yet reached the level of Wei Xiaobei's internal vision, but only faintly aware of some differences.

A few minutes later, Wei Xiaobei left Zhu Xinyi's back with his right hand, and the skin of Zhu Xinyi's stone gradually cracked. Finally, in Zhu Xinyi's light drink, all the pieces broke open and turned into a layer of stone. The chips are spattered around.

Underneath it is the crystal white skin, which makes Zhu Xinyi whiter than before.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing were prepared for prevention before this. After the stone chips came out of their bodies, they were even blocked by an invisible suffocation or demon.

But then again, this downturn caused a dust in the room.

Tu Qingqing frowned, his right hand waved, the closed window opened on his own, and then a gust of wind blew, and in the blink of an eye, the dust and stone debris in the room were taken away.

Wei Xiaobei was surprised at this time. Compared with himself, Zhu Xinyi took the liquid in the heart of the stone and showed it on the property list, but it was much better than Wei Xiaobei.

It is said that Zhu Xinyi is now the biological level of the Samsung elite, but since its attribute enhancement is mainly concentrated on charm and intelligence, the previous power attribute is only 5 points, which is much worse than Huang Kun’s 42 points. It is.

But now, after taking the heart of the stone, the strength of Zhu Xinyi suddenly increased to 3 points, and the breath increased by 6 points.

You should know that the heart of the stone taken by Zhu Xinyi is worse than that taken by Wei Xiaobei.

But at that time Wei Xiaobei's power attribute had exceeded 90 points, so Xianpin also increased by 5 points.

However, the increase in power brought to Wei Xiaobei by five points is several times more than that of Zhu Xinyi’s growth of 6 points. Therefore, it is not surprising that Zhu Xinyi’s growth of 6 points is not enough.

As for Zhu Xinyi's defense, it is natural to say nothing. Wei Xiaobei can see the hint of yellow luster lurking in Zhu Xinyi's body. Once needed, these yellow breaths will take Zhu Xinyi's body from the inside. External semi-petrochemical, which greatly enhances its defense.

Of course, compared to Wei Xiaobei, Zhu Xinyi’s defensive effect is much worse, but for Zhu Xinyi’s original defensive power, it has almost increased by dozens of times.

Not to mention the close-range shooting of machine gun bullets, at least able to resist the attack of rifle bullets.

At this point, Zhu Xinyi's ability to survive does not know how much he has improved.

The only trouble is that Zhu Xinyi's agility is only 9 points. He wants to control the power attribute of 3 points. In the following time, Zhu Xinyi is afraid of a lot of trouble.

But the next exercise can only rely on herself.

After thanking Master and Shi Niang, Zhu Xinyi slowly got up.

She can feel the power of her body, but this power seems to be somewhat less controlled by herself.

Therefore, after Zhu Xinyi stood up, one step at a time, it was like a sharp arrow, and he flew out with a bang.

Next, the people standing in the corridor saw that the wall next to them was suddenly knocked out by a large hole. In the past, the snowy and intelligent bamboo heart Yi rushed out. If it wasn’t for Huang Kun’s quick response, it was estimated that it was also I ran into a fly.

"Sister, you are fine."

Although Huang Kun said that Zhu Xinyi had been caught, but the great strength brought by Zhu Xinyi rushed out, Huang Kun’s heart was secretly surprised. If he was not a jack-up, he would stabilize his body, so he would I have to go ugly.

Well, no matter what age the woman is, she will pay attention to her image in the eyes of outsiders.

At this time, I was covered with dust and my hair was messy. I didn’t have much interest in it. After I thanked Huang Kun, I didn’t talk to other people. I turned and left. To be continued.


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