The City of Terror

Chapter 899: ,sink

These days are very lively, Yuewen erected the banner of anti-piracy, some people said that this is the end of the scene, some people say that I see piracy, I am glorious, and that the certain post is blocked because he is anti-piracy, he is going to be miserable, Because the post bar was sealed, his heat would not work, and the book could not sell the game copyright. The poor road laughs, many things always have to be done by people, and not to mention so much. The poor road only wants to say, hope that the social atmosphere is better, not necessarily seeing piracy is really so glorious? Don't be evil, don't be good or not, ridicule others to see genuine is a fool, in fact, what is it? At least people know that the fruits of labor need to be respected. When you go to work, the boss does not pay you, will you be willing to do it? It’s all fools to laugh at the genuine ones. What is the difference between those who obey the traffic rules and those who do not obey the traffic rules? In fact, from these small things, we can see the degree of civilization. The rise of China, its rise, starting from small things.


But because of the delay of more than 20 minutes before, the number of shrimps covered by the destroyer's bottom has exceeded one million!

It can be said that if the frogmen are close to some, and the shrimp layer is opened, it can be seen that the bottom of the ship is already riddled with holes, and even some of the deepest holes have penetrated two-thirds of the bottom of the ship!

The destroyer began to accelerate, and after accelerating to the highest speed, the white mist shrimp group that was chasing after it had to stop and return, and the fish that were encountered along the way, and even the various marine life, were wiped out.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei can only express regret.

If it is adult white shrimp. Perhaps hundreds of thousands of sprayed white mist liquids can penetrate the bottom of the ship. These shrimps have just been produced and are smaller. The amount of white mist liquid that can be ejected is naturally small.

However, the shrimp attached to the bottom of the boat at this time is enough to run through the rest.

After half an hour of sailing, the chief engineer who was inspecting the engine room suddenly heard a small sound.

For the experienced chief engineer, although the engine room is hot, humid and noisy, it is the most important place for the entire warship. Any negligence can lead to serious consequences.

After a few minutes, the chief engineer who hurriedly called several soldiers to check with him finally found a place to make a sound.

It was at the corner of the engine room, and a slender water column rushed. Make a scream.

As the chief engineer, although he encountered such a situation for the first time, he also knows what is going on, this is the bottom of the ship leaking!

Ok, in the opinion of the chief engineer. How can such a thing happen to a warship that has just been launched for less than five years? You know, the Alexander destroyer carries out a small inspection every year, not to mention the leak at the bottom of the ship, even if the paint on the bottom of the ship is rarely dropped.

Is it a water leak caused by the rupture of the water pipe?

The chief engineer imagined things in the right direction, but soon, another water column rushed from the bottom plate.

Seeing this scene, the chief engineer no longer had any fantasies, and the soldiers behind him were also pale. They are not fools. I don’t know what happened after seeing such a situation.

quickly. The danger discovered by the chief engineer was passed on to the captain.

"The **** arms dealers!"

The captain’s first reaction was that the arms dealers who built the destroyers had cut corners. Of course, he then directed the spearhead at the Admiralty.

Quite simply, if the arms dealers cut corners and can cut through, then there must be people from the Admiralty to participate.

But in the end, the captain had to admit a question. If the small-scale inspections over the years did not find such problems, it would be a bit weird.

Is it the thing that the little shrimps are out?

The captain soon thought of things to those white shrimps. Of course, the captain also knew that this conjecture seemed ridiculous.

This is not a small wooden boat, but a steel behemoth with a body length of more than 150 meters! The thickness of the steel plate at the bottom of the ship is at least 500 mm!

To be honest, even if a blue whale hits a destroyer, it may not be able to cause much damage to the destroyer!

Be aware that the strength standards for the hull steel of the destroyer can be very high!

If it is on the side of the hull, there are armored steels that prevent 350mm torpedoes and so on!

Of course, although the bottom of the ship does not have armor steel protection, it is also the thickest place for the entire ship.

In short, no marine life can cause damage to the hull. This point, the captain can use his own life to guarantee.

Ok, anyway, things are happening now and need to be solved!

"Close the sealed doors! Start the pump! Give up the engine room No. 1 and evacuate the personnel!..."

A command was sent from the captain's mouth. Soon, a sealed door began to close. The chief engineer took the first inspection of the engine room and then shut off the turbine.

With the closure of the No. 1 turbine, the output power of the destroyer was instantly halved and the speed slowed down.

The captain is not worried about the sinking of the destroyer. Modern warships are not like the wooden ships in the era of big voyages. They are all designed with sealed cabins. Even if the bottom of the ship is broken, the sealed doors along the way will be closed, then the seawater can only invade the corresponding compartments. Let the entire battleship sink, at most, slow down some speed.

These sea iron behemoths are generally not too easy to sink as long as they are not broken by keels or broken down by torpedoes.

"Go to Lewis Harbor."

The captain looked at the chart and locked the destination. This is really a bad start.

Of course, out of such a big thing, the officers on the entire battleship, the soldiers basically know a little, but the brawny who had previously robbed the fitness room with the soldiers were still slumbering in the cabin assigned to them.

Well, with the feelings of the soldiers for them and the unwillingness of the officers to be ugly, it is naturally impossible for these guys to know about these situations.

The destroyer began to turn towards the nearest port, which is more than two hundred nautical miles away from Lewis Harbour.

Wei Xiaobei was already on the destroyer at this time and hid on the top of the bridge. It is said that this location has a wide field of vision and a hidden location, but it is a place suitable for hiding.

The speed at which the destroyer sailed was getting slower and slower. When the second engine room also had similar problems, the captain felt that the scalp was a little numb.

The destroyer does not have four turbines as the aircraft carrier. It has only two turbines. If the second engine room is abandoned, it means that the destroyer will completely lose its power and become a steel coffin floating on the sea. .

Fortunately, it is not wartime now, otherwise.......

"Report to the Admiralty. The bottom of my ship is broken, the engine room of the first and second engines is in water, and the power is completely lost. Request support!"

The captain was the first to dictate such a telegram, and it was a mixed feeling at one time.

But soon, new bad news came, and the sealed doors of the first and second engine rooms were flooded.

The captain felt that this was a bit bad. There seems to be a shadow over the head of the Alexander destroyer.

after that. The problems that followed one after another appeared. In short, it would not be long before there would be a sealed door failure. At this speed, it would not be long before the Alexander destroyer would sink and the keel would break due to the squeeze of sea water. Even if the hull is broken, the entire ship will be sent to the sea!

And this is still late at night!

"Notify the evacuation..."

The captain felt speechless. I am afraid that tomorrow's own name will be on the front page of the major media.

For the past 30 years, Sam’s first sunken warship captain in peacetime.

Fake! What exactly is going on! !

The captain broke out and no one answered.

With the order to evacuate, the tweeter began repeating the evacuation order over and over again.

Suddenly the whole battleship became awkward. Although there was a little psychological preparation before, but they left the warship, they were the first time they encountered it, so it was normal to panic.

Fortunately, they are soldiers. Even if they are confused, they will not be as busy as the people, and they will fight for opportunities to survive.

Well, one thing to note is that the current battleships are not like the warships of the past.

The light-folding self-inflating lifeboat is much better enough to meet the needs of the entire destroyer.

In other words, you only need to leave this battleship and open the folding automatic dinghy, then it is basically safe, and you can wait for the rescue.

Soon, the parcels were thrown into the sea, and the soldiers who jumped from the battleships grabbed the parcels in their hands and pulled the leash with force. As the buzzing sounds, a lifeboat gradually formed, and the soldiers only Need to climb up, you can.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the idea of ​​exhausting these soldiers.

In that case, although it is very cool, it does not meet the next plan of Wei Xiaobei.

He needs to shift the attention of Sam's country to the shipwreck instead of letting Sam's country create a murderer.

Of course, the role of the murderer, Wei Xiaobei has helped the Sam country to choose, that is the white shrimp.

These horrific marine life will hold Sam’s attention for a while, instead of staring at Weijia Island with nothing to look at.

The Alexander destroyer sank, and the waves pushed the lifeboats forward slowly toward the distant shore.

Wei Xiaobei, who had nothing to sneak into the shipwreck, found some good things.

"******!******! Those **** cowards! They have left us!"

"Rum, don't complain! Kurt, look for the depth gauge and see where we are."


A series of roars, even complaints and dialogues, were introduced into Wei Xiaobei’s ears.

To say that if the destroyer is on the sea, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat difficult to hear.

But now it is more than two hundred meters deep on the seabed, and the sea makes the spread of sound easier.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei immediately sensed it.

Soon, a group of guys trapped in the cabin by the sea emerged in the perception of Wei Xiaobei.

With some gray world atmosphere, it is the gray world experience!

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes became a little brighter.

There is no doubt that the gray world practitioners found on this destroyer should probably have a considerable degree of relationship with Sam.

In the gray world of Sam, Wei Xiaobei has not been in, and he is curious about this.

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and walked in the direction of the sound along the passage that was submerged by the sea.

The destroyer sank into the seabed. Although the keel broke, the overall structure was still good, but some parts were distorted, but this did not affect Wei Xiaobei's easy and fun adventure here.

For this group of survivors on the destroyer, this journey is a nightmare.

Originally thought to complete the task easily, and then return to the country to enjoy a wonderful life, who wants to know, this has just set off, this group of people, still in the dream, the destroyer is inexplicably sinking!

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