The City of Terror

Chapter 901: Not honest people

No nonsense, everyone reading, so that you don’t have to worry about the day. △¢


In the midst of panic, these people showed the tyranny they deserved, and the firearms in their hands shot again toward Wei Xiaobei.

To say that the power of these antique guns is not small, I have said this before, and the same guns in the real world, the power is probably hundreds of times larger, and the range even exceeds the modern firearms.

But the only problem with these firearms is that the rate of fire is too slow.

A wave of bullets fired over, Wei Xiaobei didn't even need to dodge, and hardened these bullets, and rushed up again. Both hands stretched out, and two strong white men were caught in Wei Xiaobei.

With a little effort, the two white men who weighed more than four hundred pounds together shot like a cannonball. The next moment hit the side of the bulkhead. The loud noise and the twist of the steel came, and the two had already fallen into the human body. In the bulkhead, it is combined with steel.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath of air.

"Sir! Don't be excited! What do you want, we can all give you!"

The brawny headed by the head is more clever. After seeing this scene, he knows that the other party is not alone.

Bullets are useless to him. First of all, they will weaken the combat power of these people, and the other side's giant force can completely crush themselves.

At this point, he had some regrets before the move.

I knew that this guy is so powerful, I used to have a fart before!

Honestly replying. If you are not sure, you will leave the other party.

After seeing the people to the town, Wei Xiaobei did not care about those who were still faintly moving toward their own guns, dragging the iron ball over. Sitting on top of the ass, patted the lead marks on the trousers that were hung on the lead: "Let's say, who are you, what are you doing?"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not look like a butcher who had just killed three people. Instead, he seemed to be a gentle and gentle person.

"We are a mercenary and take a boat to the Port of St., um. We are going on vacation, that's it."

After thinking through the mind quickly, the head of the strong man smiled and answered.

Ok. Wei Xiaobei feels that these guys think that their IQ is very low, or that they are a fool?

If you perfuse this way, you will be able to send yourself?

When will the warships allow the mercenaries to be carried at will?

"It seems that you are not too honest, forget it. Or change someone."

Wei Xiaobei also did not argue with the other party or explore the idea. After all, I have already figured out that these guys want to deal with Weijiadao.

Well, the problem that Wei Xiaobei wants to know is naturally not this, but if the other party is not honest, the answer will take a lot of time to calculate and waste a lot of brain power.

"Don't! Don't! We are..."

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's right hand extended, the index finger aimed at himself, the first strong man only felt the back of the cold. The inexplicable scalp is fried, just like the mysterious sharpshooter I once encountered in the Grey War of Independence!

That is the threat of death!

But I didn't wait for the first strong man to say something. Wei Xiaobei’s right index finger suddenly lit up a blue electric light. The next moment, the group of blue electric light turned into a lightning bolt, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the first strong man.

Hey, hey!

A series of current flashes came, and the whole body of the brawny was shrouded in a group of electric lights. Numerous small arcs twirled back and forth on it. The time was less than half-time, the electric light dissipated, and the body of the first strong man was incomparably dark, and the lips shook. Shaking, he fell forward.

This is a small flaw that Wei Xiaobei recently researched, using the magnetic field effect of electromagnetic fields to guide lightning to current bombardment of close objects.

Of course, this current bombardment range cannot exceed the coverage of Wei Xiaobei electromagnetic field, and as the distance increases, the effect of current bombardment will also be weakened rapidly.

This range is centered on Wei Xiaobei, with a radius of 550 meters. Of course, in a meter, the voltage can reach 100,000 volts, and at a distance of 50 meters, the voltage will be weakened to about 20,000 volts. At the extreme distance of 550 meters, the voltage may be only a few volts or even lower.

Of course, if you can, Wei Xiaobei is more willing to form a lightning field with himself as the center, but that is impossible unless Wei Xiaobei is willing to start a current burst.

"wave ss!"

A small man standing behind the head of the strong man, angry at this time, the front rifle in his hand fired.

But this kind of attack was useless to Wei Xiaobei before, and it is useless now.

Wei Xiaobei’s skin was able to withstand the close-range shot of the machine gun bullets. Now, after taking the stone heart, the defensive power is soaring. The powerful lead shot hits the chest of Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei’s chest muscles When the tension is tight, there is no chance for the lead to penetrate the skin. It is like a stone being shot and flew out.

"I admire your courage."

When Wei Xiaobei's right hand stretched out, he grabbed the lead bomb that flew out of the bomb and gently slammed it. As the voice fell, there was a small hole in the small forehead that slowly flowed out of the blood.

If there is a Chinese martial arts novelist here, the custody will be called: "Finger!"

Wei Xiaobei did not learn to use the magical powers. In fact, the **** of the magical powers is the martial arts created by some hidden weapons in the martial arts novels.

However, Wei Xiaobei also found some similar efforts in the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures of Shaolin Temple.

For example, Shaolin bullets refer to Gonggong, Jinjiangong and so on.

The Shaolin bullet refers to the fact that it is a bit of acupuncture. It uses the finger to quickly bounce and bounces a few acupuncture points, so that the other's blood flow slows down and stops, reaching the effect of acupoints.

The Golden Bullet is to use a force of the index finger to strike a special kind of gold bullet. The gold bullet hits the enemy and bursts, and the venom and the like are filled.

There is also a famous gold scissors, specializing in the left and right hands of the index finger, the middle finger, training to Dacheng, wearing wood as leisure and so on.

But like the magical powers of the fingers, it is possible to slap a few tens of meters or even hundreds of meters away, and the fingers are gently shot, and the stones fly to injure people. This kind of effort is really not.

In fact, the main reason why such martial arts have not been born is too much.

First of all, if you want to shoot a person in a few tens of meters and hundreds of meters away, you need to be astonishing about the explosive power of your finger. I am afraid that the master of the national art, even the master of the national art, can do it.

Below this level, even if you practice it, the power is small and pitiful. It is better to use this time on other kung fu.

However, these problems are not a problem for Wei Xiaobei. Whether it is from the explosive power of the finger or the prospective position, it is not a problem.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei does not have to learn anything about the magical powers. He only needs to master the relevant skills, and then he can explode his head with a finger.

Seeing this scene, those guys who were still a little bit eager to move suddenly fell a lot.

This is completely an irresistible monster! devil!

"I said! I said, don't kill me!"

At that time, the strongest giant was frightened and the spirit collapsed. His body was soft and his mouth screamed.

"Well, you said first, then they said, whoever said the wrong, the consequences will not need me to say more."

Wei Xiaobei's words sound very simple, but in these people's ears is simply the devil's voice, full of intimidation, death.

In short, for most murderers, the only way to make them honest is to be more fierce than them.

Next, Wei Xiaobei learned their origins from their mouths.

To be precise, these guys are the ash-skilled recruits recruited by Sam.

After all, if the gray world practitioners don't know how to hide their identity and they are more arrogant, they are easy to find.

The strength of these gray world practitioners is to say that than the ordinary people, naturally killing God in killing God.

But they want to fight against the ******** agency, that is not enough.

After they divulged their identities, these guys were recruited by the Sam military and compiled separately as a unit.

Of course, compared with other regular army, the troops formed by this gray-level practitioner are lazy.

Previously, their main task was to solve the problems of the gray monsters in the auxiliary secret department in Sam.

This time, they are also bad luck, actually sent to deal with Weijia Island, after that, there is no need to say more.

But one thing, let Wei Xiaobei frown.

Although the troops formed by this gray world are lazy, their management is not loose. In short, these guys are from a detachment. But how many people there are and how many detachments there are, they are not know.

Their residences are independent and are not placed together with other ash strategists.

Of course, this is not a big problem for Wei Xiaobei. Even if there are other teams, Wei Xiaobei has a way to let them have no time to pay attention to Weijia Island.

But then again, Sam's country has begun to compile the gray world practitioners, I am afraid that China and other several powerful countries have begun to start this matter.

After going back, I will find a time to call Xu Feiyang. This guy is the leader of the investigation team of Cuihu City. He also hangs the position of deputy leader on the above. He wants to know more than others.

After all the things that these guys knew were cleaned up, Wei Xiaobei did not have the slightest mercy, and killed the group directly.

This is not Wei Xiaobei's failure to keep credit. He did not promise to kill them before.

What's more, these guys were not really good people. Before being assembled by the Sam military, they were doing nothing in their own city. The bad things did a lot of work. Even after being incorporated, their arrogance was a little smaller.

After all, they are the strongest than the mortal, even the Sam military, often need to wipe their ass.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei killed these people, but there is no psychological burden.

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