The City of Terror

Chapter 907: True dragon

The third chapter is sent, the shoulders of the poor road are a bit sore, go to the activities first, otherwise it will not work. ※%


It included some kelp hanging on the mutated dock, and it instantly turned into a gray-white stone statue, but it was extremely expressive.

Even this heavy atmosphere has invaded Wei Weibei, forcing Wei Xiaobei to have to step back a few steps.

Fortunately, this petrified atmosphere is just a little leaked, and it was swallowed up by the mutation terminal.

Next, a layer of weathered rock layer emerged from the mutated dock, and then it did not move.

Even if Wei Xiaobei started everything, he would see rows of question marks on the property list of the Variation Terminal.

Probably should be in evolution?

Wei Xiaobei slightly inferred and got this conclusion.

I don't know how long it takes for the evolution of this variant terminal.

Wei Xiaobei was not likely to stay here. After waiting for two hours, Wei Xiaobei will call the left-behind army and arrange for some soldiers to patrol around the Muant Pier, prohibiting anyone from approaching the Mutual Pier.

This is both the protection of the variant terminal and the protection of other soldiers.

It is hard to say what will happen to this variant terminal during the evolution. If it is close, it is likely to be hurt.

After that, Wei Xiaobei entered the desert and rushed to the place of Yan Yan.

What Wei Weibei didn't think of was that Yan Yan, who had always slept for a long time, didn't fall asleep at this time, but supported the huge head with dragon claws and said something with Xiaohong.

It is said that this little red does not know where to go, and originally came here.

This little guy seems to be more talked about with Yan Yan, but Wei Xiaobei simply can't understand their conversation.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei coming over, Yan Yan cheerfully said hello to Wei Xiaobei. That Xiaohong also interrupted the exchange with Yan Yan, turned into a red light and fell on Wei Xiaobei's shoulder, and screamed like a sparrow.

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel a bit guilty. Although Xiaohong is very small, it is always a phoenix! How can it be like a sparrow?

but. Wei Xiaobei can't discipline this little red, and he has only one purpose to come here.

From the storage ring, the Nanhai Dragon Palace patrolling fork was thrown out by Wei Xiaobei, and it was directly slammed into the ground.

Although the phlegm is near the end of the sputum period, the surrounding magma has hardened, but the temperature here is still above Baidu.

For the patrol night fork, the last moment was still on the small island, this moment seems to fall into the furnace, when it is lying on the ground. In an instant, I smashed it up: "Iron hot!"

Wei Xiaobei saw the performance of this cruiser Yaksha, and could not help but raise his eyebrows. It seems that this high temperature is still very restrained for the control of marine monsters.

To say that this patrol night fork is far worse than Wei Xiaobei, but how to say it is also the patrol night fork, ran errands in the Dragon Palace, this one hundred degrees makes it like a monkey jumped up. It seems to be extremely unbearable.

No wonder, this phlegm will be so unpopular with the West Sea Dragon King.

Imagine it. I am afraid that the West Sea Dragon King also likes the sour and cold sea water, but will not want to have a super fire in his Dragon Palace?

When the West Sea Dragon King and the Yan Yan mother were there, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that he seems to be somewhat biased.


The cruiser night fork was burned for a while. Instead, it reacted, and the blue light flashed. A group of seawater emerged and wrapped inside, temporarily insulating the high temperature invasion.

Isolated high temperature intrusion. The spirit of the cruiser Yaksha became better, and when he pointed to Wei Xiaobei, he snorted and seemed to want to be desperate.

But in the next moment, the patrolling fork that almost jumped up and Wei Xiaobei desperately hit the ground.

The reason is very simple. Its eyesight is not too bad. At this moment, we saw a huge giant behind Wei Xiaobei.

Real dragon!

That familiar and incomparable breath, in a flash will scare the cruiser night fork.

What is the concept of Real Dragon in front of the cruiser?

If the patrol night fork is the grassroots servant of the kingdom of the Dragon Palace, then the true dragon is the royal family member of this kingdom.

If you think about it, you will know that when a grassroots third-class servant is preparing to show off his prestige, he suddenly finds a prince standing next to him. This is a fate!

At this time, the patrolling night fork could not even be said, and the whole body fell to the ground, like a fish that was about to die of thirst, and the whole body shivered slightly.

It’s said that this cruiser’s last time saw the real dragon a hundred years ago. The frame of the dragon’s prince’s frame passed from a distance, and it squatted on the sea, and looked at it with a sneak eye. As for the dragon nine What does the prince look like, it really didn't look clear, but the smell of the real dragon, it is felt.

The breath of this real dragon is somewhat similar to that of the mixed dragon, but it is very different.

It is said that the Nanhai Dragon Palace is also considered a grandson in the four Dragon Palaces.

Not to mention the 189-year-old Nanhai Laolongwang who smashed the aquarium beauty, only the nine dragon princes under it, all of them are dozens of beautiful wives, so that their descendants are also many .

It is said that the smallest dragon prince, it is said that there are hundreds of sons, more than fifty nieces!

But the only problem is that none of the descendants of the descendants are real dragons, all of which are hybrids.

Since the Prince Long Jiu is known as the Dragon Prince, he is naturally a true dragon, but he does not have a true wife of his true dragon. His wife and wife are all aquarium beauty, what are the shellfish, what the water snakes are, what are the people, and Some of them are originally mixed race dragons, so it is not surprising that their descendants are all mixed race dragons.

And with so many hybrid dragon species, it is normal to encounter several people from time to time.

In the view of the cruiser Yaksha, the atmosphere of the true dragon family is noble and majestic in the majesty, and those mixed-race dragon species, even the closest mixed dragon to the real dragon, with a barbarism in the breath.

"Carrying the night fork?"

It is said that Yan Yan still thought that Wei Xiaobei had lost something fun. As a result, the dragon eye looked at it, but it was a patrolling night fork that was trembling on the ground.

To say that this patrol night fork, Yan Yan saw too much when he was a child.

Although behind, Yan Yan was abandoned, but it was always in the Dragon Palace for a while.

"Wei Xiaobei, where did this thing come from? Xihai Dragon Palace?"

Speaking of this, Yan Yan’s eyes are rising with anger, and the huge dragon claws are lifted up. If it is the voyage of the Xihai Dragon Palace, it does not mind a paw killing. Anyway, it is not shared with the Xihai Dragon Palace. Dai Tianqiu, can kill one count, can also make himself feel comfortable, why not.

"No, it is the Nanhai Dragon Palace. I went to work and grabbed it. This guy is very hard."

Wei Xiaobei laughed, his heart was so big, and told you that the little boy's mouth is hard. Now it's alright. Facing Yan Yan, this guy can see if you can harden it.

There is no doubt that the patrolling night fork is hard for anyone, and it is impossible for a real dragon to be hard.

In the words of crossing the TV series, the patrolling night fork is the slave of the true dragon family.

Real dragons are their masters.

If this is not the case, it will not be so scared at this time.

Of course, although afraid, this cruiser Yaksha also thought for a while in his mind. Anyway, this is a real dragon. He is a little patrolling night fork. It seems that the guy who grabbed himself and this real dragon Intimacy, so, what do you think?

At this time, the patrolling night fork seemed to be like a brain, and the voice trembled and shouted: "This prince, the small willing to return, willing to return!"

Hearing the name of Prince Zizhen, Yan Yan is not very happy, but considering Wei Xiaobei seems to want to hear from the guy's mouth, the paws are not photographed, just spray two hot air from the nostrils, will cruise the sea Yaksha blew from the ground and smashed.

"Since it is going to be smooth, don't call me anything, call me, call me....."

Yan Yan is very disgusted with the name of the dragon and the prince, but let it take a name for himself. It will be remembered for a while, and it will be stuck here. If there is someone with a face, it is estimated to be red. It is.

"Call **oss, easy to remember."

Wei Xiaobei was on the side to help out.

"Yes, call me Big Bos."

Yan Yan is not too concerned about what it is called, although it does not understand what this big Boss means at all, but as long as it is not a dragon prince, as soon as he hears the name of the dragon prince, Yan Yan will think of the West Sea. Dragon Palace.

Big Boss?

What does it mean? I know too little about human language.

The cruiser's night fork couldn't help but sigh, although I didn't understand the meaning, but when I heard this sound, I felt that there was a momentum of momentum, which is the name of the choice of the real dragon.

If Wei Xiaobei knows the thoughts of this patrolling night fork, I am afraid that a squirt of water will come out. This patrol night fork has become the dead powder of the real dragon. It must be known that this name is taken by myself.

In any case, this patrol night fork was returned to Yan Yan, and after the big Boss Boss called a few times, he was honestly accepted Wei Xiaobei’s inquiry under the instigation of Yan Yan.

Wei Xiaobei’s inquiry is completely non-logical. I will ask this one at a time, and I will ask that one at a time, and many questions are repeated questions. I feel that the cruiser’s night fork is a little dizzy.

Cruiser Yaksha does not know, Wei Xiaobei is a kind of inquiry skill. If the patrol night fork wants to deceive Wei Xiaobei, under such inquiry skills, it is easy to leak flaws.

Fortunately, this patrolling the night fork is also simple, since it has decided to rely on sputum, there is no deception in the words Wei Xiaobei.

After some inquiries, Wei Xiaobei learned a lot.

For example, the situation around the South China Sea, the situation of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and even some small things.

The information obtained from the patrolling forks was merged and reorganized in my mind. After some calculations, Wei Xiaobei was not familiar with the situation in the South China Sea, but at least it was known as seven seven eight eight.

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