The City of Terror

Chapter 912: Drug lord

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From Samsung's general upgrade to the four-star general, I have to say that Wei Xiaobei's volcanic rock human blood invested in the variant dock, the granite heart still achieved a certain return, and Wei Xiaobei can also feel that the strength of the variant dock is still Growth is just as fast as it was before evolution.

In fact, at this time, Wei Xiaobei had a new idea, whether he could feed Leviathan to the variant terminal.

Of course, this thought, given that the mutation terminal has just evolved and is unable to swallow the evolution for the time being, Wei Xiaobei can only be put on hold.

To say that this scene was seen, it was even more shocking than Wei Xiaobei. Naturally, Bai Mayi, who was guarding at the side, had passed.

They all saw their mouths open. There is no doubt that they feel that the means of their own masters are a bit too magical. Then a big stone seems to have life, it can move, and eventually it becomes a neck. A necklace on it!

It should be said that the current mutation terminal still has a relatively large gap compared with the previous mutant farmer's market. It is necessary to know that the mutation farmer's market is constantly consuming other buildings, carrying the power of the earth, and overwhelming the cement torrent. Sufficient to deal with the vast majority of enemies.

To be honest, even if Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, if you fall into the mutated farmer’s market, I’m afraid it’s difficult to escape.

Next, Wei Xiaobei will return to the big camp with Bai Mayi behind him.

You must know that Baimayi has now expanded to more than 400 people, so you need to re-train. This is not necessary to defend Xiaobei. After Zhao Tong was promoted to the fishing camp, Zhao Yun re-appointed Wei Xiaobei. A deputy.

Niu Deliang! Just promoted to the four-star elite. He is good at training, and he was originally a military commander from Bai Mayi. He was trained as a soldier in the attack camp. He is now assigned to Wei Xiaobei as a deputy. It is a suitable job for the military officer.

to be frank. If Wei Xiaobei is going to train, I am afraid that this newly expanded Bai Mayi will never know how much the combat power will drop.

It must be understood that the military's combat power comes from its own training, discipline and even unity, and an individual strength is strong, but the internal messy army wants to win a well-disciplined, well-trained, united and orderly army. The difficulty is imaginable.

Bai Mayi, who is behind Wei Xiaobei, is not willing to leave the main. However, given that the military order is difficult to violate, it can only obey.

When Bai Mayi left, Wei Xiaobei left the beach and set foot on the sea again.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei passing over the sea, the fishing boats that are fishing have sent out cheers. For those soldiers, Wei Xiaobei’s prestige is not low.

While waving to the soldiers to pay tribute, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was calculated.

no doubt. If you want to promote your fishing skills again, then the three-star four-star elite must be fishing!

But from the patrol of the night fork and even the mouth of Yan Yan. Wei Xiaobei probably understood a bit.

It is quite common to say that the four-star common mixed-breed dragon species are mostly branches of the Dragon Palace branch.

In other words, their blood relationship is far from the real dragon in the Dragon Palace.

But the four-star elite-level hybrid dragon species is different.

To put it simply, at least the grandson of the real dragon.

For example, after Yan Yan’s adulthood. If you give birth to offspring with other creatures, then the biological level should probably be four-star horror, and the offspring with half of the true dragon blood will once again be mixed with other creatures, and the offspring produced will probably be the mixed star of the four-star elite. bad luck. There are also four stars ordinary.

In other words, if Wei Xiaobei wants to complete the fishing task now, the easiest way is to go to the South China Sea and find the grandsons of the Dragon Prince in the Nanhai Dragon Palace!

Going to the South China Sea?

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei's gaze swept across the sea, but before seeing a reef in the shallow sea, the patrol night fork was commanding a few big lobsters busy, probably probably building a nest.

Wei Xiaobei had something to ask, so he sank into the sea and fell to the reef.

This cruiser has a bit of strength, and Wei Xiaobei has not yet reached the end. It knows that he turned and greeted him, and he squatted in front of Wei Xiaobei: "I don't know what the adults have to say."

I have to say that no matter how the above-mentioned top executives are strangled, such small leaders with a little bit of eyesight can survive very well in many cases.

Of course, this also requires luck, but at least it is much higher than other monsters.

This patrol night fork knows that Wei Xiaobei has a very good relationship with Yan Yan. Therefore, in front of Wei Xiaobei, he completely disappeared from the arrogance of the past. It is like a puppy raised by Wei Xiaobei. If it is not without a tail, it may be I have to shake a few times.

Wei Xiaobei came naturally and didn't have to do anything. Then he asked some questions.

For example, where the mixed dragons live and so on.

The cruiser Yaksha now seems to have changed a person. After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s question, he hurriedly opened his mouth. It also looked out. Wei Xiaobei probably wanted to deal with those mixed dragon species.

Therefore, this cruiser night fork proposes that Wei Xiaobei does not have to look for the other party, but only needs to go to the volcanic island, and most of them can hit the mixed dragon species.

The reason for this is very simple. The volcanic island is a treasure of the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Now that Wei Xiaobei has taken so many squid, even the patrolling fork has been taken away, then it will definitely Alarmed Longjiu Prince.

The Dragon King is the ninth son of the Dragon King of the South China Sea. He is in charge of the semi-finished waters of the South China Sea. The volcanic island is located in its waters. As a result, the Dragon King will definitely send his descendants to trace the matter.

After listening to the suggestion of the patrolling fork, Wei Xiaobei nodded and threw a treasured barbecue to the patrolling night fork, which was a reward for the other party's interest.

The cruiser’s night fork didn’t come to mind at all, but there was such a good thing on his head, and he thanked him with a barbecue.

Wei Xiaobei speeded up the pace of advancement. According to the patrolling night yak, if that is the case, I am afraid that the mixed-race dragon species sent by the Dragon prince may have come out, and may soon sway into the chaotic waters.

This is not surprising. Although the Nanhai Dragon Palace generally does not intervene in the chaotic waters, but now this kind of thing, I am afraid that the Dragon and Jiu Prince can not help.

If the four dragon palaces are equivalent to four countries, then the real dragon like the Dragon King is a prince.

The baby in one of the princes’ homes was ransacked. This is undoubtedly a big slap in the face of Prince Longjiu.

The most trusted by the Prince Longjiu is not the shrimps and crabs, but their immediate descendants.

This is not surprising for the Dragon Palace, which was built with the feudal dynasty system and its own power.

In order to prevent himself from colliding with those mixed-race dragons and discovering each other in advance, Wei Xiaobei did not advance on the sea, but rushed to the height of more than 5,000 meters.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, the higher the distance, the more difficult it is to walk.

Anyway, it can be considered to temper your own control of ability, even if it is slower, it does not matter.

However, in the following period, Wei Xiaobei did not see the emergence of mixed-race dragon species.

To the dividing line between the chaotic sea and the South China Sea, Wei Xiaobei looked down from the sky, but saw some shrimps and crabs that were kept at the boundary.

These shrimps and crabs will total more than two thousand, with waves, patrolling back and forth at the border, but not easily entering the chaotic waters.

In fact, the actions of these shrimps and crabs have already made the aquarium in the chaotic seas somewhat frightened, and many large sea animals have moved away from the boundary.

The smell of these shrimps and crabs is not strong. The strongest crab in it is probably the average of four stars, but those shrimp soldiers are better than the chaotic sea fish, but not much.

There is no breath of mixed-race dragons in it, Wei Xiaobei will not have the idea of ​​going down and continue to pass from the air.

When it was not too far from the volcanic island, Wei Xiaobei, who ran continuously in the air for two days, suddenly felt a spirit, and he felt some breath.

More powerful! It is similar to sputum, but it is also mixed with another aquarium.

Wei Xiaobei’s mind was even contrasted. Soon, another aquarium’s breath was determined and it was the breath of the sea snake.

In fact, while determining this aquarium atmosphere, Wei Xiaobei also saw a sea monster beside the volcanic island!

It is about a hundred meters long and has a faucet, but there is no horn, no chin, no claws, no snake body, and the scales on the body are not the broad diamond shape of the dragon scale, but the triangular shape, small and dense, with one Kind of green luster.

At first glance, this marine behemoth has a somewhat glamorous beauty.

What is this?

Wei Xiaobei stopped his steps and stood on the high ground with his legs. It was like stepping on the ground under his feet, but his eyes were on the other side, and he did not leave.

There is a lot of sea snakes mixed in the atmosphere of the real dragon. A green mist is quietly floating between the mouths of the mouth. It falls in the sea water, and the sea water suddenly boils, and green bubbles are constantly emerging. The white belly floated up.

Very poisonous fog!

This poisonous scorpion is probably a son or grandson of Prince Long Jiu.

Wei Xiaobei knows that dragon species, whether mixed or pure, are extremely sensitive to external peeping.

If you just look straight, but do not mobilize your emotions, the other party may directly ignore the past. If Wei Xiaobei uses all things to see the attributes, he will be found by his opponent.

Although not using all things to see, but Wei Xiaobei can also know the strength of the other side by looking at the other party's breath.

Four-star elite!

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