The City of Terror

Chapter 916: Stupid and clever boundaries

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After leaving the sea, the strength of the cockroach will be weakened by more than half. This is clearly described in many mythological stories, so there is no need to describe them here.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who was hiding in the fog, was thinking about whether to go down some plans. Suddenly he saw that the poisonous cockroach jumped up and jumped up like a moth to swallow the bait. Go on.

Yeah, the ability of this wisher to hook up is good.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a big surprise, and he would hesitate, and his mind would move, and the ink and ink would be pulled hard. The fish line would shrink quickly, and the poisonous cockroaches would start to rise.

The line of fish began to shrink at first, and the struggling poisonous sputum felt the pain in the throat rise instantly, and it was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

No way, this guy is too greedy, swallowed the bait into the stomach in one bite, and Wei Xiaobei pulled it hard, and the hook was firmly hung between the stomach and the throat of the poisonous cockroach.

This kind of pain is that drug lords have not been enjoyed since birth.

In fact, even if Wei Xiaobei has experienced a variety of pains, if he is hooked there with a hook, the pain is hard to bear.

Wei Xiaobei is unbearable, not to mention this poisonous.

Poisonous and venomous, grew up in the Xiaolong Palace of Prince Longjiu, although not loved by his father, grandfather, but how to say it is also the fourth generation of the dragon!

Even in the Xiaolong Palace, I made a mistake. At most, they are being scolded for a meal. Those aquariums do not have the courage to execute a four-generation penalty.

Ok. To put it bluntly, this drug lord is like a child with powerful strength. The power is strong, but the mind has not been honed.

At this time, the pain in the throat came, and the poison suddenly found that the more struggling you had, the more painful it was.

The panicked drug lord chose this time to think of a clever way to solve the painful problem, the body weight suddenly reduced, and stopped struggling. `

Suddenly the pain in the throat suddenly eased, although there was still some pain, but at least the drug lord could endure.

The drug lord is self-satisfied with his own intelligence. But did not notice that his body is constantly rising rapidly.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was overjoyed. He thought that the drug lord had to struggle. He also noticed that the fish line was too hard to break, but he didn’t know how, the drug lord even gave up his struggle. The weight is also reduced, making it easier to shrink the line.

However, then again, the poisonous brain is stupid. It is also a hybrid dragon species. After being dragged by the fish line for a while, it is somewhat puzzled. How do you always fly up?

Simultaneously. Looking at the sea farther and farther, this poisonous heart inexplicably gave birth to a kind of fear and began to struggle.

Wei Xiaobei saw the drug lord start to struggle. Even if you control the speed of the fish line contraction, it will be fast. It will be slow in order to consume the physical strength of the other party.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s trick is to use the tricks. It has achieved amazing results.

As the speed of the fish line shrinks faster and slower, the struggling drug lords feel that their throats seem to be ruptured, and the whole body begins to twitch.

It realizes that it can no longer struggle, otherwise it will continue to increase.

In this way, the last lifeline of the drug lord was easily abandoned by itself.

As the drug lord once again gave up the struggle, Wei Xiaobei also resumed the steady contraction speed of the fishing line.

Five kilometers, three kilometers, one kilometer

With the rapid contraction of the fishing line, the distance between the drug lord and Wei Xiaobei is getting closer.

Finally, the drug lord faintly saw the figure in the fog in the sky.

"Okay, my pain is that this guy is out!"

At this time, the drug lord became smart. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, he understood it. At the same time, he flew toward Wei Xiaobei by the shrinkage of the fish line, and a poisonous mist sprayed. `

Seeing the last rebellion of this drug lord, Wei Xiaobei laughed. He saw it before. This drug lord did not have any flying ability, and he was able to move freely above the sky.

what does this mean?

This means that the drug lords can only be beaten passively!

The poisonous fog still looks a bit powerful. Wei Xiaobei does not have the tendency of self-torture. When the body moves, it avoids the spray of poisonous mist, but the body is a layer of electric light that emerges. In a blink of an eye, it gathers in the ink. Above the gun, along the line of the fish, it turned to the poison.


If the same sound is blue, the poisonous cockroaches will feel like a thunder, and they are numb.

For monsters, the high-tech stuff of lightning is, in a certain sense, one of their nemesis.

This is especially true for aquariums.

Of course, for the true dragon that can carry the clouds and rain, Wei Xiaobei's current may not be of much use, but for the poisonous dragon, which has a large number of sea snake blood in the body, Wei Xiaobei's current is somewhat useful. It is.

Although the current of 100,000 volts can't kill this huge poisonous scorpion, it can make the drug lord feel numb in a few short periods of time.

It is enough to have such a effect!

The fish are caught on the shore, then what is needed is to make the fish and earn it in the fish.

The big ink gun swayed in an instant, like a whip, and was instantly sucked on the head of the drug lord, the neck and even the back.


Three consecutive times, I screamed at the poisonous pain.

But this is only the beginning. Next, the fishing line is entangled in the poisonous scorpion with the slamming of the ink rifle.

The line of fish quickly made the poisonous cockroaches unable to struggle, and the slamming of the big ink guns allowed the poisonous cockroaches to feel a faint faint feeling.

Just a few dozen times, the drug scorpion stunned in the past, but the head, neck, and back are actually drenched with water and ink.

Although this is above the height of 10,000 meters, but the previous action sound is not too small, it is the appearance of thunder and lightning, but also the screams of poisonous screams, I am afraid that soon, there will be a guy from the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Check it out.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the tail of the drug lord with his right hand and wanted to let the drug lord get into the storage ring.

But the next thing makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat speechless.

The drug lord in the coma could not get into the storage ring.

However, it is normal to think about this.

If a four-star elite monster like the drug lord can easily get into the storage ring, then the storage ring is a bit abnormal.

It’s impossible to carry this poison to fish to catch the next guy?

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and couldn't help but shook his head gently: "It seems that your life is so, not my heart is hot."

Although a face of regret, Wei Xiaobei eventually broke into the head of the drug lord with the gunshot of a large gun.

Four-star elite mixed-race dragon poison!

The proceeds of three thousand evolution points, plus a poisonous corpse.

The poisonous corpse and the fish hooks entangled in it were collected into the storage ring, and Wei Xiaobei began to flee in the distance.

The reason is very simple. Just in the moment of this poisonous death, Wei Xiaobei has felt that an extreme threat has begun to come in this direction.

It may be that the dragon and nine princes are coming, and Wei Xiaobei does not want to be with the guys in the Nanhai Dragon Palace.

It is true that Wei Xiaobei is not very likely to kill the real dragon like the Dragon King, but this is not the reason for Wei Xiaobei to escape. The only reason is that Wei Xiaobei does not want to face the guy in the Nanhai Dragon Palace at this time, so as not to give After the heat, he was in trouble against the Xihai Dragon Palace.

Dealing with a Xihai Dragon Palace has already caused a lot of headaches. If you add a South China Sea Dragon Palace, Wei Xiaobei probably only suggests that it is better to let Yan Yan commit suicide, so as not to be tortured in vain.

When Wei Xiaobei went all out, the speed was extremely fast.

Not long after Wei Xiaobei left, a black light flew from a distance, and soon after it stopped over the volcanic island, a middle-aged man wearing gorgeous black costume appeared.

The man blinked and looked at the volcanic island for a while. Then he looked at the fog on his head, his brow wrinkled, and then he rushed straight up. He watched a lot of time in Wei Xiaobei’s place, but eventually The hate of snoring, once again turned into black light and flew away in the distance.

But the direction of the black light is a lot worse than Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who was running in the fog, suddenly screamed, stopped his footsteps, rubbed his forehead, and his face was a little bit painful.

This is what he did not think of.

The former Wei Xiaobei put a few weak pigs in the fog over the volcanic island to make it easier to monitor the next thing.

Although it was very vague, Wei Xiaobei did see the black man, but in the middle of the middle-aged black man’s cold, the few weak pigs died on their own, even allowing Wei Xiaobei’s dizziness rose, and almost fell directly from the sky.

The guy in black is a bit really good!

Wei Xiaobei didn’t mean that he was being beaten by the other side.

Although it is only seen with the eyes of the weak pigs, many things can't be seen, but Wei Xiaobei can still feel the attacking force of the moment when the weak pig died.

You know, the black man is absolutely not found in the weak pig!

That is to say, the coldness before leaving is just an unconscious venting of anger, but even so, Wei Xiaobei concluded that if he is there, I am afraid it will not be too good, it is inevitable that a blood is spit out. .

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei is there, the other party may not only be cold, but it is possible to shoot a few slaps directly.

The strength of the other side is much stronger than that of Yan Yan!

Fortunately, the guy did not find the direction of Wei Xiaobei.

It is not surprising that this layer of fog in the sky seems to have a lot of magic, but there is no trace left in it, but it is Wei Xiaobei's favorite.

Slightly adjusted the body, Wei Xiaobei returned to the road and continued to accelerate.

The drug lord has been killed, then the next is the shark mixed dragon species near the Dragon Turtle Island!


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