The City of Terror

Chapter 919: Is this cheating?

The third chapter is sent, people are powerless, hate power outages! Look at the poor part of the poor road, there are a few monthly tickets, all at the end of the month.


Power broke out?

For the time being, the power broke out at this time. In a period of time, there was no killer to escape.


A blue electric light was born from Wei Xiaobei's hand. In a flash, he passed through a large ink gun and walked along the fishing line to the giant shark.

The giant shark that is struggling to get sour will think that there will be current flowing down. Of course, even if it knows, it can't avoid it.

For a moment, the giant shark feels like a whole body with as many fine needles as it is numb from beginning to end, and with a burning sensation.

As the giant shark was shocked, the body struggled to slow down a lot, Wei Xiaobei let the fishing line accelerate the contraction.

But what surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the giant shark did not take long, and the struggle became fierce.

Undoubtedly, this giant shark is more physically strong than the previous drug lord.

But the physique is stronger, now it’s hooked, you still want to struggle!

Hey! Hey!

Another current slammed down, and the body of the giant shark was numb, and the struggle slowed down........

Resistance, electrotherapy, resistance, electrotherapy........

When the giant shark is pulled into the fog, the giant shark is exhausted, Wei Xiaobei is not so good, the whole body current is consumed, almost no effort to kill the giant shark, income storage ring Inside.

Receiving the giant shark, Wei Xiaobei rushed. Falling towards Dragon Turtle Island.

At the same time as the giant shark hooked, Wei Xiaobei let the ordinary people resume their work of picking fruit.

at this time. Looking down from the sky, some of the open space on Longyan Island is already full of fruit.

This can only explain one point. It took too much time to catch the giant shark.

Run back and forth, collect all the fruits, then vacate, plunged into the fog, and left quickly.

After the Wei people left Wei Xiaobei, they jumped into the sea by themselves, and soon they turned into a black liquid in the beach, which was continuously dispersed by the waves. Ablation in the sea.

While on the road, Wei Xiaobei counted his harvest.

I didn't say that the giant shark was removed. This dragon turtle fruit, Wei Xiaobei's storage ring, but received a large pile, almost the dragon turtle on the dragon turtle island harvested 60%!

To know that at least 30% of the remaining four results are not mature, that is to say, Wei Xiaobei has collected more than 90% of the dragon tortoises that can be harvested on the Dragon Turtle Island, which is basically a net.

The most common of these is the khaki boutique fruit, which is a total of 30,000. What is even better is the blue treasured fruit, the number is only two thousand, but the best fairy red fruit is only one hundred and twenty.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart has a rare sense of satisfaction. I can feel the experience of swallowing dragon tortoise before, the benefits of this dragon tortoise are not small.

Of course, kill the giant shark. As usual, Wei Xiaobei harvested 3000 evolution points, which is a relatively normal income.

but. This time leaving Longgui Island, Wei Xiaobei did not feel any danger to catch up.

of course. Even so, Wei Xiaobei will not stay too much in Longgui Island.

In order to ensure safety, Wei Xiaobei simply circled a large circle and ran more than two hundred kilometers before he fell into the sea and quickly rushed to the former seagrass forest.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s actions are still relatively secret. At least when he rushed to the seagrass forest, Wei Xiaobei did not feel the danger.

After getting into the seaweed forest, Wei Xiaobei quietly returned to the entrance of Haicaogou along the previous path.

It is impossible to go fishing in the fog in the sky this time.

Outside the entrance, after Wei Xiaobei installed the bait, he threw it into the passage.

Wei Xiaobei is also not very clear about what the Hydra likes, but it still refers to the appetite of the poisonous scorpion, which is made by a jellyfish.

Wei Xiaobei uses the ability of the wisher to hook up and match the bait produced by cooking. It is not a general bait.

Drop it, even if it is a hundred meters away from the hole, but it didn't take long for Wei Xiaobei to feel the ink on his hand slammed, and then almost broke away from Wei Xiaobei.

Hook up!

Wei Xiaobei's hands were forced, and for a moment, Juli used it, and Wei Xiaobei was dragged into the passage.

I have to say that the Hydra's power is too great, even stronger than Wei Xiaobei, so that Wei Xiaobei could not stand still.

Of course, the most important reason for this is that Wei Xiaobei’s weight is too far from that of the Hydra.

Thousands of pounds!

Wei Xiaobei was fixed, and the force of the whole body fell toward the bottom. His legs slammed down and slammed into the hard ground in the passage.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei's body is still leaning forward, and the Hydra seems to be mad at this time, desperately dragging the fishing line.

If the weightlifting is light!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei's weight suddenly increased to the extreme, although still can not compare with the Hydra, but at least can delay the pull.

The next moment, the electric light flashed in the sea water, and a blue electric light flashed out along the fishing line.

Perhaps this seawater disperses a lot of current, but at least half of the current has entered the Hydra.

The giant force brought by the fishing line instantly dissipated most of the time. Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to shrink the fishing line, but it pulled the Hydra back a lot.

It must be said that in dealing with the aquarium, the use of this current is too great.

Although it will not kill the Hydra directly, it will at least be able to lose a small amount of resistance.

Under the effect of continuous electrotherapy, the body of the Hydra gradually appeared in Wei Xiaobei's field of vision.

But the Hydra was too tossed. After seeing Wei Xiaobei, nine snake heads rushed toward him.

Although the channel cross-sectional area is still quite spacious, the shape of the Hydra is not small, and the nine snake heads are all out, almost covering the entire passage.

Wei Xiaobei will not fight with the other side here, and his legs will drag the fishing line back to the entrance.

When the fishing line was stretched, I found a submarine coral reef, and the fish line was turned a few turns toward the top. The fishing line was removed from the ink rifle. After hitting a slip knot, I took the ink and smashed it back. .

Perhaps it was a terrible pain. The Hydra was struggling to shake a head at this time, trying to break the hook out of the throat. When I saw Wei Xiaobei, the eight heads opened at the same time, and then it was a stock. The dark green juice spouted from the mouth, and the passage was shrouded in a dark green mist.

Wei Xiaobei did not dodge, but continued to rush, but closed his eyes, but the next moment was covered by the thick fog.


There was a tingling tingling sensation in the next moment, and a hint of numbness also emerged.


The thick fog that the Hydra spewed out of the juice was poisonous!

This point, in fact, before the contact, Wei Xiaobei will know.

The Hydra is also a snake. The dense fog that is ejected is not poisonous. What else?

At this point Wei Xiaobei could not open his eyes, but this did not affect his feelings to the outside world. In his mind, everything in the passage emerged.

At this time, the Hydra did not try to break free from the hooks. Instead, he hid the snake head in the dense fog and quietly bite into Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, if you don’t consider the last thing you need to make food to complete the fishing promotion mission, Wei Xiaobei only needs to hide outside, convert the ink gun into an ink bow, and then walk towards the passage. Crazy, the Hydra caught by the hooks, even if they want to escape, I am afraid there is no way.

Of course, it is not that there is no way to deal with the Hydra except this, but it is the easiest.

The ink and squirt gun trembled, and the sea water broke open in a blink of an eye. A shot stabbed a snake head in front.

The snake head of the Hydra is as big as a room, and Wei Xiaobei is a gun. To be honest, the damage to the Hydra is not that big, that is, the extent to which the skull has just been pierced.

This is also helpless, the snake skin on the snake head has a thickness of one meter.

At the same time that Wei Xiaobei stabbed the snake head, the other few snake heads turned instantly, and they came to Weiwei North, and forced Wei Xiaobei to retreat.

Indeed, in this channel, the advantage of this Hydra is a bit big.

But Wei Xiaobei doesn't care. He feels that his advantage is not small. Just when he can't escape the chasing of the snake head, Wei Xiaobei puts a large ink gun on the fish line next to it, followed by a current. Pull out.

The chasing snakes seemed to have taken sleeping pills for a moment, and they fell down.

Taking advantage of this gap, the small guns in the hands of Wei Xiaobei naturally did not stop, and even stabbed a few shots, smashing the eyes of a snake head! At the same time, he also sprinkled a snake letter out of a hole.

This is where Wei Xiaobei's card is. You have nothing to do with it. You don't want to hurt you. It just needs to make you numb in a very short period of time.

For a national master of Wei Xiaobei, a little time is enough to break the damage that makes the enemy feel terrified!

For the Hydra, I am afraid that I have never experienced such a sad battle in this life.

The other party is too rogue. If you have nothing to do, you can take care of yourself. Every electric shock will put your body in an uncontrollable numbness. Even if this numbness is only a short period of time, it will make you intolerable. pain of.

To be honest, this is the sadness of the aquarium, and the current released by Wei Xiaobei seems to be particularly useful for them.

Of course, for the Hydra, the more sad reminder is that in the past, as long as the smog is sprayed, it will be able to win, but now, the guy is actually going back and forth in the poisonous fog!

Well, the Hydra does not know that this poisonous mist is a little effective for Wei Xiaobei, it can corrode its skin, but it is also corrosive to its skin. It is too difficult to get to the other side.

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