The City of Terror

Chapter 926: Row of seats, eating fruit

The new June begins, brothers and sisters, do you have a monthly ticket? Come a few!


Looking at the property panel, Wei Xiaobei found some stunned discoveries, and his soul strength dropped directly from 141 to less than 100!

Fortunately, this loss should not be permanent, and the strength of your own soul is slowly picking up, but this speed is somewhat slow. △

After taking a few pieces of barbecue and eating it, I recovered some strength. Wei Xiaobei discovered that the weakness caused by this kind of soul strength can be solved without a few barbecues.

But fortunately, although in a state of extreme weakness, Wei Xiaobei is not unable to move, but the property has been weakened altogether, about 30 percent.


A dragon horse led by a pro-inspector is probably a small space that is not used to the villa, and the weird things that have never been seen before. It is just a hoof and flies out, kicking the back TV wall out of a huge The hole.

No way, thirty-two people and thirty-two dragon horses were squeezed in the hall of the villa. The lobby of this villa was not too big, which was very crowded.

Of course, this is also because these Longma and Bai Mayi are not very tacit.

If it is their usual war horse, don't say these weird things, even if the arrow rain falls, the master can't move, these horses will not move.

To put it bluntly, these dragon horses have not been banned.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to let these white horses live in the villa and shut down the dragon horses separately.

But when you see the dragon horses, Wei Xiaobei knows that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

If they are separated from the dragon horse, it is possible that these dragon horses will go somewhere.

"Forget it, you will follow me first."

Wei Xiaobei took the lead in the front, and behind a large group of Bai Mayi took the Longma to follow, as for the accidental damage along the way, there is no need to say more.

Until all the people leave the villa, the inside of the villa hall and the gate probably need to be renovated.

"Master, you are finally back."

A strong fat man ran over and was Huang Kun.

However, Huang Kun saw that Bai Mayi, who was behind Wei Xiaobei, couldn't help but open his mouth.

To say that these white horses have been from, Huang Kun has seen it, but the first time I saw it in reality, I always felt a little weird.

White white armor, holding a big gun, carrying a riding bow, cloak on the back, and an arrow pot at the waist.

"What happened? A little calm."

Wei Xiaobei knows that if Huang Kun is not an accident, he will not run so nervously, but this character is still somewhat unstable, so it is necessary to swear.

"The trouble is coming."

Huang Kun was probably used to being smothered by Wei Xiaobei. His face was not shy, but he rushed to say things.

It turned out that after the Alexander destroyer was sunk by Wei Xiaobei, the Navy of Sam State could not investigate the reason. The final conclusion was the gray monster attack.

For the corrosive effects of white shrimp on warships, the Samo Naval Department attaches great importance to it.

If you want to come, the number of warships in Sam is one of the best in the world. If this white shrimp erodes several warships without any problems, how can the military strength of the Sam State be maintained?

Inducing agents, insecticides, deep-water bombs, etc., all kinds of means to go together, but it has killed a lot of white shrimp.

If Wei Xiaobei didn't let the white-shrimp shrimp attack the surface ships before leaving, I am afraid that many ships in Sam's country have to sink into the sea.

Of course, this problem is only clear to Wei Xiaobei. For now, those white shrimp shrimps have been hiding in the deep sea.

After all, they are only creatures. When Sam’s country used various advanced technologies to kill, there was no command from the master to counterattack. It was passively beaten, and the number of white shrimp shrimps fell rapidly.

In this way, in order to save more white shrimp, they can only hide in the deep sea.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei has not blocked the route in the territorial waters of Sam, but it was only to divert the attention of Sam.

If the white mist shrimp hangs up, it will hang up. Anyway, this thing will multiply quickly.

The problem that Huang Kun said is more difficult.

After the destroyer of the Alexanders sank, the guys on the ship who were killed by Wei Xiaobei did not hear back, but this did not seem to prevent Sam’s interest in Weijiadao.

According to Huang Kun, a group of guys stole the night on Weijia Island three days ago. Fortunately, the defense system of Weijiadao is very sound.

The savage soldiers who patrolled the island all the time quickly discovered these sneaky guys, and then the patrolling sea grazing was discovered.

However, the strength of these guys is not very good, but the ability to run the road is first-class. After being discovered, Huang Kun originally intended to put them in, and they did not expect them to run directly.

Huang Kun did not catch up with the Yin soldiers.

No way, with the strength of Huang Kun, it is really impossible to catch up with a special speedboat with a speed of more than 200 nautical miles per hour.

Hearing that there were no incidents on the island, Wei Xiaobei was relieved a little.

Those guys who ran to test something, they were not afraid, they were worried about the accident on the island.

"Right, go find a soldier, let him organize the manpower, go to the forest to repair a horse circle, the specific situation, you exchange yourself, it is best to teach them modern knowledge."

Wei Xiaobei transferred the matter of Bai Mayi to Huang Kun.

Huang Kun looked at this group of white horses and felt a bit big. He knew that these guys came from the gray world, and he also communicated with him in the gray world.

To put it bluntly, these guys are a group of ancient people.

Teaching a group of ancient people modern knowledge?

Master, is your old man playing me? You might as well let me teach a gorilla to drive!

Huang Kun was stunned in his heart, but he did not dare to speak out in front of Wei Xiaobei. He could only take out his mobile phone and tell the individual soldiers.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that these guys would be thrown away, but what he didn't think was that Zhao Tian was still behind him, but the Longma had let other Bai Mayi take it away.

Wei Xiaobei also did not want to talk to Zhao Tian, ​​this kid is even more dead than Zhao Xin, he is willing to guard himself.

Back to the main villa, Wei Xiaobei sat down with his parents, Master and other relatives for a while. After all, it took a few days to enter the gray world, and he showed himself a face, so as not to worry about his relatives.

However, this family of people chatted down, Wei Xiaobei also spent a few hours, during which Wei Xiaobei also let Wei Xiaopeng take Zhao Tian to change clothes.

Just kidding, chatting with my loved ones, and pokeing a guy wearing an ancient armor, I feel a little uncomfortable.

But don't say, this Zhao Tian is a thick-eyed guy, put on a black suit, still standing behind him, but there is a bit of bodyguards.

Wei Xiaobei didn't see Tu Qingqing. He asked Zhu Xinyi. It turned out that the guys who stole into Weijia Island ran away. After Tu Qingqing knew it, he followed, and probably took the information.

After all, what information network Huang Kun established, the establishment time is too short, the loopholes are everywhere, people from where to start, when did not know when to arrive in the country.

Such a large family is on Weijia Island.

I heard that Tu Qingqing personally shot, Wei Xiaobei was relieved.

If you change to Zhu Xinyi or Huang Kun, Wei Xiaobei will have some concerns in his heart, but Tu Qingqing, even Wei Xiaobei failed to see the strength of his wife, which shows how much Tu Qingqing is.

At this time, Tu Qingqing had not returned yet, and Wei Xiaobei later called a dry apprentice.

Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, Xiao Baizhen, Yang Tingting, Yang Feifei, Step Malas, even the second brother, master, little sister and so on.

The purpose of calling everyone out is to distribute the fairy dishes.

To say that the master brother, the younger sister and the younger are not ready to enter the gray world, but it is difficult to say that they will not want to enter the gray world, so Wei Xiaobei will first send the Xianpin dishes, if they enter the gray world, You can take strength.

But then again, with the master, the younger sister's understanding of the Bajiquan, once entered the gray world, the strength is probably leaps and bounds.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei sent three copies of the dishes to each person. In terms of their strength, the overall attribute increased by 9 points, which is already a strong improvement.

To be honest, these apprentices are a good master.

Others in the gray world desperately fight for a year or two may not be able to increase the full attribute by 9 points, and here, with Wei Xiaobei, it is not too simple to upgrade.

Of course, this property improvement is not without problems.

Suddenly, the property has improved so much. Even if the second brother has already stepped into the master of the national master, he feels that he is not used to the whole body.

As for Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun, who just regained control, they are now in a state of difficulty in controlling power.

Well, in fact, all the people present, except the masters who have not taken the Xianpin dishes, the younger sisters, the rest of the people have entered this state.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei gave them a set of weight-bearing suits to suppress strength and agility. After wearing this weight-bearing suit, although it is difficult to walk, it will not cause the accidental damage. The state is gone.

Next, Wei Xiaobei did not regret it. He called all the core disciples and each person sent a fairy dish.

After all, this Weijiadao is a person who is very powerful. Once he has something to leave, it is more troublesome to encounter things in Weijiadao.

For the Xianpin dishes distributed by Wei Xiaobei, one of the core disciples is really happy, although I don’t know what the benefits of eating this thing, but when I smell the fragrance, I feel very comfortable and have a thorough pleasure.

As the fairy dishes are distributed, the promotion of the fishing skills is completed.

Fishing skills (topping the pole).

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