The City of Terror

Chapter 933: , skin copy, sad reminder change

Well, this chapter is actually very pure, but the poor road is very worried. I have repeatedly checked it for dozens of times. In the end, I was still scared and sent this chapter up.


Before the evolutionary point reached a certain level, Wei Xiaobei was really afraid to use it. ;

Of course, in any case, this is a capability that can be used to fight.

If the enemy is too strong, it will directly affect the fate of the other party, let the other party hang up, and then hang it.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei smiled reluctantly, and there was a chance to be desperate. It was better than no chance to be desperate.

Sitting on the ink dragon horse for a while, Wei Xiaobei looked at the rest of the evolution point, there are 42300 points!

Then, the attributes that need to be promoted are attractive.

To be honest, for the attribute of appearance appeal, Wei Xiaobei can be said to love and hate.

The attractiveness of appearance is the value of people! Face, body, etc.

The higher the attractiveness of appearance, the more beautiful people grow.

Wei Xiaobei naturally does not refuse to be handsome, but the problem is that if the appearance is too attractive, it will almost become a scourge.

Just like the appearance of the appearance of the appearance of the past appearance of 20 points after the appearance of Pan An, making Wei Xiaobei like a flower, and the woman next to it is easy to become a bee.

In the city of Green Lake, every time you go out, if you don’t disguise yourself, Wei Xiaobei estimates that he will be swallowed up by the woman on the street!

Fortunately, after the attractiveness of appearance has increased to 40 points, the ability of the brocade skin pouch has replaced the appearance of the prajna Panan. Although Wei Xiaobei is still so handsome and earth-shattering, at least it will not let those women lose their shackles.

I hope that this upgrade will not have very bad results.

Wei Xiaobei probably felt it with intuition, and there was no dangerous premonition.

Well, to be honest, in essence, Wei Xiaobei will be chased by women when he goes out, and probably not in danger in the intuition.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei does not know what will happen after he enhances his attractiveness.

In any case, after thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the attractiveness of appearance.

Wei Xiaobei's appearance appeal is 40 points. After 33 minutes, it has increased to 60 points, and it also consumes 8,000 evolution points!

At that time, the accessory's attractive ability, the brocade skinball, also changed.

Skin phase replication: This ability is enhanced by the attractiveness of appearance to 60 points, and the chance of a small skinball is increased. The host can consume 1000 evolution points per day, copying any biological shape once, and each copy can last for 9 hours. Most detection capabilities cannot see through the truth. This ability has a very special auxiliary effect on the recruitment of subordinates.

Well, to say that this skin copy is actually a high-level model of the brocade skin. Although it can only be used once a day, and it needs to consume 1000 evolution points, it can shield most of the detection ability, so that this ability becomes extremely Special.

If you think about it, you will know that with this ability, Wei Xiaobei will dress up as an important figure in the enemy's forces. How much benefit can this bring?

Of course, to say that this ability is also relatively tasteless, after all, the appearance is similar, the inner ability is not the same, so it is difficult to get through some people who are more familiar with the relationship.

Of course, having this ability is always better than not.

At this point, the main attribute of Wei Xiaobei's charm has also increased to 60 points.

What Wei Xiaobei didn't think was that as the main attribute of the charm was raised to 60 points, the strength of his soul was also inexplicably restored, and it recovered to 110 points.

This change has caused Wei Xiaobei to think for a while.

It seems that the relationship between this attribute and the strength of the soul complements each other.

The higher the soul strength, the higher the upper limit of the attribute can be raised, and each time the attribute is promoted, the weakened soul strength can be restored.

There are still 42300 points left in the evolutionary point.

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to continue to enhance the property, but sat on the back of the ink dragon horse, ready to familiarize himself with the newly acquired skin copy.

Well, that fate is reversed, and Wei Xiaobei can’t use it indiscriminately.

Whose skin is copied?

Tu Qingqing?

Zhu Xinyi?

Or Huang Kun?

To say that Wei Xiaobei is the most familiar person is these three.

After a little thought for a while, Wei Xiaobei finally chose Zhu Xinyi.

The reason for choosing Zhu Xinyi is probably not there. But Wei Weibei feels more suitable, or is it to satisfy some of his evil thoughts?

Well, anyway, with Wei Xiaobei’s mind, even if there is a thick fog in the pores, Wei Xiaobei will be covered in the blink of an eye.

When the thick fog spreads out at the high speed of the ink dragon horse, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and elegant face appears on the back of the ink dragon horse.

For a sudden change of a person on his back, the ink dragon horse did not show a little surprise.

Ink dragon horses identify the enemy and me, all through the soul, and Wei Xiaobei is the master of the ink-and-blood gun. This is naturally not necessary, and no matter how the appearance changes, the ink dragon horse can recognize it.

Wei Xiaobei took a mirror from the storage ring and looked at it. He couldn't help but nod his head. Sure enough, the ability of this skin to copy is extremely powerful, far from being comparable to the brocade skin.

To say that the brocade skinball, Wei Xiaobei has also been used several times, but after the change, it can only be said that 90% is similar. In some subtleties, if you look closely, you can still see the flaws.

This is also the case, the brocade skin, Wei Xiaobei has not been used under normal circumstances.

But now, with Wei Xiaobei's eyesight and memory, looking at the "Bamboo Heart Yi" in the mirror, I couldn't help but be amazed. This skin copy and even the skin pore size are copied out, and the bamboo heart of Wei Xiaobei's memory. Yi is exactly the same.

Wei Xiaobei practiced in the mirror, Zhu Xinyi's faint smile, and the kind of light temperament between the gestures and so on.

I have to say that it is a wise choice for Wei Xiaobei to choose the person he is most familiar with as the practice object.

The introduction of skin phase reproduction did not introduce all the features of skin copying.

After practicing for a while, Wei Xiaobei discovered that this skin copy seems to have copied some of the customary details of Zhu Xinyi.

For example, when Liu Hai blocked his eyes, Zhu Xinyi liked to pick up Liu Hai and hung it behind his ear.

In the face of strangers, Zhu Xinyi always has a faint smile with a little alert.

In short, these customary details, Wei Xiaobei also practiced several times, the minds of their own come out of the relevant memory, and finally, the "Bamboo Heart" in the mirror makes Wei Xiaobei unable to identify the true and false. It is.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had a considerable degree of familiarity with the ability to copy the skin, but then Wei Xiaobei suddenly found a problem.

I consuming a skin phase copy initiated by 1000 evolution points, and I can't restore my original body at this time.

This point is an accident that Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

After a test, Wei Xiaobei had to admit that he wanted to restore the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, and he had to wait for 9 hours to copy the skin.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat arrested.

This means that Wei Xiaobei is in the next 8 hours, with the heart of Zhu Xinyi!

Ok, okay, in fact, for Wei Xiaobei, this is also a relatively novel feeling.

In exchange for Wei Xiaobei, who was still working in Cuihu City, he could not think that he would become a girl one day.

Picking up the hair with the wind blowing on his face, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on his chest.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei is still not the first time from this perspective.

Wei Xiaobei’s face was slightly red, and he suddenly felt how evil his thoughts were.

Because Weijiadao is located in the tropics and is hot all the year round, although Wei Xiaobei is not afraid of the heat and cold, others are wearing t-shirts and they are not likely to wear cotton.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei wore a compassionate body. From this perspective, he could see the white, erect, and faint red spots.

No way, this compassionate is worn on Wei Xiaobei's body. Wei Xiaobei's body is much more burly than the average male.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's skin is Zhu Xinyi. Zhu Xinyi is about one meter tall and tall. The body is very small. The white shoulders and the collarbone are all revealed. Come out, plus half of the hills, showing an ultimate temptation.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei felt that his nose was not sprayed with nosebleeds.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found a problem.

At most an hour later, I have to set foot on this body to step on the land of China. Although Huaxia is in the summer, it is not too weird to wear a man’s compassionate, but the girls are wearing armor in key parts, otherwise Summer is very easy to expose.

Wei Xiaobei no longer wants to consider this issue, but also needs to consider if Zhu Xinyi finds that she has inadvertently destroyed her image in China, or has become a terrible consequence after the net red.

At that time, once Zhu Xinyi is angry, he will sweep the ground.

You must know that there were several times when Huang Kun accidentally provoked Zhu Xinyi, but he was chased and crawled, and he lost face in front of those core disciples.

Wei Xiaobei can imagine the appearance of his little apprentice.

But now the problem is coming.

Wei Xiaobei is not a perverted madman. There is no habit of collecting girls' close-fitting clothes at all. Even if the storage ring is turned over, no half is found.

Of course, it is not difficult to solve this problem with Wei Xiaobei’s current intelligence.

After a pair of jeans were dismembered, they were wrapped in Wei Xiaobei on the chest, and then put on a compassionate shirt. Although it seems a bit weird, it is much stronger than the exposed light.


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