The City of Terror

Chapter 936: All kinds of troubles

Then send a chapter and a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

In order to avoid more trouble, before Wei Weibei entered the train station, it was really beautiful to wear it on his head, but the purpose of this yellow skirt girl should not be to praise himself, but to swear.

No way, this can't blame this yellow dress girl delicious, but Wei Weibei's cooking dishes are too fragrant, and this scent is not only to stimulate the nostrils' sense of smell, but also to make the mind active, thus increasing people. Appetite.

Of course, the girl in the yellow skirt was round and touted. After entering the soft sleeper, the snacks on her mouth have not stopped. It can be seen that it is really delicious.

"Want to eat"

Wei Xiaobei didn't care what the girl saw, and asked with a smile.

"Ah, can I eat?"

The girl in the yellow skirt suddenly became happy, but she couldn’t help her two companions’ faces. Well, begging for strangers, although it was a very beautiful and beautiful sister, but this behavior Don't you feel shameful?

Relative to the companions, the girl in the yellow skirt is undoubtedly more generous and generous in terms of character. When Wei Xiaobei nodded, he sat directly next to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei then touched his right hand toward the backpack used for camouflage, and then he took out a bowl of seafood miso soup, and then came out with three bowls of steaming white rice.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s move, the girl in the yellow dress couldn’t help but widen her eyes: “Sister, you are a magician”

Well, if you change to someone and see Wei Xiaobei out of the backpack, I probably have this idea.

Wei Xiaobei did not return to him. He just smiled at the other two girls: "You haven't eaten yet, come over together."

The two girls couldn't be as cheeky as the girls in the yellow skirt, and hurriedly quit, but at this moment, there was a whistling sound in the soft lie, which was the sound of people who were hungry.

Suddenly, the two girls became red on their faces and became even more embarrassed.

Fortunately, the girl in the yellow skirt came forward and pulled the two together: "Don't quit, this meal is fragrant."

Well, even Wei Xiaobei’s face couldn’t help but be black. The girl in the yellow dress is too self-contained, and it feels like a close relationship with Wei Xiaobei.

After they started the bowl, they realized that there was such a delicious food in the world.

Even the white rice was so sweet. For a time, even the two girls couldn’t take care of it. The big mouthful of porridge was completely free of the unique elegance of the girl who used to eat.

Wei Xiaobei smiled and put down his rice bowl. He looked at the three rushing girls. As a chef, his food could be robbed. This is undoubtedly the biggest compliment to the chef.

It was not until the yellow skirt girl smashed the last broth in the sea bowl that the dinner that allowed the three girls to eat their stomachs was over.

The girl in the yellow dress saw Xiaobei looking at herself, but it was not very interesting. She said that she would not waste food.

"Well, you are going to sleep in Wuhan City, go to sleep first, come, I call you."

Wei Xiaobei then needed to make a series of minor modifications to several genetic maps. However, there was no time to chat with these girls, and the three girls were sent to the upper bunk.

These three girls ate Wei Xiaobei's meal, and felt that Wei Xiaobei had a temperament that he couldn't resist. After washing one by one, he went to bed, probably the relationship of food or biological clock. After a while, I fell into a sleep.

After watching the sleeping posture of several girls, Wei Xiaobei chuckled and lay back.

Time passes by, whether it is sleeping or thinking about problems, time passes very fast.

Four hours later, the train stopped at Wuhan Railway Station.

Wei Xiaobei called the three girls, then got off the bus together. At the exit, the girl in the yellow skirt was particularly reluctant to defend Xiaobei. It felt like Wei Xiaobei was like her own sister, even in the eyes of the other two girls. There are also some fog.

Well, to say that these girls and their own just meet each other, but even so close to themselves, Wei Xiaobei can only say that Zhu Xinyi's skin is too lethal, or that his charm attribute is too high.

Sending three girls to a taxi with a photo, Wei Xiaobei has some emotions, and always feels that he will meet these girls in the future.

Of course, this is the future, and now, I need to go to Green Lake City.

At this time, at 4:30 in the morning, there were a lot of early stalls around the train station, and the steaming food scent continued to flow into the nostrils.

Wei Xiaobei has not been to Wuhan City, but he also knows how to go to Green Lake City.

After leaving the station, Wei Xiaobei circled and came to the railway.

Go straight along the railway and you can reach Cuihu City.

It takes two hours to recover. It is to stay in the wild and change back to the original, or go straight on the road.

I thought about it, although the Gray's Cheng's martial arts hall has not been broken by monsters for a while, but this kind of thing is hard to say. One accident, the next moment, the Cheng's martial arts hall was broken, and then, for so long, waiting for the finger It may not be a mirror.

Still go straight on the road.

Wei Xiaobei sighed and ran fast along the railway.

Going along the railway, you don't have to worry about hitting the train at all, because the railway line from Wuhan City to Cuihu City has not been running for a year.

Starting from Wuhan City, Wei Xiaobei went on for more than 20 kilometers and the railway was interrupted.

To put it simply, the railroad track should be destroyed. A derailed train is not far from the railroad foundation and falls on the ground. The railroad tracks all the way, the broken fault, the twisted distortion, even if the railroad tracks in some places are relatively intact, I think later. I have to take a lot of time to fix this rail.

The front could not go straight like this, Wei Xiaobei stopped.

It is about 50 kilometers away from Wuhan City.

The front line is lined up along the railway. It is a concrete bunker. Many soldiers are training near the coagulation bunker.

Further, from time to time, gunshots were heard from time to time.

It seems that this place used to be the site of monsters.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not detour, but walked slowly. He needed some information, and the officers on this line of defense were undoubtedly the best source of information.

"Stand password"

Not waiting for Xiaobei to come close, a sentinel suddenly appeared in the grass, and the submachine gun in his hand pointed at Wei Xiaobei and shouted.

Wei Xiaobei participated in the army and also served as a sentinel. He knew that without knowing the password, it is best not to move freely, or to approach the sentinel. Otherwise, the sentinel can shoot.

“I am a special investigator of the investigation team of Cuihu City. Can you inform your heads?”

Although the submachine gun could not cause any threat to himself, Wei Xiaobei came over to ask for news, instead of coming to pick up the field, so he slowly raised his hands and signaled that he had no weapons in his hand, and shouted at the same time.

Well, at this time, although it is almost five o'clock, the sky is still dark. The sentinel standing at 50 or 60 meters is not very clear about Wei Xiaobei's appearance. He only knows that the other is a girl through his voice.

Senior investigator of the Cuihu City Investigation Team

Well, let's say that the investigation team should have been a secret institution, but with the constant emergence of gray monsters, the investigation team has gradually become known to outsiders. To be continued.


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