The City of Terror

Chapter 938: Bandit

Thanks to the 10,000 starting currency that the book friends are even rewarded, thank you very much.

It is just that the giant bandit is Samsung ordinary, and the other bandits that come with it have different strengths. The strongest is only two stars, and the weakest is only two stars.

Although those small-sized bandits are hard to resist the bombardment of the artillery, but the ordinary bandit of the Samsung rushed to the front to attract firepower, making the rest of the bandits easier to break through the line of defense.

Once the line of defense is broken, the concrete fortresses on the line of defense can only fight each other.

The back lines of defense are not as strong as the line, and the rear artillery positions are naturally more dangerous.

To put it simply, once the defense line is broken, for these monsters, there is basically no obstacle from here to Wuhan City.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei feels lucky. If he is not extremely weak, he has to take the train to go. I am afraid that there is no possibility of encountering the scene at hand.

In that case, millions of humans in Wuhan City will be in extreme danger.

These bandits are not the kind of temperate monsters. You must know that in their introduction, one of their characteristics is that they like to eat people.

At this time, the head of the raised team took a telescope to see the situation on the line of defense. Looking at the thousands of bandits, there was a cold sweat on the back.

As the first commander of this line of defense, the head of the team fell into hesitation, and there were only two ways to face him. The first one was to evacuate to the second line of defense to avoid further casualties. But those monsters are almost close to the line of defense. Once evacuated, it is easy to cause a collapse, even being chased by monsters.

In this flat place, it is impossible for human speed to compare with these monsters.

The second method is to call the artillery to block the bombing of those monsters, but in this case, the soldiers on the line will undoubtedly die together, even if the soldiers are killed, those monsters may not die.

Undoubtedly, any decision will determine the future fate of more than 2,000 soldiers on this line and the fate of millions of humans in Wuhan City.

"I used to look at it."

When Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, it was naturally impossible to turn a blind eye. After a few words toward the head of the regiment, he even rushed out toward the observatory.

"Be careful"

The head of the regime did not react from Wei Xiaobei’s words. When Wei Xiaobei rushed out, he turned it into an ordinary girl and shouted.

But in the eyes of the head of the group, the girl did not fall down after rushing out of the observatory, but it seemed to step on the ground, and the legs stepped on the air and rushed toward the line of defense.


The head of the team could not help but open his mouth. This scene completely exceeded his expectations.

How can people step on the air and run?

At this point the soldiers on the line of defense are firing at the monsters that are coming.

Automatic rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers have come into battle, forming a bomb to knock down the rushing bandits one by one, while the shells flying from the back have fallen from time to time, falling on the ground and even blasting a crater, where is The bandits in the explosion of the shells were not dead or wounded, and it was like the straw in the wheat field was cut off by a sickle.

It is more than enough to say that such firepower is against the human-powered charge, even if it is tens of thousands of people, it is impossible to cross the firepower network.

But at this time the soldiers are not facing humans, but monsters.

As a bandit with more than two stars, they are physically stronger than ordinary humans.

The bullets fired by the automatic rifle hit, and ordinary humans, as long as they are hit, killing on the spot, hitting the hands and feet, is also immediately disabled.

But if you hit these bandits, even if you hit the key, it is not so easy to die in a short time, not to mention that many hit bullets are basically hitting their secondary parts, making the bullet's lethality greatly weaken.

These bandits will die immediately unless they are hit by powerful weapons such as shells and rockets.

"Putted to fight these monsters"

The soldiers may have been shocked by the number of these monsters at first, but now, as the battle heats up, they become more courageous, seeing the monsters rush into the line of defense, many soldiers carrying grenades, pulling strings, Pounced on the monster.

As a loud explosion came, many bandits that broke into the line of defense were killed by soldiers.

But human beings are worse than all these monsters in all respects.

In the blink of an eye, many monsters suddenly broke in.

"I don't want to die."

A soldier screamed as he slammed the rifle in his hand toward the approaching bandit, but the other soldiers in the fort were killed, leaving him alone.

So when he heard the empty noise from the gun, he couldn't help but look white, and the bullets in the magazine were gone.

At this time a bandit suddenly rushed up, the mouth of the sheep opened, revealing the sharp teeth, a very greasy stench sprayed on the soldier's face.

When I am finished, I am hanging up.

The soldier was in a stunned heart, his eyes closed, waiting for the upcoming death.

But in the next moment, instead of being hurt, a beaten voice was introduced into his ear.

this is

The soldier opened his eyes, but saw a girl's figure swept through the air, and the bandit that had thrown at himself had flew out to see the distortion of his body and the blood and internal organs that were ejected. I am afraid that it is not far from death. .

I was saved by myself.

This soldier is just one of dozens of people saved by Wei Xiaobei along the way.

However, if you want to save these people, it is possible for Wei Xiaobei to be divided into dozens of talents.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei eventually rushed to the ordinary bandit of Samsung.

Similarly, Wei Xiaobei, who killed dozens of bandits, became the target of the giant bandit.

After a short-distance acceleration, the giant bandits leaped high and Wei Xiaobei, who rushed through the air, rushed over.

To deal with the monsters of Samsung's ordinary strength, Wei Xiaobei did not need to take out the big guns, but only punched right.


The huge bandit was like a cannonball, and it was smashed back. This power was so great that even the half of the body of the bandit broke into the ground.

But then again, although this bandit is only a Samsung ordinary monster, but how to say it is also a monster recorded in the mountains and seas, its fur resistance is really extraordinary.

Even if Wei Xiaobei punched the ground with a punch, he still did not immediately suffocate. After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he even wanted to struggle to get up.

But in front of Wei Xiaobei, all these struggles are in vain.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei was a jack-up, and with the weightlifting, it was like a cannonball.

A loud bang came, and the bandit's head was stepped on by Wei Xiaobei in an instant, and then it was like a glass ball hit by a bullet, which burst into a moment.

With the death of this giant bandit, the bandits that had already broken through the line of defense even had a meal, and then it seemed to see the terrible natural enemies. They turned and fled, even without even having a few mouthfuls of bodies. Guss.

Although Wei Xiaobei is still in a state of extreme weakness at this time, it is very easy to deal with these bandits. In order to prevent himself from returning, these bandits have once again made a comeback. Wei Xiaobei’s legs are gently grounded and vacated. Stepping on the air, as the same big bird continually ascended, chasing the bandits who fled and fled.

At this point, the soldiers on the defense line looked a little worried.

Originally thought that the defense line was broken, these soldiers could only rely on the bunker to resist, and eventually they were swallowed by these horrible monsters one by one, but what they never imagined was that suddenly a woman was killed, and in a blink of an eye Kill the giant monster and scare the monsters to turn around and escape.

In particular, Wei Xiaobei was wearing a white dress at this time. Although it was a modern dress, it looked far away, but it was like a fairy.

After a while, the sound of a swallow of saliva came, and a soldier couldn’t help but say: "That is the fairy, who saved us."


"Don't be stunned, hurry up and clean the battlefield."

At this time, the officers who had come back to God immediately ordered them loudly. Although the voice was still shaking with the rest of the life, it quickly became bright.

They are soldiers, soldiers who defend the country, no matter what the situation will not affect what they should do.

Of course, from this night, the story of a white fairy has been passed down in the military camp.

Not to mention, the soldiers were busy cleaning the battlefield, carrying the bodies and replenishing the ammunition. The head of the team did not have the mood to find the whereabouts of the special investigator. The voice called the support to the rear by telephone. At this time, Wei Xiaobei was in the massacre. The bandits that fled the emperor.

The large ink gun has been evolved into a large bow of ink, and the bow is drawn, and an arrow that looks ordinary is shot with a whistling sound and falls toward the ground.

The violent explosion sounded from the ground, and the head of a goat like a goat became fragmented in the kinetic energy of the arrow hitting the ground.

These strongest bandits of the two-star elite can't escape the shadow of death caused by the arrow.

After continuously shooting hundreds of arrows, Wei Xiaobei panted and stopped chasing.

At this time, there are not many surviving bandits on the ground, that is, dozens of heads fleeing in the distance.

Wei Xiaobei felt quite a bit of light at this time.

Although every time the bow is pulled, Wei Xiaobei just pulls the bowstring to less than one-fifth of the position, but Wei Xiaobei was originally in a weak state. Hundreds of arrows were shot, and Wei Xiaobei did not fall down. On the ground, it is already very lucky.

Recognizing the wind direction, Wei Xiaobei simply reduced his weight to the extreme, and then resembled a kite, which was blown by a breeze and flew toward Cuihu City.

It is said that the speed of these breeze is much slower than Wei Xiaobei’s own running. To be continued.


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