The City of Terror

Chapter 946: DNA of Longbo

Send another chapter and continue the code word! The poor road is ready to hang the beam! Work hard! Can't be confused by inertia! Fusheng is worthless!


The cost of the destruction of the entire Cheng’s martial arts hall has only gained more than two fists. . .

It can be expected that it is almost impossible to get the blood of the people of Longbo before Wei Xiaobei was promoted to the four-star horror.

Therefore, even if there is still an impulse and excitement to absorb the blood of the people of the Longbo, the Wei Xiaobei does not satisfy his wishes, but puts it into the storage ring.

To say that it will absorb the living winged flying sword, it is already very good, and I want to absorb the blood of the people of Longbo, no way?

At least until Wei Xiaobei thoroughly studied the blood of the people of Longbo, it was impossible.

In fact, before this, when the people of Longbo were just taken, Wei Xiaobei had already let a brain specifically analyze the blood of the people of the Longbo.

At this point, although the genetic analysis work has not been completed, Wei Xiaobei has already had an understanding of the genes of the Longbo people.

If the genes of ordinary organisms are all spiral chains, then the genes of Longbo people are like a nebula, a nebula composed of genes.

There is a special kind of fog inside, and countless DNAs are embedded in this special fog like stars. This kind of gene is completely different from other creatures, making it difficult for Wei Xiaobei to analyze the genes of Longbo people. .

However, Wei Xiaobei does not worry about it at all. This is just a problem that consumes time. Even if it is impossible to crack the genetic code of the people of Longbo, and draw these gene maps, Wei Xiaobei still has no problem.

Having said that, after the feathered flying sword was fed with a large ink gun, the ruins of this Cheng’s martial arts hall had no appeal to Wei Xiaobei.

Samsung horror and even the Samsung Elf's genie wreckage has been used by Wei Xiaobei in the income storage ring, and those books that broke out, Wei Xiaobei also received almost the same, as for the lower level of the demon wreck, Wei Xiaobei There is also not much interest in collecting.

Therefore, after jumping out of the deep pit, Wei Xiaobei let the ordinary people, the hidden wolf sent those humans.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei, these human beings have more or less drums.

The reason is very simple. Even in the same family, there is no doubt that there are only two kinds of relationships between the strong and the weak in this gray world.

The first one is the slaughter. This kind of thing has happened in the gray world. Especially some gray world practitioners have found that killing humans and monsters of the same strength, the benefits of killing human beings are more than monsters. More than doubled, this is a test of human nature.

There are a small number of gray world practitioners who have moved this idea, and a very small number of gray world practitioners have become recidivists, dedicated to killing the same kind of life, it is said that this gray world practitioners, killing behind, its gray In the world, there will be a faint red light on the body.

It is precisely because of the existence of such gray-level practitioners that these human beings feel a little nervous.

Who knows, before the attitude is good, after the face of killing guys can be quite a lot.

Especially when the strength of both sides is large enough, there are many deaths due to one eye.

The second is kindness.

Some strong people are still very good at facing the weak, but this kindness is also derived from the strength of their own strength, as well as the character of the other side.

Is it not a joke to change to a weak person and to be kind to a strong person?

It’s like a rabbit saying to a wolf: "I won’t kill you, you can escape."

Isn't this a joke?

After the people were summoned and the Pu people and the hidden wolves were recovered, Wei Xiaobei gave each person a few pieces of barbecue, and then dialed a few words to let them go to the gray to help the Lord.

For the gift of Wei Xiaobei, these people did not dare to say anything, who knows if there will be poison in this barbecue.

Well, although the power of Wei Xiaobei will not be poisoned, it will be able to kill this group of people, but some things are hard to say. Who knows what is the thought of this strong person.

As for the gray gang?

Don't be kidding, will people see themselves?

This gray gang is the most powerful organization in this area. It is said to have some relationship with the real security base of Cuihu City. All of them are masters.

The figure of Xiaowei Xiaobei disappeared into the distance. The first reaction of these people was to stuff the barbecue into the backpack, and then swarmed to the ruins of the Cheng’s martial arts hall.

Although Wei Xiaobei has already turned this ruin over, but it is only a good demon wreck, and even some books have been taken away.

For these humans, the wreckage of those solid pillars, armored monsters, etc. is already a treasure.

Even the worst humanoid piles, their wreckage is also very useful in the gray world, at least for firewood, it is more resistant to burning than ordinary trees.

In any case, these humans are like ants pouring into the rubble.

From time to time, someone will find some of the wreckage of the demon.

Soon, these humans began to form alliances with each other.

The reason is very simple. There are too many wrecks in the demon. It is impossible for one person to take away all the **** that have been found. The advantage of mutual alliance is that several people guard the collected **** and the rest are looking for In the end, everyone is equally divided, and its harvest is undoubtedly much stronger than being alone.

As for some books that Wei Xiaobei did not find, they were quietly earned in the backpack after they were found.

Everyone is not a fool. The value of this kind of book in the ruins is undoubtedly the biggest, and it is easy to carry, and the fool will contribute it.

Not long after, some people were tired and hungry. Before that, they were busy for a lot of time. With their strength, they were hungry at this time, and fatigue was normal.

However, when I touched the barbecue in the backpack, everyone was hesitant and couldn't pay attention to whether it was eaten. One of them might be very hungry. There was not much food on the body. When I bite my teeth, I slammed it up.

I haven't waited for it to swallow that roast, and his face changed. After swallowing the roast, I couldn't help but sigh.

Feeling the recovery of physical strength, this person couldn't help but laughed. The light of such a barbecue restored most of his physical strength. It is conceivable that relying on these few barbecues, you can stay in the gray world. Less time.

For these low-level gray world practitioners, the longer the time spent in the gray world, the more monsters can be killed, and their strength can be improved faster.

Not to mention, those human beings will send Wei Xiaobei's barbecue to them as treasures, and they will be carefully watched. Wei Xiaobei has already appeared near the central square.

Now the central square has become more prosperous than before. A large number of humans have entered this square, and they have sold the monsters they have hunted, the various ores, plants and even some unrecognizable things for sale. Urgently needed food, water and even weapons.

Wei Xiaobei had not yet entered the square, and a patrol team came over. The head of the strong man saw Wei Xiaobei hurriedly waved, let the patrol stop, and then went to Wei Xiaobei to be a salute: "Mr. Wei Are you coming to find Tian brother?"

Tian Shixiong?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the brawny and was familiar with it. Then he looked around in his mind and found the memory associated with it.

By the way, this brawny, I remember, named Pan Zhengen, was originally a security guard of a security company. After a large-scale invasion of the gray world monsters in Cuihu City, he followed Wei Xingwu’s man with a security base to the Crested Mountain. Wei Xiaobei also saw this kid in the valley.

After that, his performance was quite extraordinary, and he was eventually selected as an alternate core disciple.

I remember the last time I saw the list of core disciples in Weijia Island. This Pan Zhengen has already entered the list of core disciples.

It does not make Wei Xiaobei strange here. These new core disciples have entered the gray world and are all arranged in the gray gang. The first is to strengthen the strength of the gray gang. The second is to be able to help with this with gray. The control of the area increases the level of experience and safety of these core disciples.

It is the core disciple, and it is not surprising that Tian Yuwen is the brother of Tian. The core disciple is the core disciple of Cheng’s martial arts.

To put it bluntly, Wei Xiaobei should be regarded as their famous master, but there is no strictness.

However, if these core disciples can be seen by Wei Xiaobei, they can go further and become famous disciples.

Well, in fact, these core disciples were originally trained as registered disciples.

However, the core disciples did not have the guts to call Wei Xiaobei the master, so they replaced them with the husband.

"You are Pan Zhengen? Yes, yes, I am looking for Tian Yuwen."

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was swept away, and he did not need to be familiar with everything. He saw the level of Pan Zhengen’s biological hierarchy.

It has already reached the bottleneck of the two-star elite. If it is a coincidence, it is not a problem to be promoted to two-star horror in a short period of time.

As a new core disciple, it is already very good to be able to reach this level.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei was able to say his name, Pan Zhengen could not help but feel ecstasy, it felt like an ordinary people, suddenly saw the National Assembly Speaker, and the Speaker patted his shoulders kindly, doing the same.

Ok, actually, in Pan Zhengen’s heart, I’m more excited than this.

We must know that although these core disciples in Cuihu City have seen very little time in Wei Xiaobei, even some core disciples have not seen Wei Xiaobei, but in the security base, they have been heard for so long, Wei Xiaobei. The story has been heard too much.

Human beings are born with the habit of admiring the strong, no matter which aspect.

It’s like in reality, those stars, net red, why there are so many fans, the reason is that they perform better than ordinary people in one aspect, but they are from ordinary people, which makes Fans naturally have a feeling of worship or like.


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