The City of Terror

Chapter 948: Refiner

Then send a chapter, go to the meeting, the head is dizzy, and now sleep is staged, two hours each time.


"Thank Master!"

Tian Yuwen thanked Wei Xiaobei for sitting down and gently slamming the moon.

In the blink of an eye, this slashing knife will bloom in the blue light. When the time goes by, the book turns into a group of blue light, and it flies toward Tian Yuwen.

Qingguang slammed into Tian Yuwen's forehead. Once he entered, the next moment, Tian Yuwen's eyes closed, and countless figures with large swords appeared in his mind.

See Tian Yuwen began to absorb the 偃月刀法 of the Xianxian level, Wei Xiaobei took out the Dragon Fire Ding, and took the two pieces of the demon wreck in the storage ring.

One is the flying gun demon, and the other is a ring knife.

The flying guns are the horror of Samsung, and the first knife is the two-star horror.

Wei Xiaobei untied the Dinggai and threw the two pieces of the demon wreckage into it. Then he sat down with his legs crossed, and his hands were lightly attached to the dragon's fire. The heart was slightly moved, and a light was born in Ding, and it turned into a moment. A slender fire dragon, driven by Wei Xiaobei, rushed toward the wreckage of the first knife.

It is said that the wreckage of this first knives is more tragic than that of the flying sacred demon. The knives are broken into two pieces, and they are gently sprayed by the fire dragon. The hard and unrivalled knives begin to melt rapidly under the burning of the flame. .

Less than half a minute before and after, the first knife of the ring was turned into a group of iron juice, and there were countless blacks in the pale.

Next, the fire dragon spewed out the flames and cleaned the black impurities in the iron juice.

After the iron was turned into silvery white, and the black color disappeared, the fire dragon turned to the wreckage of the flying gun demon.

However, compared to the first knife of the ring, the wreckage of this flying gun demon will be more fire-resistant. After the fire dragon spit for a while, the wreckage has some signs of melting.

The smashing of the stun guns is melted and purified, forming a liquid that reveals a rich red light.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei slowly blended the two metal liquids together to form a reddish metal liquid.

Subsequently, the fire dragon rushed into the metal liquid, and printed a rune in the metal liquid.

Undoubtedly, compared with ordinary metal materials, this metal liquid, which is melted and purified by the flying scorpion scorpion, is more resistant to Rune.

The number of runes that can be tolerated is up to 28, including twelve sharp runes, nine wind runes, and seven flame runes.

After that, under the urging of Wei Xiaobei's heart, this group of metal liquids slowly elongated, forming a knife face, a blade, and a handle.

After this big knife was formed in Longhuoding, Wei Xiaobei felt that his brain was hurting a bit, and his mind was drowsy.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei is now in a state of weakness. If you want to make such a big knife, the energy consumed is not a little bit.

After smashing two barbecues, the spirit was slightly restored. Wei Xiaobei unveiled the cover, and suddenly a heat rushed out, and the temperature of the whole room increased by 20 degrees.

At this point, Natian Yuwen also woke up, Wei Xiaobei took the knife head and took out the knife bar. After combining it into a big knife, he lost his past reading to Natian Yuwen.

At this time, Tian Yuwen was in the mouth of the knife that had just activated the moon. The whole body was in an impulse. When the big knife flew, he grabbed it and then broke through the window and jumped out of the building.


When I rushed out of the window, there was a dilapidated house below. Tian Yuwen, who was at the height of three floors, burst into a burst, and the big knife in his hand rushed toward the dilapidated house.

For a moment, the blade of the big knife gave a transparent knife gas, and it came out of the blade and disappeared into the air.

When Tian Yuwen landed, a two-story small building appeared on the two-story building with a knife mark that went deeper than one meter!

At the same time, there was a spurt of fire in the knife mark, which lasted for a few minutes.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei nodded, and had to say that this slashing knife method is very suitable for this Tian Yuwen, even at the beginning of comprehension can be used to cast a knife!

Of course, there is also the merit of Wei Xiaobei refining the big knife.

Compared with the weapons that Wei Xiaobei had previously produced, this big knife may be excellent in material, and its quality has reached the level of Xianpin!

Although this level of immortality is probably not the strongest in the weapon of Xianpin, it has three effects: sharp, fast, and flame. At the same time, it can also consume internal gas.

Of course, the most cattle in it is still one of the effects attached to the moon knife method.

That is within twenty-four hours, the first three knives that they pulled out have the effect of superimposed damage.

The first knife is a double effect of the ordinary knife, the second knife is superimposed to the quadruple effect, and the third knife is superimposed to the eight-fold effect!

In other words, whoever is hard to resist Tian Yuwen's first three knives, then the damage it receives is equivalent to the fourteen knives!

Wei Xiaobei calculated it slightly in his heart. According to Tian Yuwen's current strength, the first three knives in 24 hours can even kill a four-star ordinary medium-strength monster!

However, Tian Yuwen now has only one such side effect, and after this skill is upgraded, he may get a new side effect.

Now Tian Yuwen is not something that ordinary Samsung monsters can handle.

But when Tian Yuwen came back, his hands were tied with a bandage.

This is also the unluckyness of Tian Yuwen. This is just the time when the knives are just released. It’s just hot and hot. Wei Xiaobei will not feel anything when he grabs the big knife. But Tian Yuwen can’t do it with the big knife. The hands are directly cooked. .

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has a lot of other things here. The potion is enough. Drink a little and apply a little on the hand. It didn't take long before it was seven or eight.

Dealing with the injury, Tian Yuwen will leave for the first time. This gray-faced help to replace the helper is not so simple. It is necessary for Tian Yuwen to hold a public meeting and set it in person.

Otherwise, the helpers of the gray-white gang may not be willing to obey the management of Liu Dayou. In that case, it will cause turbulence in the gang.

And did not mention Tian Yuwen rushed to host the assembly meeting, Wei Xiaobei was lying in bed, his mind turned up.

The genetic map of the Longbo people has been resolved by more than 50%, but the remaining five achievements are somewhat difficult to crack, which takes a considerable amount of time to kill.

But only this 50% gene map, Wei Xiaobei found a lot of good things from it.

The Pu's map was quickly transferred by Wei Xiaobei, and a cloud-like genetic map reads was also transferred.

This cloud-like genetic map is a small part of the dragon's gene, which contains a single dna and a cloud around it.

Well, to put it bluntly, the number of dna of the Longbo people is only one hundred, but the clouds are composed of numerous scattered bases, and there is no DNA formed, but at the genetic level, it can Feel free to combine with the dna to become a new dna.

That is to say, the complexity and complexity of its genetics far exceeds that of ordinary humans, and its genetic maps are even more difficult to draw than Phoenix!

Of course, this is not to say that the people of Longbo are more powerful than the Phoenix, just to talk about the complexity of the genetic map.

To say that the genes are equal, the phoenix is ​​indeed much higher than the people of Longbo.

In any case, a complex gene like this, if you want to find the role of its genes, you can only try one by one.

Soon, this dna and the surrounding clouds were managed by Wei Xiaobei to find the mosaic.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand, and a group of shredded pork squirted out, forming a group of high-profile meatballs on the floor.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the consumption of material, only two more points than the ordinary Pu people, it seems that the effect will not be too good.

Not long after, the meatballs broke open on their own, and one of them was drilled out.

After the general person swallowed the shell of the meat, he shook his body and dried his body. Then the red fruit stood in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei then checked it and found that the skin toughness of this popular person has increased by about 30%.

Then, not long after, this common human gene collapsed into a pool of black water.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand and spit out the shredded pork to recover the black water. He also marked a dna map on his mind, indicating that it is a skin-related dna.

Well, this is just the most preliminary sign.

In fact, in the previous experiments, Wei Xiaobei understood a truth.

That is the gene of many organisms, not necessarily responsible for one effect, some genes are responsible for multiple effects, such as a human gene, combined with several other genes, can be responsible for the shape of the ear, eyelids and even the lips.

As for the skin toughness of the general people, the increase of 30%, and the subsequent gene collapse, are all minor problems.

The most important thing now is to make a preliminary mark of the genes that have been drawn.

In the following period, a group of meatballs formed, one by one from a small group of meatballs, and then after a period of time after the inspection of Wei Xiaobei, the gene collapsed.

Before and after, Wei Xiaobei cultivated more than one hundred people, and barely labeled the hundred genes of Longbo people.

But then again, the taste in this room has become a bit strange because of the breakdown of the genes of hundreds of ordinary people.

There is a faint **** smell inside, and there is a smell similar to the burning of tires, and even a strange smell.

Well, wait until Tian Yuwen will finish the matter in the middle of the matter and put Liu Da on the throne. When I return to this room, I feel a little weird.

However, Tian Yuwen feels that Master does not need to report to himself when he does anything. He only needs to follow Master and listen to Master's words.

As a freshly released pro-disciple, Tian Yuwen is now very well regulated.


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