The City of Terror

Chapter 953: Master is Master.

The poor road announced that it officially entered the hot summer battle season! Although the heat wave is rolling, the hands on the keyboard are like rain, but the poor road is still insisting! Is there a monthly pass? Come to two solutions to the summer. ¤


Wei Xiaobei can even feel that two powerful soul fluctuations are sweeping around.

I don't know because it was because of the pen fairy, the dish can not leave the University of Green Lake, but still did not find Wei Xiaobei, in short, after a while, the giant pen fairy, the soul of the dish fairy wave will disappear, leaving the wall.

It was noticed that the incomparable soul volatility dissipated, and Wei Xiaobei was relieved.

After the strength of his soul reaches two hundred, Wei Xiaobei probably feels the soul strength of the other party directly through the soul fluctuations.

Well, whether it is a giant pen fairy or a dish fairy, its soul strength is much stronger than Wei Xiaobei, at least two hundred and sixty!

In other words, when Wei Xiaobei encounters a giant pen fairy on the front, most of the time will be suppressed by the soul of the other party!

This is not a good thing for Wei Xiaobei.

Tian Yuwen looks in front of himself, Wei Xiaobei is clearly visible.

Of course, then, when this giant pen fairy, Dian Xian, Wei Xiaobei first encounter, I feel that it is not so powerful.

Seeing that their strength is improving, these monsters are also improving.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a few points of insight.

I want to come, this war, the war between the discs and the fairy, should have something to do with this.

Going a little deeper, Wei Xiaobei is thinking about it.

I am afraid that this giant pen fairy, the strength of the dish fairy suddenly increased so much, it should be that they swallowed a lot of pens, dish fairy.

Judging from the previous observations, the pens and the disciples of the same kind do not swallow each other, so the pens devour the discs, and the discs devour the pens, which should be the case.

And this giant pen fairy, the best of the dish fairy, then swallowed naturally the most.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei was surprised by the number of these pens and the number of discs.

According to the giant pen fairy, the strength of the dish fairy, the two big guys swallowed the pen fairy, the dish fairy is probably not a minority, but there are still so many pens in the Green Lake University .

We must know that in reality, Cuihu University has more than 60,000 students, 8,000 faculty members, and a total of more than 70,000.

In this gray world, the total number of pens and disciples that Wei Xiaobei has noticed now exceeds four thousand!

Don't mention those that have already been hanged.

Seventy-eight thousand people can make so many strange spirits in the gray world?

Think about it, it seems that something is not quite right.

However, this issue, Wei Xiaobei can only be placed in the heart for the time being.

Going back to the small building where Tian Yuwen is located, there are a few more corpses near the small building.

When I saw Master returning, Tian Yuwen, who was resting on the top of the building, hurriedly got up.

Looked at Tian Yuwen, Wei Xiaobei nodded, almost the place to change, the food eater here is probably not much killed by Tian Yuwen, the most important thing is that Wei Xiaobei has a hunch, if this time If you sneak into the University of Green Lake, I am afraid that you will be in great danger immediately.

It seems that he has sneaked the strange spirits at Cuihu University and has already angered the two giants.

If you want to come, the war between the people and the discs is the contradiction of the people. No matter how much it hangs, the meat is rotten in the pot.

Wei Wei Xiaobei intervened, and the taste changed.

Pen fairy, dish fairy kills you to die, most of the benefits have been stolen by a little mouse.

Such a thing, replaced by Wei Xiaobei himself is unacceptable.

The superposition of the two reasons, Wei Xiaobei did not have the intention to stay here.

Still waiting for a while to come over.

After setting a good idea, Wei Xiaobei left Tian Yuwen to leave the community.

"Master, where are we going?"

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s words did not say a word. After leaving the community, he went to the west. This really made Tian Yuwen feel a bit strange.

After forbearing for a while, Tian Yuwen only exported the inquiry.

"Let's go to the desert."

Wei Xiaobei thought about it.


Tian Yuwen couldn’t help but be stunned. Didn’t you hear about deserts in the city of Green Lake?

Is it going to go to the x province?

Seeing Tian Yuwen’s stunned look, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

It can be seen that the scope of Tian Yuwen’s activities is too narrow. I am afraid that after the gray gang helps the lord, it basically wanders around the central square.

But then again, this is also a very normal thing.

For humans, this gray world is too dangerous and weird.

No one knows what kind of monsters there will be in other places, and the range of activities means that the danger is improved.

Well, it can be said that about 90% of the gray-level practitioners in the gray city of Cuihu City are centered on the central square.

After all, there are a lot of humans in the central square, which is a guarantee of safety and convenient logistics.

The strength did not reach a certain level, the guy who turned around everywhere, basically is dead.

To be honest, it can be seen that Wei Xiaobei’s luck at the beginning was good.

Dongyitoutou West has a great roaming around, and it has not been hung up yet. This really needs a very lucky value.

Although the environment and reality in the gray city of Cuihu City are now much different, there is a big difference between them. However, Tian Yuwen is also a local person. After walking around Wei Xiaobei, he probably went to see where it is. .

On the South Street, the turn is Mingyuan Road, and then turn, oh, it seems to enter the suburbs, rows of old-fashioned buildings.

In the past, a pile of white ash.

Good guy! So many bugs!

Perhaps because of the reason behind the master, Tian Yuwen was somewhat discouraged. As a result, the appearance of the black beetle made him feel embarrassed.

Countless black beetles were drilled from the ash piles on both sides and climbed him.

At this time, Tian Yuwen did not use any of the knives. In the end, he even climbed the belt and rushed through the row of ash piles before they smashed the black beetles.

To say that Tian Yuwen's skin defense is much stronger than before, these black beetles want to bite his skin, which is really difficult.

But even so, Tian Yuwen is still bitten out of a lot of redness.

This is a lawless thing. There are too many bugs. They are swarming up and hitting you all over the body. If it is not Tian Yuwen’s quick response, the small Dingding below may be bitten.

When Tian Yuwen returned from the panic, he saw that Master was neat and tidy. Half of the worms were not glued and the clothes were not damaged.

On the contrary, Tian Yuwen’s clothes and pants all over his body were bitten out of countless holes, and it looked like a beggar.

"Master, are you okay?"

Tian Yuwen was a little surprised. According to the number of worms in the past, the flooding of the worms, Wei Xiaobei is even more powerful, and it is impossible to hide.

But I didn't wait for Xiaobei to answer. I climbed a few worms in the ash pile on the side of the road and wanted to climb to Wei Xiaobei's foot. But I haven't been close to waiting for these worms to climb up. Wei Xiaobei is a shock. The layer of transparent gas wall then swelled out, and the worms seemed to hit the spring, and they flew out in a blink of an eye.

Just as the worms were bombarded, their slightly hardened body also made a slight bang, bursting open.

this is?

Seeing this scene, Tian Yuwen was a little surprised. This is the first time he saw Master’s ability to do so.

Seeing Tian Yuwen’s astonished look, Wei Xiaobei laughed and gave him a little bit: “After your national realm has arrived, it’s almost like this.”

Enthusiastic? ! !

After Tian Yuwen entered the Weibei Gate, he also knew a lot about the division of the national realm.

I know that the realm of this country is divided into bright, dark, and energetic.

As for this enthusiasm, Tian Yuwen only knows a little about it, but he also knows that after stepping into the enthusiasm, he can be called the master of the national art.

In short, Tian Yuwen has just stepped into the darkness now, and he has not seen the shadow. As for the enthusiasm, Tian Yuwen can only say hehe.

I want to be like a master, and Tian Yuwen knows it myself. I hope it will take quite some time to do it.

But then again, Tian Yuwen is still very excited.

Granite human heart is really too strong.

If you change to the previous ones, Tian Yuwen is crawled on the body with so many insects. I am afraid that it has already been smashed into a pile of white bones. Wherever it may be like this, it is still alive and kicking, and there are not even half a scar on the body.

In any case, Tian Yuwen’s current defensive power does not mean that he can withstand pistol bullets, at least against ordinary weapons, but there is no problem.

In the past, black beetles were drilled more or less in the ash piles on both sides of the road. For Wei Xiaobei, there was no influence at all. Any black beetle that dared to rush over was shot by the scorpion in the blink of an eye. , burst into a meat sauce.

Tian Yuwen continued his sad reminder until the black beetle no longer appeared. Tian Yuwen was almost completely covered by those redness, and all the clothes and pants were destroyed. The whole red fruit of the red fruit seemed to make people feel different. Comfortable numbness.

It’s just that this red dragonfly doesn’t say it. The itchiness caused by it really makes Tian Yuwen uncomfortable, and his hands are mammoth, almost all of his skin is smashed.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei saw him really uncomfortable, throwing him a bottle of potion and letting it smear.

Wei Xiaobei's medicine is effective, Tian Yuwen applied the medicine to the body. Anything that was coated with the medicine was a cool air, and the redness disappeared.

Comfortable, Tian Yuwen took a long breath.

Indeed, it is like when people itch to the extreme, hand rubbing a few times, so refreshing.

At this moment, Tian Yuwen, who was busy applying syrup to his thighs, felt a heat wave coming up. He looked up, good guy, and there was a vast desert in front of him.

At this moment, Tian Yuwen was a bit dumbfounded.

How did this green lake appear in the desert?

It must be said that Tian Yuwen has entered the gray world for some time. The understanding of the gray world is probably similar to that of the previous Wei Xiaobei. He also found the connection between the gray world and reality. He believes that the things in this gray world are the projections of reality. .

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