The City of Terror

Chapter 959: Not a vegetarian animal

No nonsense ~ ~ poor road needs to rectify their lazy heart, the devil into the body.


After many core disciples left, Zhu Xinyi and others also quit, they all have their own affairs to deal with, just take Maras, every morning, take a seaplane to come over, and morning exercises with the brothers and sisters. After that, they have to leave in a hurry and return to the Capital Island to handle official duties.

It didn't take long for Zhao Tian to stay alone with Wei Xiaobei.

Even Tu Qingqing was busy going to school.

Well, in addition to the general guard of the island, Tu Qingqing has one more job now, that is, the poetry painting and technique teacher of Weijiadao School.

To be honest, when I heard this, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat unbelievable.

The technique does not say much, it requires talent to practice, but this poetry painting is indeed a fact. For a fox like Tu Qingqing, it takes no more than one hundred or two years to study poetry and painting. What is difficult.

After Tu Qingqing went to work in the school, it seemed that there were a lot of smiles on his face, which was a bit more popular than the previous one.

Anyway, this is a good thing for Wei Xiaobei, and there is more fun in the boudoir.

The only trouble is that after Wei Xiaobei got up in the morning, he felt a little backache with his strength.

Some have passed, Wei Xiaobei, who was riding the ink dragon horse to the north of Weijia Island, touched some sour waist, and could not help but feel a little guilty.

Anyway, this kind of thing is a woman's dominance.

At this time, the lagoon in the northern part of Weijia Island has become a camp for Baimayi.

A modern camp tower stands beside the lagoon, and the white horses are riding a mixed-breed dragon horse and running back and forth on the distant sea.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei's brow wrinkled and turned to Zhao Tian and asked: "What is going on? Don't know confidentiality?"

After listening to Wei Bei’s question, Zhao Tian could not help but shake his body.

After coming here with the donkey, Zhao Tian knew that it was not the same as the place he had stayed in. He had not seen many things here.

For example, the giant ship sailing on the sea, the iron bird flying in the sky, and the magical things in the beautiful house built by stone.

In fact, even in his original place, this mixed-race dragon horse is not a common treasure. It is conceivable that it is rare here.

Zhao Tian had to explain the difficulties in it one by one.

It turns out that those mixed-race dragon horses are not left in the ocean for a day. If they are circled in the horse's circle, they will be extremely violent and even attack each other.

In order to avoid the excessive injury of these mixed-breed dragon horses, every morning, Bai Mayi needs to ride these mixed-breed dragon horses to go back and forth on the sea for dozens of laps.

Fortunately, at this time, there are no ships near the Weijia Island, and there is no need to worry too much.

I heard Zhao Tian say this, Wei Xiaobei also knows that if you want to leak secrets, I am afraid that it has already been vented, and it is a bit late to make up for it.

Not long after, those white horses forced the mixed-breed dragon horse to come back from the sea. After waiting for these dragon horses to lie in the lake, Bai Mayi had come to the team to give Wei Xiaobei a courtesy.

For these white horses, from the willingness to follow themselves to reality, Wei Xiaobei is still very moved. To go out for so long, he also needs to appease these idle things.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei held a series of competitions under the proposal of Zhao Xin, so that these Bai Mayi from some entertainment projects.

After all, in the modern entertainment program, only TV is more in line with the appetite of these white horses.

What archery competition, gladiator, equestrian, etc., for this Wei Xiaobei also set up a color head, the prize is the cooking of their own fairy dishes.

This caused Bai Mayi to be excited, and in these games it was very fierce.

Of course, when Wei Xiaobei stayed here, there were some episodes.

To put it simply, there are a few sharks that probably smell the fat of the dragon horse and rush into the lagoon along the water.

Longma is also a kind of horse, so they also have the characteristics of sensitive and irritating, especially after these sharks rush into the lagoon, probably the brain is not so good, and they directly rushed toward this group of dragons.

As a result, the Longma Group suddenly exploded, and the raging dragon horse directly picked up the hoof and kicked the sharks who dared to approach.

If it is a common war horse in reality, standing in this lagoon is not likely to pose a threat to those sharks.

But at this time in the lagoon is more than 30 mixed dragon horses!

Although these guys can't compete with the same level of monsters, they have to be more powerful than the ordinary Samsung monsters.

Just if the horseshoes step down, it is not a sniper that the average monster can bear.

Any shark that is kicked by a dragon horse is worse than a group of dolphins. A big hole is kicked directly on the body with a hoof. As for the direct fragmentation of the internal organs, even if you want to rescue, it is impossible to save it.

The most astounding thing is that when the sharks were kicked to death, the dragon horses happily joined together and even shook the sharks floating on the water for a clean meal.

Wei Xiaobei always thought that this dragon horse is a vegetarian animal like the horse in reality. But now I can understand it. The dragon horse in the gray world is probably not necessarily vegetarian.

And from this point of view, Longma seems to have a special preference for shark meat, even the cartilage is clean, leaving only some internal organs or something left in the sea, let those small fish eat .

In any case, the wide variety of these Longma's recipes is always a good thing. After all, not every place is made up of plants for them to eat.

After talking with Bai Mayi about their feelings, Wei Xiaobei quietly returned to his villa.

After the news that the three warships sank was borrowed from the hands of hackers, the Sam State did have a great uproar. As a result, Wei Xiaobei had time to enter the gray world.

Of course, if you can, Wei Xiaobei hopes that this time he will enter the gray world to raise his biological level to four-star horror.

To say the biological characteristics of the four-star elite, the soul series is somewhat ribbed for the previous Wei Xiaobei. It uses too much damage to the soul and is used too little. It is not as convenient as Wei Xiaobei's own biological power.

And now, after Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has increased to more than 200, the naturally enhanced soul wave effect has actually been somewhat similar to that of the soul series. As a result, the characteristics of this soul series are nothing for Wei Xiaobei. Useful.

How to improve the four-star horror, Wei Xiaobei's current thinking is probably to improve skills and attributes.

After returning to the villa and closing the door, Wei Xiaobei took out the liquor and drank it.

When the front view of Wei Xiaobei was converted from the room to the beach, the soldier's horn was heard into the ear.

Wei Xiaobei's gaze turned around in a circle. At this time, the boat shuttled back and forth, constantly sprinkling the fishing net and catching the gifts from the sea.

Not far away, in a desert that was flattened out, Zhao Tongzheng was smothered with empty arms and several military officers.

Some soldiers were mixed with the core disciples and were busy cooking in the camp, and a hint of silky fragrance came slowly.

The current beach is completely different from the previous silence, and it is a bit more popular.

"I have seen a rider."

A team of patrols came over and saw Wei Xiaobei rushing to the chest to perform a military ceremony.

The reputation of this riding squad in the military camp is probably second only to Zhao Yun.

Wei Xiaobei looked at Zhao Tong’s people and killed him there. It was a bit hot, and even after joining together, he joined in.

For this sudden enemy, it turned out that Zhao Tong was shocked. However, after seeing Wei Xiaobei, several people did not stifle it, but they laughed and attacked Xiaobei.

To talk about the shooting method, Wei Xiaobei may be worse than any one of them, but if you talk about fists, Wei Xiaobei can be said to be the leader, a pair of meat fists on the five four-star elite, three four The stars are ordinary, but there is no slightest momentum, and they have a tie with them.

Even at the end, Wei Xiaobei’s Tieshan relied on the battle of the formation of a group of Zhao Tong’s people, and Zhao Tong, who was the first to fly, flew straight out.

"Uncle, your old fist is really amazing."

For Zhao Tong, Wei Xiaobei's octagonal fist is really novel. Based on the idea of ​​stealing a teacher, after Zhao Tong got up, he chewed up to Wei Xiaobei and took a flattering.

"Generally average."

Wei Xiaobei did not take care of Zhao Tong. He did not know whether the eight-pole boxing could be used by the creatures in the gray world. More importantly, whether it would cause any bad symptoms.

"Uncle! You will do well when you are old, accept my apprentice?"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh in the heart, Zhao Tong this guy has now become thicker, a young man who used to be pure, now with those oils have become like this.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei was entangled in no way, and he took out an eight-pole boxing and told Zhao how to use it.

Some of the anxious Zhao Tong followed the method of Wei Xiaobei, holding the eight-pole boxing in the palm of his hand.

But this is five or six minutes.

There was no reaction at all in the eight-pole boxing.

Zhao Tong’s eyes are clenched with boxing and say good light group? Say good bastard?

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene a little surprised, and then took out a knife method to let Zhao Yun try.

But in the end, this knife will not work.

The breeze sword method is useless, and the flying gun method is useless.

Wei Xiaobei took the breeze sword in his hand, and his heart condensed on it. In the blink of an eye, the breeze sword method burst into a shimmer, and soon it turned into a light group toward Wei Xiaobei. Invest between.

When the light group was not in the amount, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was an image of a sword figure in his mind.


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