The City of Terror

Chapter 967: Reinforcement

The eyes suddenly can't open, dozing off in front of the computer, go to sleep first. ¥f


With this blow, the black dragon couldn't control the body, and the whole body flew out. There were some internal organs and shattered from the dragon's mouth.

Hit by a giant giant like Bai Long, even though the black dragon looks bigger than the white dragon, it also broke several ribs.

Of course, breaking things like ribs is completely drizzy for the real dragon.

But just like this, Wei Xiaobei broke the black dragon’s attempt, and then Zhao Yun, who was chasing, sipped a “seven-snake snake gun!”

The rotten silver gun in the hand trembled. In a flash, seven golden light spots of goodness were formed in the air, and then turned into seven giant snakes in a smashing place, which was as powerful as half of the ancient beast.

As Zhao Yun shook his hand in a big gun, the seven giant snakes bite into the black dragon in a blink of an eye.

This time is not the half move made by the short spear, but the seven-snake snake gun that appeared in the seven giant snakes should be regarded as Zhao Yun’s strongest blow.

So even Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but turn his head and look at it.

The seven giant snakes slammed into the tail of the black dragon, and then pulled hard. The black dragon that was about to be killed by several soldiers could not control their body and was born by the seven giant snakes. Dragged back.

To be honest, when I saw this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel excited.

Wei Xiaobei knows that these seven giant snakes are not the magic spells that Zhao Yun has made, but the seven-snake snakesmanship!

A gun can actually achieve this level, and the seven giant snakes that have emerged can temporarily show the entity and drag the black dragon back.

This is actually not simple.

More importantly, Wei Xiaobei seems to have seen something from here. What can he think of in the future?

Well, when Wei Xiaobei pondered, the white dragon seemed to have a chance, and once again he rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei reacted quickly enough. While dodging, he pulled the white dragon to the side and let the white dragon rush.

Every bit of time, the shrimps and crabs that flow from the huge whirlpool will be more and more.

Even if the military officers were able to crush these shrimps and crabs with their own strength, their physical strength was also consumed as time went by.

Under the constant impact of the shrimps and crabs, they also had to slowly retreat.

However, they are not able to return to the distance, and not far behind them is the magma that is once again flooding.

Even if these military forces are even more powerful, it is impossible to bathe in the magma like Wei Xiaobei.

As a result, the crisis of these military officers will arrive.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei saw the situation that occurred below. He simply dragged the white dragon down and waited until he was about to collide with the huge waves.

The white dragon was originally intended to control the body, but it was never thought that Wei Xiaobei would gently pull the fishing line, and Bai Long could no longer control the body that fell quickly, and watched himself hit it. Above the huge vortex.

A huge bang, the huge whirlpool that was slowly turning, was suddenly stopped and turned, and the shrimps and crabs that rushed out from the huge vortex would be instantly smashed by the impact of Bailong. Sprinkled meat sauce around.

However, this is the case.

After the interest rate, the huge whirlpool will turn again, and the shrimp and crab will continue to flow again and again.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was ready to think of the way to hit the white dragon again on the huge vortex, hehe! A loud noise came again.

Wei Xiaobei turned around and saw Zhao Yun!

I don't know when he knocked the black dragon down. The black dragon slammed into the huge vortex and let the huge whirlpool stop again.

Even before the huge whirlpool was still running again, when the black dragon shook his head and shook his head, Zhao Yun took another shot to pump the black dragon.

The only problem was that the black dragon spurted the thunder and lightning, and also hit Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun was completely black.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei knows that if this continues, Zhao Yun will be very difficult to bear.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei’s ink-and-blood gun suddenly changed, and it was radiant, and it became a pair of gloves.

Wei Xiaobei put on his glove and rushed toward the white dragon.

To say that this white dragon's ability to withstand is indeed worse than that of the black dragon, was hit so much, at this time only shook the huge faucet, flying and vacated.

However, this white dragon is a hateful to Wei Xiaobei. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, the huge dragon tail took advantage of it and wanted to give Wei Xiaobei a good look.

What this white dragon can't think of is that when the dragon tail has not touched Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei's right hand is working hard, and the fishing line tied above the glove will immediately move, then the white dragon will be Pulling the body off, the extracted dragon tail swept from the top of Wei Xiaobei.


Wei Xiaobei smiled on his face, his hands stretched out, and he held the end of the dragon tail in his arms.

Well, to say that the dragon tail of this white dragon, even the finest point, exceeds the diameter of three meters. Wei Xiaobei’s hands are not so much to hold the end of the dragon tail, but rather Wei Xiaobei It is like an ant holding a wooden stick.

Wei Xiaobei, holding the dragon's tail, is like a small fly hanging on the dragon's tail.

However, the huge difference in body shape does not mean that Wei Xiaobei has no way to this white dragon.

The arms suddenly made a force, Wei Xiaobei suddenly held the white dragon's tail, and the white dragon smashed up. After a few big circles, he let go of the huge vortex.

call! Hey!

Bai Long did not understand what was going on, and the huge body once again hit the huge vortex.

With Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun, the black dragon and the white dragon are on the huge vortex. Although the huge vortex has not collapsed, it is actually in a state of complete pause. It has not been able to spit out the shrimp and crab for a few minutes. It is.

Taking advantage of Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun to take the huge vortex into the head, the army will spur Yu Yong, they will counterattack toward those shrimps and crabs.

Less than a minute before and after, the shrimps and crabs will be slaughtered.

But by this time, these soldiers will be too tired and soft, and the guns and guns in their hands will soon be unable to hold. They will slam the dragon horse that is constantly jumping and rushing to attack. The whole body is sweating, but it is the ultimate.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Yun frowned, had to make a order, and greeted those troops will leave first.

Those military officers had been squeezing for so long before, and now I heard Zhao Yun’s order, and there will be nowhere to drive the Longma to return to the big camp around the magma.

Seeing that the military will leave, Wei Xiaobei is also very embarrassed. To say that Zhao Yun and his own power, killing a real dragon may not work.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is faintly premonitioned. If a real dragon is killed, it may be a small one to lead the old one.

However, there are some headaches when I think about it. The Four Seas Dragon Palace, with the same gas, hit a small, it is likely to jump out of an old, playing an old, then the Four Seas Dragon Palace may be out of the nest.

This is the advantage of the local snake.

The Four Seas Dragon King is said to be the maiden maiden, so that they can have the independence of the four seas under the heavens. They do not know how long they have occupied the four seas. In short, the foundation is absolutely able to crush Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun. Here.

Therefore, from the very beginning, although Wei Xiaobei said that he was somewhat eager to try, he did not have the idea of ​​playing these two real dragons. He wanted to think of a way to drive away these two real dragons, so as not to lead to even greater evil.

After all, Wei Xiaobei patted his **** and left, naturally nothing, the four sea dragon king is even more powerful, I am afraid it is impossible to chase from the gray world to the reality.

However, Zhao Yun will be standing here, I am afraid I can't run away. From the seaside to the big camp, it is far away for ordinary people, and it is a hundred kilometers away. But for the Four Seas Dragon King, I am afraid it is just a few The distance from the huge waves is over.

As for the revenge after the sputum, I can only say it again.

Wei Xiaobei thinks like this, so Zhao Yun is also the case.

To be honest, don't look at Zhao Yun before the four-star elite, but in fact, once the battle, its biological level, Wei Xiaobei can not see, as for how much, at least not less than four-star horror, and maybe even four Star disaster!

But what happened next, but Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun did not think.

Just when those troops will retreat, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun took turns to turn the black dragon and white dragon into a huge whirlpool. Not long after, another dark cloud moved in the distance.

The direction in which the dark clouds moved came, but Wei Weibei was really worried.

That direction is the South China Sea!

Similarly, in the dark clouds, a red dragon fluttered and flew over here.

However, compared to the black dragon, white dragon, the breath of this red dragon must appear weaker and with a little animal.

This also shows that the red dragon's true dragon blood is not pure.

But look at its body shape, double angles, three claws, even if the blood is not pure, its strength is not weak.

Seeing that red dragon flew, Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei both came and went. The black dragon white dragon, who was quite awkward, seemed to see the big savior at this time. Qi Qi called for help: "The bonfire! Save me. !"

To say that the red dragon saw the battles that broke out here and the magma everywhere, it was already a little surprised. Then I heard the two real dragons yelling their names, and they couldn’t help but be furious: "敖摩昂,望望, Two brothers, waiting, the younger brother will come to save you!"

Subsequently, this red dragon again to Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei said: "I am the South China Sea Dragon Palace Nine Prince! Bold mortal, dare to be rude to the Dragon!"

For the roar of the red dragon, Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun did not respond at all, but it was even more embarrassing!

The rotten silver gun in Zhao Yun’s hands was once again turned into seven giant snakes, and he once again flew toward the black dragon.

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