The City of Terror

Chapter 970: , emperor slurry? !

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Breathing and escaping from the robbery cloud range, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be afraid.

But then again, the robbing of the thunder that he suffered was relative to the ravages of the sputum. I am afraid that it is the power of one tenth.

Even compared to the black dragon, the robbery that Bailong suffered was far worse.

It seems that the power of this robbery varies from person to person.

If an ordinary person accidentally enters the scope of this robbery, I am afraid that the thunderbolt that falls is only the amount that will kill this person.

Of course, in the face of such robbery, the stronger the strength, the safer it is. At least Wei Xiaobei has many means to prevent himself from being killed by robbery, and ordinary people only have to wait for death.

However, after leaving the robbery cloud range, Wei Xiaobei felt that the activity of the robbery was reduced, and even increased the output of his own current in order to quickly weaken the damage caused by the robbery.

Not long after, the current output from Wei Xiaobei's body would melt the thunder, but he soon found something wrong.

The current in your body seems to have vitality.

This is a feeling and phenomenon that is difficult to explain.

It is as if the current has a life, Wei Xiaobei feels more maneuverable than before, and his mind is gently moved, and a trace of current will go out along the fishing line.

The former Wei Xiaobei also released the current on the fishing line, but it was enough to directly convert many monsters into the current of coke. The fish line smashed into the white dragon, and there was no reaction at all.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is also counted.

After all, this real dragon is different from other monsters. It is a **** object, and it is a gift.

How could it be that the current from Wei Xiaobei was turned over?

But this time it was a little different. When the current flowed through the fishing line to the white dragon's mouth, the white dragon shook his body for a moment, although after the moment, the jitter disappeared, but the white dragon turned Wei Xiaobei roared and said: "What are you doing!"

Well, for Wei Xiaobei's various behaviors, that white dragon can be described as hateful.

This is true from beginning to end.

But this time Bai Long’s feelings were somewhat different. The guy suddenly turned on himself. The feeling of this current seems to be similar to that of the robbery. Although the amount is small, it still evokes the white dragon. The fear of robbery.

Therefore, at this time, Bai Long is worried about Wei Xiao Nortel himself, but if he asks for mercy or forbears, then he will not be able to pass.

Therefore, he was angry and angered, but he did not dare to swear again.

it works! it works!

Seeing the body of the white dragon shaking, Wei Xiaobei's heart was slightly happy, it seems that this current has absorbed some changes after absorbing the residual robbery.

Then, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, and turned and rushed toward the robbery cloud.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei actually rushed into the robbery cloud range, then the white dragon could not help but be happy!

Don't think that this robbery is so powerful. Every time you enter it, its power will increase by itself. Although there is not much improvement, it will be upgraded on the basis of the original. This power is not small.

Otherwise, after the white dragon was dragged in a few times, how could it be so embarrassed by electricity.

This point, in fact, Wei Xiaobei was aware after this entry.

Like the previous feeling, entering the robbery cloud range, Wei Xiaobei felt a blue light in front of him, and then the whole body was in the numbness of the current.

In the face of such a situation, Wei Xiaobei naturally did not dare to hesitate. The body's real mercury operation, suffocating, and after the whole body was protected, it quit the robbery cloud range.

The current is released, and the robbery wrapped around the body is absorbed a little bit.

Throughout the process, Wei Xiaobei also needs to pay attention to the movement of the white dragon to prevent this guy from taking the opportunity to do it himself.

The last trace of robbery was absorbed, Wei Xiaobei slightly touched the current and felt it, and could not help but nod.

After the absorption of the thunder, the current changes in the body are even greater.

If there are no foreign enemies, Wei Xiaobei wants to sink into the heart and see what is going on in his body.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei entered the robbery cloud several times.

But such a good thing is always short-lived.

Finally, the sputum seems to be swallowing something into the throat, and the countless robbers that fell down, even into the dark clouds, the huge body tumbling, the dragon tail twitching, and this piece will continue The dark clouds that had fallen from the robbery were scattered.

With the dissipating of this dark cloud, the shape of the phlegm has been raised to more than 200 meters, and the whole body is red, the dragon scales that have been robbed of the thunder are growing rapidly, and there is a constant in the abdomen. The growing meat package, not long after, the meat bag suddenly grew into a huge dragon claw, even a pair of small horns on the top of the head, at this time also grew a lot, although not yet forked, but look The two meat bags on the corner are not far from the fork.


At this moment, there was a loud dragon in the mouth of Yan Yan. The huge dragon mouth opened and slammed toward the bottom.

Suddenly, the magma land suddenly boiled, and a magma fountain burst into the sky and went straight to the open dragon mouth.

This scene is extremely spectacular. It covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers of magma. With the appearance of this fountain, it rapidly cooled and hardened from its edge. The fiery red hot rock turned into black icy rock and quickly turned towards the center. Contraction.

If you look at it from a high altitude, it seems that someone has inserted a few straws into the soup, and then slammed it, the red ketchup was quickly sucked away, leaving only the bottom of the black bowl.

Well, in general, it is a bit like a magma replica of the dragon on the sea.

When the magma lake on the ground is cooled down, there is even a thin layer of ice near the ground!

That sputum inflammation hit a full, at this time countless silvery white water drops from the sky, spilled on the sputum, so that the injury to the sputum, dragon scales and so on recovered faster.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the silvery white water droplets were really eyelid. I saw a lot of silvery white water droplets passing by the side of the phlegm and inflammation. Then, when I came over, I took out a porcelain bottle and the hand speed was fast. A few drops of silver and white water droplets.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that after the silvery white water drops into the porcelain bottle, the porcelain bottle is like an illusion. It can't be taken at all. In the blink of an eye, these silvery white water droplets pass through the bottom of the bottle and continue to fall. It doesn't take long. The icy rocks disappeared.

Can't you use porcelain bottles?

Wei Xiaobei is a bit dumbfounded, but his hands are not slow, even take out a jade bottle.

This jade bottle is a small toy carved from sheep fat white jade when Wei Xiaobei is fine. The carving is extremely delicate and used for playing.

The shape of the whole jade bottle is to imitate the water bottle of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but the bottle is carved with the name of the famous mountain in China by micro-carving. In the bottle, it is the combination of micro-carving and engraving. Mingchuan Dajiang carved on it.

If you look closely with a magnifying glass, the famous Mt. Sichuan on the sculpture is so vivid, even with some lively and vivid, in fact, this jade bottle can be called the peak of Wei Xiaobei on the carving.

In a flash, a drop of silvery white water was caught inside the jade bottle.

This time, the silvery white water did not disappear through the bottom of the bottle.

Wei Xiaobei was overjoyed, and then his body quickly moved. The jade bottle in his hand kept the silver and white water drops falling into the bottle.

However, the drop of the silvery white water did not last long, and it stopped falling for less than a minute.

Although Wei Xiaobei didn't know what this silvery white water droplet was, he knew it was definitely a baby. Seeing that it was no longer falling down, he would like to see the jade bottle in front of him.

But this look, Wei Xiaobei will be paralyzed, and there are no drops of silver and white in the jade bottle. The previous access to the jade bottle disappeared.

What is going on with this?

When Wei Xiaobei was a god, the three real dragons saw this scene a bit silly. After awakening, the black dragon could not help but scream: "The emperor is flowing!?? Impossible, how is this possible!"

Their age can be much larger than this phlegm, and this sputum period has also experienced more than one time. Everything about the sputum period is no longer understood.

It is said that the area of ​​robbery cloud caused by Yan Yan is large, although it is somewhat weird, but it is barely normal. However, after the end of the deuteration, there is an emperor's slurry. Although the landing range is small, it will cover the epilepsy. It is something that has never happened before.

Emperor slurry?

The black dragon’s roaring sounded awakening Wei Xiaobei from the horror of the disappearance of silver and white water droplets.

It turned out to be the case.

That Emperor's stream, Wei Xiaobei knows more or less.

It is the nectar that descends from heaven, whether it is vegetation or scales, or even the genus of the spirit, as long as it is dripped into the body, it can open the mind and transform into strange.

In short, this thing is like the golden finger that is open to all things in the sky. As long as it hits, then you can get rid of the chaos of the past and embark on a different path.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it. Since the silvery white water droplets were the so-called emperor slurry, then the previous porcelain bottle could not be accepted, it is normal.

The porcelain bottle is the batch of goods burned in the ordinary porcelain kiln. There is no life, no aura, and naturally it is impossible to catch the emperor's slurry.

And this jade bottle is different.

Because it is the pinnacle of Wei Xiaobei's own hand-carved sculpture, its material is the best of the sheep fat white jade, with a hint of spirituality.

Jade bottles like this, after absorbing a few drops of Emperor's slurry, I am afraid there will be some changes that I can't imagine.

However, this change is unlikely to be seen in a short period of time, so Wei Xiaobei even dropped the jade bottle into the storage ring.

At this time, Yan Yan was soaring above the fog, and the huge body was drilled from the fog from time to time, and the fire was red, but the fog was partly faintly red.

Successful? ! !


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