The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1172: Be a boyfriend to mis?

Chapter 172: Be a Boyfriend to Mis?

After Xia Ming and Tao Qian left, Tang Xiao counterattacked and wiped out all forces other than himself. However, when he encountered a difficult enemy, it was resolved by Xia Ming. What caused Tang Xiao to shake was that he said Those powerful enemies were all killed by Xia Ming within a day, which surprised Tang Xiao.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that he did not offend Xia Ming. If not, the next person who died may be himself.

Although he was frightened by Xia Ming's methods, he also felt a little delighted. It was because of Xia Ming's reason that this gave him the status he has today.

Therefore, in the next time, Tang Xiao defeated his enemies and successfully became the president. At the same time, Tang Xiao also knew that all this was given by Xia Ming, and he did not know Xia Ming's true identity. Before, he dared not think much.

After solving these things, the next moment, Xia Ming got on the plane to Jiangzhou directly. Naturally, Li Meijuan returned with Xia Ming. Tao Keke couldn't go to Jiangzhou with Xia Ming for some reasons. City, and in Jiangzhou City, Xia Ming couldn't settle Tao Coco. If it was known by his wife, it would be worth it.

When Xia Ming came to Jiangzhou, Xia Ming received a phone call, but the caller was called by mis.

Xia Ming said: "Hey!"

"Xia Ming?" On the other end of the phone was mis. Mi was wearing meat silk stockings and a long skirt. Mi was lying on her bed, a little excited.

"I am," Xia Ming said, "do you have anything to do with me?"

"Are you in Jiangzhou now?" Mi asked.

"I just came back. Are you okay?" Xia Ming was a little bit strange. Why did Mis call yourself?

"Xia Ming, I ..." Speaking of this, mis began to become embarrassed, a cheeky face, red like red persimmon, which made Xia Ming frown slightly.

"Say?" Xia Ming was a little puzzled. He didn't say half of it, wasn't it intentional?

"I want to ask you to be my boyfriend!" Mi's cheeky face at this moment, red as the fire burned, which made Xia Ming on the other side of the phone stunned and stunned directly on the spot.

"What did you say ..."

Xia Ming was startled by mis. He was joking to be a boyfriend. He still has so many wives who can't handle it. At this time, if he jumps out one more time, his mother will not have to live on.

"Don't get me wrong!" Mi also noticed that he had some problems speaking, and quickly explained: "Yes, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend. Recently my mother was in a hurry, so I want to ask you to help Help, help me get through this level first! "


After hearing this, Xia Ming was slightly relieved. Fortunately, it is not a real boyfriend. If he is a real boyfriend, then he is finished, and he still has a few more than enough headaches for himself. With one more, that day will not pass.

Mi heard Xia Ming didn't speak, and thought Xia Ming was angry. Mi quickly said: "Xia Ming, I have no friends here, only you are a male friend, please help me!"

"Didi, host mission!"

Just as Xia Ming was about to agree, the system task also came, just listening to the system to continue: "The host helps mis through the difficulties and rewards the host with two thousand honor points!"

As the voice of the system just dropped, Xia Ming was stunned for a while. For a time, Xia Ming was a little speechless. Your uncle, this can all come to the system task. Xia Ming found that the system was becoming more and more unruly.

"Accept the task!" Xia Ming said directly.

"Didi, the host successfully accepted the task."

As Xia Ming accepted the mission, the system's voice came along. If he really became mis's boyfriend, Xia Ming would never agree, because he did n’t have that feeling at all. Mi's busy, Xia Ming also answered, but fortunately, there are honor points to earn.

Now Xia Ming finds out that this lottery has a trend towards martial arts, which makes Xia Ming a bit speechless.

But Xia Ming didn't say anything.

After accepting the system task, Xia Ming said directly: "Let's go, where are you, how can I find you?"

"I'm here……"

Then Mi told Xia Ming his position. After Xia Ming returned to the manor, he opened his own Rolls-Royce and ran towards Mi's house. It passed, but Lin Wanqing hadn't returned yet, which made Xia Ming strange.

Furthermore, Xia Ming was curious, but Xia Ming didn't think too much about it. His wife wanted to stay in Beijing for a while.

Xia Ming drove Rolls-Rouse to quickly come to the villa where they were located. After coming to their villa, Xia Ming saw Feng Timo, Erke and mis.

At this time, Xia Ming knocked on the door, and it was Feng Timo who opened the door. After seeing Xia Ming, Feng Timo lighted up and said happily, "Xia Ming, you are here!"

"Haha, hello!" Xia Ming smiled slightly and said, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year!" Feng Timo said sweetly.

"Come in quickly, it's cold outside." At this time, Feng Timo quickly let Xia Ming come in. Xia Ming was not polite. After entering the living room, Xia Ming put on a pair of slippers. At this time, both Ke and Mi and others Standing up, when I saw Xia Ming, I was a little excited.

"It turned out that Grandpa Xia is here!" Zhou Ke smiled and said, "Xia Grandpa, why did you go this time? We have been looking for you for a long time."

"I've been a bit busy lately!" Xia Ming smiled.

"Yes, you can afford Xialin Group, and you are a bit busy!" Ke nodded at this time on Tuesday.

"Yes, mis, when are you going home?" Xia Ming asked curiously at this time.

"Come back home?"

This made Feng Timo and Tuesday Ke look curiously at mis, at this time mis couldn't help but said, "Just today, my mother is still waiting for me!"

"That's OK!"

"No, mis, why are you home? Didn't you just come back from home?"

"Yes, mis, didn't you just come back from home? And you have to take Xia Ming back, what's the situation ..."

Then Mis talked about it. After Mis finished, it made Feng Timo blame An An on Tuesday for such a good idea. Why didn't he think of it.

At the beginning, they didn't take Xia Ming to heart, so they thought Xia Ming was a game player. You should know that they are all popular anchors, and they all have a famous presence in this world.

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