The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1437: War (2)

Chapter 137th War (2)

Mr. Tan was dumbfounded. As for the blade, they took it for granted. In their opinion, Xia Ming's meeting was just normal.

In their eyes, Xia Ming is omnipotent.

Xia Ming's ten fingers seemed to have a phantom. Crossed fingers crossed the keyboard constantly. The rhythm of this keyboard was knocked out, which sounded very comfortable.

Mr. Tan stared at the computer in front of Xia Ming!

"Didi ..."

Suddenly, the word red transmission failure appeared on this computer screen. When Mr. Tan saw the scene of this scene, it surprised Mr. Tan.

"What ... actually interrupted the transmission of data, how could this be possible?"

Mr. Tan widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him! This made him somewhat unbelievable. You must know that the transmission of this data was established by the Three Emperors, but how long does it take, about a minute before and after? It was too nonsense to terminate the transmission of data.

"what happened?"

From afar, God looked at his computer screen. On this computer screen, the failure to transmit the four words was so eye-catching. Not only God, but even the Scorpion and the black boy looked at it Surprised!

"God, what's going on? How could the transmission fail? Is the computer stopped there? Unplugged the network cable?"

"It's impossible. Unplug the network cable, everything in their database will be destroyed, and it seems that the network cable is not unplugged at all!"

"What the **** happened? What's going on?" Scorpion couldn't help asking.

"I'll try again, maybe there is a small problem!"

Speaking of which, God's ten fingers quickly moved and wanted to activate the virus again, but at this moment, he was shocked to find that his virus had been removed from the computer of Xia Lin Group.

how can that be?

You need to know your own virus, but the latest virus you made. The source code of his disease is very complicated. Even he has studied it for a long time, only researched it, and put it into use recently.

But never expected that the virus on Xialin Group's computer was gone.

"what happened?"

God quickly attacked the computer of the Xia Lin Group, but he was shocked to find that the defense system that he could have easily entered at this moment was as solid as possible, and there was nothing he could do.

"how is this possible!"

God ’s eyes almost stared out. This is really nonsense. Your mother ... you can just go in and out of their system just now. It's so special that even his own virus has been removed.

"I'm going to see who you are. I can't even plant my virus!"

God gritted his teeth and used his fingers flexibly, very quickly!

Over time, a dense cold sweat gradually appeared on God's forehead. After ten minutes, the black boys and scorpions became impatient.

"God, what's going on? It's been ten minutes. Why hasn't the data been transmitted yet?" The black man couldn't help sending a message.

"I can't attack his computer, you guys can help me!"

The sudden news of God shocked the black boys. Who is God, but who is at the same level as them? Their hacking technology can be said to be the top batch in the world. The three of them joined forces There are only a handful of people in the world who can beat them!

The two of them did not expect that God would ask them for help.

What a joke!

This is one of the three emperors!

"What the **** is going on?" The black boy couldn't help sending a message and asked.

"They should have experts there. The defense system we broke before has been repaired. Even the viruses I planted in Xialin Group's computers have been removed!"


Both the black boy and the scorpion couldn't help but take a breath.

The defense system is fixed and the virus is cleared?

This ... how is this possible!

"Let's do it together, try it!"

The black boy and the three scorpions and God attacked quickly!

Let's look at Xia Ming at this moment, looking at the computer in front of the computer, looking at the computer in front of me. I don't know when there is a banana in Xia Ming's hand. Xia Ming is eating bananas and it looks good.

As for Mr. Tan, he opened his mouth and looked at the scene directly!

This time, Mr. Tan was frightened!

"Xia ... Brother Xia ... tell me, are you cursing?"

After a long time, Mr Tan couldn't help asking.

"Curse? What is the curse?" Xia Ming wondered, asked Mr. Tan a look.

"You don't even know the curse? Then ... how did you learn hacking?"

Mr. Tan's eyes widened and he looked at Xia Ming incredible, as if he were looking at a monster! Where did this guy come from? Don't even know the curse!

"Learning by yourself, how easy it is!" Xia Ming waved his hand and said casually.


Mr Tan spit out old blood immediately.

"I've wiped it, and I'll learn to learn it, you're not going to go to heaven! Learn to learn it, you fool me to play!" Mr. Tan looked at Xia Ming stupidly.

Can you stop the attack of the Three Emperors by just learning? Can you just clean up the virus of God? Can you just learn to build such a perfect defense system?

You just lied, and no such liar.

There is no such thing as bragging!

After Xia Ming finished eating the whole banana, he murmured, "You have attacked us for so long, I want to see, who are you!"

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's fingers moved quickly, one by one code was written by Xia Ming. Xia Ming's finger is fast, and even only one afterimage can be seen, even the computer has some Can't keep up with Xia Ming's hand speed, you can imagine how fast Xia Ming's hand speed is!

About ten minutes or so, Xia Ming wrote a set of viruses. This set of viruses was written temporarily by Xia Ming. Although he did not use all his power, Xia Ming was very serious when he wrote them.

Xia Ming sneered at the corner of his mouth, sneer: "Let you also taste the power of my virus!"

With Xia Ming's voice just dropped, Xia Ming launched his own designed virus!

Xia Ming released the virus, and the virus spread rapidly ...

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