The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1476: Number one injured

Chapter 147: Number One Wounded

Xia Ming ignored the Elder Wu, and slowly walked outside. At this moment, Elder Wu was really anxious and couldn't help but said, "Shit boy, if you don't agree, don't even want to leave here!"

At this moment, Elder Wu talked about his taste. He was such a gifted person that he saw it for the first time in his lifetime. Therefore, he was reluctant to let Xia Ming leave. Stepped outside.

"Captain, what shall we do?" Chang Qing couldn't help it.

"Ah!" Qin Ze sighed and said solemnly: "He seems to have a great opinion of us, and can even say that he doesn't believe us, what happened?"

"I know!"

At the next moment, Chang Qing's eyes flickered, and suddenly said.

"Changqing, what do you know?" Elder Wu couldn't help asking at this moment.

"Once upon a time, he had a big contradiction with the Li family. Later, because of a girl, he directly killed the Li family. At that time, he contributed a lot of high-tech to Huaxia, even the most luxurious fighters were contributed by him. "

"It's him……"

Elder Wu was startled and asked in amazement.

Many people know about this. They are dragon souls. Naturally, they need to know clearly. I did not expect that the person who contributed so many good things to Huaxia turned out to be the boy in front of him.


"But later, the Li family took his girlfriend as a threat, and eventually gave his woman Three Spirits Duo Poison. If I expected it well, he was for the key to the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum, I'm afraid he was treating Three Spirits Du Qi Poison. Antidote. "

"Speak the point!" Elder Wu couldn't help it.

"Oh!" Chang Qing nodded and continued: "The reason why he took out so much high-tech was because he had once asked No. 1 for a guarantee that the Li family could not be dealt with by his relatives and friends. However, when Li's family was destroyed, No. 1 even organized him ... "

"You mean, because the Li family moved his loved ones, this kid was triggered, and eventually the whole Li family was killed. The reason why this kid was unwilling to join the Dragon Soul was because they had not fulfilled their promise ? Even obstruct him? "Elder Wu suddenly heard the key to the message.


"So it is!"

Elder Wu heard the words and sighed, but did not expect that this would be the result. However, Xia Ming's wicked talent made him really intolerable. If Xia Ming could join the Dragon Soul, it would be a problem for the entire Dragon Soul. That said, there are huge benefits.

It even made Huaxia even more powerful.

"I'll go and tell the leader!" Elder Wu paused.

"The dragon is back?" Qin Ze asked excitedly at this time?

"I just came back, but I will leave soon!" Elder Wu nodded and said, "You two go and look at him, no matter what, it will not let him be harmed in any way. If anyone dares to hit his idea, Just kill me all. "

"Yes, elder!"

Qin Ze nodded one after another, and what Xia Ming's talent really represented, they were very clear.

"Well, you can protect No.1, No.1 cannot be lost!" Elder Wu said.

"it is good!"

Evergreen and Qin Ze nodded slightly, then left here, and then looked at Xia Ming. After Xia Ming left the trial site, he did not leave in a hurry because he knew that if he wanted to go out, there were still some problems. Here There are a lot of institutions, very dangerous.

It would be more convenient if Evergreen and Qin Ze could lead the way.

"Xia Ming!"

Seeing Xia Ming, who has been waiting for a long time, Qin Ze couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, how about you join us in Dragon Soul? You can rest assured that what happened before will never happen again in Dragon Soul. "

What Qin Ze said, what Xia Ming means by nature, what Qin Ze meant, Xia Ming shook his head and said, "I can't join the Dragon Soul! You don't need to persuade me, even if it is persuaded, it won't do much. . "


Qin Ze sighed: "If you want to join the Dragon Soul, you must inform me that the door of the Dragon Soul is open for you at any time."

"it is good!"

Xia Ming nodded and said nothing, but said: "Let's go back, I always have a bad hunch!"

"it is good!"

Qin Ze nodded, after all, No. 1 was still waiting for their protection.

Pedestrians rushed towards the place where No. 1 was.

When they came to the place where No. 1 was, they saw the whole scene was abnormally chaotic, and they could even see the existence of corpses.

Around these days, there were signs of fighting, and judging from these signs, it was extremely fierce, which greatly changed Qin Ze's face.

"No, something happened!"

Qin Ze was shocked and hurried toward the floor where No. 1 was located. Xia Ming did the same, but it was related to his 50,000 honor points.

When he came to the floor where No.1 was, Qin Ze saw No.1, No.1 holding his arm, and No.1's arm was bleeding with blood.

"What's going on?" Qin Ze was furious.

"Head, it was the little devil who went back and wounded, and wounded head No. 1." A soldier king saluted the military salute, said.


Xia Ming heard the words and looked startled. The little devil was very strong. At that time, he had no intention to let the little devil escape. He did not expect the little devil to go back.

And Qin Ze is the same, his face is ugly!

Xia Ming took a deep breath and slowly walked to No. 1 and said, "I'll show it to you!"

No. 1 heard the words, looked at Xia Ming, and said, "Okay!"

Xia Ming raised No. 1's arm and examined it carefully, which made Xia Ming's face look cold, and he said, "You are poisoned!"


Qin Ze was startled and hurriedly said, "Head, are you all right?"

Qin Ze looked at No. 1 and his face was slightly pale. No. 1 shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"I'll detoxify you!" Xia Ming said: "You can bear it. I will help you push the poison out now. It may hurt a little. If you don't force it out now, wait for him to penetrate your internal organs. "

"You can rest assured!" No. 1 said calmly.

After all, No. 1 is the head of Huaxia. He has the courage of Chinese people and minor injuries. He didn't even frown, and even he was poisoned. He is still so stable, not arrogant and impatient. The superior should have a stance.

Xia Ming took a deep look at the number one, and under these eyes, he took out a few silver needles. Then, Xia Ming's hand shook gently, and these marks were stuck on the chest of the number one, five silver. The needle is shining, but Qin Ze and Chang Qing are a little nervous, for fear that Xia Ming will be put to death ...

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