The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1497: Trouble visiting (6)

Chapter 1497 Chapter Trouble (6)

Xia Ming leaving Jiangfeng Villa ran towards his villa, but Xia Ming saw an acquaintance when he passed by the official residence.

This made Xia Ming a little surprised. The girl was wearing a simple dress, jeans, white sneakers, and a white shirt, with long black hair scattered around her shoulders, looking abnormally beautiful.

However, there is a young man in his twenties who is constantly pulling on this girl. Judging from the dress of this young man, this young man should be a rich second generation.

Xia Ming saw the girl being pulled to Guanju Yipin. Xia Ming dropped her car and quickly came to Guanju Yipin. The car that Xia Ming drove was not a good car, so she was stopped by the gatekeeper of Yiju Guan. .

"I'm sorry, sir, you can't stop at will!" The man looked very young. When looking at Xia Ming, Mei Yu revealed a touch of pride and sarcasm.

This person seems to look down on Xia Ming.

Xia Ming came out of the car with a somber face, and the next moment, an old employee saw this situation not far away, and hurriedly said, "General Xia, it was you."

The old employee hurriedly scolded the young man and said, "Xiao Wang, what's the matter with you? Even Mr. Xia's car dare to stop, don't you want to stop it?"


The little king's face changed, Xia Ming saw his face, his face eased a lot, and said, "You park the car for me."

Xia Ming threw the key to the old employee. At this time Xia Ming quickly walked towards the official residence. At this moment, Xiao Wang couldn't help asking: "Brother, what's going on?"

"Xiao Wang, you said that you worked here for such a long time, how can you not recognize the car of the big boss." This person said that he hated iron and steel.


"big boss?"

Xiao Wang's face changed, and he hurriedly said, "Brother, are you telling the truth? He is really the big boss here?"

"Nonsense!" This human said: "You have to remember that our big bosses are generally low-key and prefer to open Xiali, so you have to remember his license plate, so as not to run into the big boss next time, if this time is not the boss ’s mood, You might have fired you. "

"Yes, yes! I remember!"

Xiao Wang had a cold sweat. I did not expect that this situation would be encountered. Xiao Wang felt a little frightened. This job is very good. Even the security guard has more than 10,000 yuan a month, and there are five insurances. One gold, this is the welfare of the official residence.

However, Guanju Yipin earned a lot this year, which can be said to be hundreds of times of all these employees combined.

It is conceivable how much income such a high-end restaurant has in a year.

Xia Ming walked into this official residence and saw Luoyu Creek in the official residence. What Xia Ming didn't expect was that there were several people beside Luoyu Creek, which made Xia Ming frown slightly.

What the **** is going on?

With Xia Ming's arrival, Luo Yuxi glanced inadvertently. When he saw Xia Ming's jade, Luo Yuxi was ecstatic. Luo Yuxi hurriedly said: "Xia Ming."

Luo Yuxi's voice was so loud that all the people present were looking at Xia Ming, even the young man.

The young man who just pulled Luo Yuxi looked cold and coldly, "Yuxi, who is this person? What is going on?"

Luo Tianya's face was ugly, and then he looked at the young people beside him, and found that these people were also ugly.

During this time, Luo Yuxi also encountered a big trouble. He is a big star and looks very beautiful. He is also Sanmei of Jiangzhou City, but he has caused a trouble because of his outstanding appearance.

That's the Wu family.

Their Luo family is also a top clan in Huaxia, but for some reason, the clan has fallen and become the second-line family today. There is still a gap from the first line. Speaking of the Li family, those are the top family.

Compared with the top family, this line is still a lot worse.

However, even if the Luo family is a second-tier family, there are not many people who dare to think of Luo Yuxi, because although the Luo family has fallen, their strength is still very strong.

I never expected that the Luo family's industry would be greatly impacted during this time. I really have to say that it still had some relationship with Xia Ming. After Xia Ming's annihilation of the Li family, many families in this capital were also affected. Turbulence, this is the terrible aspect of a large clan.

This is why on the 1st, Xia Ming was stopped from letting Xia Ming slay Li's family.

How could a clan exist without a hole card.

And because the Luo family's industry has been turbulent, the father of Luo Yuxi's father, Luo Jingtian, is also shaky.

There is not much family relationship among the clan, so Luo Yuxi's status is not very stable.

This Luo Tianya is the uncle of Luo Yuxi's uncle. There is a reason why La Luo Yuxi came here. At first, Luo Yuxi didn't know it, so he followed it, and never thought of the purpose. After the ground, he even asked himself to meet Wu Tianze, which made Luo Yuxi annoyed for a while and didn't want to go, and then he was pulled outside.

It was even more unexpected that Xia Ming, who had not seen him for so long, would meet him here again.

"Tianya, who is this person?" Wu Tianze said with a dark face.

Luo Tianya's face is also not very good-looking.

At this time, Xia Ming came slowly. After seeing this pedestrian, Xia Ming frowned, and then smiled and said, "Luo, beautiful lady, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you!"

Xia Ming smiled, and then Luo Yuxi brushed over and ran directly to Xia Ming's neck, which made Xia Ming a little stunned. He obviously did not expect that this would be the case.

"Xia Ming ..."

In Luo Yuxi's voice, there was a little trembling and some crying. For a time, Xia Ming was dumbfounded. What the **** was going on?

"Xia Ming, I didn't expect to see you here, it was great!" Luo Yuxi suppressed his inner excitement, said.

This scene was seen by Wu Tianze, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

"Tianya, you have to give me a story about this, otherwise, don't blame me Wu Tianze!" Wu Tianze was angry.

He likes Luo Yuxi. It's good, but now Luo Yuxi is embarrassed with another man. How does this make him not angry?

"Angkor, I must give you an account of this!" Luo Tianya was also scolded. The reason why he cooperated with Wu Tianze also hoped that the Wu family could help him. It never happened that this would happen. child.

This made him angry.

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