The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1517: Crisis is coming

Chapter 1517 The Crisis Is Coming

The power of this punch is no worse than that of Sun Yunhui. The terrible power is rippling and makes people turbulent. Xia Ming squints and looks at the two in front of him.


In many eyes, this fist hit each other severely, and a muffled sound resounded, which made everyone present clearly heard. The next moment, Sun Yunhui was under these countless eyes and then retreated. After a few steps, at the same time, a little blood appeared between the corners of his mouth.


When Sun Yunsheng saw his brother was injured, his eyes flashed, and a cold flash passed away.

"how is this possible……"

Sun Yunhui looked at his fist, and his heartache caused him to breathe in an air-conditioner, and then Luo Yu's cold laughter sounded.

"Jumping clown, don't worry, your strength is just that."

In a simple sentence, Sun Yunhui was furious. He did not expect that the strength of Luo Yu would be so horrible that he could not even take a punch.

"court death!"

The furious Sun Yunhui wanted to run towards Luo Yu. At this moment, Sun Qifeng yelled, "Retreat."

With a sudden drunk by Sun Qifeng, Sun Yunhui stopped, with endless anger in his eyes, a little unwilling.


"Back down!"

Sun Qifeng reprimanded.

Sun Yunhui glared at Luo Yu fiercely, and then came to Sun Qifeng's side with some resentment.

"Second brother, you are not his opponent. I am afraid that this guy's strength has reached the middle of the yellow class."

"Intermediate Yellow?"

This caused Sun Yunhui to take a breath of air. His strength is only the early stage of the yellow level. However, there is a big gap between this early stage and the middle stage. This gap seems to be a natural sound.

At their level, unless it is said that they possess the talent of evil spirits or have superb martial arts, it would be too difficult to kill others.

For a long time, Luo Yu's strength was only in the early stage of the yellow class. It never occurred to him that this guy broke through to the middle of the yellow class, which made Sun Yunhui's face a bit ugly.

"The Lord of the Luo Family is a good way." Sun Qifeng was also slightly angry and snorted coldly.

"Sun Qifeng, as long as you agree to my request, then I have no blame, what do you think?"

Luo Changfeng said indifferently that Luo Changfeng didn't want to fight with the Sun family to die for it. It would be best if the Sun family could leave the Jiangnan city without fighting.

But ... if there is no way, it can only be solved by force, but this force will solve the problem. I am afraid that there will be death and injury to each other. This is what Luo Changfeng is not willing to see.

No matter how many people died, it was a weakening of strength for the Luo family. It would not be so easy for these warriors to add them again.

What's more, these people must be from their Luo family.

"Fantasy delusion!" Sun Qifeng snorted coldly, "Luo Changfeng, the old man wants to see what kind of strength you have, and will remove my Sun family in Jiangnan City."

Subsequently, under these many eyes, Sun Qifeng stood up slowly, staring sharply at Luo Changfeng, Luo Changfeng heard a sneer.

"Then let you try what I have."

Then Luo Changfeng glanced down and fell on Luo Zhennan, and immediately said, "Zhennan, he will give it to you."

"yes, Sir."

Luo Zhennan stepped out from behind Luo Changfeng, and stared sharply at Sun Qifeng. Sun Qifeng smiled coldly: "It's just you, not my opponent, Luo Changfeng should take your shot."

"court death!"

Luo Zhennan heard that, as if receiving a huge humiliation, his eyes were flushed, and Sun Qifeng was glared, and he sang loudly, and his fists punched towards Sun Qifeng.

The strength of Luo Zhennan is also in the late stage of the yellow class. Especially this pair of iron fists is even more powerful. It is a bit scary. If ordinary people are hit, this punch can kill them.

Seeing this, Sun Qifeng snorted coldly. Under these many eyes, Sun Qifeng patted the palm lightly. This palm looked light and fluffy, like paper, weak.

But I don't know why, in this weak hand, everyone was aware of some danger.


The two collided, and Luo Zhennan stepped back two steps, and Luo Zhennan looked coldly, and cried out, "You are the top of the yellow class."

"Hahaha ..."

Sun Qifeng heard the words, and laughed, and coldly hummed: "Yes, the old man has been promoted to become the strongest peak of the yellow class, Luo Changfeng, I'm afraid you can't even dream of it."

Sun Qifeng's words made Luo Changfeng's face look a bit ugly. Luo Changfeng did not expect that this trial of Sun Qifeng's hiding turned out to have reached the level of the peak of the yellow level, which was really abominable.

There is always a gap between the late Yellow Level and the peak of the Yellow Level. This gap is too difficult to bridge.


At the next moment, Luo Changfeng also stood up and came to the south of Luo Zhen. Luo Changfeng sneered coldly: "Sun Qifeng, the two of us joined forces, even if they are at the top of the yellow class, they can fight each other. I fell Let's see what you have. "


Sun Yunsheng heard the words and was shocked. He hurried to Sun Qifeng's side, and Sun Qifeng said, "You two retreat."

It's not that Sun Qifeng doesn't want the two to take action, but that his two sons are not very strong. Sun Yunsheng is only in the middle of the yellow class. Sun Qifeng's refusal to let the two men take action is also protecting them.


Sun Yunsheng was anxious.

"Retreat." Sun Qifeng said: "You two are not their opponents, I can handle it alone."

"Haha ..." Luo Changfeng heard the words, and Haha laughed: "It is indeed Sun Qifeng, with courage, let our brothers take a closer look today, what kind of skill you have."


Sun Qifeng looked at the two with sharp eyes. The two guys were not weak. Luo Changfeng was promoted to Huang level for many years. With new martial arts, he should not be underestimated. Luo Zhennan has always stayed in Jiangnan City. Under the prestigious name, naturally, he should not be underestimated. He is not afraid of fighting alone.

But here comes the shot together, even if he has to be careful, lest the Tao, in this world, it is not without the existence of the latter can not kill the peak.

Xia Ming is a typical example.

"Shoot together and destroy this old guy!" Luo Changfeng didn't want to delay anymore. As long as Sun Qifeng was destroyed, then the entire Sun family would be finished, but if they were planted here today, their Luo family would also be finished. This battle is crucial and failure must not be allowed.


As the words just dropped, the two ran towards Qiqi Sun, their bodies were very fast, like a thunder, that terrible explosive power, and Sun Yunhui and Sun Yunsheng were all nervous.

Although it is said that their father's promotion has become the peak of the yellow class, but this Luo Changfeng has the existence of martial arts, it really has to be compared, who is stronger and weaker, is unknown.

It was the old man next to him, a cold mang in his eyes.

Xia Ming has always been paying attention to this old man. When he saw the old man's brilliance, Xia Ming snorted in his heart. If this old man dared to shoot, he would not hesitate to shoot.


The muffled sound rang out in this hall, the sound was so loud, but Luo Zhennan and Luo Changfeng, but they were fatal and greeted Sun Qifeng.

Every move and every style is so fierce. If the average person is hit, it will be half dead if not dead, but Sun Qifeng, in the face of the attack of the two, is not hesitant. Between the moves, well Orderly and looks particularly stable.

After all, Sun Qifeng is also the strongest of the yellow-level peaks. If he is forced to lose by the two yellow-level late stages, this yellow-level peaks will be too vain.

Throughout the hall, there was this muffled sound. Almost in a blink of an eye, between three people, fifty moves had passed.


Suddenly, Sun Qifeng took a picture of Luo Zhennan, and when Luo Zhennan saw it, he was horrified. He hurried away from this horrible palm. Luo Zhennan could feel it. Sun Qifeng's palm seemed to be exhausted. With all your strength, if you rush to pick it up, you will be seriously injured.

Therefore, Luo Zhennan did not hesitate to escape.

The next moment, Sun Qifeng slammed into Luo Changfeng again. Luo Changfeng was not afraid, he sang loudly, and his terrible punch broke out, and he met Sun Qifeng's palm fiercely.


The two terrible forces touched each other, and then the people present saw that Luo Changfeng took a step back, and when the people looked at Sun Qifeng, their faces changed.


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