The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1521: Rolling

Chapter 1521 Crushing

The cold and bitter voice spread, and Sun Qifeng and others were all excited and said nervously, "Mr. Xia."

Xia Ming looked at the elder Yan indifferently, and smiled, "I just don't know if you have that ability."

"court death!"

The momentum of Elder Yan's body soared instantly, and the terrible momentum broke out, which rippled in this world, which made everyone else's face change.

"So strong, this elder Yan is so strong."

Sun Yunhui and others were secretly shocked. Such a momentum has exceeded the scope of their cognition. They have never encountered such a powerful enemy.

"I will crush your bones little by little."

Elder Yan smiled arrogantly. The next moment, he came to Xia Ming. Elder Yan reached out his skinny palm and grabbed Xia Ming's shoulder. Obviously, Elder Yan wanted to crush Xia Ming's shoulder.

Xia Ming grinned coldly, just as Elder Yan's palm was about to touch him, Xia Ming growled.

"Eight Immortals!"


Xia Ming's body was wrong, and he avoided the blow. Elder Yan said in surprise, saying: "Some skills, no wonder you are so arrogant, but if I want to catch you, you can't hide by hiding."

Under Xia Ming's eyes, Elder Yan also took a strange step and grabbed Xia Ming again. This time, Elder Yan's steps were also very clever.

Xia Ming saw Elder Yan grabbing at him again, which slightly surprised Xia Ming. His Eight Immortals were an advanced version of the Eight Immortals. The eight Immortals were extremely mysterious. There were eight steps. Each step was in the calculation. Jiugong gossip is very magical.

He did not expect that Elder Yan could catch up.

However, Xia Ming was not afraid. When Elder Yan grabbed his shoulders again, Xia Ming looked cold, and a fierce palm wind patted toward the palm of Elder Yan.

The wind is sharp, and he has a very powerful force. Even if Elder Yan sees it, he is deeply impressed. Obviously, even this elder Yan felt the threat.

With the arrival of Xia Ming's palm wind, Elder Yan also did not dare to carelessly at this moment, and quickly turned his claws into palms, and met Xia Ming fiercely.


Elder Yan took two steps back. At this moment, Elder Yan looked grimly at Xia Ming.

If it is said that Xia Ming was repelled once, it is still possible for him to take care, but what about these two times?

"Boy, you use the martial arts of Buddha."

Xia Ming heard a word, and was slightly surprised, so many people saw it. He used the martial arts of Buddhism, vigorous Vajra palm, also known as Vajra palm.

Many people are talking about Buddhist gates. Is it true that there is still a Buddhist gate in modern society?

Elder Yan was also secretly surprised. The strength shown by Xia Ming made him underestimate Xia Ming. Especially, Xia Ming's hand was like King Kong's, and it also shocked him.

Xia Ming's palm is fierce, and each palm contains great power, which is usually hit. Even if it is the peak of the yellow level, I am afraid it is difficult to bear.

Even more terrible is that Xia Ming practiced this mighty King Kong to the realm of a great master. One generation of masters can imagine how terrible this power is.

"The villain's nonsense is always so much."

Xia Ming glanced at Elder Yan indifferently, and said unhurriedly.


Elder Yan was smoked by Qi Ming who was enraged by Xia Ming. This **** was simply abominable, so he buried himself.

Elder Yan sighed.

"Tense clings."

As Elder Yan yelled, the next moment, Elder Yan rushed towards Xia Ming quickly. Xia Ming saw this and hurriedly took a palm, but just when Xia Ming took this palm Elder Yan's hand seemed to be tangled, and he was wrapped around his arm.

"not good!"

Xia Ming was surprised, and hurried back: "Congenital finger."

There was a burst of lightning that pointed to Mang as if it were lightning. This anomaly made Elder Yan see it and was shocked.


Elder Yan was surprised, and hurriedly dodged. However, there was a porcelain bottle behind Elder Yan, which could not be avoided. Under this finger, it exploded and turned into fragments.

That terrible power changed Elder Yan's face.

"Exhausted vitality ..."


Not only Elder Yan, but even the others present were staring at the scene in stun.

"This ... this ... how is this possible."

In their cognition, even masters of the mysterious level can't let go of their vitality, but it's so horrifying.

"Boy, who the **** are you?"

At this moment, even Elder Yan was terrified and asked in amazement.

What Xia Ming showed is really terrible. First of all, he has super strength. In his impression, there are very few young people of such strength at the age of Xia Ming. Moreover, this guy has reached the vitality. At the point of release, using vitality to hurt people, this is something that even the masters of the mystery can't do.

But Xia Ming did it. Is it possible that there is a strong force behind this guy to support it?

In his opinion, if there is no strong force behind it as a support, Xia Ming will definitely not be able to reach such a level gently, so even Elder Yan has begun to hesitate.

Although their Yan Luodian is powerful, it does not mean that they are invincible, or that they can do whatever they want.

In this world, there are powerful forces hidden, and some of them are existences that Yan Luodian cannot provoke.

The vast land of Huaxia and the accumulation of 5,000 years of history are not so simple as imagined.

What people show is just one side. In fact, among these one billion people, many geniuses have been hidden.

These geniuses are the most profound existence of Huaxia. In fact, the hidden genius demon evil is much more than these genius demon evil on the Ming surface. What Hua Xia showed is just the tip of the iceberg.

If not, how can it be said that in times of trouble, it is the moment when the proud of heaven appears.

Their existence also laid the foundation for Huaxia.

"If you want to hit, just hit, there's so much nonsense coming from here."

Xia Ming snorted coldly. He knew that the elder Yan was convinced of his identity. Xia Ming looked at elder Yan coldly and said nothing.

For a moment, Elder Yan was stunned. He took a deep look at Xia Ming, took a deep breath, and finally made his own decision under the countless eyes.

"No matter who you are, dare to oppose me Yan Luodian, then there will be only one."

"That's death ..."

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