The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1526: Mifune conflict

Chapter 1526 The Three Ships Fight

"I'm coming."

Zhang Yong's face was pale, and he said loudly, "Hurry up and avoid, these **** want to crush us."

"Shut up for me." Xia Ming reprimanded, and Zhang Yong's face was a bit ugly with a strong momentum. Xia Ming sneered: "You are talking, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish."


Seeing Xia Ming's somewhat furious look, Zhang Yongzhang was afraid to speak, for fear that Xia Ming would throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

"If you want to press me, see if you have that ability."

Xia Ming snorted above, turned in a direction, and turned directly to the left. The two ships that had rushed over almost collided together. At this critical moment, the two hurriedly changed directions, and no collision occurred. .

But at this moment, Xia Ming didn't know when he ran behind one of the ships. Xia Ming's face, with a little chill, snorted, and drove the ship severely towards the ship.

"Not good, shit."

This person saw Xia Ming ’s crazy move, his face changed for the moment, at this moment, he was about to run into it. At this time, it was too late to change the direction. Thinking of this, this person jumped directly into the sea without any hesitation. As he was approaching the ship, Xia Ming hurriedly changed direction, which did not collide with the ship.

"Second goods."

Xia Ming looked at the man who jumped into the sea and sneered. He was not so stupid. This is the sea. The ship and the ship collided violently. It is easy to have a big explosion. Once it explodes, in this sea without a sky, That's looking for death.

"Grass, this bastard."

This person saw that Xia Ming didn't come over, which made him a little angry.

He was even tricked by Xia Ming.

"You come to drive!" Xia Ming said at this moment.

"Ah ... shall I drive?"

Zhang Yong looked at Xia Ming and couldn't help but said, "I ... I can't ..."

After seeing Xia Ming's technology, Zhang Yong admired it. Xia Ming's technology can be said to have thrown him a few streets, and now let him drive, he naturally lacked that confidence.

"I let you drive, you just drive, there's so much nonsense," Xia Ming reprimanded.

"Yes, yes," Zhang Yong hurriedly said.

"Go as far as possible to the big wheel, the farther the better." Said Xia Ming's eyes flickered with a chill in his eyes.


Zhang Yong didn't dare to talk nonsense, and drove the boat madly towards the big wheel. At this time, the two boats behind ran again, and they were fooled by Xia Ming, obviously angry.

"Xia brother, let's ..."

The next time, Xia Ming pulled out of his pocket and directly took out a black pistol. After seeing the pistol made of this strange metal in Xia Ming's hand, Yang Wen's face changed.

"This gun ... this gun ..."

I don't know why, this gun gave him a dangerous breath. The visual impact was very strong. Even Yang Wen could hardly bear it.

Later, Yang Wen saw Xia Ming holding a pistol and slowly aiming at a ship.


A slight gunshot sounded, and Yang Wen's pupils shrank suddenly.


The explosion blasted directly into the sky and filled the sky with flames, as if the sky were to be blown away, and Yang Wen's face changed dramatically.

"My grass, is this a pistol?"

This violent explosion, even Yang Wen was startled. He has seen pistols, and some of them can cause great power, but that kind of gun is definitely not a pistol. In this world, it is definitely not There may be any pistol that can achieve this great power.

The most terrible thing is that he felt that Xia Ming's arm had not moved at all, and even more, he didn't feel any recoil on the pistol.

This shows what?

It shows that this pistol has no recoil at all.

Without recoil, the power of the gun is still so strong, this is simply an artifact.

One shot killed one person, and the other's pupils suddenly shrank: "Grass, even with a bomb."

This person was obviously treated as a missile and did not think it was caused by a pistol. This man's face was gloomy and he hated: "Damn, I'll end up with you today."

In his opinion, if there were missiles, he would not be able to escape. Rather than fight against them, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, the man ran towards Xia Ming in spite of his safety, Xia Ming seemed to see the man's madness and sneered.

"court death."

With Xia Ming's voice just falling, the next moment, Xia Ming was shot again. Unfortunately, at this moment, the waves came over, which caused the ship to deviate a bit and missed.

Xia Ming frowned.

"I didn't expect me to miss."

Xia Ming smiled a little, didn't say anything, aimed again and hit the past, but this time, Xia Ming missed because he missed it intentionally.

Seeing the bomb exploding beside the ship, Xia Ming saw the expression on the face of the man on the ship.

This man was panicked, with inexplicable fear, sweating with both hands, because he found that as long as he was a little bit more convenient, he would be hit. Once he was hit, his ship would explode. , I will be fried and broken bones.

This person is even more sweaty.

As everyone knows, Yang Wen on the side looked directly silly.

From the beginning to the present, he saw Xia Ming firing at least fifteen shots in a row. What is the concept of fifteen shots? Your mother? Have you ever seen such a powerful shell that can fire fifteen shots? He's never seen it anyway.

Therefore, Yang Wen directly looked dumbfounded.

"Forget it, don't play with you."

Xia Ming looked at the man on the ship, put away the cynical look, took a look at it indifferently, and shot it with his own hand. This shot caused the ship to explode, and for a while, the sky was full of fire.

Xia Ming didn't look at it, his eyes were indifferent.

It's not Xia Ming's heartfelt, but the two people should be damned. If he doesn't have such a strong ability, I'm afraid he's buried in the sea.

To the kindness of the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Therefore, to kill these people, Xia Ming killed with peace of mind.

After solving the battle here, Yang Wen was also relieved. Although he was a warrior, after all, it was above the sea. Even a warrior was so pale and weak against the power of nature.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment of Yang Wen's relaxation, a trembling sound was heard, and the whole group heard the words and was shocked.

"It's the sound of the big wheel."

The next moment, a huge giant shadow appeared, and when you saw this huge one, even Xia Ming, was shocked.

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