The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1536: Arriving at Tiandao (2)

Chapter 156 Arrives at Tiandao (2)

Early the next morning.

When Xia Ming woke up again, Dalun had arrived near the legendary Tiandao, and Xia Ming was sobered by the noise above Dalun.

"Gentlemen, goddesses, Big Wheel is about to enter the hurricane zone, but please rest assured that as long as everyone stays in their room safely, nothing will happen to the Big Wheel. As long as you cross the hurricane zone, you can reach the sky. island."

"Ladies and gentlemen……"

Xia Ming frowned and murmured, "The hurricane zone."


At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door came from outside. Xia Ming looked and looked away. Because Xia Ming had a see-through eye, he easily penetrated the door. Xia Ming walked over and opened the door.

"Xia brother."

It is not others outside this door, but Yang Wen and Xiao Yu.


Yang Wen and Xiao Yu are both nervous, seeming to encounter something scary.

At this time Xia Ming said: "How come you guys?"

"Xia, it's hurricane zone," Yang Wen said nervously.

"Hurricane zone? Hurricane zone again?"

For the hurricane zone, Xia Ming had never heard of it, but seeing the tension between Yang Wen and Xiaoyu, Xia Ming thought: "What is this hurricane zone?"

"Xia brother!"

Later, Yang Wen's face became dignified, calmly explaining: "The sea, the climate is changing, and the hurricane zone is a natural barrier on the outskirts of Tiandao."

"It's amazing to say that this natural barrier on the outskirts of this island does not affect the interior of the island in any way. Only within this limited scope can there be a hurricane."

"What kind of hurricane?" Xia Ming whispered, "Willn't it be a typhoon?"

If you encounter a typhoon, it is estimated that Xia Ming has to finish playing. The power of this typhoon is huge, and people will be killed if they are caught in it, let alone him.

"Not a typhoon." Yang Wen shook his head and said, "Xia brother, the hurricane here is a hurricane. There is an eye in the center of the hurricane. In the eye of the wind, there is nothing wrong, but the smaller the eye, the greater the destructive power."

"Because the resulting regions are not complete, they are called differently."


Xia Ming's complexion became heavy, and he said, "So, are we dangerous now?"

"Yes." Yang Wen said positively: "We are now entering the hurricane zone. If we encounter a super strong hurricane, the big wheel will also sink, and even be sunk by the hurricane. At that time, those who are in the hurricane zone, Have to die. "

Xia Ming suddenly realized.

"However, hurricanes are rarely encountered, and hurricanes occur at specific times. Generally speaking, large ships will avoid the hurricane period, but there are exceptions to everything, so it is better to prepare a little earlier." Yang Wen solemnly said.


Xia Ming nodded slightly, and said lightly, "I see."

Xia Ming is not afraid of this. Others may die, but he is Xia Ming.

Don't forget, his Qiankun ring has another world. If he wants to hide, he can hide in the Qiankun ring. He can't die.

However, these things must not be leaked. Although Yang Wen looks good, it is difficult to guarantee that he did not have such anxiety when he saw such things.

In this world, only you are the most reliable.

"I'll go out and see!" Xia Ming said lightly.

"Let's go together." Yang Wen nodded.

"it is good!"

Xia Ming did not refuse, then Xia Ming put on his shoes and walked out of the house. Xia Ming came to the deck of the big wheel, and Xia Ming stared into the distance.

"It's really different here."

Xia Ming murmured to himself, he felt that, before entering the hurricane zone, although the wind there was blowing, it did not have the feeling of cutting the skin.

However, after entering the hurricane zone, he apparently felt that the hurricane has become a lot stronger, especially this kind of wind, even with a feeling of cutting with a knife edge on people, that feeling is very uncomfortable.

Xia Ming was also slightly surprised.

"How did this wind happen?"

Xia Ming is strange, this kind of wind seems to be generated out of nowhere, making people unable to find the source.

Xia Ming's eyes gazed into the distance. The breeze blew on Xia Ming, but Xia Ming didn't feel much, after all, he was a warrior at the peak of the yellow class.

As time passed, Xia Ming didn't return to the house, but sat directly here to practice, because it was surrounded by the sea, and it was more convenient for Xia Ming to practice.

Xia Ming felt the magical power around him, and Xia Ming fell into cultivation.

Slowly, three hours passed. During these three hours, the big wheel has entered the depths of the hurricane belt. Suddenly, Xia Ming felt the strong wind sweeping through, which made Xia Ming in the original practice suddenly abrupt. Open your eyes.

"Xia brother ..."

Just the next moment, Yang Wen exclaimed, pointing to the distance, a trembling road: "My grass, it turned out to be a hurricane."

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Ming hurriedly looked into the distance. When Xia Ming saw the distant scene, Xia Ming's pupils suddenly shrank, and an unspeakable feeling hit his whole body.

"So strong wind."

Xia Ming looked at the distance in shock.

In the distance, the sky changed drastically, and the original blue sky was covered by rolling black clouds. Among the clouds, lightning flashed and thunders, and lightning fell from time to time and hit the sea.

Moreover, Xia Ming also saw that there was a sudden violent hurricane swept away, and the hurricane formed very quickly, almost ten seconds, and it formed instantly.

The hurricane raged above the sea, and the sea water was rolled up by the hurricane, as if it were a water column, straight into the sky.

Because the weather suddenly changed like this, even Xia Ming did not respond, and Xia Ming also saw that the sky and clouds there were spreading around. According to this situation, I believe it will not take long. Will come to them.

"What about Brother Xia?"

Yang Wen stared at the front with a heavy face, and the dark clouds there were rolling in, and if they enveloped them, it would be a lot of trouble.

It will be raining, hurricane, and thunder and lightning again. This is the most deadly for ships at sea. Anyone who lives on the sea is most afraid of encountering this terrible weather.

The same is true. They are most afraid of encountering this situation when they are on the big wheel.

Xia Ming looked diligently at the situation in front of him, and there was no other way. Xia Mingning whispered: "Go ahead and say, maybe the dark clouds may not come to this place."


Yang Wen can now only pray that Wuyun will not come to such a place. Otherwise, they may be in trouble.

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