The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1539: Famous

Chapter 159th Famous

The voice was calm, but I don't know why, when the two words were spit out, it was a lightning strike for the people present, and there was an inexplicable sense of horror.

Xia Ming sneered, "Did you commit suicide or did I take you for a ride?"


The fat man looked at Xia Ming in horror, and was frightened. He was also scared by Xia Ming. This guy is simply terrible. Even the strong man in the late yellow level is not his opponent, this guy. Is it possible that the mysterious powerhouse is not successful? This is absolutely impossible.

How old is he, how could he be a meta-level powerhouse, even on Tiandao, there is no such young powerhouse.

"You ... you dare to kill me." Tan Fatzi said stubbornly, although he was very strong, but in his heart, the fat man was still very scared. This is the case in Tiandao. The strongest is the respect. If you have the strength No one dares to say a word, even if he kills someone.

"There is so much nonsense."

The next moment, Xia Ming flashed to the side of Tan Fat Man, and Xia Ming slaps him on the chest of Tan Fat Man with a palm of his hand. Tan Fat Man was shocked, and then spit out a bite of blood, the thick blood mist was dripping **** Taste, and Tan Fatty's body flew out fiercely.


The fat man's body was severely hit on the ground, because the fat man was very heavy. When he hit the ground, even the ground was banged, and a small pit was smashed, and the floor was cracked. How powerful is this moment?

Xia Ming slowly put his hands up, and looked at the fat man Tan who was almost about to die, lying on the ground. The cold voice spread out, so that everyone present couldn't help shivering.

"The last time you spared you, it doesn't mean you won't die this time."

Xia Ming snorted. At the beginning Xia Ming didn't really kill the heart, but ... the fat man was going to kill him right now, then he can't blame his ruthlessness. If he doesn't kill the fat man, this fat man will never give up.


The people present took a breath of air, and looked at Xia Ming in shock.

"let's go."

After the fat man was resolved, Xia Ming and his team quickly walked forward. At this time, the people present couldn't help but took a breath and whispered, "What kind of person is this kid? How could this be? The key to having such terrible strength is that he is still so young ... "

"Yes, I am afraid that the four major forces will win over this boy, right?"

"It is very likely that the four major forces are now recruiting geniuses everywhere. This kid has such strength in this grade. The four major forces will never let him go."

The people at the scene got up and talked, and they were a little curious about Xia Ming's origins. After all, Xia Ming is really too wicked. After this grade, he has such strength, and that talent can be said to be a once-in-a-century wizard.

After Xia Ming and others left here, the people at the scene shook their heads and left, but soon, some law enforcement officers cleaned up the corpses here, and 80% of them were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

In the past, they handled these corpses in the same way. After all, the small island has a limited location and it is impossible to build a grave. However, it was thrown into the sea to feed fish, which is also convenient for environmental protection and waste is being used.

Xia Ming and his group found a place to live in, but unexpectedly, the price of this hotel turned out to be so expensive. It cost 100,000 to live in one day, and 3 million in one month, but compared to the big wheel Room, that's too cheap.

No wonder ordinary girls ca n’t live in this kind of place. They ca n’t afford to stay at this hotel alone. In addition, the food here is also extremely expensive. Without the ability, they are destined to starve to death.

Xia Ming and his three people were sitting in this hall, eating something. At this moment, Yang Wen couldn't help asking: "Xia brother, the forces here are complicated. What are we going to do now at the Tianmen site?"

Xia Ming's eyes flashed a cold mang and whispered: "Wait."


Yang Wen nodded heavily.

Although Luoyuxi will not be life-threatening, it will inevitably be tortured if Luoyuxi is caught. If this is the case, Xia Ming cannot forgive himself.

After all, Luo Yuxi is also his friend.

"I guess those people will come to notify you Xia soon." Yang Wen thought for a while and said.

Xia Ming didn't say anything, because Yang Wen said all right, he made a noise on this island, I am afraid that many people already knew his existence.

However, Xia Ming still underestimated these people.

Within the gate of heaven.

There is a middle-aged man, and there are several people beside the middle-aged man. These people are murderous and do not know how many people have been killed.

"Master, a young man appeared on Tiandao today. I am afraid that this young boy is at least at the peak of the yellow level and even completed." Someone said.

"Oh! The peak of the yellow class? Complete?" The next time, the middle-aged man frowned, the middle-aged man's national character face, thick eyebrows, a black face, but on this middle-aged man's body, It is a domineering leak.

"How old is he?" The middle-aged man said indifferently.

"As far as we know, I'm afraid in my twenties."


Even after the middle-aged man heard this sentence, he couldn't help but feel shocked and said, "Is this true?"

"Yes, the master, when he defeated the late Huang-level powerhouse, but in a few strokes, he talked about the defeat of the late Huang-level guy. It is estimated that this teenager has at least the peak of Yellow-level and even completes."

"it is good!"

The middle-aged man nodded, then looked at a teenager behind him. The teenager was wearing sportswear and sneakers and looked a little casual. The teenager had deep eyes, and those deep eyes made people look. As if seeing the endless abyss.

"Xuanzhi ... you will recruit him to Tianmen." The middle-aged man said indifferently, but hesitated again, and continued: "If you cannot recruit Tianmen, even if it is ruined, you will not be allowed to join the other three. power."

"Yes, master."

Chen Xuanzhi heard the words and nodded solemnly, he naturally understood the meaning of the master of the gate. If such a talent could join Tianmen, it would naturally be good for Tianmen. Otherwise, it would be the enemy of Tianmen. Tianmen would never Such people are allowed to exist.

Then Chen Xuanzhi left here. After Chen Xuanzhi left here, the Three Immortals, the North Xuan Palace, and the General Mansion also received news. They sent people to invite Xia Ming to join their own forces. Such a genius must be firm. Control in his own hands.

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